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Java AllocationException类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.util.AllocationException的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java AllocationException类的具体用法?Java AllocationException怎么用?Java AllocationException使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: initDigitalPort

import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.util.AllocationException; //导入依赖的package包/类
protected void initDigitalPort(int channel, boolean input) {

    m_channel = channel;


    try {
    } catch (CheckedAllocationException ex) {
      throw new AllocationException("Digital input " + m_channel + " is already allocated");

    long port_pointer = DIOJNI.getPort((byte) channel);
    m_port = DIOJNI.initializeDigitalPort(port_pointer);
    DIOJNI.allocateDIO(m_port, input);

示例2: AnalogOutput

import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.util.AllocationException; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Construct an analog output on a specified MXP channel.
 * @param channel The channel number to represent.
public AnalogOutput(final int channel) {
  m_channel = channel;

  if (!AnalogJNI.checkAnalogOutputChannel(channel)) {
    throw new AllocationException("Analog output channel " + m_channel
        + " cannot be allocated. Channel is not present.");
  try {
  } catch (CheckedAllocationException e) {
    throw new AllocationException("Analog output channel " + m_channel + " is already allocated");

  long port_pointer = AnalogJNI.getPort((byte) channel);
  m_port = AnalogJNI.initializeAnalogOutputPort(port_pointer);

  LiveWindow.addSensor("AnalogOutput", channel, this);
  UsageReporting.report(tResourceType.kResourceType_AnalogOutput, channel);

示例3: requestInterrupts

import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.util.AllocationException; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Request one of the 8 interrupts asynchronously on this digital input.
 * @param handler The {@link InterruptHandlerFunction} that contains the
 *        method {@link InterruptHandlerFunction#interruptFired(int, Object)}
 *        that will be called whenever there is an interrupt on this device.
 *        Request interrupts in synchronous mode where the user program
 *        interrupt handler will be called when an interrupt occurs. The
 *        default is interrupt on rising edges only.
public void requestInterrupts(InterruptHandlerFunction<?> handler) {
  if (m_interrupt != 0) {
    throw new AllocationException("The interrupt has already been allocated");


  assert (m_interrupt != 0);

  InterruptJNI.requestInterrupts(m_interrupt, getModuleForRouting(), getChannelForRouting(),
  setUpSourceEdge(true, false);
  InterruptJNI.attachInterruptHandler(m_interrupt, handler.function,

示例4: initPWM

import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.util.AllocationException; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Initialize PWMs given a channel.
 * This method is private and is the common path for all the constructors for
 * creating PWM instances. Checks channel value ranges and allocates the
 * appropriate channel. The allocation is only done to help users ensure that
 * they don't double assign channels.
 * @param channel The PWM channel number. 0-9 are on-board, 10-19 are on the
 *        MXP port
private void initPWM(final int channel) {
  m_channel = channel;

  m_port = DIOJNI.initializeDigitalPort(DIOJNI.getPort((byte) m_channel));

  if (!PWMJNI.allocatePWMChannel(m_port)) {
    throw new AllocationException("PWM channel " + channel + " is already allocated");

  PWMJNI.setPWM(m_port, (short) 0);

  m_eliminateDeadband = false;

  UsageReporting.report(tResourceType.kResourceType_PWM, channel);

示例5: initSolenoid

import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.util.AllocationException; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Common function to implement constructor behavior.
private synchronized void initSolenoid() {

  try {
    m_allocated.allocate(m_moduleNumber * kSolenoidChannels + m_channel);
  } catch (CheckedAllocationException e) {
    throw new AllocationException("Solenoid channel " + m_channel + " on module "
      + m_moduleNumber + " is already allocated");

  long port = SolenoidJNI.getPortWithModule((byte) m_moduleNumber, (byte) m_channel);
  m_solenoid_port = SolenoidJNI.initializeSolenoidPort(port);

  LiveWindow.addActuator("Solenoid", m_moduleNumber, m_channel, this);
  UsageReporting.report(tResourceType.kResourceType_Solenoid, m_channel, m_moduleNumber);

示例6: initRelay

import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.util.AllocationException; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Common relay initialization method. This code is common to all Relay
 * constructors and initializes the relay and reserves all resources that need
 * to be locked. Initially the relay is set to both lines at 0v.
private void initRelay() {
  try {
    if (m_direction == Direction.kBoth || m_direction == Direction.kForward) {
      relayChannels.allocate(m_channel * 2);
      UsageReporting.report(tResourceType.kResourceType_Relay, m_channel);
    if (m_direction == Direction.kBoth || m_direction == Direction.kReverse) {
      relayChannels.allocate(m_channel * 2 + 1);
      UsageReporting.report(tResourceType.kResourceType_Relay, m_channel + 128);
  } catch (CheckedAllocationException e) {
    throw new AllocationException("Relay channel " + m_channel + " is already allocated");

  m_port = DIOJNI.initializeDigitalPort(DIOJNI.getPort((byte) m_channel));

  m_safetyHelper = new MotorSafetyHelper(this);

  LiveWindow.addActuator("Relay", m_channel, this);

示例7: AnalogInput

import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.util.AllocationException; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Construct an analog channel.
 * @param channel The channel number to represent. 0-3 are on-board 4-7 are on
 *        the MXP port.
public AnalogInput(final int channel) {
  m_channel = channel;

  if (!AnalogJNI.checkAnalogInputChannel(channel)) {
    throw new AllocationException("Analog input channel " + m_channel
        + " cannot be allocated. Channel is not present.");
  try {
  } catch (CheckedAllocationException e) {
    throw new AllocationException("Analog input channel " + m_channel + " is already allocated");

  long port_pointer = AnalogJNI.getPort((byte) channel);
  m_port = AnalogJNI.initializeAnalogInputPort(port_pointer);

  LiveWindow.addSensor("AnalogInput", channel, this);
  UsageReporting.report(tResourceType.kResourceType_AnalogChannel, channel);

示例8: AnalogChannel

import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.util.AllocationException; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Construct an analog channel on a specified module.
 * @param moduleNumber The digital module to use (1 or 2).
 * @param channel The channel number to represent.
public AnalogChannel(final int moduleNumber, final int channel) {
    m_shouldUseVoltageForPID = false;
    m_channel = channel;
    m_moduleNumber = moduleNumber;
    m_module = AnalogModule.getInstance(moduleNumber);
    try {
        channels.allocate((moduleNumber - 1) * kAnalogChannels + m_channel - 1);
    } catch (CheckedAllocationException e) {
        throw new AllocationException(
                "Analog channel " + m_channel + " on module " + m_moduleNumber + " is already allocated");
    if (channel == 1 || channel == 2) {
        m_accumulator = new tAccumulator((byte) (channel - 1));
        m_accumulatorOffset = 0;
    } else {
        m_accumulator = null;

    LiveWindow.addSensor("Analog", moduleNumber, channel, this);
    UsageReporting.report(UsageReporting.kResourceType_AnalogChannel, channel, m_moduleNumber-1);

示例9: initCounter

import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.util.AllocationException; //导入依赖的package包/类
private void initCounter(final Mode mode) {
    m_allocatedUpSource = false;
    m_allocatedDownSource = false;

    try {
        m_index = counters.allocate();
    } catch (CheckedAllocationException e) {
        throw new AllocationException("No counters left to be allocated");

    m_counter = new tCounter(m_index);
    m_upSource = null;
    m_downSource = null;

   UsageReporting.report(UsageReporting.kResourceType_Counter, m_index, mode.value);

示例10: initPWM

import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.util.AllocationException; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Initialize PWMs given an module and channel.
 * This method is private and is the common path for all the constructors for creating PWM
 * instances. Checks module and channel value ranges and allocates the appropriate channel.
 * The allocation is only done to help users ensure that they don't double assign channels.
private void initPWM(final int moduleNumber, final int channel) {
    try {
        allocated.allocate((moduleNumber - 1) * kPwmChannels + channel - 1);
    } catch (CheckedAllocationException e) {
        throw new AllocationException(
                "PWM channel " + channel + " on module " + moduleNumber + " is already allocated");
    m_channel = channel;
    m_module = DigitalModule.getInstance(moduleNumber);
    m_module.setPWM(m_channel, kPwmDisabled);
    m_eliminateDeadband = false;

    UsageReporting.report(UsageReporting.kResourceType_PWM, channel, moduleNumber-1);

示例11: initRelay

import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.util.AllocationException; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Common relay initialization method.
 * This code is common to all Relay constructors and initializes the relay and reserves
 * all resources that need to be locked. Initially the relay is set to both lines at 0v.
 * @param moduleNumber The number of the digital module to use.
private void initRelay(final int moduleNumber) {
    try {
        if (m_direction == Direction.kBoth || m_direction == Direction.kForward) {
            relayChannels.allocate(((moduleNumber - 1) * kRelayChannels + m_channel - 1) * 2);
            UsageReporting.report(UsageReporting.kResourceType_Relay, m_channel, moduleNumber-1);
        if (m_direction == Direction.kBoth || m_direction == Direction.kReverse) {
            relayChannels.allocate(((moduleNumber - 1) * kRelayChannels + m_channel - 1) * 2 + 1);
            UsageReporting.report(UsageReporting.kResourceType_Relay, m_channel+128, moduleNumber-1);
    } catch (CheckedAllocationException e) {
        throw new AllocationException("Relay channel " + m_channel + " on module " + moduleNumber + " is already allocated");
    m_module = DigitalModule.getInstance(moduleNumber);
    m_module.setRelayForward(m_channel, false);
    m_module.setRelayReverse(m_channel, false);
    LiveWindow.addActuator("Relay", moduleNumber, m_channel, this);

示例12: allocateDIO

import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.util.AllocationException; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Allocate Digital I/O channels.
 * Allocate channels so that they are not accidently reused. Also the direction is set at the
 * time of the allocation.
 * @param channel The channel to allocate.
 * @param input Indicates whether the I/O pin is an input (true) or an output (false).
 * @return True if the I/O pin was allocated, false otherwise.
public boolean allocateDIO(final int channel, final boolean input) {
    try {
        DIOChannels.allocate((kDigitalChannels * (m_moduleNumber - 1) + channel - 1));
    } catch (CheckedAllocationException e) {
        throw new AllocationException(
                "Digital channel " + channel + " on module " + m_moduleNumber + " is already allocated");
    final int outputEnable = m_fpgaDIO.readOutputEnable();
    final int bitToSet = 1 << (DigitalModule.remapDigitalChannel((channel - 1)));
    short outputEnableValue;

    if (input) {
        outputEnableValue = (short) (outputEnable & (~bitToSet));
    } else {
        outputEnableValue = (short) (outputEnable | bitToSet);

    return true;

示例13: requestInterrupts

import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.util.AllocationException; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Request interrupts asynchronously on this digital input.
 * @param handler The address of the interrupt handler function of type tInterruptHandler that
 * will be called whenever there is an interrupt on the digitial input port.
 * Request interrupts in synchronus mode where the user program interrupt handler will be
 * called when an interrupt occurs.
 * The default is interrupt on rising edges only.
 * @param param argument to pass to the handler
public void requestInterrupts(/*tInterruptHandler*/Object handler, Object param) {
    //TODO: add interrupt support

    try {
        m_interruptIndex = interrupts.allocate();
    } catch (CheckedAllocationException e) {
        throw new AllocationException("No interrupts are left to be allocated");

    m_interrupt.writeConfig_Source_Channel((byte) getChannelForRouting());
    m_interrupt.writeConfig_Source_Module((byte) getModuleForRouting());
    setUpSourceEdge(true, false);

    //TODO: m_manager.registerHandler(handler, param);

示例14: initCounter

import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.util.AllocationException; //导入依赖的package包/类
private void initCounter(final Mode mode)
    m_allocatedUpSource = false;
    m_allocatedDownSource = false;

        m_index = counters.allocate();
    catch (CheckedAllocationException e)
        throw new AllocationException("No counters left to be allocated");

    m_upSource = null;
    m_downSource = null;

    //UsageReporting.report(UsageReporting.kResourceType_Counter, m_index, mode.value);

示例15: AnalogChannel

import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.util.AllocationException; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Construct an analog channel on a specified module.
 * @param moduleNumber The digital module to use (1 or 2).
 * @param channel The channel number to represent.
public AnalogChannel(final int moduleNumber, final int channel) {
    m_channel = channel;
    m_moduleNumber = moduleNumber;
    m_module = AnalogModule.getInstance(moduleNumber);
    try {
        channels.allocate((moduleNumber - 1) * kAnalogChannels + m_channel - 1);
    } catch (CheckedAllocationException e) {
        throw new AllocationException(
                "Analog channel " + m_channel + " on module " + m_moduleNumber + " is already allocated");
    if (channel == 1 || channel == 2) {
        m_accumulator = new tAccumulator((byte) (channel - 1));
        m_accumulatorOffset = 0;
    } else {
        m_accumulator = null;

    LiveWindow.addSensor("Analog", moduleNumber, channel, this);
    UsageReporting.report(UsageReporting.kResourceType_AnalogChannel, channel, m_moduleNumber-1);
