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Java ChannelCondition.EXIT_STATUS属性代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中com.trilead.ssh2.ChannelCondition.EXIT_STATUS属性的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java ChannelCondition.EXIT_STATUS属性的具体用法?Java ChannelCondition.EXIT_STATUS怎么用?Java ChannelCondition.EXIT_STATUS使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的属性代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该属性所在com.trilead.ssh2.ChannelCondition的用法示例。


示例1: canEndTheSshConnection

 * Handles the SSH connection in case of timeout or exit. If the session ends with a timeout
 * condition, it throws an exception; if the channel reaches an end of file condition, but it
 * does not have an exit status, it returns true to break the loop; otherwise, it returns
 * false.
protected static boolean canEndTheSshConnection(final int waitResultTimeoutInMs, final com.trilead.ssh2.Session sess, final int conditions) throws SshException {
    if (isChannelConditionEof(conditions)) {
        final int newConditions = sess.waitForCondition(ChannelCondition.EXIT_STATUS, waitResultTimeoutInMs);
        if ((newConditions & ChannelCondition.EXIT_STATUS) != 0) {
            return true;
    return false;

示例2: canEndTheSshConnection

 * Handles the SSH connection in case of timeout or exit. If the session ends with a timeout
 * condition, it throws an exception; if the channel reaches an end of file condition, but it
 * does not have an exit status, it returns true to break the loop; otherwise, it returns
 * false.
protected static boolean canEndTheSshConnection(int waitResultTimeoutInMs, com.trilead.ssh2.Session sess, int conditions) throws SshException {
    if (isChannelConditionEof(conditions)) {
        int newConditions = sess.waitForCondition(ChannelCondition.EXIT_STATUS, waitResultTimeoutInMs);
        if ((newConditions & ChannelCondition.EXIT_STATUS) != 0) {
            return true;
    return false;

示例3: waitForCondition

 * Wait until for a condition.
 * @param c
 *            Channel
 * @param timeout
 *            in ms, 0 means no timeout.
 * @param condition_mask
 *            minimum event mask
 * @return all current events
public int waitForCondition(Channel c, long timeout, int condition_mask)
	long end_time = 0;
	boolean end_time_set = false;

	synchronized (c)
		while (true)
			int current_cond = 0;

			int stdoutAvail = c.stdoutWritepos - c.stdoutReadpos;
			int stderrAvail = c.stderrWritepos - c.stderrReadpos;

			if (stdoutAvail > 0)
				current_cond = current_cond | ChannelCondition.STDOUT_DATA;

			if (stderrAvail > 0)
				current_cond = current_cond | ChannelCondition.STDERR_DATA;

			if (c.EOF)
				current_cond = current_cond | ChannelCondition.EOF;

			if (c.getExitStatus() != null)
				current_cond = current_cond | ChannelCondition.EXIT_STATUS;

			if (c.getExitSignal() != null)
				current_cond = current_cond | ChannelCondition.EXIT_SIGNAL;

			if (c.state == Channel.STATE_CLOSED)
				return current_cond | ChannelCondition.CLOSED | ChannelCondition.EOF;

			if ((current_cond & condition_mask) != 0)
				return current_cond;

			if (timeout > 0)
				if (!end_time_set)
					end_time = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeout;
					end_time_set = true;
					timeout = end_time - System.currentTimeMillis();

					if (timeout <= 0)
						return current_cond | ChannelCondition.TIMEOUT;

				if (timeout > 0)
			catch (InterruptedException e)

示例4: waitForCondition

 * Wait until for a condition.
 * @param c
 *            Channel
 * @param timeout
 *            in ms, 0 means no timeout.
 * @param condition_mask
 *            minimum event mask
 * @return all current events
public int waitForCondition(Channel c, long timeout, int condition_mask) {
	long end_time = 0;
	boolean end_time_set = false;

	synchronized (c) {
		while (true) {
			int current_cond = 0;

			int stdoutAvail = c.stdoutWritepos - c.stdoutReadpos;
			int stderrAvail = c.stderrWritepos - c.stderrReadpos;

			if (stdoutAvail > 0)
				current_cond = current_cond | ChannelCondition.STDOUT_DATA;

			if (stderrAvail > 0)
				current_cond = current_cond | ChannelCondition.STDERR_DATA;

			if (c.EOF)
				current_cond = current_cond | ChannelCondition.EOF;

			if (c.getExitStatus() != null)
				current_cond = current_cond | ChannelCondition.EXIT_STATUS;

			if (c.getExitSignal() != null)
				current_cond = current_cond | ChannelCondition.EXIT_SIGNAL;

			if (c.state == Channel.STATE_CLOSED)
				return current_cond | ChannelCondition.CLOSED
						| ChannelCondition.EOF;

			if ((current_cond & condition_mask) != 0)
				return current_cond;

			if (timeout > 0) {
				if (!end_time_set) {
					end_time = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeout;
					end_time_set = true;
				} else {
					timeout = end_time - System.currentTimeMillis();

					if (timeout <= 0)
						return current_cond | ChannelCondition.TIMEOUT;

			try {
				if (timeout > 0)
			} catch (InterruptedException e) {
