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Java SWT.NO_TRIM属性代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中org.eclipse.swt.SWT.NO_TRIM属性的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java SWT.NO_TRIM属性的具体用法?Java SWT.NO_TRIM怎么用?Java SWT.NO_TRIM使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的属性代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该属性所在org.eclipse.swt.SWT的用法示例。


示例1: StartupSplashShell

 * create the startup splash shell and display it
 * @param display
public StartupSplashShell(Display display){
	shell = new Shell(display, SWT.NO_TRIM);
	setupShell(); 				// place components in the main avoCADo shell
	shell.setBackgroundImage(ImageUtils.getIcon("./avoCADo-Splash.jpg", 360, 298));
	shell.setSize(360, 298);	//TODO: set intial size to last known size
	Rectangle b = display.getBounds();
	int xPos = Math.max(0, (b.width-360)/2);
	int yPos = Math.max(0, (b.height-298)/2);
	shell.setLocation(xPos, yPos);
	shell.setImage(ImageUtils.getIcon("./avoCADo.png", 32, 32));
	// handle events while the shell is not disposed
	//while (!shell.isDisposed()) {
	//	if (!display.readAndDispatch())
	//		display.sleep();

示例2: shell

protected static Composite shell(Composite parent) {
	return new Shell(parent.getShell(), SWT.NO_TRIM | SWT.ON_TOP);

示例3: PopupDialog

 * Constructs a new instance of <code>PopupDialog</code>.
 * @param parent
 *            The parent shell.
 * @param shellStyle
 *            The shell style.
 * @param takeFocusOnOpen
 *            A boolean indicating whether focus should be taken by this
 *            popup when it opens.
 * @param persistSize
 *            A boolean indicating whether the size should be persisted upon
 *            close of the dialog. The size can only be persisted if the
 *            dialog settings for persisting the bounds are also specified.
 *            If a menu action will be provided that allows the user to
 *            control this feature and the user hasn't changed that setting,
 *            then this flag is used as initial default for the menu.
 * @param persistLocation
 *            A boolean indicating whether the location should be persisted
 *            upon close of the dialog. The location can only be persisted
 *            if the dialog settings for persisting the bounds are also
 *            specified. If a menu action will be provided that allows the
 *            user to control this feature and the user hasn't changed that
 *            setting, then this flag is used as initial default for the
 *            menu. default for the menu until the user changed it.
 * @param showDialogMenu
 *            A boolean indicating whether a menu for moving and resizing
 *            the popup should be provided.
 * @param showPersistActions
 *            A boolean indicating whether actions allowing the user to
 *            control the persisting of the dialog bounds and location
 *            should be shown in the dialog menu. This parameter has no
 *            effect if <code>showDialogMenu</code> is <code>false</code>.
 * @param titleText
 *            Text to be shown in an upper title area, or <code>null</code>
 *            if there is no title.
 * @param infoText
 *            Text to be shown in a lower info area, or <code>null</code>
 *            if there is no info area.
 * @param use34API
 *            <code>true</code> if 3.4 API should be used
 * @see PopupDialog#getDialogSettings()
 * @since 1.1
private PopupDialog(Shell parent, int shellStyle, boolean takeFocusOnOpen,
		boolean persistSize, boolean persistLocation, boolean showDialogMenu,
		boolean showPersistActions, String titleText, String infoText,
		boolean use34API) {
	// Prior to 3.4, we encouraged use of SWT.NO_TRIM and provided a
	// border using a black composite background and margin. Now we
	// use SWT.TOOL to get the border for some cases and this conflicts
	// with SWT.NO_TRIM. Clients who previously have used SWT.NO_TRIM
	// and still had a border drawn for them would find their border go
	// away unless we do the following:
	// see https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=219743
	if ((shellStyle & SWT.NO_TRIM) != 0) {
		// shellStyle &= ~(SWT.NO_TRIM | SWT.SHELL_TRIM);

	this.takeFocusOnOpen = takeFocusOnOpen;
	this.showDialogMenu = showDialogMenu;
	this.showPersistActions = showPersistActions;
	this.titleText = titleText;
	this.infoText = infoText;


	this.isUsing34API = use34API;

	this.persistSize = persistSize;
	this.persistLocation = persistLocation;



示例4: showColorDialog

public static RGB
	Shell		parent_shell,
	RGB			existing )
	Shell centerShell = new Shell( parent_shell, SWT.NO_TRIM );

		Rectangle displayArea;

			displayArea = parent_shell.getMonitor().getClientArea();

		}catch (NoSuchMethodError e) {

			displayArea = parent_shell.getDisplay().getClientArea();

			// no way to get actual dialog size - guess...

		final int x = displayArea.x + displayArea.width / 2 - 120;
		final int y = displayArea.y + displayArea.height / 2 - 170;

		centerShell.setLocation( x, y );

		ColorDialog cd = new ColorDialog(centerShell);

		cd.setRGB( existing );

		List<RGB> custom_colours = Utils.getCustomColors();

		if ( existing != null ){

			custom_colours.remove( existing );

		cd.setRGBs( custom_colours.toArray( new RGB[0]));

		RGB rgb = cd.open();

		if ( rgb != null ){

			updateCustomColors( cd.getRGBs());

		return( rgb );


