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Java ChunkManager类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中com.protolambda.blocktopograph.chunk.ChunkManager的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java ChunkManager类的具体用法?Java ChunkManager怎么用?Java ChunkManager使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: renderToBitmap

import com.protolambda.blocktopograph.chunk.ChunkManager; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Render a single chunk to provided bitmap (bm)
 * @param cm ChunkManager, provides chunks, which provide chunk-data
 * @param bm Bitmap to render to
 * @param dimension Mapped dimension
 * @param chunkX X chunk coordinate (x-block coord / Chunk.WIDTH)
 * @param chunkZ Z chunk coordinate (z-block coord / Chunk.LENGTH)
 * @param bX begin block X coordinate, relative to chunk edge
 * @param bZ begin block Z coordinate, relative to chunk edge
 * @param eX end block X coordinate, relative to chunk edge
 * @param eZ end block Z coordinate, relative to chunk edge
 * @param pX texture X pixel coord to start rendering to
 * @param pY texture Y pixel coord to start rendering to
 * @param pW width (X) of one block in pixels
 * @param pL length (Z) of one block in pixels
 * @return bm is returned back
 * @throws Version.VersionException when the version of the chunk is unsupported.
public BufferedImage renderToBitmap(ChunkManager cm, BufferedImage bm, Dimension dimension, int chunkX, int chunkZ, int bX, int bZ, int eX, int eZ, int pX, int pY, int pW, int pL) throws Version.VersionException {

    int x, z, i, j, tX, tY;

    int offsetX = chunkX * dimension.chunkW;
    int offsetZ = chunkZ * dimension.chunkL;

    for (z = bZ, tY = pY ; z < eZ; z++, tY += pL) {
        for (x = bX, tX = pX; x < eX; x++, tX += pW) {
            for(i = 0; i < pL; i++){
                for(j = 0; j < pW; j++){
                    bm.setRGB(tX + j, tY + i, 0xff000000 | ((offsetX + x) ^ (offsetZ + z)));

    return bm;

示例2: renderToBitmap

import com.protolambda.blocktopograph.chunk.ChunkManager; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Render a single chunk to provided bitmap (bm)
 * @param cm ChunkManager, provides chunks, which provide chunk-data
 * @param bm Bitmap to render to
 * @param dimension Mapped dimension
 * @param chunkX X chunk coordinate (x-block coord / Chunk.WIDTH)
 * @param chunkZ Z chunk coordinate (z-block coord / Chunk.LENGTH)
 * @param bX begin block X coordinate, relative to chunk edge
 * @param bZ begin block Z coordinate, relative to chunk edge
 * @param eX end block X coordinate, relative to chunk edge
 * @param eZ end block Z coordinate, relative to chunk edge
 * @param pX texture X pixel coord to start rendering to
 * @param pY texture Y pixel coord to start rendering to
 * @param pW width (X) of one block in pixels
 * @param pL length (Z) of one block in pixels
 * @return bm is returned back
 * @throws Version.VersionException when the version of the chunk is unsupported.
public BufferedImage renderToBitmap(ChunkManager cm, BufferedImage bm, Dimension dimension, int chunkX, int chunkZ, int bX, int bZ, int eX, int eZ, int pX, int pY, int pW, int pL) throws Version.VersionException {
    //System.out.println("chunkX:"+chunkX+", chunkZ:"+chunkZ+", bX:"+bX+", bZ:"+bZ+", eX:"+eX+", eZ:"+eZ+", pX:"+pX+", pY:"+pY+", pW:"+pW+", pL:"+pL);
    int x, z, i, j, tX, tY;
    int color;

    for (z = bZ, tY = pY ; z < eZ; z++, tY += pL) {
        for (x = bX, tX = pX; x < eX; x++, tX += pW) {
            color = ((x + z) & 1) == 1 ? darkShade : lightShade;
            for (i = 0; i < pL; i++) {
                for (j = 0; j < pW; j++) {
                    bm.setRGB(tX + j, tY + i, color);

    return bm;

示例3: renderToBitmap

import com.protolambda.blocktopograph.chunk.ChunkManager; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Render a single chunk to provided bitmap (bm)
 * @param cm ChunkManager, provides chunks, which provide chunk-data
 * @param bm Bitmap to render to
 * @param dimension Mapped dimension
 * @param chunkX X chunk coordinate (x-block coord / Chunk.WIDTH)
 * @param chunkZ Z chunk coordinate (z-block coord / Chunk.LENGTH)
 * @param bX begin block X coordinate, relative to chunk edge
 * @param bZ begin block Z coordinate, relative to chunk edge
 * @param eX end block X coordinate, relative to chunk edge
 * @param eZ end block Z coordinate, relative to chunk edge
 * @param pX texture X pixel coord to start rendering to
 * @param pY texture Y pixel coord to start rendering to
 * @param pW width (X) of one block in pixels
 * @param pL length (Z) of one block in pixels
 * @return bm is returned back
 * @throws Version.VersionException when the version of the chunk is unsupported.
public Bitmap renderToBitmap(ChunkManager cm, Bitmap bm, Dimension dimension, int chunkX, int chunkZ, int bX, int bZ, int eX, int eZ, int pX, int pY, int pW, int pL) throws Version.VersionException {

    int x, z, i, j, tX, tY;

    int offsetX = chunkX * dimension.chunkW;
    int offsetZ = chunkZ * dimension.chunkL;

    for (z = bZ, tY = pY ; z < eZ; z++, tY += pL) {
        for (x = bX, tX = pX; x < eX; x++, tX += pW) {
            for(i = 0; i < pL; i++){
                for(j = 0; j < pW; j++){
                    bm.setPixel(tX + j, tY + i, 0xff000000 | ((offsetX + x) ^ (offsetZ + z)));

    return bm;

示例4: renderToBitmap

import com.protolambda.blocktopograph.chunk.ChunkManager; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Render a single chunk to provided bitmap (bm)
 * @param cm ChunkManager, provides chunks, which provide chunk-data
 * @param bm Bitmap to render to
 * @param dimension Mapped dimension
 * @param chunkX X chunk coordinate (x-block coord / Chunk.WIDTH)
 * @param chunkZ Z chunk coordinate (z-block coord / Chunk.LENGTH)
 * @param bX begin block X coordinate, relative to chunk edge
 * @param bZ begin block Z coordinate, relative to chunk edge
 * @param eX end block X coordinate, relative to chunk edge
 * @param eZ end block Z coordinate, relative to chunk edge
 * @param pX texture X pixel coord to start rendering to
 * @param pY texture Y pixel coord to start rendering to
 * @param pW width (X) of one block in pixels
 * @param pL length (Z) of one block in pixels
 * @return bm is returned back
 * @throws Version.VersionException when the version of the chunk is unsupported.
public Bitmap renderToBitmap(ChunkManager cm, Bitmap bm, Dimension dimension, int chunkX, int chunkZ, int bX, int bZ, int eX, int eZ, int pX, int pY, int pW, int pL) throws Version.VersionException {

    int x, z, i, j, tX, tY;
    int color;

    for (z = bZ, tY = pY ; z < eZ; z++, tY += pL) {
        for (x = bX, tX = pX; x < eX; x++, tX += pW) {
            color = ((x + z) & 1) == 1 ? darkShade : lightShade;
            for (i = 0; i < pL; i++) {
                for (j = 0; j < pW; j++) {
                    bm.setPixel(tX + j, tY + i, color);

    return bm;

示例5: getChunkManager

import com.protolambda.blocktopograph.chunk.ChunkManager; //导入依赖的package包/类
public ChunkManager getChunkManager(Dimension d) {
    switch (d) {
        case OVERWORLD:
            return cmOverworld;
        case NETHER:
            return cmNether;
        case END:
            return cmEnd;
            return cmOverworld;

示例6: renderToBitmap

import com.protolambda.blocktopograph.chunk.ChunkManager; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Render a single chunk to provided bitmap (bm)
 * @param cm ChunkManager, provides chunks, which provide chunk-data
 * @param bm Bitmap to render to
 * @param dimension Mapped dimension
 * @param chunkX X chunk coordinate (x-block coord / Chunk.WIDTH)
 * @param chunkZ Z chunk coordinate (z-block coord / Chunk.LENGTH)
 * @param bX begin block X coordinate, relative to chunk edge
 * @param bZ begin block Z coordinate, relative to chunk edge
 * @param eX end block X coordinate, relative to chunk edge
 * @param eZ end block Z coordinate, relative to chunk edge
 * @param pX texture X pixel coord to start rendering to
 * @param pY texture Y pixel coord to start rendering to
 * @param pW width (X) of one block in pixels
 * @param pL length (Z) of one block in pixels
 * @return bm is returned back
 * @throws Version.VersionException when the version of the chunk is unsupported.
public BufferedImage renderToBitmap(ChunkManager cm, BufferedImage bm, Dimension dimension, int chunkX, int chunkZ, int bX, int bZ, int eX, int eZ, int pX, int pY, int pW, int pL) throws Version.VersionException {

    int x, z, i, j, tX, tY;

    MapType.OVERWORLD_SATELLITE.renderer.renderToBitmap(cm, bm, dimension, chunkX, chunkZ, bX, bZ, eX, eZ, pX, pY, pW, pL);

    boolean isSlimeChunk = isSlimeChunk(chunkX, chunkZ);
    int color, r, g, b, avg;

    //make slimeChunks much more green
    for (z = bZ, tY = pY ; z < eZ; z++, tY += pL) {
        for (x = bX, tX = pX; x < eX; x++, tX += pW) {
            color = bm.getRGB(tX, tY);
            r = (color >> 16) & 0xff;
            g = (color >> 8) & 0xff;
            b = color & 0xff;
            avg = (r + g + b) / 3;
                r = b = avg;
                g = (g + 0xff) >> 1;
            } else {
                r = g = b = avg;
            color = (color & 0xFF000000) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;

            for(i = 0; i < pL; i++){
                for(j = 0; j < pW; j++){
                    bm.setRGB(tX + j, tY + i, color);


    return bm;

示例7: removeMarker

import com.protolambda.blocktopograph.chunk.ChunkManager; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void removeMarker(AbstractMarker marker, boolean dirty){

        long chunkKey = ChunkManager.xzToKey(marker.x >> 4, marker.z >> 4);
        Set<AbstractMarker> chunk = chunks.get(chunkKey);
        if(chunk != null) chunk.remove(marker);

        //only set it to dirty if the marker is removed.
        this.dirty |= markers.remove(marker) && dirty;

示例8: addMarker

import com.protolambda.blocktopograph.chunk.ChunkManager; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void addMarker(AbstractMarker marker, boolean dirty){

    long chunkKey = ChunkManager.xzToKey(marker.x >> 4, marker.z >> 4);
    Set<AbstractMarker> chunk = chunks.get(chunkKey);
    if(chunk == null) chunks.put(chunkKey, chunk = new HashSet<>());

    this.dirty |= dirty;

示例9: renderToBitmap

import com.protolambda.blocktopograph.chunk.ChunkManager; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Render a single chunk to provided bitmap (bm)
 * @param cm ChunkManager, provides chunks, which provide chunk-data
 * @param bm Bitmap to render to
 * @param dimension Mapped dimension
 * @param chunkX X chunk coordinate (x-block coord / Chunk.WIDTH)
 * @param chunkZ Z chunk coordinate (z-block coord / Chunk.LENGTH)
 * @param bX begin block X coordinate, relative to chunk edge
 * @param bZ begin block Z coordinate, relative to chunk edge
 * @param eX end block X coordinate, relative to chunk edge
 * @param eZ end block Z coordinate, relative to chunk edge
 * @param pX texture X pixel coord to start rendering to
 * @param pY texture Y pixel coord to start rendering to
 * @param pW width (X) of one block in pixels
 * @param pL length (Z) of one block in pixels
 * @return bm is returned back
 * @throws Version.VersionException when the version of the chunk is unsupported.
public Bitmap renderToBitmap(ChunkManager cm, Bitmap bm, Dimension dimension, int chunkX, int chunkZ, int bX, int bZ, int eX, int eZ, int pX, int pY, int pW, int pL) throws Version.VersionException {

    int x, z, i, j, tX, tY;

    MapType.OVERWORLD_SATELLITE.renderer.renderToBitmap(cm, bm, dimension, chunkX, chunkZ, bX, bZ, eX, eZ, pX, pY, pW, pL);

    boolean isSlimeChunk = isSlimeChunk(chunkX, chunkZ);
    int color, r, g, b, avg;

    //make slimeChunks much more green
    for (z = bZ, tY = pY ; z < eZ; z++, tY += pL) {
        for (x = bX, tX = pX; x < eX; x++, tX += pW) {
            color = bm.getPixel(tX, tY);
            r = (color >> 16) & 0xff;
            g = (color >> 8) & 0xff;
            b = color & 0xff;
            avg = (r + g + b) / 3;
                r = b = avg;
                g = (g + 0xff) >> 1;
            } else {
                r = g = b = avg;
            color = (color & 0xFF000000) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;

            for(i = 0; i < pL; i++){
                for(j = 0; j < pW; j++){
                    bm.setPixel(tX + j, tY + i, color);


    return bm;

示例10: WorldProvider

import com.protolambda.blocktopograph.chunk.ChunkManager; //导入依赖的package包/类
public WorldProvider(World world) {
    this.world = world;
    cmOverworld = new ChunkManager(world.getWorldData(), Dimension.OVERWORLD);
    cmNether = new ChunkManager(world.getWorldData(), Dimension.NETHER);
    cmEnd = new ChunkManager(world.getWorldData(), Dimension.END);

示例11: renderToBitmap

import com.protolambda.blocktopograph.chunk.ChunkManager; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Render a single chunk to provided bitmap (bm)
 * @param cm ChunkManager, provides chunks, which provide chunk-data
 * @param bm Bitmap to render to
 * @param dimension Mapped dimension
 * @param chunkX X chunk coordinate (x-block coord / Chunk.WIDTH)
 * @param chunkZ Z chunk coordinate (z-block coord / Chunk.LENGTH)
 * @param bX begin block X coordinate, relative to chunk edge
 * @param bZ begin block Z coordinate, relative to chunk edge
 * @param eX end block X coordinate, relative to chunk edge
 * @param eZ end block Z coordinate, relative to chunk edge
 * @param pX texture X pixel coord to start rendering to
 * @param pY texture Y pixel coord to start rendering to
 * @param pW width (X) of one block in pixels
 * @param pL length (Z) of one block in pixels
 * @return bm is returned back
 * @throws Version.VersionException when the version of the chunk is unsupported.
public BufferedImage renderToBitmap(ChunkManager cm, BufferedImage bm, Dimension dimension, int chunkX, int chunkZ, int bX, int bZ, int eX, int eZ, int pX, int pY, int pW, int pL) throws Version.VersionException {

    Chunk chunk = cm.getChunk(chunkX, chunkZ);
    if(chunk == null) return MapType.CHESS.renderer.renderToBitmap(cm, bm, dimension, chunkX, chunkZ, bX, bZ, eX, eZ, pX, pY, pW, pL);
    Version cVersion = chunk.getVersion();

    if(cVersion == Version.ERROR) return MapType.ERROR.renderer.renderToBitmap(cm, bm, dimension, chunkX, chunkZ, bX, bZ, eX, eZ, pX, pY, pW, pL);

    int x, y, z, subChunk, color, i, j, tX, tY;

    //render width in blocks
    int rW = eX - bX;
    int[] light = new int[rW * (eZ - bZ)];

    for(subChunk = 0; subChunk < cVersion.subChunks; subChunk++) {
        TerrainChunkData data = chunk.getTerrain((byte) subChunk);
        if (data == null || !data.loadTerrain()) break;

        for (z = bZ; z < eZ; z++) {
            for (x = bX; x < eX; x++) {
                for (y = 0; y < cVersion.subChunkHeight; y++) {
                    light[(z * rW) + x] += data.getBlockLightValue(x, y, z) & 0xff;

    int l;
    for (z = bZ, tY = pY; z < eZ; z++, tY += pL) {
        for (x = bX, tX = pX; x < eX; x++, tX += pW) {

            l = light[(z * rW) + x];
            l = l < 0 ? 0 : ((l > 0xff) ? 0xff : l);

            color = (l << 16) | (l << 8) | (l) | 0xff000000;

            for(i = 0; i < pL; i++){
                for(j = 0; j < pW; j++){
                    bm.setRGB(tX + j, tY + i, color);



    if(subChunk == 0) return MapType.CHESS.renderer.renderToBitmap(cm, bm, dimension, chunkX, chunkZ, bX, bZ, eX, eZ, pX, pY, pW, pL);

    return bm;

示例12: renderToBitmap

import com.protolambda.blocktopograph.chunk.ChunkManager; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Render a single chunk to provided bitmap (bm)
 * @param cm ChunkManager, provides chunks, which provide chunk-data
 * @param bm Bitmap to render to
 * @param dimension Mapped dimension
 * @param chunkX X chunk coordinate (x-block coord / Chunk.WIDTH)
 * @param chunkZ Z chunk coordinate (z-block coord / Chunk.LENGTH)
 * @param bX begin block X coordinate, relative to chunk edge
 * @param bZ begin block Z coordinate, relative to chunk edge
 * @param eX end block X coordinate, relative to chunk edge
 * @param eZ end block Z coordinate, relative to chunk edge
 * @param pX texture X pixel coord to start rendering to
 * @param pY texture Y pixel coord to start rendering to
 * @param pW width (X) of one block in pixels
 * @param pL length (Z) of one block in pixels
 * @return bm is returned back
 * @throws Version.VersionException when the version of the chunk is unsupported.
public BufferedImage renderToBitmap(ChunkManager cm, BufferedImage bm, Dimension dimension, int chunkX, int chunkZ, int bX, int bZ, int eX, int eZ, int pX, int pY, int pW, int pL) throws Version.VersionException {

    Chunk chunk = cm.getChunk(chunkX, chunkZ);
    if(chunk == null) return MapType.CHESS.renderer.renderToBitmap(cm, bm, dimension, chunkX, chunkZ, bX, bZ, eX, eZ, pX, pY, pW, pL);
    Version cVersion = chunk.getVersion();

    if(cVersion == Version.ERROR) return MapType.ERROR.renderer.renderToBitmap(cm, bm, dimension, chunkX, chunkZ, bX, bZ, eX, eZ, pX, pY, pW, pL);

    //the bottom sub-chunk is sufficient to get heightmap data.
    TerrainChunkData data = chunk.getTerrain((byte) 0);
    if(data == null || !data.load2DData()) return MapType.CHESS.renderer.renderToBitmap(cm, bm, dimension, chunkX, chunkZ, bX, bZ, eX, eZ, pX, pY, pW, pL);

    boolean west = true, north = true;
    TerrainChunkData dataW = null, dataN = null;
    Chunk dataWC = cm.getChunk(chunkX - 1, chunkZ);
    if(dataWC != null)
        dataW = dataWC.getTerrain((byte) 0);
        west = false;
    Chunk dataNC = cm.getChunk(chunkX, chunkZ-1);
    if(dataNC != null)
        dataN = dataNC.getTerrain((byte) 0);
        north = false;

    west &= dataW != null && dataW.load2DData();
    north &= dataN != null && dataN.load2DData();

    int x, y, z, color, i, j, tX, tY;
    for (z = bZ, tY = pY ; z < eZ; z++, tY += pL) {
        for (x = bX, tX = pX; x < eX; x++, tX += pW) {

            y = data.getHeightMapValue(x, z);

            color = getColumnColour(chunk, data, x, y, z,
                    (x == 0) ? (west ? dataW.getHeightMapValue(dimension.chunkW - 1, z) : y)//chunk edge
                             : data.getHeightMapValue(x - 1, z),//within chunk
                    (z == 0) ? (north ? dataN.getHeightMapValue(x, dimension.chunkL - 1) : y)//chunk edge
                             : data.getHeightMapValue(x, z - 1)//within chunk
            //System.out.println(chunkX+" "+chunkZ);
            for(i = 0; i < pL; i++){
                for(j = 0; j < pW; j++){
                    bm.setRGB(tX + j, tY + i, color);


    return bm;

示例13: getMarkersOfChunk

import com.protolambda.blocktopograph.chunk.ChunkManager; //导入依赖的package包/类
public Collection<AbstractMarker> getMarkersOfChunk(int chunkX, int chunkZ){
    long key = ChunkManager.xzToKey(chunkX, chunkZ);
    Set<AbstractMarker> chunk = chunks.get(key);
    if(chunk == null) chunks.put(key, chunk = new HashSet<>());
    return chunk;

示例14: renderToBitmap

import com.protolambda.blocktopograph.chunk.ChunkManager; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Render a single chunk to provided bitmap (bm)
 * @param cm ChunkManager, provides chunks, which provide chunk-data
 * @param bm Bitmap to render to
 * @param dimension Mapped dimension
 * @param chunkX X chunk coordinate (x-block coord / Chunk.WIDTH)
 * @param chunkZ Z chunk coordinate (z-block coord / Chunk.LENGTH)
 * @param bX begin block X coordinate, relative to chunk edge
 * @param bZ begin block Z coordinate, relative to chunk edge
 * @param eX end block X coordinate, relative to chunk edge
 * @param eZ end block Z coordinate, relative to chunk edge
 * @param pX texture X pixel coord to start rendering to
 * @param pY texture Y pixel coord to start rendering to
 * @param pW width (X) of one block in pixels
 * @param pL length (Z) of one block in pixels
 * @return bm is returned back
 * @throws Version.VersionException when the version of the chunk is unsupported.
public Bitmap renderToBitmap(ChunkManager cm, Bitmap bm, Dimension dimension, int chunkX, int chunkZ, int bX, int bZ, int eX, int eZ, int pX, int pY, int pW, int pL) throws Version.VersionException {

    Chunk chunk = cm.getChunk(chunkX, chunkZ);
    Version cVersion = chunk.getVersion();

    if(cVersion == Version.ERROR) return MapType.ERROR.renderer.renderToBitmap(cm, bm, dimension, chunkX, chunkZ, bX, bZ, eX, eZ, pX, pY, pW, pL);
    if(cVersion == Version.NULL) return MapType.CHESS.renderer.renderToBitmap(cm, bm, dimension, chunkX, chunkZ, bX, bZ, eX, eZ, pX, pY, pW, pL);

    int x, y, z, subChunk, color, i, j, tX, tY;

    //render width in blocks
    int rW = eX - bX;
    int[] light = new int[rW * (eZ - bZ)];

    for(subChunk = 0; subChunk < cVersion.subChunks; subChunk++) {
        TerrainChunkData data = chunk.getTerrain((byte) subChunk);
        if (data == null || !data.loadTerrain()) break;

        for (z = bZ; z < eZ; z++) {
            for (x = bX; x < eX; x++) {
                for (y = 0; y < cVersion.subChunkHeight; y++) {
                    light[((z - bZ) * rW) + (x - bX)] += data.getBlockLightValue(x, y, z) & 0xff;

    int l;
    for (z = bZ, tY = pY; z < eZ; z++, tY += pL) {
        for (x = bX, tX = pX; x < eX; x++, tX += pW) {

            l = light[((z - bZ) * rW) + (x - bX)];
            l = l < 0 ? 0 : ((l > 0xff) ? 0xff : l);

            color = (l << 16) | (l << 8) | (l) | 0xff000000;

            for(i = 0; i < pL; i++){
                for(j = 0; j < pW; j++){
                    bm.setPixel(tX + j, tY + i, color);



    if(subChunk == 0) return MapType.CHESS.renderer.renderToBitmap(cm, bm, dimension, chunkX, chunkZ, bX, bZ, eX, eZ, pX, pY, pW, pL);

    return bm;

示例15: renderToBitmap

import com.protolambda.blocktopograph.chunk.ChunkManager; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Render a single chunk to provided bitmap (bm)
 * @param cm ChunkManager, provides chunks, which provide chunk-data
 * @param bm Bitmap to render to
 * @param dimension Mapped dimension
 * @param chunkX X chunk coordinate (x-block coord / Chunk.WIDTH)
 * @param chunkZ Z chunk coordinate (z-block coord / Chunk.LENGTH)
 * @param bX begin block X coordinate, relative to chunk edge
 * @param bZ begin block Z coordinate, relative to chunk edge
 * @param eX end block X coordinate, relative to chunk edge
 * @param eZ end block Z coordinate, relative to chunk edge
 * @param pX texture X pixel coord to start rendering to
 * @param pY texture Y pixel coord to start rendering to
 * @param pW width (X) of one block in pixels
 * @param pL length (Z) of one block in pixels
 * @return bm is returned back
 * @throws Version.VersionException when the version of the chunk is unsupported.
public Bitmap renderToBitmap(ChunkManager cm, Bitmap bm, Dimension dimension, int chunkX, int chunkZ, int bX, int bZ, int eX, int eZ, int pX, int pY, int pW, int pL) throws Version.VersionException {

    Chunk chunk = cm.getChunk(chunkX, chunkZ);
    Version cVersion = chunk.getVersion();

    if(cVersion == Version.ERROR) return MapType.ERROR.renderer.renderToBitmap(cm, bm, dimension, chunkX, chunkZ, bX, bZ, eX, eZ, pX, pY, pW, pL);
    if(cVersion == Version.NULL) return MapType.CHESS.renderer.renderToBitmap(cm, bm, dimension, chunkX, chunkZ, bX, bZ, eX, eZ, pX, pY, pW, pL);

    //the bottom sub-chunk is sufficient to get heightmap data.
    TerrainChunkData data = chunk.getTerrain((byte) 0);
    if(data == null || !data.load2DData()) return MapType.CHESS.renderer.renderToBitmap(cm, bm, dimension, chunkX, chunkZ, bX, bZ, eX, eZ, pX, pY, pW, pL);

    TerrainChunkData dataW = cm.getChunk(chunkX - 1, chunkZ).getTerrain((byte) 0);
    TerrainChunkData dataN = cm.getChunk(chunkX, chunkZ-1).getTerrain((byte) 0);

    boolean west = dataW != null && dataW.load2DData(),
            north = dataN != null && dataN.load2DData();

    int x, y, z, color, i, j, tX, tY;
    for (z = bZ, tY = pY ; z < eZ; z++, tY += pL) {
        for (x = bX, tX = pX; x < eX; x++, tX += pW) {

            y = data.getHeightMapValue(x, z);

            color = getColumnColour(chunk, data, x, y, z,
                    (x == 0) ? (west ? dataW.getHeightMapValue(dimension.chunkW - 1, z) : y)//chunk edge
                             : data.getHeightMapValue(x - 1, z),//within chunk
                    (z == 0) ? (north ? dataN.getHeightMapValue(x, dimension.chunkL - 1) : y)//chunk edge
                             : data.getHeightMapValue(x, z - 1)//within chunk

            for(i = 0; i < pL; i++){
                for(j = 0; j < pW; j++){
                    bm.setPixel(tX + j, tY + i, color);


    return bm;
