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Java RegressorEvaluator类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中it.uniroma2.sag.kelp.utils.evaluation.RegressorEvaluator的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java RegressorEvaluator类的具体用法?Java RegressorEvaluator怎么用?Java RegressorEvaluator使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: testMSEWithEvaluator

import it.uniroma2.sag.kelp.utils.evaluation.RegressorEvaluator; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void testMSEWithEvaluator() throws NoSuchPerformanceMeasureException {
	RegressorEvaluator evaluator = new RegressorEvaluator(trainingSet.getRegressionProperties());
	for (int i = 0; i < testSet.getExamples().size(); ++i) {
		Example e = testSet.getExample(i);
		Prediction score = p.predict(e);
		evaluator.addCount(e, score);
	float mse = evaluator.getMeanSquaredError(regressionLabel);
	Assert.assertEquals(0.0212349f, mse, 0.0001);

示例2: testMSEWithEvaluatorAndReflection

import it.uniroma2.sag.kelp.utils.evaluation.RegressorEvaluator; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void testMSEWithEvaluatorAndReflection() throws NoSuchPerformanceMeasureException {
	RegressorEvaluator evaluator = new RegressorEvaluator(trainingSet.getRegressionProperties());
	for (int i = 0; i < testSet.getExamples().size(); ++i) {
		Example e = testSet.getExample(i);
		Prediction score = p.predict(e);
		evaluator.addCount(e, score);
	float mse1 = evaluator.getPerformanceMeasure("MeanSquaredErrors");
	Assert.assertEquals(0.0212349f, mse1, 0.0001);

示例3: main

import it.uniroma2.sag.kelp.utils.evaluation.RegressorEvaluator; //导入依赖的package包/类
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
	// The epsilon in loss function of the regressor
	float pReg = 0.1f;
	// The regularization parameter of the regressor
	float c = 2f;
	// The gamma parameter in the RBF kernel
	float gamma = 1f;

	// The label indicating the value considered by the regressor
	Label label = new StringLabel("r");

	// Load the dataset
	SimpleDataset dataset = new SimpleDataset();
	// Split the dataset in train and test datasets
	dataset.shuffleExamples(new Random(0));
	SimpleDataset[] split = dataset.split(0.7f);
	SimpleDataset trainDataset = split[0];
	SimpleDataset testDataset = split[1];

	// Kernel for the first representation (0-index)
	Kernel linear = new LinearKernel("0");
	// Applying the RBF kernel
	Kernel rbf = new RbfKernel(gamma, linear);
	// Applying a cache
	FixIndexKernelCache kernelCache = new FixIndexKernelCache(

	// instantiate the regressor
	EpsilonSvmRegression regression = new EpsilonSvmRegression(rbf, label,
			c, pReg);

	// learn
	// get the prediction function
	RegressionFunction regressor = regression.getPredictionFunction();

	// initializing the performance evaluator
	RegressorEvaluator evaluator = new RegressorEvaluator(

	// For each example from the test set
	for (Example e : testDataset.getExamples()) {
		// Predict the value
		Prediction prediction = regressor.predict(e);
		// Print the original and the predicted values
		System.out.println("real value: " + e.getRegressionValue(label)
				+ "\t-\tpredicted value: " + prediction.getScore(label));
		// Update the evaluator
		evaluator.addCount(e, prediction);

	// Get the Mean Squared Error for the targeted label
	float measSquareError = evaluator.getMeanSquaredError(label);

	System.out.println("\nMean Squared Error:\t" + measSquareError);
