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Golang strings.IndexByte函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Golang中strings.IndexByte函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang IndexByte函数的具体用法?Golang IndexByte怎么用?Golang IndexByte使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: New

func New(str string) JID {
	// TODO(skriptble): Implement RFC7622
	var local, domain, resource string

	domain = str
	slash := strings.IndexByte(domain, '/')
	if slash != -1 {
		resource = domain[slash+1:]
		domain = domain[:slash]

	at := strings.IndexByte(domain, '@')
	if at != -1 {
		local = domain[:at]
		domain = domain[at+1:]

	local = parseLocal(local)
	domain = parseDomain(domain)
	resource = parseResource(resource)

	if len([]byte(local)) > 1024 || len([]byte(domain)) > 1024 || len([]byte(resource)) > 1024 {
		return Empty

	return JID{
		local:    local,
		domain:   domain,
		resource: resource,

示例2: escape

// escape replaces any characters which are not valid in identifiers with
// corresponding hexadecimal escape sequence (\XX).
func escape(s string) string {
	// Check if a replacement is required.
	extra := 0
	for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
		if strings.IndexByte(tail, s[i]) == -1 {
			// Two extra bytes are required for each invalid byte; e.g.
			//    "#" -> `\23`
			//    "世" -> `\E4\B8\96`
			extra += 2
	if extra == 0 {
		return s

	// Replace invalid characters.
	const hextable = "0123456789ABCDEF"
	buf := make([]byte, len(s)+extra)
	j := 0
	for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
		b := s[i]
		if strings.IndexByte(tail, b) != -1 {
			buf[j] = b
		buf[j] = '\\'
		buf[j+1] = hextable[b>>4]
		buf[j+2] = hextable[b&0x0F]
		j += 3
	return string(buf)

示例3: Unquote

// Unquote interprets s as a single-quoted, double-quoted,
// or backquoted Go string literal, returning the string value
// that s quotes. For example: test=`"\"\n"` (hex: 22 5c 22 5c 6e 22)
// should be converted to `"\n` (hex: 22 0a).
func Unquote(s string) (t string, err error) {
	n := len(s)
	if n < 2 {
		return "", errors.Trace(ErrSyntax)
	quote := s[0]
	if quote != s[n-1] {
		return "", errors.Trace(ErrSyntax)
	s = s[1 : n-1]
	if quote != '"' && quote != '\'' {
		return "", errors.Trace(ErrSyntax)
	// Avoid allocation. No need to convert if there is no '\'
	if strings.IndexByte(s, '\\') == -1 && strings.IndexByte(s, quote) == -1 {
		return s, nil
	buf := make([]byte, 0, 3*len(s)/2) // Try to avoid more allocations.
	for len(s) > 0 {
		mb, ss, err := UnquoteChar(s, quote)
		if err != nil {
			return "", errors.Trace(err)
		s = ss
		buf = append(buf, mb...)
	return string(buf), nil

示例4: main

func main() {
	fmt.Println(strings.Index("Hello, world!", "He"))  // 0: He가 맨 처음에 있으므로 0
	fmt.Println(strings.Index("Hello, world!", "wor")) // 7: wor가 8번째에 있으므로 7
	fmt.Println(strings.Index("Hello, world!", "ow"))  // -1: ow는 없으므로 -1

	fmt.Println(strings.IndexAny("Hello, world!", "eo")) // 1: e가 2번째에 있으므로 1
	fmt.Println(strings.IndexAny("Hello, world!", "f"))  // -1: f는 없으므로 -1

	var c byte
	c = 'd'
	fmt.Println(strings.IndexByte("Hello, world!", c)) // 11: d가 12번째에 있으므로 11
	c = 'f'
	fmt.Println(strings.IndexByte("Hello, world!", c)) // -1: f는 없으므로 -1

	var r rune
	r = '언'
	fmt.Println(strings.IndexRune("고 언어", r)) // 4: "언"이 시작되는 인덱스가 4

	f := func(r rune) bool {
		return unicode.Is(unicode.Hangul, r) // r이 한글 유니코드이면 true를 리턴
	fmt.Println(strings.IndexFunc("Go 언어", f))       // 3: 한글이 4번째부터 시작하므로 3
	fmt.Println(strings.IndexFunc("Go Language", f)) // -1: 한글이 없으므로 -1

	fmt.Println(strings.LastIndex("Hello Hello Hello, world!", "Hello"))
	// 12: 마지막 Hello가 13번째에 있으므로 12

	fmt.Println(strings.LastIndexAny("Hello, world", "ol")) // 10: 마지막 l이 11번째에 있으므로 10

	fmt.Println(strings.LastIndexFunc("Go 언어 안녕", f)) // 13: 마지막 한글인 '녕'이 시작되는 인덱스가 13

示例5: ParsePrefix

// Parse user information from string
// format: [email protected]
// Taken from: https://github.com/sorcix/irc
// All credit for this function goes to github user sorcix
func ParsePrefix(prefix string) *Prefix {
	p := new(Prefix)

	user := strings.IndexByte(prefix, '!')
	host := strings.IndexByte(prefix, '@')

	switch {
	case user > 0 && host > user:
		p.Name = prefix[:user]
		p.User = prefix[user+1 : host]
		p.Host = prefix[host+1:]

	case user > 0:
		p.Name = prefix[:user]
		p.User = prefix[user+1:]

	case host > 0:
		p.Name = prefix[:host]
		p.Host = prefix[host+1:]

		p.Name = prefix

	return p

示例6: unpackKey

// unpackKey extracts key, index and remainder of the key.
// It returns "", "", "" for error.
func unpackKey(s string) (interface{}, string) {
	if s == "" {
		return nil, ""
	if s[0] == '.' {
		s = s[1:]
	dot := strings.IndexByte(s, '.')
	open := strings.IndexByte(s, '[')
	switch {
	case dot == -1 && open == -1:
		return s, ""
	case dot != -1 && (open == -1 || dot < open):
		return s[:dot], s[dot:]
	case open != -1 && (dot == -1 || open < dot):
		if open > 0 {
			return s[:open], s[open:]
		close := strings.IndexByte(s, ']')
		if close == -1 {
			return nil, ""
		n, err := strconv.Atoi(s[1:close])
		if err != nil {
			return nil, ""
		return n, s[close+1:]
	default: // Cannot happen
		return nil, ""

示例7: QueryToSymlist

 * parse a query string to symlist_t struct , string format should be:
 * nmq=testmq&mac=xxxx&bootid=xxxx...
func QueryToSymlist(query string) (symlist *SymList, err error) {
	var middle int = 0
	var end int = 0
	data := query
	for {
		middle = strings.IndexByte(data, '=')
		if middle == -1 {

		end = strings.IndexByte(data[middle:], '&')
		if end == -1 {
			if symlist == nil {
				symlist, _ = NewSymlist(data[:middle], data[middle+1:], STRING)
			} else {
				symlist, _ = AppendSymlistString(symlist, data[:middle], data[middle+1:])
		} else {
			if symlist == nil {
				symlist, _ = NewSymlist(data[:middle], data[middle+1:middle+end], STRING)
			} else {
				symlist, _ = AppendSymlistString(symlist, data[:middle], data[middle+1:middle+end])
			data = data[middle+end+1:]
	return symlist, err

示例8: parsePart

func parsePart(part string) (k, v, rest string, err error) {
	// `key=value;otherKey=otherValue`
	// `key="value";otherKey=otherValue`
	idx := strings.IndexByte(part, '=')
	if idx < 0 {
		err = strconv.ErrSyntax

	k, v = part[0:idx], part[idx+1:]
	// k=`key`, v=`value;otherKey=otherValue`
	// k=`key`, v=`"value";otherKey=otherValue`
	if len(v) > 0 && v[0] == '"' {
		v, rest, err = unquote(v)
		if err != nil {
	} else {
		idx = strings.IndexByte(v, ';')
		if idx >= 0 {
			v, rest = v[0:idx], v[idx+1:]

	if len(rest) > 0 && rest[0] == ';' {
		rest = rest[1:]


示例9: addParamNode

func (n *treenode) addParamNode(pattern string) (*treenode, *stringList, bool) {
	i := strings.IndexByte(pattern, byte('{'))
	if i >= 0 {
		node, paramNames := n.addNode(pattern[:i])
		pattern = pattern[i+1:]
		i := strings.IndexByte(pattern, byte('}'))
		if i < 0 {
			panic("invalid route syntax: {" + pattern)

		nc := strings.Split(pattern[:i], ":") // split {name:constraint}
		name := strings.TrimSpace(nc[0])
		constraint := ""
		if len(nc) > 1 {
			constraint = strings.TrimSpace(strings.Join(nc[1:], ""))
		pn := node.addParamChild(constraint)
		paramNames = addItem(paramNames, name)
		pattern = pattern[i+1:]
		if len(pattern) == 0 {
			return pn, paramNames, true

		node, paramNames = pn.addNode(pattern)
		paramNames = addItem(paramNames, name)
		return node, paramNames, true
	return nil, nil, false

示例10: substRef

func substRef(pat, repl, str string) string {
	if strings.IndexByte(pat, '%') >= 0 && strings.IndexByte(repl, '%') >= 0 {
		return substPattern(pat, repl, str)
	str = strings.TrimSuffix(str, pat)
	return str + repl

示例11: ServerParseAddr

// ServerParseAddr parses the listening addr and returns this
func ServerParseAddr(listeningAddr string) string {
	// check if addr has :port, if not do it +:80 ,we need the hostname for many cases
	a := listeningAddr
	if a == "" {
		// check for os environments
		if oshost := os.Getenv("HOST"); oshost != "" {
			a = oshost
		} else if oshost := os.Getenv("ADDR"); oshost != "" {
			a = oshost
		} else if osport := os.Getenv("PORT"); osport != "" {
			a = ":" + osport

		if a == "" {
			a = DefaultServerAddr

	if portIdx := strings.IndexByte(a, ':'); portIdx == 0 {
		// if contains only :port	,then the : is the first letter, so we dont have setted a hostname, lets set it
		a = DefaultServerHostname + a
	if portIdx := strings.IndexByte(a, ':'); portIdx < 0 {
		// missing port part, add it
		a = a + ":80"

	return a

示例12: parseParams

// Parses the second call's parameters in a stack trace of the form:
// goroutine 1 [running]:
// main.printInputs(0x4c4c60, 0x539038)
//	/.../go/src/debug/main.go:16 +0xe0
// main.Test1(0x2)                       <---- parsed
//	/.../go/src/debug/main.go:23
//	Returns the function name and the parameter values, e.g.:
//		("main.Test1", [0x2])
func parseParams(st string) (string, []uintptr) {

	line := 1
	start, stop := 0, 0
	for i, c := range st {
		if c == '\n' {
		if line == 4 && c == '\n' {
			start = i + 1
		if line == 5 && c == '\n' {
			stop = i

	call := st[start:stop]
	fname := call[0:strings.IndexByte(call, '(')]
	param := call[strings.IndexByte(call, '(')+1 : strings.IndexByte(call, ')')]
	params := strings.Split(param, ", ")
	parsedParams := make([]uintptr, len(params))

	for i := range params {
		iv, err := strconv.ParseInt(params[i], 0, 64)

		if err != nil {

		parsedParams[i] = uintptr(iv)

	return fname, parsedParams

示例13: compare

// compare compares two version strings. compare returns -1 if v1 < v2, 1 if v1
// > v2, 0 otherwise.
// Non-numeric segments in either argument are considered equal, so
// compare("1.a", "1.b") == 0, but compare("2.a", "1.b") == 1.
func compare(v1, v2 string) int {
	if n := strings.IndexByte(v1, '-'); n != -1 {
		v1 = v1[:n]
	if n := strings.IndexByte(v2, '-'); n != -1 {
		v2 = v2[:n]
	var (
		currTab  = strings.Split(v1, ".")
		otherTab = strings.Split(v2, ".")

	max := len(currTab)
	if len(otherTab) > max {
		max = len(otherTab)
	for i := 0; i < max; i++ {
		var currInt, otherInt int

		if len(currTab) > i {
			currInt, _ = strconv.Atoi(currTab[i])
		if len(otherTab) > i {
			otherInt, _ = strconv.Atoi(otherTab[i])
		if currInt > otherInt {
			return 1
		if otherInt > currInt {
			return -1
	return 0

示例14: ParsePrefix

// ParsePrefix takes a string and attempts to create a Prefix struct.
func ParsePrefix(raw string) (p *Prefix) {

	p = new(Prefix)

	user := strings.IndexByte(raw, prefixUser)
	host := strings.IndexByte(raw, prefixHost)

	switch {

	case user > 0 && host > user:
		p.Name = raw[:user]
		p.User = raw[user+1 : host]
		p.Host = raw[host+1:]

	case user > 0:
		p.Name = raw[:user]
		p.User = raw[user+1:]

	case host > 0:
		p.Name = raw[:host]
		p.Host = raw[host+1:]

		p.Name = raw


	return p

示例15: parseToKVPair

func parseToKVPair(s string) (key string, value string, err error) {

	re := regexp.MustCompile(`^[[email protected]:/_-]`)
	if !re.MatchString(s) {
		err = fmt.Errorf("Invalid key-value identity: %s", s)

	colon := strings.IndexByte(s, byte(':'))
	atsign := strings.IndexByte(s, byte('@'))
	if colon >= 0 {
		key = s[0:colon]
		value = s[(colon + 1):]
		if len(value) >= 2 && value[0:2] == "//" {
			value = value[2:]
	} else if atsign >= 0 {
		value = s[0:atsign]
		key = s[(atsign + 1):]
	} else {
		value = s
	key = strings.ToLower(key)
	value = strings.ToLower(value)
