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Golang Time.Weekday函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Golang中Time.Weekday函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang Weekday函数的具体用法?Golang Weekday怎么用?Golang Weekday使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: Count

// Count the number of days in the provided date range.
func (this *DayCounter) Count() (int, error) {

	var days []time.Weekday

	// If no weekdays have been supplied count all the weekdays
	if len(this.days) == 0 {
		log.Printf("Setting all days.")
		for i := 0; i < 7; i++ {
			log.Printf("Adding day: %v", time.Weekday(i))
			days = append(days, time.Weekday(i))
	} else {
		days = this.days

	var nr int

	day := this.From
	for {
		if this.To.Before(day) {
			log.Printf("Reached end date: %v", this.To)
		if match(day.Weekday(), days) {
			log.Printf("Matched day: %v", day.Weekday())
		day = day.AddDate(0, 0, 1)

	return nr, nil

示例2: makeISOTimeArray

func makeISOTimeArray(startDate time.Time, endDate time.Time) []stock.ISOTime {
	var timeArray []stock.ISOTime

	// Make sure startDate and endDate are in 2011/2012, those are the only years
	// that we have holiday information for. If not, return empy.
	if !(startDate.Year() == 2011 || startDate.Year() == 2012) && (endDate.Year() == 2011 || endDate.Year() == 2012) {
		return timeArray

	var day stock.ISOTime = stock.ISOTime{startDate.AddDate(0, 0, -1)}
	for day.Before(endDate) {
		day = stock.ISOTime{day.AddDate(0, 0, 1)}

		// market is not open on Saturday or Sunday
		if day.Weekday() == time.Weekday(0) ||
			day.Weekday() == time.Weekday(6) {

		// market is not open on certain holidays
		isHoliday := false
		for _, holiday := range Holidays20112012 {
			if day.Year() == holiday.Year() && day.YearDay() == holiday.YearDay() {
				isHoliday = true

		if !isHoliday {
			timeArray = append(timeArray, day)
	return timeArray

示例3: String

func (d Day) String() (s string) {
	if d.number == today {
		s += "\x1b[1;37m" + time.Weekday(d.number%7).String() + "\x1b[0m:\n"
	} else {
		s += time.Weekday(d.number%7).String() + ":\n"
	for _, e := range d.entries {
		s += e.String()

示例4: TestDaysAbbreviated

func TestDaysAbbreviated(t *testing.T) {

	trans := New()
	days := trans.WeekdaysAbbreviated()

	for i, day := range days {
		s := trans.WeekdayAbbreviated(time.Weekday(i))
		if s != day {
			t.Errorf("Expected '%s' Got '%s'", day, s)

	tests := []struct {
		idx      int
		expected string
			idx:      0,
			expected: "Sun",
			idx:      1,
			expected: "Mon",
			idx:      2,
			expected: "Tue",
			idx:      3,
			expected: "Wed",
			idx:      4,
			expected: "Thu",
			idx:      5,
			expected: "Fri",
			idx:      6,
			expected: "Sat",

	for _, tt := range tests {
		s := trans.WeekdayAbbreviated(time.Weekday(tt.idx))
		if s != tt.expected {
			t.Errorf("Expected '%s' Got '%s'", tt.expected, s)

示例5: TestDaysShort

func TestDaysShort(t *testing.T) {

	trans := New()
	days := trans.WeekdaysShort()

	for i, day := range days {
		s := trans.WeekdayShort(time.Weekday(i))
		if s != day {
			t.Errorf("Expected '%s' Got '%s'", day, s)

	tests := []struct {
		idx      int
		expected string
	// {
	// 	idx:      0,
	// 	expected: "Su",
	// },
	// {
	// 	idx:      1,
	// 	expected: "Mo",
	// },
	// {
	// 	idx:      2,
	// 	expected: "Tu",
	// },
	// {
	// 	idx:      3,
	// 	expected: "We",
	// },
	// {
	// 	idx:      4,
	// 	expected: "Th",
	// },
	// {
	// 	idx:      5,
	// 	expected: "Fr",
	// },
	// {
	// 	idx:      6,
	// 	expected: "Sa",
	// },

	for _, tt := range tests {
		s := trans.WeekdayShort(time.Weekday(tt.idx))
		if s != tt.expected {
			t.Errorf("Expected '%s' Got '%s'", tt.expected, s)

示例6: TestDaysWide

func TestDaysWide(t *testing.T) {

	trans := New()
	days := trans.WeekdaysWide()

	for i, day := range days {
		s := trans.WeekdayWide(time.Weekday(i))
		if s != day {
			t.Errorf("Expected '%s' Got '%s'", day, s)

	tests := []struct {
		idx      int
		expected string
			idx:      0,
			expected: "воскресенье",
			idx:      1,
			expected: "понедельник",
			idx:      2,
			expected: "вторник",
			idx:      3,
			expected: "среда",
			idx:      4,
			expected: "четверг",
			idx:      5,
			expected: "пятница",
			idx:      6,
			expected: "суббота",

	for _, tt := range tests {
		s := trans.WeekdayWide(time.Weekday(tt.idx))
		if s != tt.expected {
			t.Errorf("Expected '%s' Got '%s'", tt.expected, s)

示例7: TestDaysShort

func TestDaysShort(t *testing.T) {

	trans := New()
	days := trans.WeekdaysShort()

	for i, day := range days {
		s := trans.WeekdayShort(time.Weekday(i))
		if s != day {
			t.Errorf("Expected '%s' Got '%s'", day, s)

	tests := []struct {
		idx      int
		expected string
			idx:      0,
			expected: "вс",
			idx:      1,
			expected: "пн",
			idx:      2,
			expected: "вт",
			idx:      3,
			expected: "ср",
			idx:      4,
			expected: "чт",
			idx:      5,
			expected: "пт",
			idx:      6,
			expected: "сб",

	for _, tt := range tests {
		s := trans.WeekdayShort(time.Weekday(tt.idx))
		if s != tt.expected {
			t.Errorf("Expected '%s' Got '%s'", tt.expected, s)

示例8: setDay

func (l *dateLexer) setDay(d, n int, year ...int) {
	if DEBUG {
		fmt.Printf("Setting day to %d %s\n", n, time.Weekday(d))
	if l.state(HAVE_DAYS, true) {
		l.Error("Parsed two days")
	l.days = relDays{time.Weekday(d), n, 0}
	if len(year) > 0 {
		l.days.year = year[0]

示例9: TestDaysNarrow

func TestDaysNarrow(t *testing.T) {

	trans := New()
	days := trans.WeekdaysNarrow()

	for i, day := range days {
		s := trans.WeekdayNarrow(time.Weekday(i))
		if s != day {
			t.Errorf("Expected '%s' Got '%s'", string(day), s)

	tests := []struct {
		idx      int
		expected string
	// {
	// 	idx:      0,
	// 	expected: "S",
	// },
	// {
	// 	idx:      1,
	// 	expected: "M",
	// },
	// {
	// 	idx:      2,
	// 	expected: "T",
	// },
	// {
	// 	idx:      3,
	// 	expected: "W",
	// },
	// {
	// 	idx:      4,
	// 	expected: "T",
	// },
	// {
	// 	idx:      5,
	// 	expected: "F",
	// },
	// {
	// 	idx:      6,
	// 	expected: "S",
	// },

	for _, tt := range tests {
		s := trans.WeekdayNarrow(time.Weekday(tt.idx))
		if s != tt.expected {
			t.Errorf("Expected '%s' Got '%s'", tt.expected, s)

示例10: TestDaysWide

func TestDaysWide(t *testing.T) {

	trans := New()
	days := trans.WeekdaysWide()

	for i, day := range days {
		s := trans.WeekdayWide(time.Weekday(i))
		if s != day {
			t.Errorf("Expected '%s' Got '%s'", day, s)

	tests := []struct {
		idx      int
		expected string
	// {
	// 	idx:      0,
	// 	expected: "Sunday",
	// },
	// {
	// 	idx:      1,
	// 	expected: "Monday",
	// },
	// {
	// 	idx:      2,
	// 	expected: "Tuesday",
	// },
	// {
	// 	idx:      3,
	// 	expected: "Wednesday",
	// },
	// {
	// 	idx:      4,
	// 	expected: "Thursday",
	// },
	// {
	// 	idx:      5,
	// 	expected: "Friday",
	// },
	// {
	// 	idx:      6,
	// 	expected: "Saturday",
	// },

	for _, tt := range tests {
		s := trans.WeekdayWide(time.Weekday(tt.idx))
		if s != tt.expected {
			t.Errorf("Expected '%s' Got '%s'", tt.expected, s)

示例11: bestRanking

func bestRanking(stop chan bool) RankingAlgorithm {
	return func(c *Schedule) float64 {
		select {
		case <-stop:
			stop <- true
			return 0.0
			// Get a point for every class that isn't 8-12
			earlyPoints := 0.0
			for day := 1; day < 6; day++ {
				earlyClasses, _ := time.Parse("3:04PM", "8:00AM")
				for i := 0; i < 16; i++ {
					_, _, hasClass := c.ClassAtTime(earlyClasses, time.Weekday(day))
					if !hasClass {
						earlyPoints += 1
					} else {
					earlyClasses = earlyClasses.Add(time.Minute * 15)
			// Another point for every class that isn't 11:30-2 (30 minute increments)
			lunchPoints := 0.0
			for day := 1; day < 6; day++ {
				lunchClasses, _ := time.Parse("3:04PM", "11:30AM")
				for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
					_, _, hasStartClass := c.ClassAtTime(lunchClasses.Add(time.Minute), time.Weekday(day))
					_, _, hasEndClass := c.ClassAtTime(lunchClasses.Add(time.Minute*29), time.Weekday(day))
					if !hasStartClass && !hasEndClass {
						lunchPoints += 1
					lunchClasses = lunchClasses.Add(time.Minute * 15)
			// Another point for every class that isn't 3-10
			latePoints := 0.0
			for day := 1; day < 6; day++ {
				lateClasses, _ := time.Parse("3:04PM", "10:00PM")
				for i := 0; i < 28; i++ {
					_, _, hasClass := c.ClassAtTime(lateClasses, time.Weekday(day))
					if !hasClass {
						latePoints += 1
					} else {
					lateClasses = lateClasses.Add(time.Minute * -15)
			return (latePoints + earlyPoints + lunchPoints)

示例12: TestDateNames

func (s *TimeUtilSuite) TestDateNames(c *C) {
	c.Assert(getShortWeekday(time.Sunday), Equals, "Sun")
	c.Assert(getShortWeekday(time.Monday), Equals, "Mon")
	c.Assert(getShortWeekday(time.Tuesday), Equals, "Tue")
	c.Assert(getShortWeekday(time.Wednesday), Equals, "Wed")
	c.Assert(getShortWeekday(time.Thursday), Equals, "Thu")
	c.Assert(getShortWeekday(time.Friday), Equals, "Fri")
	c.Assert(getShortWeekday(time.Saturday), Equals, "Sat")
	c.Assert(getShortWeekday(time.Weekday(7)), Equals, "")

	c.Assert(getLongWeekday(time.Sunday), Equals, "Sunday")
	c.Assert(getLongWeekday(time.Monday), Equals, "Monday")
	c.Assert(getLongWeekday(time.Tuesday), Equals, "Tuesday")
	c.Assert(getLongWeekday(time.Wednesday), Equals, "Wednesday")
	c.Assert(getLongWeekday(time.Thursday), Equals, "Thursday")
	c.Assert(getLongWeekday(time.Friday), Equals, "Friday")
	c.Assert(getLongWeekday(time.Saturday), Equals, "Saturday")
	c.Assert(getLongWeekday(time.Weekday(7)), Equals, "")

	c.Assert(getShortMonth(time.Month(0)), Equals, "")
	c.Assert(getShortMonth(time.January), Equals, "Jan")
	c.Assert(getShortMonth(time.February), Equals, "Feb")
	c.Assert(getShortMonth(time.March), Equals, "Mar")
	c.Assert(getShortMonth(time.April), Equals, "Apr")
	c.Assert(getShortMonth(time.May), Equals, "May")
	c.Assert(getShortMonth(time.June), Equals, "Jun")
	c.Assert(getShortMonth(time.July), Equals, "Jul")
	c.Assert(getShortMonth(time.August), Equals, "Aug")
	c.Assert(getShortMonth(time.September), Equals, "Sep")
	c.Assert(getShortMonth(time.October), Equals, "Oct")
	c.Assert(getShortMonth(time.November), Equals, "Nov")
	c.Assert(getShortMonth(time.December), Equals, "Dec")

	c.Assert(getLongMonth(time.Month(0)), Equals, "")
	c.Assert(getLongMonth(time.January), Equals, "January")
	c.Assert(getLongMonth(time.February), Equals, "February")
	c.Assert(getLongMonth(time.March), Equals, "March")
	c.Assert(getLongMonth(time.April), Equals, "April")
	c.Assert(getLongMonth(time.May), Equals, "May")
	c.Assert(getLongMonth(time.June), Equals, "June")
	c.Assert(getLongMonth(time.July), Equals, "July")
	c.Assert(getLongMonth(time.August), Equals, "August")
	c.Assert(getLongMonth(time.September), Equals, "September")
	c.Assert(getLongMonth(time.October), Equals, "October")
	c.Assert(getLongMonth(time.November), Equals, "November")
	c.Assert(getLongMonth(time.December), Equals, "December")

	c.Assert(getWeekdayNum(time.Unix(1448193600, 0)), Equals, 7)

示例13: handleUpdate

func handleUpdate(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	c := appengine.NewContext(r)
	var (
		d   int
		day time.Weekday
		err error
	// Check if there is a signed in user.
	u := currentUser(r)
	if u == nil {
		aelog.Errorf(c, "No signed in user for updating")
		goto out
	// Validate XSRF token first.
	if !xsrftoken.Valid(r.PostFormValue(xsrfTokenName), xsrfKey, u.ID, updateURL) {
		aelog.Errorf(c, "XSRF token validation failed")
		goto out
	// Extract the new favorite weekday.
	d, err = strconv.Atoi(r.PostFormValue(favoriteName))
	if err != nil {
		aelog.Errorf(c, "Failed to extract new favoriate weekday: %s", err)
		goto out
	day = time.Weekday(d)
	if day < time.Sunday || day > time.Saturday {
		aelog.Errorf(c, "Got wrong value for favorite weekday: %d", d)
	// Update the favorite weekday.
	updateWeekdayForUser(r, u, day)
	// Redirect to home page to show the update result.
	http.Redirect(w, r, homeURL, http.StatusFound)

示例14: CanUpdate

// This function returns true or false, depending on whether the CacheTimeout
// value has expired or not. Additionally, it will ensure that we adhere to the
// RSS spec's SkipDays and SkipHours values (if Feed.EnforceCacheLimit is set to
// true). If this function returns true, you can be sure that a fresh feed
// update will be performed.
func (this *Feed) CanUpdate() bool {
	// Make sure we are not within the specified cache-limit.
	// This ensures we don't request data too often.
	utc := time.Now().UTC()
	if utc.UnixNano()-this.lastupdate < int64(this.CacheTimeout*60) {
		return false

	// If skipDays or skipHours are set in the RSS feed, use these to see if
	// we can update.
	if len(this.Channels) == 1 && this.Type == "rss" {
		if this.EnforceCacheLimit && len(this.Channels[0].SkipDays) > 0 {
			for _, v := range this.Channels[0].SkipDays {
				if time.Weekday(v) == utc.Weekday() {
					return false

		if this.EnforceCacheLimit && len(this.Channels[0].SkipHours) > 0 {
			for _, v := range this.Channels[0].SkipHours {
				if v == utc.Hour() {
					return false

	this.lastupdate = utc.UnixNano()
	return true

示例15: SelectTimetable

/* Returns timetable for specified line, bound and stop in the form of a map
   map (weekday => []("hour" => hour
                    "minute" => minute)) */
func SelectTimetable(line, bound, naptanId string) map[time.Weekday]map[LocalTime]bool {
	var timetable []TimetableEntry

	err := db.Select(&timetable,
		"SELECT weekday, departure_time FROM timetable WHERE line_id=$1 AND bound=$2 AND naptan_id=$3 ORDER BY weekday,departure_time",
		line, bound, naptanId)

	if err != nil {

	result := make(map[time.Weekday]map[LocalTime]bool)
	for _, entry := range timetable {
		weekday := time.Weekday(entry.Weekday)
		weekdayMap, exists := result[weekday]
		if !exists {
			weekdayMap = make(map[LocalTime]bool, 0)
			result[weekday] = weekdayMap
		weekdayMap[LocalTime{Hour: entry.DepartureTime.Hour(), Minute: entry.DepartureTime.Minute()}] = true
	logger.GetLogger().Info("Get timetable for line %v (%v), stop %v returned: %v", line, bound, naptanId, result)
	return result
