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Java SingleSegmentBase类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中com.google.android.exoplayer.dash.mpd.SegmentBase.SingleSegmentBase的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java SingleSegmentBase类的具体用法?Java SingleSegmentBase怎么用?Java SingleSegmentBase使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: testMaxVideoDimensionsLegacy

import com.google.android.exoplayer.dash.mpd.SegmentBase.SingleSegmentBase; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void testMaxVideoDimensionsLegacy() {
  SingleSegmentBase segmentBase1 = new SingleSegmentBase("https://example.com/1.mp4");
  Representation representation1 =
      Representation.newInstance(0, 0, null, 0, TALL_VIDEO, segmentBase1);

  SingleSegmentBase segmentBase2 = new SingleSegmentBase("https://example.com/2.mp4");
  Representation representation2 =
      Representation.newInstance(0, 0, null, 0, WIDE_VIDEO, segmentBase2);

  DashChunkSource chunkSource = new DashChunkSource(null, null, representation1, representation2);
  MediaFormat out = MediaFormat.createVideoFormat("video/h264", 1, 1, 1, 1, null);

  assertEquals(WIDE_WIDTH, out.getMaxVideoWidth());
  assertEquals(TALL_HEIGHT, out.getMaxVideoHeight());

示例2: newInstance

import com.google.android.exoplayer.dash.mpd.SegmentBase.SingleSegmentBase; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Constructs a new instance.
 * @param periodStartMs The start time of the enclosing period in milliseconds.
 * @param periodDurationMs The duration of the enclosing period in milliseconds, or -1 if the
 *     duration is unknown.
 * @param contentId Identifies the piece of content to which this representation belongs.
 * @param revisionId Identifies the revision of the content.
 * @param format The format of the representation.
 * @param segmentBase A segment base element for the representation.
 * @return The constructed instance.
public static Representation newInstance(long periodStartMs, long periodDurationMs,
    String contentId, long revisionId, Format format, SegmentBase segmentBase) {
  if (segmentBase instanceof SingleSegmentBase) {
    return new SingleSegmentRepresentation(periodStartMs, periodDurationMs, contentId, revisionId,
        format, (SingleSegmentBase) segmentBase, -1);
  } else if (segmentBase instanceof MultiSegmentBase) {
    return new MultiSegmentRepresentation(periodStartMs, periodDurationMs, contentId, revisionId,
        format, (MultiSegmentBase) segmentBase);
  } else {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("segmentBase must be of type SingleSegmentBase or "
        + "MultiSegmentBase");

示例3: SingleSegmentRepresentation

import com.google.android.exoplayer.dash.mpd.SegmentBase.SingleSegmentBase; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * @param periodStartMs The start time of the enclosing period in milliseconds.
 * @param periodDurationMs The duration of the enclosing period in milliseconds, or -1 if the
 *     duration is unknown.
 * @param contentId Identifies the piece of content to which this representation belongs.
 * @param revisionId Identifies the revision of the content.
 * @param format The format of the representation.
 * @param segmentBase The segment base underlying the representation.
 * @param contentLength The content length, or -1 if unknown.
public SingleSegmentRepresentation(long periodStartMs, long periodDurationMs, String contentId,
    long revisionId, Format format, SingleSegmentBase segmentBase, long contentLength) {
  super(periodStartMs, periodDurationMs, contentId, revisionId, format, segmentBase);
  this.uri = Uri.parse(segmentBase.uri);
  this.indexUri = segmentBase.getIndex();
  this.contentLength = contentLength;
  // If we have an index uri then the index is defined externally, and we shouldn't return one
  // directly. If we don't, then we can't do better than an index defining a single segment.
  segmentIndex = indexUri != null ? null : new DashSingleSegmentIndex(periodStartMs * 1000,
      periodDurationMs * 1000, new RangedUri(segmentBase.uri, null, 0, -1));

示例4: parseSegmentBase

import com.google.android.exoplayer.dash.mpd.SegmentBase.SingleSegmentBase; //导入依赖的package包/类
protected SingleSegmentBase parseSegmentBase(XmlPullParser xpp, String baseUrl,
    SingleSegmentBase parent) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException {

  long timescale = parseLong(xpp, "timescale", parent != null ? parent.timescale : 1);
  long presentationTimeOffset = parseLong(xpp, "presentationTimeOffset",
      parent != null ? parent.presentationTimeOffset : 0);

  long indexStart = parent != null ? parent.indexStart : 0;
  long indexLength = parent != null ? parent.indexLength : -1;
  String indexRangeText = xpp.getAttributeValue(null, "indexRange");
  if (indexRangeText != null) {
    String[] indexRange = indexRangeText.split("-");
    indexStart = Long.parseLong(indexRange[0]);
    indexLength = Long.parseLong(indexRange[1]) - indexStart + 1;

  RangedUri initialization = parent != null ? parent.initialization : null;
  do {
    if (isStartTag(xpp, "Initialization")) {
      initialization = parseInitialization(xpp, baseUrl);
  } while (!isEndTag(xpp, "SegmentBase"));

  return buildSingleSegmentBase(initialization, timescale, presentationTimeOffset, baseUrl,
      indexStart, indexLength);

示例5: newInstance

import com.google.android.exoplayer.dash.mpd.SegmentBase.SingleSegmentBase; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Constructs a new instance.
 * @param contentId Identifies the piece of content to which this representation belongs.
 * @param revisionId Identifies the revision of the content.
 * @param format The format of the representation.
 * @param segmentBase A segment base element for the representation.
 * @param customCacheKey A custom value to be returned from {@link #getCacheKey()}, or null.
 * @return The constructed instance.
public static Representation newInstance(String contentId, long revisionId, Format format,
    SegmentBase segmentBase, String customCacheKey) {
  if (segmentBase instanceof SingleSegmentBase) {
    return new SingleSegmentRepresentation(contentId, revisionId, format,
        (SingleSegmentBase) segmentBase, customCacheKey, -1);
  } else if (segmentBase instanceof MultiSegmentBase) {
    return new MultiSegmentRepresentation(contentId, revisionId, format,
        (MultiSegmentBase) segmentBase, customCacheKey);
  } else {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("segmentBase must be of type SingleSegmentBase or "
        + "MultiSegmentBase");

示例6: SingleSegmentRepresentation

import com.google.android.exoplayer.dash.mpd.SegmentBase.SingleSegmentBase; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * @param contentId Identifies the piece of content to which this representation belongs.
 * @param revisionId Identifies the revision of the content.
 * @param format The format of the representation.
 * @param segmentBase The segment base underlying the representation.
 * @param customCacheKey A custom value to be returned from {@link #getCacheKey()}, or null.
 * @param contentLength The content length, or -1 if unknown.
public SingleSegmentRepresentation(String contentId, long revisionId, Format format,
    SingleSegmentBase segmentBase, String customCacheKey, long contentLength) {
  super(contentId, revisionId, format, segmentBase, customCacheKey);
  this.uri = Uri.parse(segmentBase.uri);
  this.indexUri = segmentBase.getIndex();
  this.contentLength = contentLength;
  // If we have an index uri then the index is defined externally, and we shouldn't return one
  // directly. If we don't, then we can't do better than an index defining a single segment.
  segmentIndex = indexUri != null ? null
      : new DashSingleSegmentIndex(new RangedUri(segmentBase.uri, null, 0, contentLength));

示例7: parseSegmentBase

import com.google.android.exoplayer.dash.mpd.SegmentBase.SingleSegmentBase; //导入依赖的package包/类
protected SingleSegmentBase parseSegmentBase(XmlPullParser xpp, String baseUrl,
    SingleSegmentBase parent) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException {

  long timescale = parseLong(xpp, "timescale", parent != null ? parent.timescale : 1);
  long presentationTimeOffset = parseLong(xpp, "presentationTimeOffset",
      parent != null ? parent.presentationTimeOffset : 0);

  long indexStart = parent != null ? parent.indexStart : 0;
  long indexLength = parent != null ? parent.indexLength : -1;
  String indexRangeText = xpp.getAttributeValue(null, "indexRange");
  if (indexRangeText != null) {
    String[] indexRange = indexRangeText.split("-");
    indexStart = Long.parseLong(indexRange[0]);
    indexLength = Long.parseLong(indexRange[1]) - indexStart + 1;

  RangedUri initialization = parent != null ? parent.initialization : null;
  do {
    if (ParserUtil.isStartTag(xpp, "Initialization")) {
      initialization = parseInitialization(xpp, baseUrl);
  } while (!ParserUtil.isEndTag(xpp, "SegmentBase"));

  return buildSingleSegmentBase(initialization, timescale, presentationTimeOffset, baseUrl,
      indexStart, indexLength);

示例8: parseRepresentation

import com.google.android.exoplayer.dash.mpd.SegmentBase.SingleSegmentBase; //导入依赖的package包/类
protected Representation parseRepresentation(XmlPullParser xpp, String contentId, Uri baseUrl,
    long periodStartMs, long periodDurationMs, String mimeType, String language,
    SegmentBase segmentBase) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException {
  String id = xpp.getAttributeValue(null, "id");
  int bandwidth = parseInt(xpp, "bandwidth");
  int audioSamplingRate = parseInt(xpp, "audioSamplingRate");
  int width = parseInt(xpp, "width");
  int height = parseInt(xpp, "height");
  mimeType = parseString(xpp, "mimeType", mimeType);

  int numChannels = -1;
  do {
    if (isStartTag(xpp, "BaseURL")) {
      baseUrl = parseBaseUrl(xpp, baseUrl);
    } else if (isStartTag(xpp, "AudioChannelConfiguration")) {
      numChannels = Integer.parseInt(xpp.getAttributeValue(null, "value"));
    } else if (isStartTag(xpp, "SegmentBase")) {
      segmentBase = parseSegmentBase(xpp, baseUrl, (SingleSegmentBase) segmentBase);
    } else if (isStartTag(xpp, "SegmentList")) {
      segmentBase = parseSegmentList(xpp, baseUrl, (SegmentList) segmentBase, periodDurationMs);
    } else if (isStartTag(xpp, "SegmentTemplate")) {
      segmentBase = parseSegmentTemplate(xpp, baseUrl, (SegmentTemplate) segmentBase,
  } while (!isEndTag(xpp, "Representation"));

  Format format = buildFormat(id, mimeType, width, height, numChannels, audioSamplingRate,
      bandwidth, language);
  return buildRepresentation(periodStartMs, periodDurationMs, contentId, -1, format,

示例9: parseSegmentBase

import com.google.android.exoplayer.dash.mpd.SegmentBase.SingleSegmentBase; //导入依赖的package包/类
protected SingleSegmentBase parseSegmentBase(XmlPullParser xpp, Uri baseUrl,
    SingleSegmentBase parent) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException {

  long timescale = parseLong(xpp, "timescale", parent != null ? parent.timescale : 1);
  long presentationTimeOffset = parseLong(xpp, "presentationTimeOffset",
      parent != null ? parent.presentationTimeOffset : 0);

  long indexStart = parent != null ? parent.indexStart : 0;
  long indexLength = parent != null ? parent.indexLength : -1;
  String indexRangeText = xpp.getAttributeValue(null, "indexRange");
  if (indexRangeText != null) {
    String[] indexRange = indexRangeText.split("-");
    indexStart = Long.parseLong(indexRange[0]);
    indexLength = Long.parseLong(indexRange[1]) - indexStart + 1;

  RangedUri initialization = parent != null ? parent.initialization : null;
  do {
    if (isStartTag(xpp, "Initialization")) {
      initialization = parseInitialization(xpp, baseUrl);
  } while (!isEndTag(xpp, "SegmentBase"));

  return buildSingleSegmentBase(initialization, timescale, presentationTimeOffset, baseUrl,
      indexStart, indexLength);

示例10: SingleSegmentRepresentation

import com.google.android.exoplayer.dash.mpd.SegmentBase.SingleSegmentBase; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * @param periodStartMs The start time of the enclosing period in milliseconds.
 * @param periodDurationMs The duration of the enclosing period in milliseconds, or -1 if the
 *     duration is unknown.
 * @param contentId Identifies the piece of content to which this representation belongs.
 * @param revisionId Identifies the revision of the content.
 * @param format The format of the representation.
 * @param segmentBase The segment base underlying the representation.
 * @param contentLength The content length, or -1 if unknown.
public SingleSegmentRepresentation(long periodStartMs, long periodDurationMs, String contentId,
    long revisionId, Format format, SingleSegmentBase segmentBase, long contentLength) {
  super(periodStartMs, periodDurationMs, contentId, revisionId, format, segmentBase);
  this.uri = segmentBase.uri;
  this.indexUri = segmentBase.getIndex();
  this.contentLength = contentLength;
  // If we have an index uri then the index is defined externally, and we shouldn't return one
  // directly. If we don't, then we can't do better than an index defining a single segment.
  segmentIndex = indexUri != null ? null : new DashSingleSegmentIndex(periodStartMs * 1000,
      periodDurationMs * 1000, new RangedUri(uri, null, 0, -1));

示例11: parseRepresentation

import com.google.android.exoplayer.dash.mpd.SegmentBase.SingleSegmentBase; //导入依赖的package包/类
protected Representation parseRepresentation(XmlPullParser xpp, String contentId, Uri baseUrl,
    long periodStartMs, long periodDurationMs, String mimeType, String language,
    SegmentBase segmentBase) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException {
  String id = xpp.getAttributeValue(null, "id");
  int bandwidth = parseInt(xpp, "bandwidth");
  int audioSamplingRate = parseInt(xpp, "audioSamplingRate");
  int width = parseInt(xpp, "width");
  int height = parseInt(xpp, "height");
  mimeType = parseString(xpp, "mimeType", mimeType);
  String codecs = parseString(xpp, "codecs", null);

  int numChannels = -1;
  do {
    if (isStartTag(xpp, "BaseURL")) {
      baseUrl = parseBaseUrl(xpp, baseUrl);
    } else if (isStartTag(xpp, "AudioChannelConfiguration")) {
      numChannels = Integer.parseInt(xpp.getAttributeValue(null, "value"));
    } else if (isStartTag(xpp, "SegmentBase")) {
      segmentBase = parseSegmentBase(xpp, baseUrl, (SingleSegmentBase) segmentBase);
    } else if (isStartTag(xpp, "SegmentList")) {
      segmentBase = parseSegmentList(xpp, baseUrl, (SegmentList) segmentBase, periodDurationMs);
    } else if (isStartTag(xpp, "SegmentTemplate")) {
      segmentBase = parseSegmentTemplate(xpp, baseUrl, (SegmentTemplate) segmentBase,
  } while (!isEndTag(xpp, "Representation"));

  Format format = buildFormat(id, mimeType, width, height, numChannels, audioSamplingRate,
      bandwidth, language, codecs);
  return buildRepresentation(periodStartMs, periodDurationMs, contentId, -1, format,
      segmentBase != null ? segmentBase : new SingleSegmentBase(baseUrl));

示例12: parseRepresentation

import com.google.android.exoplayer.dash.mpd.SegmentBase.SingleSegmentBase; //导入依赖的package包/类
private Representation parseRepresentation(XmlPullParser xpp, String contentId, Uri baseUrl,
    long periodStartMs, long periodDurationMs, String mimeType, String language,
    SegmentBase segmentBase) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException {
  String id = xpp.getAttributeValue(null, "id");
  int bandwidth = parseInt(xpp, "bandwidth");
  int audioSamplingRate = parseInt(xpp, "audioSamplingRate");
  int width = parseInt(xpp, "width");
  int height = parseInt(xpp, "height");
  mimeType = parseString(xpp, "mimeType", mimeType);

  int numChannels = -1;
  do {
    if (isStartTag(xpp, "BaseURL")) {
      baseUrl = parseBaseUrl(xpp, baseUrl);
    } else if (isStartTag(xpp, "AudioChannelConfiguration")) {
      numChannels = Integer.parseInt(xpp.getAttributeValue(null, "value"));
    } else if (isStartTag(xpp, "SegmentBase")) {
      segmentBase = parseSegmentBase(xpp, baseUrl, (SingleSegmentBase) segmentBase);
    } else if (isStartTag(xpp, "SegmentList")) {
      segmentBase = parseSegmentList(xpp, baseUrl, (SegmentList) segmentBase, periodDurationMs);
    } else if (isStartTag(xpp, "SegmentTemplate")) {
      segmentBase = parseSegmentTemplate(xpp, baseUrl, (SegmentTemplate) segmentBase,
  } while (!isEndTag(xpp, "Representation"));

  Format format = new Format(id, mimeType, width, height, numChannels, audioSamplingRate,
      bandwidth, language);
  return Representation.newInstance(periodStartMs, periodDurationMs, contentId, -1, format,

示例13: parseSegmentBase

import com.google.android.exoplayer.dash.mpd.SegmentBase.SingleSegmentBase; //导入依赖的package包/类
private SingleSegmentBase parseSegmentBase(XmlPullParser xpp, Uri baseUrl,
    SingleSegmentBase parent) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException {

  long timescale = parseLong(xpp, "timescale", parent != null ? parent.timescale : 1);
  long presentationTimeOffset = parseLong(xpp, "presentationTimeOffset",
      parent != null ? parent.presentationTimeOffset : 0);

  long indexStart = parent != null ? parent.indexStart : 0;
  long indexLength = parent != null ? parent.indexLength : -1;
  String indexRangeText = xpp.getAttributeValue(null, "indexRange");
  if (indexRangeText != null) {
    String[] indexRange = indexRangeText.split("-");
    indexStart = Long.parseLong(indexRange[0]);
    indexLength = Long.parseLong(indexRange[1]) - indexStart + 1;

  RangedUri initialization = parent != null ? parent.initialization : null;
  do {
    if (isStartTag(xpp, "Initialization")) {
      initialization = parseInitialization(xpp, baseUrl);
  } while (!isEndTag(xpp, "SegmentBase"));

  return new SingleSegmentBase(initialization, timescale, presentationTimeOffset, baseUrl,
      indexStart, indexLength);

示例14: testGetCacheKey

import com.google.android.exoplayer.dash.mpd.SegmentBase.SingleSegmentBase; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void testGetCacheKey() {
  String uri = "http://www.google.com";
  SegmentBase base = new SingleSegmentBase(new RangedUri(uri, null, 0, 1), 1, 0, uri, 1, 1);
  Format format = new Format("0", MimeTypes.VIDEO_MP4, 1920, 1080, -1, 0, 0, 2500000);
  Representation representation = Representation.newInstance(-1, -1, "test_stream_1", 3,
      format, base);
  assertEquals("test_stream_1.0.3", representation.getCacheKey());

  format = new Format("150", MimeTypes.VIDEO_MP4, 1920, 1080, -1, 0, 0, 2500000);
  representation = Representation.newInstance(-1, -1, "test_stream_1", -1, format, base);
  assertEquals("test_stream_1.150.-1", representation.getCacheKey());

示例15: parseAdaptationSet

import com.google.android.exoplayer.dash.mpd.SegmentBase.SingleSegmentBase; //导入依赖的package包/类
protected AdaptationSet parseAdaptationSet(XmlPullParser xpp, String baseUrl, long periodStartMs,
    long periodDurationMs, SegmentBase segmentBase) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException {

  int id = parseInt(xpp, "id", -1);
  String mimeType = xpp.getAttributeValue(null, "mimeType");
  String language = xpp.getAttributeValue(null, "lang");
  int contentType = parseAdaptationSetType(xpp.getAttributeValue(null, "contentType"));
  if (contentType == AdaptationSet.TYPE_UNKNOWN) {
    contentType = parseAdaptationSetTypeFromMimeType(xpp.getAttributeValue(null, "mimeType"));

  ContentProtectionsBuilder contentProtectionsBuilder = new ContentProtectionsBuilder();
  List<Representation> representations = new ArrayList<>();
  do {
    if (isStartTag(xpp, "BaseURL")) {
      baseUrl = parseBaseUrl(xpp, baseUrl);
    } else if (isStartTag(xpp, "ContentProtection")) {
    } else if (isStartTag(xpp, "ContentComponent")) {
      language = checkLanguageConsistency(language, xpp.getAttributeValue(null, "lang"));
      contentType = checkAdaptationSetTypeConsistency(contentType,
          parseAdaptationSetType(xpp.getAttributeValue(null, "contentType")));
    } else if (isStartTag(xpp, "Representation")) {
      Representation representation = parseRepresentation(xpp, baseUrl, periodStartMs,
          periodDurationMs, mimeType, language, segmentBase, contentProtectionsBuilder);
      contentType = checkAdaptationSetTypeConsistency(contentType,
    } else if (isStartTag(xpp, "SegmentBase")) {
      segmentBase = parseSegmentBase(xpp, baseUrl, (SingleSegmentBase) segmentBase);
    } else if (isStartTag(xpp, "SegmentList")) {
      segmentBase = parseSegmentList(xpp, baseUrl, (SegmentList) segmentBase, periodDurationMs);
    } else if (isStartTag(xpp, "SegmentTemplate")) {
      segmentBase = parseSegmentTemplate(xpp, baseUrl, (SegmentTemplate) segmentBase,
    } else if (isStartTag(xpp)) {
  } while (!isEndTag(xpp, "AdaptationSet"));

  return buildAdaptationSet(id, contentType, representations, contentProtectionsBuilder.build());
