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Java CIMProperty类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中javax.cim.CIMProperty的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java CIMProperty类的具体用法?Java CIMProperty怎么用?Java CIMProperty使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: getEntryByName

import javax.cim.CIMProperty; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Find property by name
 * @param list prop list
 * @param name sought name
 * @return prop or null
public static CIMProperty getEntryByName(CIMPropertyArrayList list, String name) {
    CIMProperty result = null;
    for (CIMProperty cimp : list) {
        if (cimp.getName().equals(name)) {
            result = cimp;
    return result;

示例2: getKeyByName

import javax.cim.CIMProperty; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Get key by name for instance
 * @param cimi instance
 * @param name
 * @return key by name for instance
public static CIMProperty getKeyByName(CIMInstance cimi, String name) {
    CIMProperty result = null;
    CIMPropertyArrayList list = getKeys(cimi);
    for (CIMProperty cimp : list) {
        if (cimp.getName().equals(name)) {
            result = cimp;
    return result;

示例3: getPropByName

import javax.cim.CIMProperty; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Get key by name for instance
 * @param cimi instance
 * @param name
 * @return key by name for instance
public static CIMProperty getPropByName(CIMInstance cimi, String name) {
    CIMProperty result = null;
    CIMPropertyArrayList list = getProps(cimi);
    for (CIMProperty cimp : list) {
        if (cimp.getName().equals(name)) {
            result = cimp;
    return result;

示例4: getPropByInt

import javax.cim.CIMProperty; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Get key by name for instance
 * @param cimi instance
 * @param index
 * @return key by name for instance
public static CIMProperty getPropByInt(CIMInstance cimi, int index) {
    CIMProperty result = null;
    CIMPropertyArrayList list = getProps(cimi);
    for (CIMProperty cimp : list) {
        if (cimp.getName().equals(index)) {
            result = cimp;
    return result;

示例5: toStringArray

import javax.cim.CIMProperty; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Export CIMPropertyArrayList to a string array list
 * @return CIMPropertyArrayList as a string array list
public String[] toStringArray() {
    StringArrayList sal = new StringArrayList();
    for (CIMProperty c : this) {
    return sal.toStringArray();

示例6: cimProperties

import javax.cim.CIMProperty; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Knows how to read CIMProperty objects and put them in a string format
 * @param properties to list out pretty print
 * @param format     to use in pretty print, like "%s='%s',"
 * @return a string representing the properties with the format string repeatedly applied
public String cimProperties(final CIMProperty<?>[] properties, final String format) {
    StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer();
    for (CIMProperty<?> property : properties) {
        String name = property.getName();
        Object value = property.getValue();
        if (value instanceof Object[]) {
            value = listing((Object[]) value);
        out.append(String.format(format, name, (value != null) ? value : ""));
    return out.toString();

示例7: testCpuOperationalStatus

import javax.cim.CIMProperty; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void testCpuOperationalStatus()
    throws Exception

    WBEMClient cimClient = null;

    ServiceServerNode node = new ServiceServerNode();
    node.setNodeID( "N3" );
    node.setIbIpAddress( "" );
    node.setOsUserName( "root" );
    node.setOsPassword( "test123" );

    URL cimomUrl = new URL( "https://" + node.getIbIpAddress() + ":" + 5989 );
    cimClient = WBEMClientFactory.getClient( WBEMClientConstants.PROTOCOL_CIMXML );

    List<CIMInstance> instancesList = new ArrayList<CIMInstance>();

    // Constructing OMC_Processor entry CPU SOCKET 0
    CIMProperty<String> cimProperty =
        new CIMProperty<String>( "ElementName", null, "SOCKET 0", true, true, "OMC_Processor" );
    CIMProperty<UnsignedInteger16> cimProperty1 =
        new CIMProperty<UnsignedInteger16>( "HealthState", null, new UnsignedInteger16( "5" ), true, true,
                                            "OMC_Processor" );
    CIMProperty<UnsignedInteger16> cimProperty2 =
        new CIMProperty<UnsignedInteger16>( "CPUStatus", null, new UnsignedInteger16( "4" ), true, true,
                                            "OMC_Processor" );
    CIMProperty cimPropertyList[] = { cimProperty, cimProperty1, cimProperty2 };

    // Constructing OMC_Processor entry CPU SOCKET 1
    CIMProperty<String> cimPropertyNonOperaional =
        new CIMProperty<String>( "ElementName", null, "SOCKET 1", true, true, "OMC_Processor" );
    CIMProperty<UnsignedInteger16> cimPropertyNonOperaional1 =
        new CIMProperty<UnsignedInteger16>( "HealthState", null, new UnsignedInteger16( "30" ), true, true,
                                            "OMC_Processor" );
    CIMProperty<UnsignedInteger16> cimPropertyNonOperaional2 =
        new CIMProperty<UnsignedInteger16>( "CPUStatus", null, new UnsignedInteger16( "3" ), true, true,
                                            "OMC_Processor" );
    CIMProperty cimPropertyList1[] =
        { cimPropertyNonOperaional, cimPropertyNonOperaional1, cimPropertyNonOperaional2 };

    CIMInstance instance = new CIMInstance( new CIMObjectPath( "/root/cimv2:OMC_Processor" ), cimPropertyList );
    CIMInstance instance1 = new CIMInstance( new CIMObjectPath( "/root/cimv2:OMC_Processor" ), cimPropertyList1 );

    instancesList.add( instance );
    instancesList.add( instance1 );

    List<CPUInfo> cpuInfoList = new ArrayList<CPUInfo>();
    CPUInfo cpu1 = new CPUInfo();
    ComponentIdentifier cpuIdentifier1 = new ComponentIdentifier();
    cpuIdentifier1.setManufacturer( "INTEL" );
    cpuIdentifier1.setProduct( "Intel Xeon Processor" );
    cpu1.setComponentIdentifier( cpuIdentifier1 );
    cpu1.setId( "1" );
    cpu1.setMaxClockFrequency( (long) 2600 );
    cpu1.setTotalCpuCores( 4 );
    cpuInfoList.add( cpu1 );

    CPUInfo cpu2 = new CPUInfo();
    ComponentIdentifier cpuIdentifier2 = new ComponentIdentifier();
    cpuIdentifier2.setManufacturer( "INTEL" );
    cpuIdentifier2.setProduct( "Intel Xeon Processor" );
    cpu1.setComponentIdentifier( cpuIdentifier2 );
    cpu2.setId( "2" );
    cpu2.setMaxClockFrequency( (long) 2600 );
    cpu2.setTotalCpuCores( 4 );
    cpuInfoList.add( cpu2 );

    CpuInfoOperationalStatusHelper cpuInfoOperationalStatusHelper = new CpuInfoOperationalStatusHelper( node );
    cpuInfoOperationalStatusHelper.getProcessorInformation( cimClient, instancesList, cpuInfoList );

    assertEquals( cpuInfoList.get( 0 ).getFruOperationalStatus().toString(),
                  FruOperationalStatus.Operational.toString() );
    assertEquals( cpuInfoList.get( 1 ).getFruOperationalStatus().toString(),
                  FruOperationalStatus.NonOperational.toString() );

    // System.out.println("CPU Operational status: " +cpuInfoList.get(0).getFruOperationalStatus());
    // System.out.println("CPU NonOperational status: " +cpuInfoList.get(1).getFruOperationalStatus());

示例8: newPath

import javax.cim.CIMProperty; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * @param url
 * @param pNamespace
 * @param pObjectName
 * @param pKeys
 * @param pXmlSchemaName
 * @return
public static CIMObjectPath newPath(URL url, String pNamespace, String pObjectName, CIMPropertyArrayList pKeys, String pXmlSchemaName) {
    return new CIMObjectPath(url == null ? null : url.getProtocol(),
            url == null ? null : url.getHost(),
            url == null ? null : String.valueOf(url.getPort()),
            pNamespace, pObjectName,
            pKeys == null ? null : pKeys.toArray(new CIMProperty[pKeys.size()]),

示例9: listProperties

import javax.cim.CIMProperty; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * builds a list of properties as a map based on an instance, instance objects hold local copies
 * of the properties associated with the server-side instance. This may not be the whole set
 * of properties.
 * <p/>
 * NOTE: be sure to use "getInstance(path,true,true,null)" if you want to see <i>all</i> the
 * @param instance the instance to examine (holds a local subset of properties)
 * @return a map of the properties available in the instance
 * @throws WBEMException
public Map<String, Object> listProperties(CIMInstance instance) throws WBEMException {
    final Map<String, Object> results = new java.util.LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
    for (CIMProperty<?> property : instance.getProperties()) {
        results.put(property.getName(), property.getValue());
    return results;

示例10: CIMPropertyArrayList

import javax.cim.CIMProperty; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * ctor/1
 * @param cIMPropertys array of properties
public CIMPropertyArrayList(CIMProperty[] cIMPropertys) {

示例11: instanceProperties

import javax.cim.CIMProperty; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * pretty print the properties of an instance
 * @param instance examine this
 * @return a string pretty print of the instance's properties
public String instanceProperties(CIMInstance instance) {
    final CIMProperty<?>[] properties = instance.getProperties();
    return cimProperties(properties, "%s=\"%s\",");
