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Golang testing.Errorf函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Golang中testing.Errorf函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang Errorf函数的具体用法?Golang Errorf怎么用?Golang Errorf使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: TestDecoder_errors

func TestDecoder_errors(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []struct {
		data string
		want error
		{"a=1\n=bar", &SyntaxError{Msg: "unexpected '='", Line: 2, Pos: 1}},
		{"a=1\n\"k\"=bar", &SyntaxError{Msg: "unexpected '\"'", Line: 2, Pos: 1}},
		{"a=1\nk\"ey=bar", &SyntaxError{Msg: "unexpected '\"'", Line: 2, Pos: 2}},
		{"a=1\nk=b\"ar", &SyntaxError{Msg: "unexpected '\"'", Line: 2, Pos: 4}},
		{"a=1\nk=b =ar", &SyntaxError{Msg: "unexpected '='", Line: 2, Pos: 5}},
		{"a==", &SyntaxError{Msg: "unexpected '='", Line: 1, Pos: 3}},
		{"a=1\nk=b=ar", &SyntaxError{Msg: "unexpected '='", Line: 2, Pos: 4}},
		{"a=\"1", &SyntaxError{Msg: "unterminated quoted value", Line: 1, Pos: 5}},
		{"a=\"1\\", &SyntaxError{Msg: "unterminated quoted value", Line: 1, Pos: 6}},
		{"a=\"\\t1", &SyntaxError{Msg: "unterminated quoted value", Line: 1, Pos: 7}},
		{"a=\"\\u1\"", &SyntaxError{Msg: "invalid quoted value", Line: 1, Pos: 8}},

	for _, test := range tests {
		dec := NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(test.data))

		for dec.ScanRecord() {
			for dec.ScanKeyval() {
		if got, want := dec.Err(), test.want; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
			t.Errorf("got: %v, want: %v", got, want)

示例2: TestGlobPatternPrefix

func TestGlobPatternPrefix(t *testing.T) {
	var globberTests = []struct {
		glob   string
		prefix string
		{"foo.bar", "foo.bar"},

		{"foo.*.*.bar", "foo."},
		{"foo?", "foo"},
		{"foo]bar", "foo"},
		{"foo[bar", "foo"},

		{"trailing\\", "trailing\\"},
		{"escaped.\\*.star", "escaped.\\*.star"},

	for _, tt := range globberTests {
		// Build a query
		out := GlobPatternPrefix(tt.glob)

		if out != tt.prefix {
			t.Errorf("Expected '%v' to have prefix '%v', got '%v'.", tt.glob, tt.prefix, out)

示例3: TestSplit

func TestSplit(t *testing.T) {
	s := split("a,b,", ',')
	if len(s) != 3 || "a" != s[0] || "b" != s[1] || "" != s[2] {
		t.Errorf("%v\n", s)

	s = split(",", ',')
	if len(s) != 2 || "" != s[0] || "" != s[1] {
		t.Errorf("%v\n", s)

	s = split("", ',')
	if len(s) != 1 || s[0] != "" {
		t.Errorf("%v\n", s)

	s = split("a", ',')
	if len(s) != 1 || s[0] != "a" {
		t.Errorf("%v\n", s)

	s = split("a\\\\,b,:,", ',')
	if len(s) != 4 || "a\\\\" != s[0] || "b" != s[1] || ":" != s[2] || "" != s[3] {
		t.Errorf("%v\n", s)

示例4: TestExportControl

func TestExportControl(t *testing.T) {
	for _, example := range exportControlTests {
		dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "example")
		if err != nil {
		defer os.RemoveAll(dir)
		openControlData, errs := models.LoadData(example.opencontrolDir, example.certificationPath)
		if len(errs) > 0 {
			log.Fatal("Should have loaded the opencontrol data.")
		openControl := OpenControlGitBook{
		control := openControl.Standards.Get(example.standardKey).Controls[example.controlKey]
		actualPath, actualText := openControl.exportControl(&ControlGitbook{&control, dir, example.standardKey, example.controlKey})
		expectedPath := filepath.Join(dir, example.expectedPath)
		// Verify the expected export path is the same as the actual export path
		if expectedPath != actualPath {
			t.Errorf("Expected %s, Actual: %s", example.expectedPath, actualPath)
		// Verify the expected text is the same as the actual text
		if example.expectedText != strings.Replace(actualText, "\\", "/", -1) {
			t.Errorf("Expected %s, Actual: %s", example.expectedText, actualText)


示例5: Test_vm01

func Test_vm01(tst *testing.T) {


	// allocate driver
	ndim, pstress := 2, false
	simfnk, modelname := "test", "vm"
	var drv Driver
	err := drv.Init(simfnk, modelname, ndim, pstress, []*fun.Prm{
		&fun.Prm{N: "K", V: 1.5},
		&fun.Prm{N: "G", V: 1},
		&fun.Prm{N: "qy0", V: 2},
		&fun.Prm{N: "H", V: 0.5},
	drv.CheckD = true
	if err != nil {
		tst.Errorf("test failed: %v\n", err)

	// vm model
	vm := drv.model.(*VonMises)

	// path
	p0 := 0.0
	Δp := 3.0
	Δq := vm.qy0
	ϵ := 1e-3
	DP := []float64{Δp + ϵ, 3, 2, 1, 0}

示例6: TestBuildGitbook

func TestBuildGitbook(t *testing.T) {
	for _, example := range buildGitbookTests {
		tempDir, _ := ioutil.TempDir("", "example")
		defer os.RemoveAll(tempDir)
		config := Config{
			OpencontrolDir: example.inputDir,
			Certification:  example.certificationPath,
			ExportPath:     tempDir,
			MarkdownPath:   example.markdownPath,

		// Loop through the expected output to verify it matches the actual output
		matches, _ := filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(example.expectedOutputDir, "*", "*"))
		for _, expectedfilePath := range matches {
			actualFilePath := strings.Replace(expectedfilePath, example.expectedOutputDir, tempDir, -1)
			expectedData, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(expectedfilePath)
			actualData, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(actualFilePath)
			actualDataString := strings.Replace(string(actualData), "\\", "/", -1)
			// Verify the expected text is the same as the actual text
			if string(expectedData) != actualDataString {
				t.Errorf("Expected (%s):\n`%s`\nActual:\n`%s`", expectedfilePath, string(expectedData), string(actualData))

示例7: TestBaseDirectory

func TestBaseDirectory(t *testing.T) {
	mustStr := "Hello from template_tests/base_dir_test/"

	fs := pongo2.MustNewLocalFileSystemLoader("")
	s := pongo2.NewSet("test set with base directory", fs)
	s.Globals["base_directory"] = "template_tests/base_dir_test/"
	if err := fs.SetBaseDir(s.Globals["base_directory"].(string)); err != nil {

	matches, err := filepath.Glob("./template_tests/base_dir_test/subdir/*")
	if err != nil {
	for _, match := range matches {
		if "windows" == runtime.GOOS {
			match = strings.Replace(match, "template_tests\\base_dir_test\\", "", -1)
		} else {
			match = strings.Replace(match, "template_tests/base_dir_test/", "", -1)

		tpl, err := s.FromFile(match)
		if err != nil {
		out, err := tpl.Execute(nil)
		if err != nil {
		if out != mustStr {
			t.Errorf("%s: out ('%s') != mustStr ('%s')", match, out, mustStr)

示例8: TestEmitLabelSet

func TestEmitLabelSet(t *testing.T) {
	v := NewMetric("test", "prog", Gauge, "foo", "bar", "quux")
	c := make(chan *LabelSet)

	quit := make(chan bool)
	ts := time.Now()

	for _, tc := range labelSetTests {
		d, _ := v.GetDatum(tc.values...)
		d.Set(37, ts)
	go v.EmitLabelSets(c, quit)
	expected_datum := &Datum{37, ts}
	for _, tc := range labelSetTests {
		select {
		case l := <-c:
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(expected_datum, l.datum) {
				t.Errorf("Datum no match: expected %v, received %v\n", expected_datum, l.datum)
			if !reflect.DeepEqual(tc.expected_labels, l.labels) {
				t.Errorf("Labels don't match: expected %v, received %v\n", tc.expected_labels, l.labels)
		case <-quit:
			goto out

示例9: TestParseLinkDestination

func TestParseLinkDestination(t *testing.T) {
	type testCase struct {
		in     string
		title  string
		endpos int
		ok     bool
	testCases := []testCase{
		{"<\\>>", ">", 4, true},
		{"http://goo gle.com", "http://goo", 10, true},
		{"http://google.com", "http://google.com", 17, true},
		{"http://google.com/search?query=(1)", "http://google.com/search?query=(1)", 34, true},
		{"http://google.com/search?query=)1(", "http://google.com/search?query=", 31, true},
		{"http://google.com/search?query=((1))", "http://google.com/search?query=(", 32, true},
		{`http://google.com/search?query=a\ b\ c`, `http://google.com/search?query=a\ b\ c`, 38, true},
		{"http://goo\x00gle.com", "http://goo", 10, true},
		{"<link>", "link", 6, true},
		{"<", "", 0, false},
		{"<\\>", "", 0, false},
		{"<\\", "", 0, false},
		{"", "", 0, false},
		{"<>", "", 2, true},
		{"<link", "", 0, false},
		{"<\n", "", 0, false},
	for _, tc := range testCases {
		title, endpos, ok := parseLinkDestination(tc.in, 0, len(tc.in))
		if title != tc.title || endpos != tc.endpos || ok != tc.ok {
			t.Errorf("parseLinkDestination(%q) = (%q, %d, %v), want (%q, %d, %v)", tc.in, title, endpos, ok, tc.title, tc.endpos, tc.ok)

示例10: TestExpandKey

// Test key expansion against FIPS 197 examples.
func TestExpandKey(t *testing.T) {
	for i, tt := range keyTests {
		enc := make([]uint32, len(tt.enc))
		var dec []uint32
		if tt.dec != nil {
			dec = make([]uint32, len(tt.dec))
		// This test could only test Go version of expandKey because asm
		// version might use different memory layout for expanded keys
		// This is OK because we don't expose expanded keys to the outside
		expandKeyGo(tt.key, enc, dec)
		for j, v := range enc {
			if v != tt.enc[j] {
				t.Errorf("key %d: enc[%d] = %#x, want %#x", i, j, v, tt.enc[j])
				continue L
		if dec != nil {
			for j, v := range dec {
				if v != tt.dec[j] {
					t.Errorf("key %d: dec[%d] = %#x, want %#x", i, j, v, tt.dec[j])
					continue L

示例11: Test_dp01

func Test_dp01(tst *testing.T) {


	// allocate driver
	ndim, pstress := 2, false
	simfnk, modelname := "test", "dp"
	var drv Driver
	err := drv.Init(simfnk, modelname, ndim, pstress, []*fun.Prm{
		&fun.Prm{N: "K", V: 1.5},
		&fun.Prm{N: "G", V: 1},
		&fun.Prm{N: "M", V: 0},
		&fun.Prm{N: "Mb", V: 0},
		&fun.Prm{N: "qy0", V: 2},
		&fun.Prm{N: "H", V: 0.5},
	drv.CheckD = true
	drv.VerD = false // verbose
	if err != nil {
		tst.Errorf("test failed: %v\n", err)

	// dp model
	dp := drv.model.(*DruckerPrager)

	// path
	p0 := 0.0
	Δp := 3.0
	Δq := dp.qy0 + dp.M*Δp
	ϵ := 1e-3
	DP := []float64{Δp + ϵ, 3, 2, 1, 0}

示例12: TestToTomlValue

func TestToTomlValue(t *testing.T) {
	for idx, item := range []struct {
		Value  interface{}
		Expect string
		{int(1), "1"},
		{int8(2), "2"},
		{int16(3), "3"},
		{int32(4), "4"},
		{int64(12345), "12345"},
		{uint(10), "10"},
		{uint8(20), "20"},
		{uint16(30), "30"},
		{uint32(40), "40"},
		{uint64(50), "50"},
		{float32(12.456), "12.456"},
		{float64(123.45), "123.45"},
		{bool(true), "true"},
		{"hello world", "\"hello world\""},
		{"\b\t\n\f\r\"\\", "\"\\b\\t\\n\\f\\r\\\"\\\\\""},
		{"\x05", "\"\\u0005\""},
		{time.Date(1979, time.May, 27, 7, 32, 0, 0, time.UTC),
		{[]interface{}{"gamma", "delta"},
			"[\n  \"gamma\",\n  \"delta\",\n]"},
		{nil, ""},
	} {
		result := toTomlValue(item.Value, 0)
		if result != item.Expect {
			t.Errorf("Test %d - got '%s', expected '%s'", idx, result, item.Expect)

示例13: TestStringMatchBackSlash

func TestStringMatchBackSlash(t *testing.T) {
	pat, str := "\\*\\?\\[\\]\\\\", "*?[]\\"

	if !StringMatch(pat, str) {
		t.Errorf("StringMatch should have matched pattern %q with string %q", pat, str)

示例14: TestExtractRx

func TestExtractRx(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []struct {
		in, out string
		{"", ""},
		{"/foo", ""},
		{"foo", "foo"},
		{"foo/bar", "foo"},
		{"foo\\/bar", "foo\\/bar"},
		{"foo\\/bar/", "foo\\/bar"},
		{"foo\\\\/bar", "foo\\\\"},
		{"foo\\\\\\/bar", "foo\\\\\\/bar"},
		{"foo\\", "foo\\"},
		{"foo\\\\", "foo\\\\"},
		{"\\/", "\\/"},
		{"\\//", "\\/"},
		{"\\\\/", "\\\\"},
		{"\\\\//", "\\\\"},
		{"\\/foo", "\\/foo"},
	for i, test := range tests {
		l := &util.Lexer{Input: test.in}
		if o := extractRx(l, '/'); o != test.out {
			t.Errorf("extractRx(%d) '%s': exp '%s' got '%s'",
				i, test.in, test.out, o)

示例15: TestLex

func TestLex(t *testing.T) {
	for i, tt := range lexTests {
		ret := lexcollect(lex("test", tt.input))
		if !reflect.DeepEqual(ret, tt.expected) {
			t.Errorf("%d %q - expected\n%v\ngot\n%v", i, tt.input, tt.expected, ret)
