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Java StringOption类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中com.github.javacliparser.StringOption的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java StringOption类的具体用法?Java StringOption怎么用?Java StringOption使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: createScript

import com.github.javacliparser.StringOption; //导入依赖的package包/类
    * Creates the content of the gnuplot script.
    * @param resultFile path of the plot output file
    * @return gnuplot script
   private String createScript(File resultFile) {
String newLine = System.getProperty("line.separator");
int sourceFileIdx = 0;

// terminal options;
String script = "set term "
	+ terminalOptions(Terminal.valueOf(outputTypeOption
		.getChosenLabel())) + newLine;
script += "set output '" + resultFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'" + newLine;
script += "set datafile separator ','" + newLine;
script += "set grid" + newLine;
script += "set style line 1 pt 8" + newLine;
script += "set style line 2 lt rgb '#00C000'" + newLine;
script += "set style line 5 lt rgb '#FFD800'" + newLine;
script += "set style line 6 lt rgb '#4E0000'" + newLine;
script += "set format x '%.0s %c" + getAxisUnit(xUnitOption.getValue())
	+ "'" + newLine;
script += "set format y '%.0s %c" + getAxisUnit(yUnitOption.getValue())
	+ "'" + newLine;
script += "set ylabel '" + yTitleOption.getValue() + "'" + newLine;
script += "set xlabel '" + xTitleOption.getValue() + "'" + newLine;
if (!legendTypeOption.getChosenLabel().equals(LegendType.NONE)) {
    script += "set key "
	    + legendTypeOption.getChosenLabel().toLowerCase().replace(
		    '_', ' ')
	    + " "
	    + legendLocationOption.getChosenLabel().toLowerCase()
		    .replace('_', ' ') + newLine;

// additional commands
script += additionalSetOption.getValue();

// plot command
script += "plot " + additionalPlotOption.getValue() + " ";

// plot for each input file
for (int i = 0; i < inputFilesOption.getList().length; i++) {
    if (sourceFileIdx > 0) {
	script += ", ";
    script += "'" + ((StringOption) inputFilesOption
		.getList()[i]).getValue() + "' using "
	    + xColumnOption.getValue() + ":" + yColumnOption.getValue();

    if (smoothOption.isSet()) {
	script += ":(1.0) smooth bezier";

    script += " with " + plotStyleOption.getChosenLabel().toLowerCase()
	    + " ls " + sourceFileIdx + " lw "
	    + lineWidthOption.getValue();
    if (plotStyleOption.getChosenLabel().equals(
	    && pointIntervalOption.getValue() > 0) {
	script += " pointinterval " + pointIntervalOption.getValue();
    script += " title '" + ((StringOption) fileAliasesOption
		.getList()[i]).getValue() + "'";
script += newLine;
return script;
