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Java OptimisticTypesPersistence类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.OptimisticTypesPersistence的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java OptimisticTypesPersistence类的具体用法?Java OptimisticTypesPersistence怎么用?Java OptimisticTypesPersistence使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: getCompiler

import jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.OptimisticTypesPersistence; //导入依赖的package包/类
Compiler getCompiler(final FunctionNode functionNode, final MethodType actualCallSiteType,
        final ScriptObject runtimeScope, final Map<Integer, Type> invalidatedProgramPoints,
        final int[] continuationEntryPoints) {
    final TypeMap typeMap = typeMap(actualCallSiteType);
    final Type[] paramTypes = typeMap == null ? null : typeMap.getParameterTypes(functionNodeId);
    final Object typeInformationFile = OptimisticTypesPersistence.getLocationDescriptor(source, functionNodeId, paramTypes);
    final Context context = Context.getContextTrusted();
    return new Compiler(
            functionNode.getSource(),  // source
            isStrict() | functionNode.isStrict(), // is strict
            true,       // is on demand
            this,       // compiledFunction, i.e. this RecompilableScriptFunctionData
            typeMap,    // type map
            getEffectiveInvalidatedProgramPoints(invalidatedProgramPoints, typeInformationFile), // invalidated program points
            continuationEntryPoints, // continuation entry points
            runtimeScope); // runtime scope

示例2: getCompiler

import jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.OptimisticTypesPersistence; //导入依赖的package包/类
Compiler getCompiler(final FunctionNode functionNode, final MethodType actualCallSiteType,
        final ScriptObject runtimeScope, final Map<Integer, Type> invalidatedProgramPoints,
        final int[] continuationEntryPoints) {
    final TypeMap typeMap = typeMap(actualCallSiteType);
    final Type[] paramTypes = typeMap == null ? null : typeMap.getParameterTypes(functionNodeId);
    final Object typeInformationFile = OptimisticTypesPersistence.getLocationDescriptor(source, functionNodeId, paramTypes);
    return Compiler.forOnDemandCompilation(
            functionNode.getSource(),  // source
            isStrict() | functionNode.isStrict(), // is strict
            this,       // compiledFunction, i.e. this RecompilableScriptFunctionData
            typeMap,    // type map
            getEffectiveInvalidatedProgramPoints(invalidatedProgramPoints, typeInformationFile), // invalidated program points
            continuationEntryPoints, // continuation entry points
            runtimeScope); // runtime scope

示例3: getEffectiveInvalidatedProgramPoints

import jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.OptimisticTypesPersistence; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * If the function being compiled already has its own invalidated program points map, use it. Otherwise, attempt to
 * load invalidated program points map from the persistent type info cache.
 * @param invalidatedProgramPoints the function's current invalidated program points map. Null if the function
 * doesn't have it.
 * @param typeInformationFile the object describing the location of the persisted type information.
 * @return either the existing map, or a loaded map from the persistent type info cache, or a new empty map if
 * neither an existing map or a persistent cached type info is available.
private static Map<Integer, Type> getEffectiveInvalidatedProgramPoints(
        final Map<Integer, Type> invalidatedProgramPoints, final Object typeInformationFile) {
    if(invalidatedProgramPoints != null) {
        return invalidatedProgramPoints;
    final Map<Integer, Type> loadedProgramPoints = OptimisticTypesPersistence.load(typeInformationFile);
    return loadedProgramPoints != null ? loadedProgramPoints : new TreeMap<Integer, Type>();

示例4: getVersionDir

import jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.OptimisticTypesPersistence; //导入依赖的package包/类
private static String getVersionDir(final ScriptEnvironment env) throws IOException {
    try {
        final String versionDir = OptimisticTypesPersistence.getVersionDirName();
        return env._optimistic_types ? versionDir + "_opt" : versionDir;
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        throw new IOException(e);
