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Java IMethod类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中com.ibm.wala.classLoader.IMethod的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java IMethod类的具体用法?Java IMethod怎么用?Java IMethod使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: getLineNumbers

import com.ibm.wala.classLoader.IMethod; //导入依赖的package包/类
     * Get source code line number for each instruction
     * @param sgNodes
     * @param print
     * @return
    public static HashMap<SSAInstructionKey, Integer> getLineNumbers(HashMap<Integer,BasicBlockInContext<IExplodedBasicBlock>> sgNodes) {
        log.debug("** get source code line number for each instruction");
        HashMap<SSAInstructionKey, Integer> map = new HashMap<SSAInstructionKey, Integer>();
        for(BasicBlockInContext<IExplodedBasicBlock> bbic : sgNodes.values()) {
            SSAInstruction inst = bbic.getLastInstruction();
            if(inst == null) {
//            ConcreteJavaMethod method = (ConcreteJavaMethod) bbic.getMethod();
            IMethod method =  bbic.getMethod();
            int lineNumber = method.getLineNumber(bbic.getLastInstructionIndex());
            map.put(new SSAInstructionKey(inst), lineNumber);
            log.debug(lineNumber + ". " + inst);
        return map;

示例2: getIMethod

import com.ibm.wala.classLoader.IMethod; //导入依赖的package包/类
public static IMethod getIMethod(IClassHierarchy cha, String signature) {  // TODO: throw exceptions
	String clazzName = Utils.getFullClassName(signature);
	String selector = signature.substring(clazzName.length()+1); 

	try {
		IClass clazz = WalaUtils.lookupClass(cha, clazzName);
		for (IMethod m: clazz.getAllMethods()) { // DeclaredMethods()) -> only impl./overriden methods
			if (m.getSelector().toString().equals(selector)) {
				return m;
	} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
		logger.debug("Classname " + clazzName + " could not be looked up!");
	return null;  // TODO: throw exception

示例3: getCGNode

import com.ibm.wala.classLoader.IMethod; //导入依赖的package包/类
public static CGNode getCGNode(IMethod method, CallGraph cg) {
	logger.debug("Retrieve CGNode for " + method.getSignature());

	MethodReference ref = method.getReference();
	if (ref == null) return null;

	Set<CGNode> cgnode = cg.getNodes(ref);
	if (cgnode.isEmpty()) {
		logger.warn("Number of CGNode(s) for " + method.getSignature() + " is " + cgnode.size());
		return null;
	/*else if (cgnode.size() > 1) {
		logger.warn("Number of CGNode(s) for " + methodSignature + " is " + cgnode.size() +  "  refMethod.sig: " + refMethod.getSignature());
	return cgnode.iterator().next();

示例4: makeCG

import com.ibm.wala.classLoader.IMethod; //导入依赖的package包/类
protected static JSCFABuilder makeCG(JavaScriptLoaderFactory loaders, AnalysisScope scope, CGBuilderType builderType, IRFactory<IMethod> irFactory) throws IOException, WalaException {
  try {
    IClassHierarchy cha = makeHierarchy(scope, loaders);
    Iterable<Entrypoint> roots = makeScriptRoots(cha);
    JSAnalysisOptions options = makeOptions(scope, cha, roots);
    IAnalysisCacheView cache = makeCache(irFactory);
    JSCFABuilder builder = new JSZeroOrOneXCFABuilder(cha, options, cache, null, null, ZeroXInstanceKeys.ALLOCATIONS,
      builder.setContextSelector(new PropertyNameContextSelector(builder.getAnalysisCache(), 2, builder.getContextSelector()));

    return builder;
  } catch (ClassHierarchyException e) {
    assert false : "internal error building class hierarchy";
    return null;

示例5: makeCG

import com.ibm.wala.classLoader.IMethod; //导入依赖的package包/类
protected static JSCFABuilder makeCG(JavaScriptLoaderFactory loaders, AnalysisScope scope, CGBuilderType builderType, IRFactory<IMethod> irFactory) throws IOException, WalaException {
  try {
    IClassHierarchy cha = makeHierarchy(scope, loaders);
    Iterable<Entrypoint> roots = makeScriptRoots(cha);
    JSAnalysisOptions options = makeOptions(scope, cha, roots);
    AnalysisCache cache = makeCache(irFactory);
    JSCFABuilder builder = new JSZeroOrOneXCFABuilder(cha, options, cache, null, null, ZeroXInstanceKeys.ALLOCATIONS,
      builder.setContextSelector(new PropertyNameContextSelector(builder.getAnalysisCache(), 2, builder.getContextSelector()));

    return builder;
  } catch (ClassHierarchyException e) {
    return null;

示例6: foundTransferringSite

import com.ibm.wala.classLoader.IMethod; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Adds a transfer site with every transfer which is not known to be safe. If all of the
 * transfers at a transfer site are known to be safe, then no transfer point is added.
protected void foundTransferringSite(CGNode node, SSAAbstractInvokeInstruction invokeInstr)
    // Return static methods and dispatch methods with only the receiver argument.
    if (invokeInstr.isStatic() || invokeInstr.getNumberOfParameters() == 1)

    // Ignore any method which is not a procedure invocation on a remote capsule instance.
    IMethod targetMethod = cha.resolveMethod(invokeInstr.getDeclaredTarget());
    if (! isRemoteProcedure(targetMethod))
    MutableIntSet transfers = new BitVectorIntSet();
    for (int idx = 1; idx < targetMethod.getNumberOfParameters(); idx++)
        TypeReference paramType = targetMethod.getParameterType(idx);
        if (! isKnownSafeTypeForTransfer(paramType)) {
    if (! transfers.isEmpty()) {
        addTransferringSite(node, new InvokeTransferSite(node, transfers, invokeInstr));

示例7: getCalleeTarget

import com.ibm.wala.classLoader.IMethod; //导入依赖的package包/类
public Context getCalleeTarget(CGNode caller, CallSiteReference site, IMethod callee,
                               InstanceKey[] actualParameters)
    // Context selection ignores all parameter instances except for the receiver parameter.
    if (actualParameters == null || callee.isStatic())
        // If there is no receiver object, then the callee uses the same context as the caller.
        return caller.getContext();
        // Use the receiver instance as the callee's context.
        return new ReceiverInstanceContext(actualParameters[0]);

示例8: SoterAnalysis

import com.ibm.wala.classLoader.IMethod; //导入依赖的package包/类
public SoterAnalysis(CapsuleCore core, CallGraphAnalysis cga, TransferAnalysis ta,
                     TransferLiveAnalysis tla, CallGraphLiveAnalysis cgla, IClassHierarchy cha)
    this.core = core;
    this.cga = cga;
    this.ta = ta;
    this.tla = tla;
    this.cgla = cgla;
    this.cha = cha;

    intSetFactory = new MutableSparseIntSetFactory();

    transferSiteResultsMap = new HashMap<TransferSite, TransferSiteResults>();
    unsafeTransferSitesMap = new HashMap<IMethod, IdentitySet<TransferSite>>();

    jsonCreator = new JsonResultsCreator(this);

示例9: buildUnsafeTransfersMap

import com.ibm.wala.classLoader.IMethod; //导入依赖的package包/类
protected void buildUnsafeTransfersMap()
    for (Entry<TransferSite, TransferSiteResults> entry : transferSiteResultsMap.entrySet())
        TransferSite transferSite = entry.getKey();
        TransferSiteResults results = entry.getValue();

        if (results.hasUnsafeTransfers())
            IMethod method = transferSite.getNode().getMethod();
            IdentitySet<TransferSite> unsafeTransferSites = getOrMakeUnsafeTransferSites(method);
            TransferSite unsafeTransferSite = TransferSiteFactory.copyWith(transferSite, results.getUnsafeTransfers());

示例10: makeHTMLCGBuilder

import com.ibm.wala.classLoader.IMethod; //导入依赖的package包/类
public static JSCFABuilder makeHTMLCGBuilder(URL url,
        CGBuilderType builderType) throws IOException, WalaException {
    IRFactory<IMethod> irFactory = AstIRFactory.makeDefaultFactory();
    CAstRewriterFactory preprocessor = builderType.extractCorrelatedPairs
                                       ? new CorrelatedPairExtractorFactory(translatorFactory, url)
                                       : null;
    JavaScriptLoaderFactory loaders = new WebPageLoaderFactory(
        translatorFactory, preprocessor);
    SourceModule[] scriptsArray = makeHtmlScope(url, loaders);

    JSCFABuilder builder = makeCGBuilder(loaders, scriptsArray,
                                         builderType, irFactory);
    if (builderType.extractCorrelatedPairs)
        builder.setContextSelector(new PropertyNameContextSelector(builder
                                   .getAnalysisCache(), 2, builder.getContextSelector()));
    return builder;

示例11: makeCG

import com.ibm.wala.classLoader.IMethod; //导入依赖的package包/类
protected static JSCFABuilder makeCG(JavaScriptLoaderFactory loaders,
                                     AnalysisScope scope, CGBuilderType builderType,
                                     IRFactory<IMethod> irFactory) throws IOException, WalaException {
    try {
        IClassHierarchy cha = makeHierarchy(scope, loaders);
        Iterable<Entrypoint> roots = makeScriptRoots(cha);
        JSAnalysisOptions options = makeOptions(scope, cha, roots);
        IAnalysisCacheView cache = makeCache(irFactory);
        JSCFABuilder builder = new JSZeroOrOneXCFABuilder(cha, options,
                cache, null, null, ZeroXInstanceKeys.ALLOCATIONS,
        if (builderType.extractCorrelatedPairs())
            builder.setContextSelector(new PropertyNameContextSelector(
                                           builder.getAnalysisCache(), 2, builder

        return builder;
    } catch (ClassHierarchyException e) {
        // Assert.assertTrue("internal error building class hierarchy",
        // false);
        return null;

示例12: getShortName

import com.ibm.wala.classLoader.IMethod; //导入依赖的package包/类
public String getShortName(CGNode nd) {
  IMethod method = nd.getMethod();
  String origName = method.getName().toString();
  String result = origName;
  if (origName.equals("do") || origName.equals("ctor")) {
    result = method.getDeclaringClass().getName().toString();
    result = result.substring(result.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
    if (origName.equals("ctor")) {
      if (result.equals("LFunction")) {
        String s = method.toString();
        if (s.indexOf('(') != -1) {
          String functionName = s.substring(s.indexOf('(') + 1, s.indexOf(')'));
          functionName = functionName.substring(functionName.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
          result += " " + functionName;
      result = "ctor of " + result;
  return result;

示例13: makeCG

import com.ibm.wala.classLoader.IMethod; //导入依赖的package包/类
protected static JSCFABuilder makeCG(JavaScriptLoaderFactory loaders, AnalysisScope scope, CGBuilderType builderType, IRFactory<IMethod> irFactory) throws IOException, WalaException {
  try {
    IClassHierarchy cha = makeHierarchy(scope, loaders);
    Iterable<Entrypoint> roots = makeScriptRoots(cha);
    JSAnalysisOptions options = makeOptions(scope, cha, roots);
    AnalysisCache cache = makeCache(irFactory);
    JSCFABuilder builder = new JSZeroOrOneXCFABuilder(cha, options, cache, null, null, ZeroXInstanceKeys.ALLOCATIONS,
      builder.setContextSelector(new PropertyNameContextSelector(builder.getAnalysisCache(), 2, builder.getContextSelector()));

    return builder;
  } catch (ClassHierarchyException e) {
    Assert.assertTrue("internal error building class hierarchy", false);
    return null;

示例14: processClass

import com.ibm.wala.classLoader.IMethod; //导入依赖的package包/类
private void processClass(List<TypeLabel> filteredList,
		TargetApplication targetApplication,
		Map<String, AnalysisResult> analysisResult, IClass clazz) {

	for (IMethod m : clazz.getDeclaredMethods()) {
		try {
			AnalyzedMethod method = targetApplication.findIRMethodForMethod(m);

			if (method != null) {
				MethodAnalyzer analyzer = new MethodAnalyzer(method, filteredList);

				AnalysisResult candidates = analyzer.analyze();

				if (!candidates.isEmpty()) {
					analysisResult.put(m.getSignature(), candidates);
			} else {
				LOG.error("method is skipped");
		} catch (Exception e) {
			FileUtil.handleError(e, m.getSignature());

示例15: main

import com.ibm.wala.classLoader.IMethod; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * main method to print out all ir for the test classes
 * @param args no args defined
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws WalaException
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, WalaException {
	String pathname = TARGET_IRS;

	if (args.length > 0) {
		pathname = args[0];

	TargetApplication targetApplication = TestUtilities.loadTestJar();

	for (IClass clazz : targetApplication.getApplicationClasses()) {
		for (IMethod m : clazz.getDeclaredMethods()) {
			printToPDF(pathname, targetApplication.getClassHierachy(), targetApplication.findIRForMethod(m));
