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本文整理汇总了Java中org.apache.xpath.XPath.MATCH_SCORE_NONE属性的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java XPath.MATCH_SCORE_NONE属性的具体用法?Java XPath.MATCH_SCORE_NONE怎么用?Java XPath.MATCH_SCORE_NONE使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的属性代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该属性所在org.apache.xpath.XPath的用法示例。


示例1: update

protected void update(Node n) {
    if (!isSelected(n)) {
        try {
            double matchScore
                = xpath.execute(context, n, prefixResolver).num();
            if (matchScore != XPath.MATCH_SCORE_NONE) {
                if (!descendantSelected(n)) {
            } else {
                n = n.getFirstChild();
                while (n != null) {
                    n = n.getNextSibling();
        } catch (javax.xml.transform.TransformerException te) {
            AbstractDocument doc
                = (AbstractDocument) contentElement.getOwnerDocument();
            throw doc.createXPathException
                 new Object[] { expression, te.getMessage() });

示例2: getPriorityOrScore

 * Given a match pattern and template association, return the 
 * score of that match.  This score or priority can always be 
 * statically calculated.
 * @param matchPat The match pattern to template association.
 * @return {@link org.apache.xpath.patterns.NodeTest#SCORE_NODETEST}, 
 *         {@link org.apache.xpath.patterns.NodeTest#SCORE_NONE}, 
 *         {@link org.apache.xpath.patterns.NodeTest#SCORE_NSWILD}, 
 *         {@link org.apache.xpath.patterns.NodeTest#SCORE_QNAME}, or
 *         {@link org.apache.xpath.patterns.NodeTest#SCORE_OTHER}, or 
 *         the value defined by the priority attribute of the template.
private double getPriorityOrScore(TemplateSubPatternAssociation matchPat)

  double priority = matchPat.getTemplate().getPriority();

  if (priority == XPath.MATCH_SCORE_NONE)
    Expression ex = matchPat.getStepPattern();

    if (ex instanceof NodeTest)
      return ((NodeTest) ex).getDefaultScore();

  return priority;

示例3: findAncestor

 * Given a 'from' pattern (ala xsl:number), a match pattern
 * and a context, find the first ancestor that matches the
 * pattern (including the context handed in).
 * @param xctxt The XPath runtime state for this.
 * @param fromMatchPattern The ancestor must match this pattern.
 * @param countMatchPattern The ancestor must also match this pattern.
 * @param context The node that "." expresses.
 * @param namespaceContext The context in which namespaces in the
 * queries are supposed to be expanded.
 * @return the first ancestor that matches the given pattern
 * @throws javax.xml.transform.TransformerException
int findAncestor(
        XPathContext xctxt, XPath fromMatchPattern, XPath countMatchPattern, 
        int context, ElemNumber namespaceContext)
          throws javax.xml.transform.TransformerException
  DTM dtm = xctxt.getDTM(context);
  while (DTM.NULL != context)
    if (null != fromMatchPattern)
      if (fromMatchPattern.getMatchScore(xctxt, context)
              != XPath.MATCH_SCORE_NONE)

        //context = null;

    if (null != countMatchPattern)
      if (countMatchPattern.getMatchScore(xctxt, context)
              != XPath.MATCH_SCORE_NONE)

    context = dtm.getParent(context);

  return context;

示例4: findPrecedingOrAncestorOrSelf

 * Given a 'from' pattern (ala xsl:number), a match pattern
 * and a context, find the first ancestor that matches the
 * pattern (including the context handed in).
 * @param xctxt The XPath runtime state for this.
 * @param fromMatchPattern The ancestor must match this pattern.
 * @param countMatchPattern The ancestor must also match this pattern.
 * @param context The node that "." expresses.
 * @param namespaceContext The context in which namespaces in the
 * queries are supposed to be expanded.
 * @return the first preceding, ancestor or self node that 
 * matches the given pattern
 * @throws javax.xml.transform.TransformerException
private int findPrecedingOrAncestorOrSelf(
        XPathContext xctxt, XPath fromMatchPattern, XPath countMatchPattern, 
        int context, ElemNumber namespaceContext)
          throws javax.xml.transform.TransformerException
  DTM dtm = xctxt.getDTM(context);
  while (DTM.NULL != context)
    if (null != fromMatchPattern)
      if (fromMatchPattern.getMatchScore(xctxt, context)
              != XPath.MATCH_SCORE_NONE)
        context = DTM.NULL;


    if (null != countMatchPattern)
      if (countMatchPattern.getMatchScore(xctxt, context)
              != XPath.MATCH_SCORE_NONE)

    int prevSibling = dtm.getPreviousSibling(context);

    if (DTM.NULL == prevSibling)
      context = dtm.getParent(context);

      // Now go down the chain of children of this sibling 
      context = dtm.getLastChild(prevSibling);

      if (context == DTM.NULL)
        context = prevSibling;

  return context;

示例5: getMatchingAncestors

 * Get the ancestors, up to the root, that match the
 * pattern.
 * @param xctxt The XPath runtime state for this.
 * @param node Count this node and it's ancestors.
 * @param stopAtFirstFound Flag indicating to stop after the
 * first node is found (difference between level = single
 * or multiple)
 * @return The number of ancestors that match the pattern.
 * @throws javax.xml.transform.TransformerException
NodeVector getMatchingAncestors(
        XPathContext xctxt, int node, boolean stopAtFirstFound)
          throws javax.xml.transform.TransformerException

  NodeSetDTM ancestors = new NodeSetDTM(xctxt.getDTMManager());
  XPath countMatchPattern = getCountMatchPattern(xctxt, node);
  DTM dtm = xctxt.getDTM(node);

  while (DTM.NULL != node)
    if ((null != m_fromMatchPattern)
            && (m_fromMatchPattern.getMatchScore(xctxt, node)
                != XPath.MATCH_SCORE_NONE))

      // The following if statement gives level="single" different 
      // behavior from level="multiple", which seems incorrect according 
      // to the XSLT spec.  For now we are leaving this in to replicate 
      // the same behavior in XT, but, for all intents and purposes we 
      // think this is a bug, or there is something about level="single" 
      // that we still don't understand.
      if (!stopAtFirstFound)

    if (null == countMatchPattern)
        "Programmers error! countMatchPattern should never be null!");

    if (countMatchPattern.getMatchScore(xctxt, node)
            != XPath.MATCH_SCORE_NONE)

      if (stopAtFirstFound)

    node = dtm.getParent(node);

  return ancestors;

示例6: matches

 * Return the mode associated with the template.
 * @param xctxt XPath context to use with this template
 * @param targetNode Target node
 * @param mode reference, which may be null, to the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt#modes">current mode</a>.
 * @return The mode associated with the template.
 * @throws TransformerException
public boolean matches(XPathContext xctxt, int targetNode, QName mode)
        throws TransformerException

  double score = m_stepPattern.getMatchScore(xctxt, targetNode);

  return (XPath.MATCH_SCORE_NONE != score)
         && matchModes(mode, m_template.getMode());
