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Java RestStatus.FORBIDDEN属性代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中org.elasticsearch.rest.RestStatus.FORBIDDEN属性的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java RestStatus.FORBIDDEN属性的具体用法?Java RestStatus.FORBIDDEN怎么用?Java RestStatus.FORBIDDEN使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的属性代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该属性所在org.elasticsearch.rest.RestStatus的用法示例。


示例1: apply

public <Request extends ActionRequest, Response extends ActionResponse> void apply(Task task, String action,
        Request request, ActionListener<Response> listener, ActionFilterChain<Request, Response> chain) {
    if (false == action.equals(SearchAction.NAME)) {
        chain.proceed(task, action, request, listener);
    if (context.getHeader(EXAMPLE_HEADER) != null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Hurray! Sent the header!");
    String auth = context.getHeader(AUTHORIZATION_HEADER);
    if (auth == null) {
        ElasticsearchSecurityException e = new ElasticsearchSecurityException("Authentication required",
        e.addHeader("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=auth-realm");
        throw e;
    if (false == REQUIRED_AUTH.equals(auth)) {
        throw new ElasticsearchSecurityException("Bad Authorization", RestStatus.FORBIDDEN);
    chain.proceed(task, action, request, listener);

示例2: checkWhiteList

public static AuthResult checkWhiteList(String user, Set<String> addrs, Set<String> ipWhiteList) {
    for (String addr : addrs) {
        String userAndIp = user + "@" + addr;
        try {
            if (!userIpCache.get(userAndIp)) {
                boolean addrInWhiteList = false;
                for (String ip : ipWhiteList) {
                    if (matchIP(addr, ip)) {
                        addrInWhiteList = true;
                        userIpCache.put(userAndIp, true);
                if (!addrInWhiteList) {
                    return new AuthResult(RestStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, "proxy or source address is not in whitelist: " + addr);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return new AuthResult(RestStatus.FORBIDDEN, "load cache occurs exceptions");
    return new AuthResult(RestStatus.OK, null);

示例3: status

public RestStatus status() {
    return RestStatus.FORBIDDEN;

示例4: internalAuthenticate

public static AuthResult internalAuthenticate(final UserProperty userProperty, String dbName,
                                         String tableName, PrivilegeType type) {
    if (userProperty == null) {
        return new AuthResult(RestStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, "User may not exist.");

    // root have all permission
    if (userProperty.getUsernameWithoutTenant().equals(UserProperty.ROOT_NAME)) {
        return new AuthResult(RestStatus.OK, null);

    if (type == null) {
        return new AuthResult(RestStatus.FORBIDDEN, "PrivilegeType is null");

    // check table black list
    String realTableName = dbName + "." + tableName;
    // only sys db should check superuser and ordinary user
    if (VirtualTableNames.sys.name().equals(dbName)) {
        if (type == PrivilegeType.READ_WRITE && TABLE_BLACK_LIST.contains(tableName)) {
            // only root have privilege to do write on tables in black list
            return new AuthResult(RestStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, "Only root have permission to WRITE on table: " + realTableName);
        } else if (userProperty.getUsernameWithoutTenant().equals(UserProperty.SUPER_USER_NAME) && !TABLE_BLACK_LIST.contains(tableName)) {
            // superuser have privilege on other tables in sys db
            return new AuthResult(RestStatus.OK, null);
        } else if (type == PrivilegeType.READ_ONLY) {
            // all user have permission to read cluster metadata
            return new AuthResult(RestStatus.OK, null);
    // if username is superuser and without tenant name then it has privileges on all tables
    // it is just to compatible to old privilege system
    if (userProperty.getUsernameWithoutTenant().equals(UserProperty.SUPER_USER_NAME) && userProperty.getTenantId() == TenantProperty.ROOT_TENANT_ID) {
        return new AuthResult(RestStatus.OK, null);
    // for ordinary db, both superuser and ordinary user should check privilege 
    Set<PrivilegeType> dbPrivileges = userProperty.getDbPrivileges().get(dbName);
    Set<PrivilegeType> tablePrivileges = userProperty.getTablePrivileges().get(realTableName);

    if (type == PrivilegeType.READ_ONLY) {
        if ((dbPrivileges != null && (dbPrivileges.contains(PrivilegeType.READ_ONLY)
                                    || dbPrivileges.contains(PrivilegeType.READ_WRITE)))
                || (tablePrivileges != null && (tablePrivileges.contains(PrivilegeType.READ_ONLY)
                                    || tablePrivileges.contains(PrivilegeType.READ_WRITE)))) {
            return new AuthResult(RestStatus.OK, null);
    } else if ((dbPrivileges != null && dbPrivileges.contains(type))
            || (tablePrivileges != null && tablePrivileges.contains(type))) {
        return new AuthResult(RestStatus.OK, null);
    String reason = userProperty.getUsernameWithTenant() 
            + " have no permission " + type.name() 
            + " on table: " + realTableName;
    return new AuthResult(RestStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, reason);

示例5: buildSQLActionException

 * Create a {@link io.crate.action.sql.SQLActionException} out of a {@link java.lang.Throwable}.
 * If concrete {@link org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException} is found, first transform it
 * to a {@link io.crate.exceptions.CrateException}
private SQLActionException buildSQLActionException(Throwable e) {
    logger.error("errors while processing sql", e);
    if (e instanceof SQLActionException) {
        return (SQLActionException) e;
    e = esToCrateException(e);

    int errorCode = 5000;
    RestStatus restStatus = RestStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
    if (e instanceof CrateException) {
        CrateException crateException = (CrateException) e;
        if (e instanceof ValidationException) {
            errorCode = 4000 + crateException.errorCode();
            restStatus = RestStatus.BAD_REQUEST;
        } else if (e instanceof NoPermissionException) {
            errorCode = 4000 + crateException.errorCode();
            restStatus = RestStatus.UNAUTHORIZED;
            e.setStackTrace(new StackTraceElement[0]);
        } else if (e instanceof ForbiddenException) {
            errorCode = 4030 + crateException.errorCode();
            restStatus = RestStatus.FORBIDDEN;
        } else if (e instanceof ResourceUnknownException) {
            errorCode = 4040 + crateException.errorCode();
            restStatus = RestStatus.NOT_FOUND;
        } else if (e instanceof ConflictException) {
            errorCode = 4090 + crateException.errorCode();
            restStatus = RestStatus.CONFLICT;
        } else if (e instanceof UnhandledServerException) {
            errorCode = 5000 + crateException.errorCode();
    } else if (e instanceof ParsingException) {
        errorCode = 4000;
        restStatus = RestStatus.BAD_REQUEST;
    } else if (e instanceof MapperParsingException) {
        errorCode = 4000;
        restStatus = RestStatus.BAD_REQUEST;

    String message = e.getMessage();
    if (message == null) {
        if (e instanceof CrateException && e.getCause() != null) {
            e = e.getCause();   // use cause because it contains a more meaningful error in most cases
        StackTraceElement[] stackTraceElements = e.getStackTrace();
        if (stackTraceElements.length > 0) {
            message = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "%s in %s", e.getClass().getSimpleName(), stackTraceElements[0]);
        } else {
            message = "Error in " + e.getClass().getSimpleName();
    } else {
        message = e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + message;
    return new SQLActionException(message, errorCode, restStatus, e.getStackTrace());
