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Java CommandException类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandException的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java CommandException类的具体用法?Java CommandException怎么用?Java CommandException使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: deployInfo

import com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandException; //导入依赖的package包/类
    aliases = "deployinfo",
    desc = "What is deployed on this server?",
    min = 0,
    max = 0
public void deployInfo(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {
    final DeployInfo info = startupDocument.deploy_info();
    if(info == null) {
        throw new CommandException("No deploy info was loaded");
    } else {
        sender.sendMessage(new Component("Nextgen"));
        sender.sendMessage(new Component("  path: " + info.nextgen().path()));
        sender.sendMessage(new Component("  version: " + format(info.nextgen().version())));
        for(Map.Entry<String, DeployInfo.Version> entry : info.packages().entrySet()) {
            sender.sendMessage(new Component(entry.getKey() + ": " + format(entry.getValue())));

示例2: max

import com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandException; //导入依赖的package包/类
    aliases = {"max", "size"},
    desc = "Change the maximum number of players allowed to participate in the match.",
    min = 1,
    max = 2
public static void max(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {
    FreeForAllMatchModule ffa = CommandUtils.getMatchModule(FreeForAllMatchModule.class, sender);
    if("default".equals(args.getString(0))) {
        ffa.setMaxPlayers(null, null);
    } else {
        int maxPlayers = args.getInteger(0);
        if(maxPlayers < 0) throw new CommandException("max-players cannot be less than 0");

        int maxOverfill = args.argsLength() >= 2 ? args.getInteger(1) : maxPlayers;
        if(maxOverfill < maxPlayers) throw new CommandException("max-overfill cannot be less than max-players");

        if(maxPlayers < ffa.getMinPlayers()) throw new CommandException("max-players cannot be less than min-players");

        ffa.setMaxPlayers(maxPlayers, maxOverfill);

    sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.WHITE + "Maximum players is now " + ChatColor.AQUA + ffa.getMaxPlayers() +
                       ChatColor.WHITE + " and overfill is " + ChatColor.AQUA + ffa.getMaxOverfill());

示例3: add

import com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandException; //导入依赖的package包/类
    aliases = {"add"},
    desc = "Add a player to the whitelist",
    usage = "<username>",
    min = 1,
    max = 1
public void add(CommandContext args, final CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {
        userFinder.findUser(sender, args, 0),
        CommandFutureCallback.onSuccess(sender, args, result -> {
                new TranslatableComponent(
                    new PlayerComponent(identities.currentIdentity(result.user), NameStyle.FANCY)

示例4: sleep

import com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandException; //导入依赖的package包/类
    aliases = "sleep",
    desc = "Put the main server thread to sleep for the given duration",
    usage = "<time>",
    flags = "",
    min = 1,
    max = 1
public void sleep(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {
    try {
    } catch(InterruptedException e) {
        throw new CommandException("Sleep was interrupted", e);

示例5: session

import com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandException; //导入依赖的package包/类
        aliases = {"session"},
        desc = "Session status control",
        usage = "[on|off|clear]",
        max = 1
public void session(final CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {
    if (args.argsLength() == 1) {
        String arg = args.getString(0);
        SessionState newState = parseSessionStateCommand(arg);
        if (newState == null) throw new CommandException("Unknown session state command: " + arg);

        sender.sendMessage(new ComponentBuilder("Old Force Status: " + monitor.getForceState()).color(ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE).create());


    sender.sendMessage(new ComponentBuilder("Current Force Status: " + monitor.getForceState()).color(ChatColor.GOLD).create());
    sender.sendMessage(new ComponentBuilder("Current Session Status: " + monitor.getDiscoveredState()).color(ChatColor.GOLD).create());

示例6: skipto

import com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandException; //导入依赖的package包/类
    aliases = {"skipto"},
    desc = "Skip to a certain point in the rotation",
    usage = "[n]",
    min = 1,
    max = 1
public void skipto(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {
    RotationManager manager = PGM.getMatchManager().getRotationManager();
    RotationState rotation = manager.getRotation();

    int newNextId = args.getInteger(0) - 1;
    if(RotationState.isNextIdValid(rotation.getMaps(), newNextId)) {
        rotation = rotation.skipTo(newNextId);
        sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + PGMTranslations.get().t("command.admin.skipto.success", sender, rotation.getNext().getInfo().getShortDescription(sender) + ChatColor.GREEN));
    } else {
        throw new CommandException(PGMTranslations.get().t("command.admin.skipto.invalidPoint", sender));

示例7: remove

import com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandException; //导入依赖的package包/类
    aliases = {"remove"},
    desc = "Remove a player from the whitelist",
    usage = "<username>",
    min = 1,
    max = 1
public void remove(CommandContext args, final CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {
    final String username = args.getString(0);
    for(Iterator<PlayerId> iter = whitelist.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
        PlayerId playerId = iter.next();
        if(username.equalsIgnoreCase(playerId.username())) {
                new TranslatableComponent(
                    new PlayerComponent(identities.currentIdentity(playerId), NameStyle.FANCY)
    throw new TranslatableCommandException("whitelist.notFound", username);

示例8: message

import com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandException; //导入依赖的package包/类
    aliases = {"msg", "message", "whisper", "pm", "tell", "dm"},
    usage = "<target> <message...>",
    desc = "Private message a user",
    min = 2,
    max = -1
public void message(final CommandContext args, final CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {
    final Player player = CommandUtils.senderToPlayer(sender);
    final Identity from = identityProvider.currentIdentity(player);
    final String content = args.getJoinedStrings(1);

        userFinder.findUser(sender, args, 0),
        CommandFutureCallback.onSuccess(sender, args, response -> {
            whisperSender.send(sender, from, identityProvider.createIdentity(response), content);

示例9: maplist

import com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandException; //导入依赖的package包/类
    aliases = {"maplist", "maps", "ml"},
    desc = "Shows the maps that are currently loaded",
    usage = "[page]",
    min = 0,
    max = 1,
    help = "Shows all the maps that are currently loaded including ones that are not in the rotation."
public static void maplist(CommandContext args, final CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {
    final Set<PGMMap> maps = ImmutableSortedSet.copyOf(new PGMMap.DisplayOrder(), PGM.getMatchManager().getMaps());

    new PrettyPaginatedResult<PGMMap>(PGMTranslations.get().t("command.map.mapList.title", sender)) {
        @Override public String format(PGMMap map, int index) {
            return (index + 1) + ". " + map.getInfo().getShortDescription(sender);
    }.display(new BukkitWrappedCommandSender(sender), maps, args.getInteger(0, 1) /* page */);

示例10: force

import com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandException; //导入依赖的package包/类
    aliases = {"force"},
    desc = "Force a player onto a team",
    usage = "<player> [team]",
    min = 1,
    max = 2
public void force(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException, SuggestException {
    MatchPlayer player = CommandUtils.findSingleMatchPlayer(args, sender, 0);

    if(args.argsLength() >= 2) {
        String name = args.getString(1);
        if(name.trim().toLowerCase().startsWith("obs")) {
            player.getMatch().setPlayerParty(player, player.getMatch().getDefaultParty());
        } else {
            Team team = utils.teamArgument(args, 1);
            utils.module().forceJoin(player, team);
    } else {
        utils.module().forceJoin(player, null);

示例11: min

import com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandException; //导入依赖的package包/类
    aliases = {"min"},
    desc = "Change the minimum size of a team.",
    usage = "<team> (default | <min-players>)",
    min = 2,
    max = 2
public void min(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException, SuggestException {
    Team team = utils.teamArgument(args, 0);

    if("default".equals(args.getString(1))) {
    } else {
        int minPlayers = args.getInteger(1);
        if(minPlayers < 0) throw new CommandException("min-players cannot be less than 0");

    sender.sendMessage(team.getColoredName() +
                       ChatColor.WHITE + " now has min size " + ChatColor.AQUA + team.getMinPlayers());

示例12: inventory

import com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandException; //导入依赖的package包/类
    aliases = {"inventory", "inv", "vi"},
    desc = "View a player's inventory",
    usage = "<player>",
    min = 1,
    max = 1
public void inventory(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {
    final Player viewer = senderToPlayer(sender);
    Player holder = findOnlinePlayer(args, viewer, 0);

    if(vimm.canPreviewInventory(viewer, holder)) {
        vimm.previewInventory((Player) sender, holder.getInventory());
    } else {
        throw new TranslatableCommandException("player.inventoryPreview.notViewable");

示例13: hub

import com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandException; //导入依赖的package包/类
        aliases = {"hub", "lobby"},
        desc = "Teleport to the lobby"
public void hub(final CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {
    if(sender instanceof ProxiedPlayer) {
        final ProxiedPlayer player = (ProxiedPlayer) sender;
        final Server server = Futures.getUnchecked(executor.submit(() -> serverTracker.byPlayer(player)));
        if(server.role() == ServerDoc.Role.LOBBY || server.role() == ServerDoc.Role.PGM) {
            // If Bukkit server is running Commons, let it handle the command
            throw new CommandBypassException();

        player.sendMessage(new ComponentBuilder("Teleporting you to the lobby").color(ChatColor.GREEN).create());
    } else {
        sender.sendMessage(new ComponentBuilder("Only players may use this command").color(ChatColor.RED).create());

示例14: featuresCommand

import com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandException; //导入依赖的package包/类
    aliases = {"matchfeatures", "features"},
    desc = "Lists all features by ID and type",
    min = 0,
    max = 1
public void featuresCommand(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {
    final Match match = tc.oc.pgm.commands.CommandUtils.getMatch(sender);
    new PrettyPaginatedResult<Feature>("Match Features") {
        public String format(Feature feature, int i) {
            String text = (i + 1) + ". " + ChatColor.RED + feature.getClass().getSimpleName();
            if(feature instanceof SluggedFeature) {
                text += ChatColor.GRAY + " - " +ChatColor.GOLD + ((SluggedFeature) feature).slug();
            return text;
    }.display(new BukkitWrappedCommandSender(sender),
              args.getInteger(0, 1));

示例15: featureCommand

import com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandException; //导入依赖的package包/类
    aliases = {"feature", "fl"},
    desc = "Prints information regarding a specific feature",
    min = 1,
    max = -1
public void featureCommand(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {
    final String slug = args.getJoinedStrings(0);
    final Optional<Feature<?>> feature = matchManager.getCurrentMatch(sender).features().bySlug(slug);
    if(feature.isPresent()) {
        sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + slug + ChatColor.GRAY + " corresponds to: " + ChatColor.WHITE + feature.get().toString());
    } else {
        sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "No feature by the name of " + ChatColor.GOLD + slug + ChatColor.RED + " was found.");
