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Java PolicyUtils类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中com.sun.xml.internal.ws.policy.privateutil.PolicyUtils的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java PolicyUtils类的具体用法?Java PolicyUtils怎么用?Java PolicyUtils使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: toString

import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.policy.privateutil.PolicyUtils; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * A helper method that appends indented string representation of this instance to the input string buffer.
 * @param indentLevel indentation level to be used.
 * @param buffer buffer to be used for appending string representation of this instance
 * @return modified buffer containing new string representation of the instance
public StringBuffer toString(final int indentLevel, final StringBuffer buffer) {
    final String indent = PolicyUtils.Text.createIndent(indentLevel);
    final String innerIndent = PolicyUtils.Text.createIndent(indentLevel + 1);

    buffer.append(indent).append("reference data {").append(PolicyUtils.Text.NEW_LINE);
    buffer.append(innerIndent).append("referenced policy model URI = '").append(referencedModelUri).append('\'').append(PolicyUtils.Text.NEW_LINE);
    if (digest == null) {
        buffer.append(innerIndent).append("no digest specified").append(PolicyUtils.Text.NEW_LINE);
    } else {
        buffer.append(innerIndent).append("digest algorith URI = '").append(digestAlgorithmUri).append('\'').append(PolicyUtils.Text.NEW_LINE);
        buffer.append(innerIndent).append("digest = '").append(digest).append('\'').append(PolicyUtils.Text.NEW_LINE);

    return buffer;

示例2: Policy

import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.policy.privateutil.PolicyUtils; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Constructor that should be overridden by child implementation. The constructor allows for easy toString() output
 * customization.
 * @param toStringName a general name of the object (such as 'policy' or 'nested policy') that will be used in the
 * toString() method to identify the object.
 * @param sets represents the collection of policy alternatives of the policy object created. During the creation of
 * the new policy object, the content of the alternatives collection is copied into an internal policy object structure,
 * thus any subsequent operations on the collection will have no impact on the newly constructed policy object. The
 * collection may be {@code null} or empty. In such case a 'NULL' policy object is constructed.
Policy(final String toStringName, final Collection<AssertionSet> sets) {
    this.nsVersion = NamespaceVersion.getLatestVersion();
    this.toStringName = toStringName;

    if (sets == null || sets.isEmpty()) {
        this.assertionSets = NULL_POLICY_ASSERTION_SETS;
        this.vocabulary = EMPTY_VOCABULARY;
        this.immutableVocabulary = EMPTY_VOCABULARY;
    } else {
        this.assertionSets = new LinkedList<AssertionSet>();
        this.vocabulary = new TreeSet<QName>(PolicyUtils.Comparison.QNAME_COMPARATOR);
        this.immutableVocabulary = Collections.unmodifiableCollection(this.vocabulary);


示例3: readExternalFile

import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.policy.privateutil.PolicyUtils; //导入依赖的package包/类
private boolean readExternalFile(final String fileUrl) {
    InputStream ios = null;
    XMLStreamReader reader = null;
    try {
        final URL xmlURL = new URL(fileUrl);
        ios = xmlURL.openStream();
        reader = XmlUtil.newXMLInputFactory(true).createXMLStreamReader(ios);
        while (reader.hasNext()) {
            if (reader.isStartElement() && NamespaceVersion.resolveAsToken(reader.getName()) == XmlToken.Policy) {
                readSinglePolicy(policyReader.readPolicyElement(reader, fileUrl), false);
        return true;
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        return false;
    } catch (XMLStreamException xmlse) {
        return false;
    } finally {

示例4: toString

import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.policy.privateutil.PolicyUtils; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * A helper method that appends indented string representation of this instance to the input string buffer.
 * @param indentLevel indentation level to be used.
 * @param buffer buffer to be used for appending string representation of this instance
 * @return modified buffer containing new string representation of the instance
StringBuffer toString(final int indentLevel, final StringBuffer buffer) {
    final String indent = PolicyUtils.Text.createIndent(indentLevel);
    final String innerIndent = PolicyUtils.Text.createIndent(indentLevel + 1);

    buffer.append(indent).append("assertion set {").append(PolicyUtils.Text.NEW_LINE);

    if (assertions.isEmpty()) {
        buffer.append(innerIndent).append("no assertions").append(PolicyUtils.Text.NEW_LINE);
    } else {
        for (PolicyAssertion assertion : assertions) {
            assertion.toString(indentLevel + 1, buffer).append(PolicyUtils.Text.NEW_LINE);


    return buffer;

示例5: readExternalFile

import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.policy.privateutil.PolicyUtils; //导入依赖的package包/类
private boolean readExternalFile(final String fileUrl) {
    InputStream ios = null;
    XMLStreamReader reader = null;
    try {
        final URL xmlURL = new URL(fileUrl);
        ios = xmlURL.openStream();
        reader = XMLInputFactory.newInstance().createXMLStreamReader(ios);
        while (reader.hasNext()) {
            if (reader.isStartElement() && NamespaceVersion.resolveAsToken(reader.getName()) == XmlToken.Policy) {
                readSinglePolicy(policyReader.readPolicyElement(reader, fileUrl), false);
        return true;
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        return false;
    } catch (XMLStreamException xmlse) {
        return false;
    } finally {

示例6: toString

import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.policy.privateutil.PolicyUtils; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * A helper method that appends indented string representation of this instance to the input string buffer.
 * @param indentLevel indentation level to be used.
 * @param buffer buffer to be used for appending string representation of this instance
 * @return modified buffer containing new string representation of the instance
StringBuffer toString(final int indentLevel, final StringBuffer buffer) {
    final String indent = PolicyUtils.Text.createIndent(indentLevel);
    final String innerIndent = PolicyUtils.Text.createIndent(indentLevel + 1);

    buffer.append(indent).append("policy subject {").append(PolicyUtils.Text.NEW_LINE);
    buffer.append(innerIndent).append("subject = '").append(subject).append('\'').append(PolicyUtils.Text.NEW_LINE);
    for (Policy policy : policies) {
        policy.toString(indentLevel + 1, buffer).append(PolicyUtils.Text.NEW_LINE);

    return buffer;

示例7: createPolicyAlternatives

import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.policy.privateutil.PolicyUtils; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Method creates policy alternatives according to provided model. The model structure is modified in the process.
 * @return created policy alternatives resulting from policy source model.
private Collection<AssertionSet> createPolicyAlternatives(final PolicySourceModel model) throws PolicyException {
    // creating global method variables
    final ContentDecomposition decomposition = new ContentDecomposition();

    // creating processing queue and starting the processing iterations
    final Queue<RawPolicy> policyQueue = new LinkedList<RawPolicy>();
    final Queue<Collection<ModelNode>> contentQueue = new LinkedList<Collection<ModelNode>>();

    final RawPolicy rootPolicy = new RawPolicy(model.getRootNode(), new LinkedList<RawAlternative>());
    RawPolicy processedPolicy = rootPolicy;
    do {
        Collection<ModelNode> processedContent = processedPolicy.originalContent;
        do {
            decompose(processedContent, decomposition);
            if (decomposition.exactlyOneContents.isEmpty()) {
                final RawAlternative alternative = new RawAlternative(decomposition.assertions);
                if (!alternative.allNestedPolicies.isEmpty()) {
            } else { // we have a non-empty collection of exactly ones
                final Collection<Collection<ModelNode>> combinations = PolicyUtils.Collections.combine(decomposition.assertions, decomposition.exactlyOneContents, false);
                if (combinations != null && !combinations.isEmpty()) {
                    // processed alternative was split into some new alternatives, which we need to process
        } while ((processedContent = contentQueue.poll()) != null);
    } while ((processedPolicy = policyQueue.poll()) != null);

    // normalize nested policies to contain single alternative only
    final Collection<AssertionSet> assertionSets = new LinkedList<AssertionSet>();
    for (RawAlternative rootAlternative : rootPolicy.alternatives) {
        final Collection<AssertionSet> normalizedAlternatives = normalizeRawAlternative(rootAlternative);

    return assertionSets;

示例8: normalizeRawAlternative

import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.policy.privateutil.PolicyUtils; //导入依赖的package包/类
private List<AssertionSet> normalizeRawAlternative(final RawAlternative alternative) throws AssertionCreationException, PolicyException {
    final List<PolicyAssertion> normalizedContentBase = new LinkedList<PolicyAssertion>();
    final Collection<List<PolicyAssertion>> normalizedContentOptions = new LinkedList<List<PolicyAssertion>>();
    if (!alternative.nestedAssertions.isEmpty()) {
        final Queue<RawAssertion> nestedAssertionsQueue = new LinkedList<RawAssertion>(alternative.nestedAssertions);
        RawAssertion rawAssertion;
        while((rawAssertion = nestedAssertionsQueue.poll()) != null) {
            final List<PolicyAssertion> normalized = normalizeRawAssertion(rawAssertion);
            // if there is only a single result, we can add it direclty to the content base collection
            // more elements in the result indicate that we will have to create combinations
            if (normalized.size() == 1) {
            } else {

    final List<AssertionSet> options = new LinkedList<AssertionSet>();
    if (normalizedContentOptions.isEmpty()) {
        // we do not have any options to combine => returning this assertion
    } else {
        // we have some options to combine => creating assertion options based on content combinations
        final Collection<Collection<PolicyAssertion>> contentCombinations = PolicyUtils.Collections.combine(normalizedContentBase, normalizedContentOptions, true);
        for (Collection<PolicyAssertion> contentOption : contentCombinations) {
    return options;

示例9: toString

import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.policy.privateutil.PolicyUtils; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Returns a string representation of the object. In general, the <code>toString</code> method
 * returns a string that "textually represents" this object.
 * @return  a string representation of the object.
public String toString() {
    final String innerIndent = PolicyUtils.Text.createIndent(1);
    final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(60);

    buffer.append("Policy source model {").append(PolicyUtils.Text.NEW_LINE);
    buffer.append(innerIndent).append("policy id = '").append(policyId).append('\'').append(PolicyUtils.Text.NEW_LINE);
    buffer.append(innerIndent).append("policy name = '").append(policyName).append('\'').append(PolicyUtils.Text.NEW_LINE);
    rootNode.toString(1, buffer).append(PolicyUtils.Text.NEW_LINE).append('}');

    return buffer.toString();

示例10: toString

import com.sun.xml.internal.ws.policy.privateutil.PolicyUtils; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * A helper method that appends indented string representation of this instance to the input string buffer.
 * @param indentLevel indentation level to be used.
 * @param buffer buffer to be used for appending string representation of this instance
 * @return modified buffer containing new string representation of the instance
public StringBuffer toString(final int indentLevel, final StringBuffer buffer) {
    final String indent = PolicyUtils.Text.createIndent(indentLevel);
    final String innerIndent = PolicyUtils.Text.createIndent(indentLevel + 1);
    final String innerDoubleIndent = PolicyUtils.Text.createIndent(indentLevel + 2);

    if (type == ModelNode.Type.ASSERTION) {
        buffer.append("assertion data {");
    } else {
        buffer.append("assertion parameter data {");

    buffer.append(innerIndent).append("namespace = '").append(name.getNamespaceURI()).append('\'').append(PolicyUtils.Text.NEW_LINE);
    buffer.append(innerIndent).append("prefix = '").append(name.getPrefix()).append('\'').append(PolicyUtils.Text.NEW_LINE);
    buffer.append(innerIndent).append("local name = '").append(name.getLocalPart()).append('\'').append(PolicyUtils.Text.NEW_LINE);
    buffer.append(innerIndent).append("value = '").append(value).append('\'').append(PolicyUtils.Text.NEW_LINE);
    buffer.append(innerIndent).append("optional = '").append(optional).append('\'').append(PolicyUtils.Text.NEW_LINE);
    buffer.append(innerIndent).append("ignorable = '").append(ignorable).append('\'').append(PolicyUtils.Text.NEW_LINE);
    synchronized (attributes) {
        if (attributes.isEmpty()) {
            buffer.append(innerIndent).append("no attributes");
        } else {

            buffer.append(innerIndent).append("attributes {").append(PolicyUtils.Text.NEW_LINE);
            for(Map.Entry<QName, String> entry : attributes.entrySet()) {
                final QName aName = entry.getKey();
                buffer.append(innerDoubleIndent).append("name = '").append(aName.getNamespaceURI()).append(':').append(aName.getLocalPart());
                buffer.append("', value = '").append(entry.getValue()).append('\'').append(PolicyUtils.Text.NEW_LINE);


    return buffer;
