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Java ScheduleUnit类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中com.espertech.esper.type.ScheduleUnit的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java ScheduleUnit类的具体用法?Java ScheduleUnit怎么用?Java ScheduleUnit使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: computeNextOccurance

import com.espertech.esper.type.ScheduleUnit; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Computes the next lowest date in milliseconds based on a specification and the
 * from-time passed in.
 * @param spec              defines the schedule
 * @param afterTimeInMillis defines the start time
 * @param timeZone          time zone
 * @param timeAbacus time abacus
 * @return a long date millisecond value for the next schedule occurance matching the spec
public static long computeNextOccurance(ScheduleSpec spec, long afterTimeInMillis, TimeZone timeZone, TimeAbacus timeAbacus) {
    if ((ExecutionPathDebugLog.isDebugEnabled) && (log.isDebugEnabled())) {
        log.debug(".computeNextOccurance Computing next occurance, afterTimeInMillis=" + (new Date(afterTimeInMillis)) +
                "  as long=" + afterTimeInMillis +
                "  spec=" + spec);

    // Add the minimum resolution to the start time to ensure we don't get the same exact time
    if (spec.getUnitValues().containsKey(ScheduleUnit.SECONDS)) {
        afterTimeInMillis += timeAbacus.getOneSecond();
    } else {
        afterTimeInMillis += 60 * timeAbacus.getOneSecond();

    return compute(spec, afterTimeInMillis, timeZone, timeAbacus);

示例2: toString

import com.espertech.esper.type.ScheduleUnit; //导入依赖的package包/类
public final String toString() {
    StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
    for (ScheduleUnit element : ScheduleUnit.values()) {
        if (!unitValues.containsKey(element)) {

        Set<Integer> valueSet = unitValues.get(element);
        buffer.append(element + "={");
        if (valueSet == null) {
        } else {
            String delimiter = "";
            for (int i : valueSet) {
                buffer.append(delimiter + i);
                delimiter = ",";
        buffer.append("} ");
    return buffer.toString();

示例3: computeNextOccurance

import com.espertech.esper.type.ScheduleUnit; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Computes the next lowest date in milliseconds based on a specification and the
 * from-time passed in.
 * @param spec defines the schedule
 * @param afterTimeInMillis defines the start time
 * @return a long date millisecond value for the next schedule occurance matching the spec
public static long computeNextOccurance(ScheduleSpec spec, long afterTimeInMillis)
    if ((ExecutionPathDebugLog.isDebugEnabled) && (log.isDebugEnabled()))
        log.debug(".computeNextOccurance Computing next occurance, afterTimeInMillis=" + (new Date(afterTimeInMillis)) +
                  "  as long=" + afterTimeInMillis +
                  "  spec=" + spec);

    // Add the minimum resolution to the start time to ensure we don't get the same exact time
    if (spec.getUnitValues().containsKey(ScheduleUnit.SECONDS))
        afterTimeInMillis += MIN_OFFSET_MSEC;
        afterTimeInMillis += 60 * MIN_OFFSET_MSEC;

    return compute(spec, afterTimeInMillis);

示例4: testCompress

import com.espertech.esper.type.ScheduleUnit; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void testCompress()
    EnumMap<ScheduleUnit, SortedSet<Integer>> unitValues = new EnumMap<ScheduleUnit, SortedSet<Integer>>(ScheduleUnit.class);
    unitValues = (new ScheduleSpec()).getUnitValues();

    // Populate Month with all valid values
    SortedSet<Integer> monthValues = new TreeSet<Integer>();
    for (int i = ScheduleUnit.MONTHS.min(); i <= ScheduleUnit.MONTHS.max(); i++)
    unitValues.put(ScheduleUnit.MONTHS, monthValues);

    // Construct spec, test that month was replaced with wildcards
    ScheduleSpec spec = new ScheduleSpec(unitValues);
    assertTrue(spec.getUnitValues().get(ScheduleUnit.MONTHS) == null);

示例5: ScheduleSpec

import com.espertech.esper.type.ScheduleUnit; //导入依赖的package包/类
public ScheduleSpec(EnumMap<ScheduleUnit, SortedSet<Integer>> unitValues, String optionalTimeZone, CronParameter optionalDayOfMonthOperator, CronParameter optionalDayOfWeekOperator) throws IllegalArgumentException {

    // Reduce to wildcards any unit's values set, if possible

    this.unitValues = unitValues;
    this.optionalTimeZone = optionalTimeZone;
    this.optionalDayOfMonthOperator = optionalDayOfMonthOperator;
    this.optionalDayOfWeekOperator = optionalDayOfWeekOperator;

示例6: addValue

import com.espertech.esper.type.ScheduleUnit; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * For unit testing, add a single value, changing wildcards to value sets.
 * @param element to add
 * @param value   to add
public final void addValue(ScheduleUnit element, int value) {
    SortedSet<Integer> set = unitValues.get(element);
    if (set == null) {
        set = new TreeSet<Integer>();
        unitValues.put(element, set);

示例7: compress

import com.espertech.esper.type.ScheduleUnit; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Function to reduce value sets for unit that cover the whole range down to a wildcard.
 * I.e. reduce 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 for week value to 'null' indicating the wildcard.
 * @param unitValues is the set of valid values per unit
protected static void compress(Map<ScheduleUnit, SortedSet<Integer>> unitValues) {
    for (Map.Entry<ScheduleUnit, SortedSet<Integer>> entry : unitValues.entrySet()) {
        int elementValueSetSize = entry.getKey().max() - entry.getKey().min() + 1;
        if (entry.getValue() != null) {
            if (entry.getValue().size() == elementValueSetSize) {
                unitValues.put(entry.getKey(), null);

示例8: testValidate

import com.espertech.esper.type.ScheduleUnit; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void testValidate() {
    // Test all units missing
    EnumMap<ScheduleUnit, SortedSet<Integer>> unitValues = new EnumMap<ScheduleUnit, SortedSet<Integer>>(ScheduleUnit.class);

    // Test one unit missing
    unitValues = (new ScheduleSpec()).getUnitValues();

    // Test all units are wildcards
    unitValues = (new ScheduleSpec()).getUnitValues();
    new ScheduleSpec(unitValues, null, null, null);

    // Test invalid value in month
    SortedSet<Integer> values = new TreeSet<Integer>();
    unitValues.put(ScheduleUnit.MONTHS, values);

    // Test valid value in month
    values = new TreeSet<Integer>();
    unitValues.put(ScheduleUnit.MONTHS, values);
    new ScheduleSpec(unitValues, null, null, null);

示例9: testCompress

import com.espertech.esper.type.ScheduleUnit; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void testCompress() {
    EnumMap<ScheduleUnit, SortedSet<Integer>> unitValues = new EnumMap<ScheduleUnit, SortedSet<Integer>>(ScheduleUnit.class);
    unitValues = (new ScheduleSpec()).getUnitValues();

    // Populate Month with all valid values
    SortedSet<Integer> monthValues = new TreeSet<Integer>();
    for (int i = ScheduleUnit.MONTHS.min(); i <= ScheduleUnit.MONTHS.max(); i++) {
    unitValues.put(ScheduleUnit.MONTHS, monthValues);

    // Construct spec, test that month was replaced with wildcards
    ScheduleSpec spec = new ScheduleSpec(unitValues, null, null, null);
    assertTrue(spec.getUnitValues().get(ScheduleUnit.MONTHS) == null);

示例10: assertInvalid

import com.espertech.esper.type.ScheduleUnit; //导入依赖的package包/类
private void assertInvalid(EnumMap<ScheduleUnit, SortedSet<Integer>> unitValues) {
    try {
        new ScheduleSpec(unitValues, null, null, null);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
        log.debug(".assertInvalid Expected exception, msg=" + ex.getMessage());
        // Expected exception

示例11: ScheduleSpec

import com.espertech.esper.type.ScheduleUnit; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Constructor - validates that all mandatory schedule.
 * @param unitValues are the values for each minute, hour, day, month etc.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException - if validation of value set per unit fails
public ScheduleSpec(EnumMap<ScheduleUnit, SortedSet<Integer>> unitValues) throws IllegalArgumentException

    // Reduce to wildcards any unit's values set, if possible

    this.unitValues = unitValues;

示例12: addValue

import com.espertech.esper.type.ScheduleUnit; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * For unit testing, add a single value, changing wildcards to value sets.
 * @param element to add
 * @param value to add
public final void addValue(ScheduleUnit element, int value)
    SortedSet<Integer> set = unitValues.get(element);
    if (set == null)
        set = new TreeSet<Integer>();
        unitValues.put(element, set);

示例13: toString

import com.espertech.esper.type.ScheduleUnit; //导入依赖的package包/类
public final String toString()
    StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
    for (ScheduleUnit element : ScheduleUnit.values())
        if (!unitValues.containsKey(element))

        Set<Integer> valueSet = unitValues.get(element);
        buffer.append(element + "={");
        if (valueSet == null)
            String delimiter = "";
            for (int i : valueSet)
                buffer.append(delimiter + i);
                delimiter = ",";
        buffer.append("} ");
    return buffer.toString();

示例14: compress

import com.espertech.esper.type.ScheduleUnit; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Function to reduce value sets for unit that cover the whole range down to a wildcard.
 * I.e. reduce 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 for week value to 'null' indicating the wildcard.
 * @param unitValues is the set of valid values per unit
protected static void compress(Map<ScheduleUnit, SortedSet<Integer>> unitValues)
    for (Map.Entry<ScheduleUnit, SortedSet<Integer>> entry : unitValues.entrySet())
        int elementValueSetSize = entry.getKey().max() - entry.getKey().min() + 1;
        if (entry.getValue() != null)
            if (entry.getValue().size() == elementValueSetSize)
                unitValues.put(entry.getKey(), null);

示例15: setUp

import com.espertech.esper.type.ScheduleUnit; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void setUp()
    beginState = new MatchedEventMapImpl(new MatchedEventMapMeta(new String[0], false));

    scheduleService = new SchedulingServiceImpl(new TimeSourceServiceImpl());
    PatternAgentInstanceContext agentContext = SupportPatternContextFactory.makePatternAgentInstanceContext(scheduleService);

    ScheduleSpec scheduleSpec = new ScheduleSpec();
    scheduleSpec.addValue(ScheduleUnit.SECONDS, 1);

    evaluator = new SupportObserverEvaluator(agentContext);

    observer =  new TimerAtObserver(scheduleSpec, beginState, evaluator);
