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Java NBTIO类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java NBTIO类的具体用法?Java NBTIO怎么用?Java NBTIO使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: saveNBT

import cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void saveNBT() {
    if (this.item != null) { // Yes, a item can be null... I don't know what causes this, but it can happen.
        this.namedTag.putCompound("Item", NBTIO.putItemHelper(this.item, -1));
        this.namedTag.putShort("Health", (int) this.getHealth());
        this.namedTag.putShort("Age", this.age);
        this.namedTag.putShort("PickupDelay", this.pickupDelay);
        if (this.owner != null) {
            this.namedTag.putString("Owner", this.owner);

        if (this.thrower != null) {
            this.namedTag.putString("Thrower", this.thrower);

示例2: BaseLevelProvider

import cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO; //导入依赖的package包/类
public BaseLevelProvider(Level level, String path) throws IOException {
    this.level = level;
    this.path = path;
    File file_path = new File(this.path);
    if (!file_path.exists()) {
    CompoundTag levelData = NBTIO.readCompressed(new FileInputStream(new File(this.getPath() + "level.dat")), ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN);
    if (levelData.get("Data") instanceof CompoundTag) {
        this.levelData = levelData.getCompound("Data");
    } else {
        throw new LevelException("Invalid level.dat");

    if (!this.levelData.contains("generatorName")) {
        this.levelData.putString("generatorName", Generator.getGenerator("DEFAULT").getSimpleName().toLowerCase());

    if (!this.levelData.contains("generatorOptions")) {
        this.levelData.putString("generatorOptions", "");


示例3: BlockEntityChest

import cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO; //导入依赖的package包/类
public BlockEntityChest(FullChunk chunk, CompoundTag nbt) {
    super(chunk, nbt);
    this.inventory = new ChestInventory(this);

    if (!this.namedTag.contains("Items") || !(this.namedTag.get("Items") instanceof ListTag)) {
        this.namedTag.putList(new ListTag<CompoundTag>("Items"));

    /* for (int i = 0; i < this.getSize(); i++) {
        this.inventory.setItem(i, this.getItem(i));
    } */
    ListTag<CompoundTag> list = (ListTag<CompoundTag>) this.namedTag.getList("Items");
    for (CompoundTag compound : list.getAll()) {
        Item item = NBTIO.getItemHelper(compound);
        this.inventory.slots.put(compound.getByte("Slot"), item);

示例4: ChunkRequestTask

import cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO; //导入依赖的package包/类
public ChunkRequestTask(Level level, Chunk chunk) {
    this.levelId = level.getId();
    this.chunk = chunk.toFastBinary();
    this.chunkX = chunk.getX();
    this.chunkZ = chunk.getZ();

    byte[] buffer = new byte[0];

    for (BlockEntity blockEntity : chunk.getBlockEntities().values()) {
        if (blockEntity instanceof BlockEntitySpawnable) {
            try {
                buffer = Binary.appendBytes(buffer, NBTIO.write(((BlockEntitySpawnable) blockEntity).getSpawnCompound(), ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN, true));
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);


    this.blockEntities = buffer;

示例5: setItem

import cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void setItem(int index, Item item) {
    int i = this.getSlotIndex(index);

    CompoundTag d = NBTIO.putItemHelper(item, index);

    if (item.getId() == Item.AIR || item.getCount() <= 0) {
        if (i >= 0) {
    } else if (i < 0) {
        (this.namedTag.getList("Items", CompoundTag.class)).add(d);
    } else {
        (this.namedTag.getList("Items", CompoundTag.class)).add(i, d);

示例6: spawnTo

import cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void spawnTo(Player player) {
    if (this.closed) {

    CompoundTag tag = this.getSpawnCompound();
    BlockEntityDataPacket pk = new BlockEntityDataPacket();
    pk.x = (int) this.x;
    pk.y = (int) this.y;
    pk.z = (int) this.z;
    try {
        pk.namedTag = NBTIO.write(tag, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN, true);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

示例7: getSpawnCompound

import cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO; //导入依赖的package包/类
public CompoundTag getSpawnCompound() {
    if (!this.namedTag.contains("Item")) {
        this.setItem(new ItemBlock(new BlockAir()), false);
    CompoundTag NBTItem = namedTag.getCompound("Item").copy();
    boolean item = NBTItem.getShort("id") == Item.AIR;
    return new CompoundTag()
            .putString("id", BlockEntity.ITEM_FRAME)
            .putInt("x", (int) this.x)
            .putInt("y", (int) this.y)
            .putInt("z", (int) this.z)
            .putCompound("Item", item ? NBTIO.putItemHelper(new ItemBlock(new BlockAir())) : NBTItem)
            .putByte("ItemRotation", item ? 0 : this.getItemRotation());
    // TODO: This crashes the client, why?
    // .putFloat("ItemDropChance", this.getItemDropChance());

示例8: BlockEntityChest

import cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO; //导入依赖的package包/类
public BlockEntityChest(FullChunk chunk, CompoundTag nbt) {
    super(chunk, nbt);
    this.inventory = new ChestInventory(this);

    if (!this.namedTag.contains("Items") || !(this.namedTag.get("Items") instanceof ListTag)) {
        this.namedTag.putList(new ListTag<CompoundTag>("Items"));

    /* for (int i = 0; i < this.getSize(); i++) {
        this.inventory.setItem(i, this.getItem(i));
    } */

    ListTag<CompoundTag> list = (ListTag<CompoundTag>) this.namedTag.getList("Items");
    for (CompoundTag compound : list.getAll()) {
        Item item = NBTIO.getItemHelper(compound);
        this.inventory.slots.put(compound.getByte("Slot"), item);

示例9: setItem

import cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void setItem(int index, Item item) {
    int i = this.getSlotIndex(index);

    CompoundTag d = NBTIO.putItemHelper(item, index);

    // If item is air or count less than 0, remove the item from the "Items" list
    if (item.getId() == Item.AIR || item.getCount() <= 0) {
        if (i >= 0) {
    } else if (i < 0) {
        // If it is less than i, then it is a new item, so we are going to add it at the end of the list
        (this.namedTag.getList("Items", CompoundTag.class)).add(d);
    } else {
        // If it is more than i, then it is an update on a inventorySlot, so we are going to overwrite the item in the list
        (this.namedTag.getList("Items", CompoundTag.class)).add(i, d);

示例10: setItem

import cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void setItem(int index, Item item) {
    int i = this.getSlotIndex(index);

    CompoundTag d = NBTIO.putItemHelper(item, index);

    // If item is air or count less than 0, remove the item from the "Items" list
    if (item.getId() == Item.AIR || item.getCount() <= 0) {
        if (i >= 0) {
    } else if (i < 0) {
        // If it is less than i, then it is a new item, so we are going to add it at the end of the list
        (this.namedTag.getList("Items", CompoundTag.class)).add(d);
    } else {
        // If it is more than i, then it is an update on a slot, so we are going to overwrite the item in the list
        (this.namedTag.getList("Items", CompoundTag.class)).add(i, d);

示例11: EntityArmorStand

import cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO; //导入依赖的package包/类
public EntityArmorStand(FullChunk chunk, CompoundTag nbt) {
	super(chunk, nbt);

	if (!nbt.contains("HandItems")) {
		nbt.putCompound("HandItems", NBTIO.putItemHelper(Item.get(0)));
	if (!nbt.contains("ArmorItems")) {
		ListTag<CompoundTag> tag = new ListTag<CompoundTag>("ArmorItems")


示例12: setItem

import cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void setItem(int index, Item item) {
    int i = this.getSlotIndex(index);
    CompoundTag d = NBTIO.putItemHelper(item, index);

    // If item is air or count less than 0, remove the item from the "Items" list
    if (item.getId() == Item.AIR || item.getCount() <= 0) {
        if (i >= 0) {
    } else if (i < 0) {
        // If it is less than i, then it is a new item, so we are going to add it at the end of the list
        (this.namedTag.getList("Items", CompoundTag.class)).add(d);
    } else {
        // If it is more than i, then it is an update on a slot, so we are going to overwrite the item in the list
        (this.namedTag.getList("Items", CompoundTag.class)).add(i, d);

示例13: addTradeItems

import cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void addTradeItems(byte rewardExp, int maxUses, int uses, Item buyA, Item buyB, Item sell) {
    CompoundTag tag;
    if (this.namedTag.contains("Offers")) {
        tag = this.namedTag.getCompound("Offers");
    } else {
    	tag = new CompoundTag().putList(new ListTag<CompoundTag>("Recipes"));
    CompoundTag nbt = new CompoundTag()
            .putByte("rewardExp", rewardExp)
            .putInt("maxUses", maxUses)
            .putInt("uses", uses)
            .putCompound("buyA", NBTIO.putItemHelper(buyA))
            .putCompound("buyB", NBTIO.putItemHelper(buyB))
            .putCompound("sell", NBTIO.putItemHelper(sell));
    tag.getList("Recipes", CompoundTag.class).add(nbt);
    this.namedTag.putCompound("Offers", tag);

示例14: saveOfflinePlayerData

import cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void saveOfflinePlayerData(String name, CompoundTag tag, boolean async) {
    if (this.shouldSavePlayerData()) {
        try {
            if (async) {
                this.getScheduler().scheduleAsyncTask(new FileWriteTask(FastAppender.get(this.getDataPath() + "players/", name.toLowerCase(), ".dat"), NBTIO.writeGZIPCompressed(tag, ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN)));
            } else {
                Utils.writeFile(FastAppender.get(this.getDataPath(), "players/", name.toLowerCase(), ".dat"), new ByteArrayInputStream(NBTIO.writeGZIPCompressed(tag, ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN)));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            this.logger.critical(this.getLanguage().translateString("nukkit.data.saveError", new String[]{name, e.getMessage()}));
            if (Nukkit.DEBUG > 1) {

示例15: saveOfflinePlayerData

import cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void saveOfflinePlayerData(String name, CompoundTag tag, boolean async) {
    if (this.shouldSavePlayerData()) {
        try {
            if (async) {
                this.getScheduler().scheduleAsyncTask(new FileWriteTask(this.getDataPath() + "players/" + name.toLowerCase() + ".dat", NBTIO.writeGZIPCompressed(tag, ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN)));
            } else {
                Utils.writeFile(this.getDataPath() + "players/" + name.toLowerCase() + ".dat", new ByteArrayInputStream(NBTIO.writeGZIPCompressed(tag, ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN)));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            this.logger.critical(this.getLanguage().translateString("nukkit.data.saveError", new String[]{name, e.getMessage()}));
            if (Nukkit.DEBUG > 1) {
