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Java BIProperty类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中com.sun.tools.internal.xjc.reader.xmlschema.bindinfo.BIProperty的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java BIProperty类的具体用法?Java BIProperty怎么用?Java BIProperty使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: build

import com.sun.tools.internal.xjc.reader.xmlschema.bindinfo.BIProperty; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void build(XSComplexType ct) {
    XSContentType contentType = ct.getContentType();

    builder.recordBindingMode(ct, FALLBACK_CONTENT);
    BIProperty prop = BIProperty.getCustomization(ct);

    CPropertyInfo p;

    if(contentType.asEmpty()!=null) {
        p = prop.createValueProperty("Content",false,ct,CBuiltinLeafInfo.STRING,null);
    } else {
        RawTypeSet ts = RawTypeSetBuilder.build(contentType.asParticle(),false);
        p = prop.createReferenceProperty("Content", false, ct, ts, true, false, true, false);


    // adds attributes and we are through.

示例2: attributeUse

import com.sun.tools.internal.xjc.reader.xmlschema.bindinfo.BIProperty; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Attribute use always becomes a property.
public void attributeUse(XSAttributeUse use) {
    boolean hasFixedValue = use.getFixedValue()!=null;
    BIProperty pc = BIProperty.getCustomization(use);

    // map to a constant property ?
    boolean toConstant = pc.isConstantProperty() && hasFixedValue;
    TypeUse attType = bindAttDecl(use.getDecl());

    CPropertyInfo prop = pc.createAttributeProperty( use, attType );

    if(toConstant) {
        prop.defaultValue = CDefaultValue.create(attType,use.getFixedValue());
        prop.realization = builder.fieldRendererFactory.getConst(prop.realization);
    } else
    if(!attType.isCollection() && (prop.baseType == null ? true : !prop.baseType.isPrimitive())) {
        // don't support a collection default value. That's difficult to do.
        // primitive types default value is problematic too - we can't check whether it has been set or no ( ==null) isn't possible TODO: emit a waring in these cases

        if(use.getDefaultValue()!=null) {
            // this attribute use has a default value.
            // the item type is guaranteed to be a leaf type... or TODO: is it really so?
            // don't support default values if it's a list
            prop.defaultValue = CDefaultValue.create(attType,use.getDefaultValue());
        } else
        if(use.getFixedValue()!=null) {
            prop.defaultValue = CDefaultValue.create(attType,use.getFixedValue());
    } else if(prop.baseType != null && prop.baseType.isPrimitive()) {
        ErrorReporter errorReporter = Ring.get(ErrorReporter.class);

        errorReporter.warning(prop.getLocator(), Messages.WARN_DEFAULT_VALUE_PRIMITIVE_TYPE, prop.baseType.name());


示例3: getRefererCustomization

import com.sun.tools.internal.xjc.reader.xmlschema.bindinfo.BIProperty; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Returns a javaType customization specified to the referer, if present.
 * @return can be null.
private BIConversion getRefererCustomization() {
    BindInfo info = builder.getBindInfo(getReferer());
    BIProperty prop = info.get(BIProperty.class);
    if(prop==null)  return null;
    return prop.getConv();

示例4: createSimpleTypeProperty

import com.sun.tools.internal.xjc.reader.xmlschema.bindinfo.BIProperty; //导入依赖的package包/类
protected final void createSimpleTypeProperty(XSSimpleType type,String propName) {
    BIProperty prop = BIProperty.getCustomization(type);

    SimpleTypeBuilder stb = Ring.get(SimpleTypeBuilder.class);
    // since we are building the simple type here, use buildDef
    CPropertyInfo p = prop.createValueProperty(propName,false,type,stb.buildDef(type),BGMBuilder.getName(type));

示例5: getLocalPropCustomization

import com.sun.tools.internal.xjc.reader.xmlschema.bindinfo.BIProperty; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Gets the BIProperty object that applies to the given particle.
protected final BIProperty getLocalPropCustomization( XSParticle p ) {
    return getLocalCustomization(p,BIProperty.class);

示例6: computeLabel

import com.sun.tools.internal.xjc.reader.xmlschema.bindinfo.BIProperty; //导入依赖的package包/类
     * Computes the label of a given particle.
     * Usually, the getLabel method should be used instead.
    protected final String computeLabel( XSParticle p ) {
        // if the particle carries a customization, use that value.
        // since we are binding content models, it's always non-constant properties.
        BIProperty cust = getLocalPropCustomization(p);
        if(cust!=null && cust.getPropertyName(false)!=null)
            return cust.getPropertyName(false);

        // no explicit property name is given. Compute one.

        XSTerm t = p.getTerm();

//        // first, check if a term is going to be a class, if so, use that name.
//        ClassItem ci = owner.selector.select(t);
//        if(ci!=null) {
//            return makeJavaName(ci.getTypeAsDefined().name());
//        }

        // if it fails, compute the default name according to the spec.
            // for element, take the element name.
            return makeJavaName(p,t.asElementDecl().getName());
            // for named model groups, take that name
            return makeJavaName(p,t.asModelGroupDecl().getName());
            // the spec says it will map to "any" by default.
            return makeJavaName(p,"Any");
        if(t.isModelGroup()) {
            try {
                return getSpecDefaultName(t.asModelGroup(),p.isRepeated());
            } catch( ParseException e ) {
                // unable to generate a name.
                return "undefined"; // recover from error by assuming something

        // there are only four types of XSTerm.
        throw new AssertionError();
