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Java MenuListener类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中com.dsh105.echopet.listeners.MenuListener的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java MenuListener类的具体用法?Java MenuListener怎么用?Java MenuListener使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: onEnable

import com.dsh105.echopet.listeners.MenuListener; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void onEnable() {
    isUsingNetty = CommonReflection.isUsingNetty();

    this.configManager = new YAMLConfigManager(this);
    COMMAND_MANAGER = new CommandManager(this);
    // Make sure that the plugin is running under the correct version to prevent errors

    if (NmsVersion.current() == null || !INMS.isSupported()) {
        EchoPet.LOG.log(ChatColor.RED + "SonarPet " + ChatColor.GOLD
                + this.getDescription().getVersion() + ChatColor.RED
                + " is not compatible with this version of CraftBukkit");
        EchoPet.LOG.log(ChatColor.RED + "Initialisation failed. Please update the plugin.");

        DynamicPluginCommand cmd = new DynamicPluginCommand(this.cmdString, new String[0], "", "",
                new VersionIncompatibleCommand(this, this.cmdString, ChatColor.YELLOW +
                        "SonarPet " + ChatColor.GOLD + this.getDescription().getVersion() + ChatColor.YELLOW + " is not compatible with this version of CraftBukkit. Please update the plugin.",
                        "echopet.pet", ChatColor.YELLOW + "You are not allowed to do that."),
                null, this);
    EntityRegistry entityRegistry;
    if (CitizensEntityRegistryHack.isNeeded()) {
        getLogger().warning("Attempting to inject citizens compatibility hack....");
        entityRegistry = CitizensEntityRegistryHack.createInstance();
        getLogger().warning("Successfully injected citizens compatibility hack!");
    } else {
        //noinspection deprecation // We check for citizens first ;)
        entityRegistry = INMS.getInstance().createDefaultEntityRegistry();
    this.entityRegistry = Objects.requireNonNull(entityRegistry);


    PluginManager manager = getServer().getPluginManager();

    MANAGER = new PetManager();
    SQL_MANAGER = new SqlPetManager();

    if (OPTIONS.useSql()) {

    // Register custom commands
    // Command string based off the string defined in config.yml
    // By default, set to 'pet'
    // PetAdmin command draws from the original, with 'admin' on the end
    this.cmdString = OPTIONS.getCommandString();
    this.adminCmdString = OPTIONS.getCommandString() + "admin";
    DynamicPluginCommand petCmd = new DynamicPluginCommand(this.cmdString, new String[0], "Create and manage your own custom pets.", "Use /" + this.cmdString + " help to see the command list.", new PetCommand(this.cmdString), null, this);
    petCmd.setTabCompleter(new CommandComplete());
    COMMAND_MANAGER.register(new DynamicPluginCommand(this.adminCmdString, new String[0], "Create and manage the pets of other players.", "Use /" + this.adminCmdString + " help to see the command list.", new PetAdminCommand(this.adminCmdString), null, this));

    // Initialize hook classes
    for (ClassPath.ClassInfo hookType : ClassPath.from(getClass().getClassLoader()).getTopLevelClasses("net.techcable.sonarpet.nms.entity.type")) {
        if (!hookType.load().isAnnotationPresent(EntityHook.class)) continue;
        for (EntityHookType type : hookType.load().getAnnotation(EntityHook.class).value()) {
            if (!type.isActive()) continue;
            hookRegistry.registerHookClass(type, hookType.load().asSubclass(IEntityPet.class));

    // Register listeners
    manager.registerEvents(new MenuListener(), this);
    manager.registerEvents(new PetEntityListener(this), this);
    manager.registerEvents(new PetOwnerListener(), this);
    if (VersionNotificationListener.isNeeded()) {
        manager.registerEvents(new VersionNotificationListener(), this);
    //manager.registerEvents(new ChunkListener(), this);

    this.vanishProvider = new VanishProvider(this);
    this.worldGuardProvider = new WorldGuardProvider(this);
