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Java ZipFile.OPEN_READ属性代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中java.util.zip.ZipFile.OPEN_READ属性的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java ZipFile.OPEN_READ属性的具体用法?Java ZipFile.OPEN_READ怎么用?Java ZipFile.OPEN_READ使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的属性代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该属性所在java.util.zip.ZipFile的用法示例。


示例1: testVersioning

public void testVersioning(Runtime.Version value, int xpected) throws Exception {
    Runtime.Version expected = Runtime.Version.parse(String.valueOf(xpected));
    Runtime.Version base = JarFile.baseVersion();

    // multi-release jar, opened as unversioned
    try (JarFile jar = new JarFile(multirelease)) {
        Assert.assertEquals(jar.getVersion(), base);

    System.err.println("test versioning for Release " + value);
    try (JarFile jf = new JarFile(multirelease, true, ZipFile.OPEN_READ, value)) {
        Assert.assertEquals(jf.getVersion(), expected);

    // regular, unversioned, jar
    try (JarFile jf = new JarFile(unversioned, true, ZipFile.OPEN_READ, value)) {
        Assert.assertEquals(jf.getVersion(), base);

示例2: testNames

public void testNames() throws Exception {
    String rname = "version/Version.class";
    String vname = "META-INF/versions/9/version/Version.class";
    ZipEntry ze1;
    ZipEntry ze2;
    try (JarFile jf = new JarFile(multirelease)) {
        ze1 = jf.getEntry(vname);
    Assert.assertEquals(ze1.getName(), vname);
    try (JarFile jf = new JarFile(multirelease, true, ZipFile.OPEN_READ, Runtime.Version.parse("9"))) {
        ze2 = jf.getEntry(rname);
    Assert.assertEquals(ze2.getName(), rname);
    Assert.assertNotEquals(ze1.getName(), ze2.getName());

示例3: getApplicationName

 * get application name
 * @param apkPath apkPath
 * @return String
public static String getApplicationName(String apkPath) {
    if (apkPath == null || "".equals(apkPath)) {
        return null;
    try {
        ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(new File(apkPath), ZipFile.OPEN_READ);
        ZipEntry manifestXmlEntry = zipFile.getEntry(ApkManifestReader.DEFAULT_XML);
        String manifestXML = ApkManifestReader.getManifestXMLFromAPK(zipFile, manifestXmlEntry);
        XmlPullParserFactory factory = XmlPullParserFactory.newInstance();
        XmlPullParser parser = factory.newPullParser();
        parser.setInput(new StringReader(manifestXML));
        String applicationName = parseApplicationNameByManifest(parser);
        return applicationName;
    } catch (Exception e1) {
    return "";

示例4: getInputStream

public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException {
    final ZipFile z = new ZipFile(getZipfile(), ZipFile.OPEN_READ);
    ZipEntry ze = z.getEntry(super.getName());
    if (ze == null) {
        throw new BuildException("no entry " + getName() + " in "
                                 + getArchive());
    return z.getInputStream(ze);

示例5: newJarFile

static JarFile newJarFile(Path path) {
    try {
        return new JarFile(new File(path.toString()),
                           true,                       // verify
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        throw new UncheckedIOException(ioe);

示例6: testCustomMultiReleaseValue

private void testCustomMultiReleaseValue(String value,
        Map<String, String> extraAttributes, boolean expected)
        throws Exception {
    String fileName = "custom-mr" + JAR_COUNT.incrementAndGet() + ".jar";
    creator.buildCustomMultiReleaseJar(fileName, value, extraAttributes);
    File custom = new File(userdir, fileName);
    try (JarFile jf = new JarFile(custom, true, ZipFile.OPEN_READ, Runtime.version())) {
        Assert.assertEquals(jf.isMultiRelease(), expected);

示例7: testCertsAndSigners

public void testCertsAndSigners() throws IOException {
    try (JarFile jf = new JarFile(signedmultirelease, true, ZipFile.OPEN_READ, Runtime.version())) {
        CertsAndSigners vcas = new CertsAndSigners(jf, jf.getJarEntry("version/Version.class"));
        CertsAndSigners rcas = new CertsAndSigners(jf, jf.getJarEntry("META-INF/versions/" + MAJOR_VERSION + "/version/Version.class"));
        Assert.assertTrue(Arrays.equals(rcas.getCertificates(), vcas.getCertificates()));
        Assert.assertTrue(Arrays.equals(rcas.getCodeSigners(), vcas.getCodeSigners()));

示例8: checkMultiRelease

protected void checkMultiRelease(String jarFile,
                                 boolean expected) throws IOException {
    try (JarFile jf = new JarFile(new File(jarFile), true,
            ZipFile.OPEN_READ, JarFile.runtimeVersion())) {
        assertEquals(jf.isMultiRelease(), expected);

示例9: ensureZipFile

private void ensureZipFile() throws IOException {
    if (this.zipFile == null) {
        this.zipFile = new ZipFile(bundleFile, ZipFile.OPEN_READ);

示例10: URLJarFile

public URLJarFile(File file, URLJarFileCloseController closeController) throws IOException {
    super(file, true, ZipFile.OPEN_READ | ZipFile.OPEN_DELETE);
    this.closeController = closeController;

示例11: isMultiReleaseJar

public void isMultiReleaseJar() throws Exception {
    try (JarFile jf = new JarFile(unversioned)) {

    try (JarFile jf = new JarFile(unversioned, true, ZipFile.OPEN_READ, Runtime.version())) {

    try (JarFile jf = new JarFile(multirelease)) {

    try (JarFile jf = new JarFile(multirelease, true, ZipFile.OPEN_READ, Runtime.version())) {

    testCustomMultiReleaseValue("true", true);
    testCustomMultiReleaseValue("true\r\nOther: value", true);
    testCustomMultiReleaseValue("true\nOther: value", true);
    testCustomMultiReleaseValue("true\rOther: value", true);

    testCustomMultiReleaseValue("false", false);
    testCustomMultiReleaseValue(" true", false);
    testCustomMultiReleaseValue("true ", false);
    testCustomMultiReleaseValue("true\n ", false);
    testCustomMultiReleaseValue("true\r ", false);
    testCustomMultiReleaseValue("true\n true", false);
    testCustomMultiReleaseValue("true\r\n true", false);

    // generate "random" Strings to use as extra attributes, and
    // verify that Multi-Release: true is always properly matched
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        byte[] keyBytes = new byte[RANDOM.nextInt(70) + 1];
        Arrays.fill(keyBytes, (byte)('a' + RANDOM.nextInt(24)));
        byte[] valueBytes = new byte[RANDOM.nextInt(70) + 1];
        Arrays.fill(valueBytes, (byte)('a' + RANDOM.nextInt(24)));

        String key = new String(keyBytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
        String value = new String(valueBytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
        // test that Multi-Release: true anywhere in the manifest always
        // return true
        testCustomMultiReleaseValue("true", Map.of(key, value), true);

        // test that we don't get any false positives
        testCustomMultiReleaseValue("false", Map.of(key, value), false);

示例12: testCustomManifest

public void testCustomManifest() throws Throwable {
    String jarfile = "test.jar";


    Path classes = Paths.get("classes");
    Path manifest = Paths.get("Manifest.txt");

    // create
    Files.write(manifest, "Class-Path: MyUtils.jar\n".getBytes());

    jar("cfm", jarfile, manifest.toString(),
            "-C", classes.resolve("base").toString(), ".",
            "--release", "10", "-C", classes.resolve("v10").toString(), ".")

    try (JarFile jf = new JarFile(new File(jarfile), true,
            ZipFile.OPEN_READ, JarFile.runtimeVersion())) {
        assertTrue(jf.isMultiRelease(), "Not multi-release jar");

    // update
    Files.write(manifest, "Multi-release: false\n".getBytes());

    jar("ufm", jarfile, manifest.toString(),
            "-C", classes.resolve("base").toString(), ".",
            "--release", "9", "-C", classes.resolve("v10").toString(), ".")
            .shouldContain("WARNING: Duplicate name in Manifest: Multi-release.");

    try (JarFile jf = new JarFile(new File(jarfile), true,
            ZipFile.OPEN_READ, JarFile.runtimeVersion())) {
        assertTrue(jf.isMultiRelease(), "Not multi-release jar");

    FileUtils.deleteFileTreeWithRetry(Paths.get(usr, "classes"));

示例13: JarFile

 * Creates a new {@code JarFile} to read from the specified
 * file {@code name}. The {@code JarFile} will be verified if
 * it is signed.
 * @param name the name of the jar file to be opened for reading
 * @throws IOException if an I/O error has occurred
 * @throws SecurityException if access to the file is denied
 *         by the SecurityManager
public JarFile(String name) throws IOException {
    this(new File(name), true, ZipFile.OPEN_READ);
