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Java JsContext类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中com.google.gwt.dev.js.ast.JsContext的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java JsContext类的具体用法?Java JsContext怎么用?Java JsContext使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: findJavaRefs

import com.google.gwt.dev.js.ast.JsContext; //导入依赖的package包/类
private static List<JsniJavaRef> findJavaRefs(
    final MethodDeclaration jsniMethod) throws IOException,
    JavaScriptParseException, BadLocationException {
  final String jsniSource = JavaASTUtils.getSource(jsniMethod);
  ICompilationUnit cu = JavaASTUtils.getCompilationUnit(jsniMethod);
  final IPath cuPath = cu.getResource().getFullPath();
  final List<JsniJavaRef> javaRefs = new ArrayList<JsniJavaRef>();

  JsBlock js = JsniParser.parse(jsniSource);
  if (js != null) {
    // Visit the JavaScript AST to find all Java references
    new JsVisitor() {
      public void endVisit(JsNameRef x, @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") JsContext ctx) {
        String ident = x.getIdent();
        if (ident.indexOf("@") != -1) {
          JsniJavaRef javaRef = JsniJavaRef.parse(ident);
          if (javaRef != null) {
            // Set the reference's Java source file

            // To get the Java reference offset, we have to do an indexOf on
            // its identifier. To make sure we catch multiple references to
            // the same Java element, we need to start at the index one past
            // the start of the last Java reference we found (if any)
            int fromIndex = 0;
            if (javaRefs.size() > 0) {
              fromIndex = javaRefs.get(javaRefs.size() - 1).getOffset()
                  - jsniMethod.getStartPosition() + 1;
            int offset = jsniSource.indexOf(ident, fromIndex)
                + jsniMethod.getStartPosition();

            // Set the reference's offset within the Java source file


  return javaRefs;

示例2: endVisit

import com.google.gwt.dev.js.ast.JsContext; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void endVisit(JsNameRef x, JsContext ctx) {
  String ident = x.getIdent();
  if (ident.charAt(0) == '@') {
    Binding binding = jsniRefs.get(ident);
    SourceInfo info = x.getSourceInfo();
    if (binding == null) {
      assert ident.startsWith("@null::");
      if ("@null::nullMethod()".equals(ident)) {
        processMethod(x, info, JMethod.NULL_METHOD);
      } else {
        assert "@null::nullField".equals(ident);
        processField(x, info, JField.NULL_FIELD, ctx);
    } else if (binding instanceof TypeBinding) {
      JType type = typeMap.get((TypeBinding) binding);
      processClassLiteral(x, info, type, ctx);
    } else if (binding instanceof FieldBinding) {
      FieldBinding fieldBinding = (FieldBinding) binding;
       * We must replace any compile-time constants with the constant
       * value of the field.
      if (isCompileTimeConstant(fieldBinding)) {
        assert !ctx.isLvalue();
        JExpression constant = getConstant(info, fieldBinding.constant());
        JsExpression result = generator.pop();
        assert (result != null);
      } else {
        // Normal: create a jsniRef.
        JField field = typeMap.get(fieldBinding);
        processField(x, info, field, ctx);
    } else {
      JMethod method = typeMap.get((MethodBinding) binding);
      processMethod(x, info, method);

示例3: processClassLiteral

import com.google.gwt.dev.js.ast.JsContext; //导入依赖的package包/类
private void processClassLiteral(JsNameRef nameRef, SourceInfo info, JType type, JsContext ctx) {
  assert !ctx.isLvalue();
  JsniClassLiteral classLiteral = new JsniClassLiteral(info, nameRef.getIdent(), type);

示例4: processField

import com.google.gwt.dev.js.ast.JsContext; //导入依赖的package包/类
private void processField(JsNameRef nameRef, SourceInfo info, JField field, JsContext ctx) {
  JsniFieldRef fieldRef =
      new JsniFieldRef(info, nameRef.getIdent(), field, curClass.type, ctx.isLvalue());
