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Java JobDescription类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中com.google.common.css.JobDescription的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java JobDescription类的具体用法?Java JobDescription怎么用?Java JobDescription使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: executeJob

import com.google.common.css.JobDescription; //导入依赖的package包/类
private static void executeJob(
    JobDescription job, ExitCodeHandler exitCodeHandler, OutputInfo outputInfo) {
  CompilerErrorManager errorManager = new CompilerErrorManager();

  ClosureCommandLineCompiler compiler =
      new ClosureCommandLineCompiler(job, exitCodeHandler, errorManager);

  String compilerOutput = compiler.execute(outputInfo.renameFile, outputInfo.sourceMapFile);

  if (outputInfo.outputFile == null) {
  } else {
    try {
      Files.asCharSink(outputInfo.outputFile, UTF_8).write(compilerOutput);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      AbstractCommandLineCompiler.exitOnUnhandledException(e, exitCodeHandler);

示例2: createSubstitutionMap

import com.google.common.css.JobDescription; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Creates the CSS class substitution map from the provider, if any.
 * Wraps it in a substitution map that optionally prefixes all of the renamed
 * classes. Additionaly wraps in a recording substituion map which excludes a
 * blacklist of classnames and allows the map to produced as an output.
private static RecordingSubstitutionMap createSubstitutionMap(
    JobDescription job) {
  if (job.cssSubstitutionMapProvider != null) {
    SubstitutionMap baseMap = job.cssSubstitutionMapProvider.get();
    if (baseMap != null) {
      SubstitutionMap map = baseMap;
      if (!job.cssRenamingPrefix.isEmpty()) {
        map = new PrefixingSubstitutionMap(baseMap, job.cssRenamingPrefix);
      RecordingSubstitutionMap recording =
          new RecordingSubstitutionMap.Builder()
      return recording;
  return null;

示例3: testMixinPropagation

import com.google.common.css.JobDescription; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void testMixinPropagation() throws Exception {
  ErrorManager errorManager = new NewFunctionalTestBase.TestErrorManager(new String[0]);

  SourceCode def =
      new SourceCode(
          "def.gss", "@defmixin spriteUrl() {  background: url('sprite.png') no-repeat; }");
  SourceCode call = new SourceCode("call.gss", ".example { @mixin spriteUrl(); }");

  JobDescription job =
      new JobDescriptionBuilder()

  ClosureCommandLineCompiler compiler =
      new ClosureCommandLineCompiler(job, EXIT_CODE_HANDLER, errorManager);

  String output = compiler.execute(null /* renameFile */, null /* sourcemapFile */);

  assertThat(output).isEqualTo(".example{background:url('sprite.png') no-repeat}");

示例4: testEmptyImportBlocks

import com.google.common.css.JobDescription; //导入依赖的package包/类

  public void testEmptyImportBlocks() throws Exception {
    // See b/29995881
    ErrorManager errorManager = new NewFunctionalTestBase.TestErrorManager(new String[0]);

    JobDescription job = new JobDescriptionBuilder()
      .addInput(new SourceCode("main.css", "@import 'common.css';"))
      .addInput(new SourceCode("common.css", "/* common */"))

    File outputDir = Files.createTempDir();
    File sourceMapFile = new File(outputDir, "sourceMap");

    String compiledCss = new ClosureCommandLineCompiler(
        job, EXIT_CODE_HANDLER, errorManager)
        .execute(null /*renameFile*/, sourceMapFile);

    // The symptom was an IllegalStateException trapped by the compiler that
    // resulted in the exit handler being called which causes fail(...),
    // so if control reaches here, we're ok.


示例5: DefaultCommandLineCompiler

import com.google.common.css.JobDescription; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Constructs a {@code DefaultCommandLineCompiler}.
 * @param job The inputs the compiler should process and the options to use.
 * @param errorManager The error manager to use for error reporting.
protected DefaultCommandLineCompiler(JobDescription job,
    ExitCodeHandler exitCodeHandler, ErrorManager errorManager) {
  super(job, exitCodeHandler);
  this.errorManager = errorManager;
  this.passRunner = new PassRunner(job, errorManager);
  this.gssSourceMapGenerator = createSourceMapGenerator(job);

示例6: main

import com.google.common.css.JobDescription; //导入依赖的package包/类
public static void main(String[] args) {
  ExitCodeHandler exitCodeHandler = new DefaultExitCodeHandler();
  Flags flags = parseArgs(args, exitCodeHandler);
  if (flags == null) {

  JobDescription job = flags.createJobDescription();
  OutputInfo info = flags.createOutputInfo();
  executeJob(job, exitCodeHandler, info);

示例7: testAllowDefPropagationDefaultsToTrue

import com.google.common.css.JobDescription; //导入依赖的package包/类

  public void testAllowDefPropagationDefaultsToTrue() throws Exception {
    ClosureCommandLineCompiler.Flags flags =
        ClosureCommandLineCompiler.parseArgs(new String[] {"/dev/null"}, EXIT_CODE_HANDLER);
    JobDescription jobDescription = flags.createJobDescription();

示例8: parse

import com.google.common.css.JobDescription; //导入依赖的package包/类
private void parse(String styleSheet, RecordingSubstitutionMap map) {
  SourceCode input = new SourceCode("test-input", styleSheet);
  GssParser parser = new GssParser(input);
  CssTree cssTree;
  try {
    cssTree = parser.parse();
  } catch (GssParserException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException(e);
  JobDescription job = new JobDescriptionBuilder().getJobDescription();
  ErrorManager errorManager = new DummyErrorManager();
  PassRunner passRunner = new PassRunner(job, errorManager, map);

示例9: compileCss

import com.google.common.css.JobDescription; //导入依赖的package包/类
boolean compileCss(final BuildContext buildContext, Log log)
throws IOException {
  if (inputs.isEmpty()) {
    log.info("No CSS files to compile");
    return true;
  log.info("Compiling " + inputs.size() + " CSS files" +
      (outputFile.isPresent() ? " to " + outputFile.get().getPath() : ""));

  JobDescription job = cssOptions.getJobDescription(
      log, inputs, substitutionMapProvider);

  final class OkUnlessNonzeroExitCodeHandler implements ExitCodeHandler {
    boolean ok = true;

    public void processExitCode(int exitCode) {
      if (exitCode != 0) {
        ok = false;

  OkUnlessNonzeroExitCodeHandler exitCodeHandler =
      new OkUnlessNonzeroExitCodeHandler();

  ErrorManager errorManager = new MavenCssErrorManager(buildContext);
  for (Source input : inputs) {


  String compiledCss =
      new ClosureCommandLineCompiler(job, exitCodeHandler, errorManager) {
        public String execute(File renameOutFile, File sourceMapOutFile) {
          return super.execute(renameOutFile, sourceMapOutFile);
      .execute(renameFile.orNull(), sourceMapFile.orNull());
  if (compiledCss == null) {
    return false;
  if (outputFile.isPresent()) {
    Files.write(compiledCss, outputFile.get(), Charsets.UTF_8);
  return exitCodeHandler.ok;

示例10: createSourceMapGenerator

import com.google.common.css.JobDescription; //导入依赖的package包/类
private GssSourceMapGenerator createSourceMapGenerator(JobDescription job) {
  if (!job.createSourceMap) {
    return new NullGssSourceMapGenerator();
  return new DefaultGssSourceMapGenerator(job.sourceMapLevel);

示例11: ClosureCommandLineCompiler

import com.google.common.css.JobDescription; //导入依赖的package包/类
protected ClosureCommandLineCompiler(JobDescription job,
    ExitCodeHandler exitCodeHandler, ErrorManager errorManager) {
  super(job, exitCodeHandler, errorManager);

示例12: PassRunner

import com.google.common.css.JobDescription; //导入依赖的package包/类
public PassRunner(JobDescription job, ErrorManager errorManager) {
  this(job, errorManager, createSubstitutionMap(job));

示例13: GSSCompilerCli

import com.google.common.css.JobDescription; //导入依赖的package包/类
public GSSCompilerCli(JobDescription job, ExitCodeHandler exitCodeHandler,
		ErrorManager errorManager, LinkedHashSet<File> externs) {
	super(job, exitCodeHandler, errorManager);

示例14: GSSCompiler

import com.google.common.css.JobDescription; //导入依赖的package包/类
public GSSCompiler(JobDescription job, ExitCodeHandler exitCodeHandler,
		ErrorManager errorManager, LinkedHashSet<File> externs) {
	super(job, exitCodeHandler, errorManager);
	// this.externs = externs;

示例15: setOutputOrientation

import com.google.common.css.JobDescription; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Specify this option to perform automatic right to left conversion
 * of the input. You can choose between: LTR, RTL,
 * NOCHANGE. NOCHANGE means the input will not be changed in any way
 * with respect to direction issues. LTR outputs a sheet suitable
 * for left to right display and RTL outputs a sheet suitable for
 * right to left display. If the input orientation is different than
 * the requested output orientation, 'left' and 'right' values in
 * direction sensitive style rules are flipped. If the input already
 * has the desired orientation, this option effectively does nothing
 * except for defining GSS_LTR and GSS_RTL, respectively. The input
 * is LTR by default and can be changed with the input_orientation
 * flag.
 * <p>
 * When specified multiple times, multiple outputs are specified and
 * the {orient} can be used in the output path template to put output
 * compiled with different orientations in different output files.
public void setOutputOrientation(JobDescription.OutputOrientation x) {
