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Golang liblink.LSym类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Golang中rsc/io/tmp/slowgc/liblink.LSym的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang LSym类的具体用法?Golang LSym怎么用?Golang LSym使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: follow

func follow(ctxt *liblink.Link, s *liblink.LSym) {
	var firstp *liblink.Prog
	var lastp *liblink.Prog

	ctxt.Cursym = s

	firstp = ctxt.Arch.Prg()
	lastp = firstp
	xfol(ctxt, s.Text, &lastp)
	lastp.Link = nil
	s.Text = firstp.Link

示例2: readsym

func readsym(b *bufio.Reader, s *liblink.LSym) {
	if !undef[s] {
	delete(undef, s)
	s.Name = rdstring(b)
	s.Extname = rdstring(b)
	s.Type_ = int16(rdint(b))
	s.Version = int16(rdint(b))
	s.Dupok = uint8(rdint(b))
	s.External = uint8(rdint(b))
	s.Nosplit = uint8(rdint(b))
	s.Reachable = uint8(rdint(b))
	s.Cgoexport = uint8(rdint(b))
	s.Special = uint8(rdint(b))
	s.Stkcheck = uint8(rdint(b))
	s.Hide = uint8(rdint(b))
	s.Leaf = uint8(rdint(b))
	s.Fnptr = uint8(rdint(b))
	s.Seenglobl = uint8(rdint(b))
	s.Onlist = uint8(rdint(b))
	s.Symid = int16(rdint(b))
	s.Dynid = int32(rdint(b))
	s.Sig = int32(rdint(b))
	s.Plt = int32(rdint(b))
	s.Got = int32(rdint(b))
	s.Align = int32(rdint(b))
	s.Elfsym = int32(rdint(b))
	s.Args = int32(rdint(b))
	s.Locals = int32(rdint(b))
	s.Value = rdint(b)
	s.Size = rdint(b)
	hashed[rdsym(b)] = true
	s.Allsym = rdsym(b)
	s.Next = rdsym(b)
	s.Sub = rdsym(b)
	s.Outer = rdsym(b)
	s.Gotype = rdsym(b)
	s.Reachparent = rdsym(b)
	s.Queue = rdsym(b)
	s.File = rdstring(b)
	s.Dynimplib = rdstring(b)
	s.Dynimpvers = rdstring(b)
	s.Text = rdprog(b)
	s.Etext = rdprog(b)
	n := int(rdint(b))
	if n > 0 {
		s.P = make([]byte, n)
		io.ReadFull(b, s.P)
	s.R = make([]liblink.Reloc, int(rdint(b)))
	for i := range s.R {
		r := &s.R[i]
		r.Off = int32(rdint(b))
		r.Siz = uint8(rdint(b))
		r.Done = uint8(rdint(b))
		r.Type_ = int32(rdint(b))
		r.Add = rdint(b)
		r.Xadd = rdint(b)
		r.Sym = rdsym(b)
		r.Xsym = rdsym(b)

示例3: addstacksplit

func addstacksplit(ctxt *liblink.Link, cursym *liblink.LSym) {
	var p *liblink.Prog
	var pl *liblink.Prog
	var p1 *liblink.Prog
	var p2 *liblink.Prog
	var q *liblink.Prog
	var q1 *liblink.Prog
	var q2 *liblink.Prog
	var o int
	var autosize int32
	var autoffset int32

	autosize = 0

	if ctxt.Symmorestack[0] == nil {
		ctxt.Symmorestack[0] = liblink.Linklookup(ctxt, "runtime.morestack", 0)
		ctxt.Symmorestack[1] = liblink.Linklookup(ctxt, "runtime.morestack_noctxt", 0)

	q = nil

	ctxt.Cursym = cursym

	if cursym.Text == nil || cursym.Text.Link == nil {

	softfloat(ctxt, cursym)

	p = cursym.Text
	autoffset = int32(p.To.Offset)
	if autoffset < 0 {
		autoffset = 0
	cursym.Locals = autoffset
	cursym.Args = p.To.Offset2

	if ctxt.Debugzerostack != 0 {
		if autoffset != 0 && !(p.Reg&liblink.NOSPLIT != 0) {
			// MOVW $4(R13), R1
			p = liblink.Appendp(ctxt, p)

			p.As = AMOVW
			p.From.Type_ = D_CONST
			p.From.Reg = 13
			p.From.Offset = 4
			p.To.Type_ = D_REG
			p.To.Reg = 1

			// MOVW $n(R13), R2
			p = liblink.Appendp(ctxt, p)

			p.As = AMOVW
			p.From.Type_ = D_CONST
			p.From.Reg = 13
			p.From.Offset = 4 + int64(autoffset)
			p.To.Type_ = D_REG
			p.To.Reg = 2

			// MOVW $0, R3
			p = liblink.Appendp(ctxt, p)

			p.As = AMOVW
			p.From.Type_ = D_CONST
			p.From.Offset = 0
			p.To.Type_ = D_REG
			p.To.Reg = 3

			// L:
			//	MOVW.nil R3, 0(R1) +4
			//	CMP R1, R2
			//	BNE L
			pl = liblink.Appendp(ctxt, p)
			p = pl

			p.As = AMOVW
			p.From.Type_ = D_REG
			p.From.Reg = 3
			p.To.Type_ = D_OREG
			p.To.Reg = 1
			p.To.Offset = 4
			p.Scond |= C_PBIT

			p = liblink.Appendp(ctxt, p)
			p.As = ACMP
			p.From.Type_ = D_REG
			p.From.Reg = 1
			p.Reg = 2

			p = liblink.Appendp(ctxt, p)
			p.As = ABNE
			p.To.Type_ = D_BRANCH
			p.Pcond = pl

	 * find leaf subroutines
	 * strip NOPs
	 * expand RET

示例4: progedit

func progedit(ctxt *liblink.Link, p *liblink.Prog) {
	var literal string
	var s *liblink.LSym
	var tlsfallback *liblink.LSym

	p.From.Class = 0
	p.To.Class = 0

	// Rewrite B/BL to symbol as D_BRANCH.
	switch p.As {

	case AB,
		if p.To.Type_ == D_OREG && (p.To.Name == D_EXTERN || p.To.Name == D_STATIC) && p.To.Sym != nil {
			p.To.Type_ = D_BRANCH

	// Replace TLS register fetches on older ARM procesors.
	switch p.As {

	// Treat MRC 15, 0, <reg>, C13, C0, 3 specially.
	case AMRC:
		if p.To.Offset&0xffff0fff == 0xee1d0f70 {

			// Because the instruction might be rewriten to a BL which returns in R0
			// the register must be zero.
			if p.To.Offset&0xf000 != 0 {

				ctxt.Diag("%L: TLS MRC instruction must write to R0 as it might get translated into a BL instruction", p.Lineno)

			if ctxt.Goarm < 7 {
				// Replace it with BL runtime.read_tls_fallback(SB) for ARM CPUs that lack the tls extension.
				if tlsfallback == nil {

					tlsfallback = liblink.Linklookup(ctxt, "runtime.read_tls_fallback", 0)

				// MOVW	LR, R11
				p.As = AMOVW

				p.From.Type_ = D_REG
				p.From.Reg = REGLINK
				p.To.Type_ = D_REG
				p.To.Reg = REGTMP

				// BL	runtime.read_tls_fallback(SB)
				p = liblink.Appendp(ctxt, p)

				p.As = ABL
				p.To.Type_ = D_BRANCH
				p.To.Sym = tlsfallback
				p.To.Offset = 0

				// MOVW	R11, LR
				p = liblink.Appendp(ctxt, p)

				p.As = AMOVW
				p.From.Type_ = D_REG
				p.From.Reg = REGTMP
				p.To.Type_ = D_REG
				p.To.Reg = REGLINK

		// Otherwise, MRC/MCR instructions need no further treatment.
		p.As = AWORD


	// Rewrite float constants to values stored in memory.
	switch p.As {

	case AMOVF:
		if p.From.Type_ == D_FCONST && chipfloat5(ctxt, p.From.U.Dval) < 0 && (chipzero5(ctxt, p.From.U.Dval) < 0 || p.Scond&C_SCOND != C_SCOND_NONE) {
			var i32 uint32
			var f32 float32
			f32 = float32(p.From.U.Dval)
			i32 = math.Float32bits(f32)
			literal = fmt.Sprintf("$f32.%08x", i32)
			s = liblink.Linklookup(ctxt, literal, 0)
			if s.Type_ == 0 {
				s.Type_ = liblink.SRODATA
				liblink.Adduint32(ctxt, s, i32)
				s.Reachable = 0

			p.From.Type_ = D_OREG
			p.From.Sym = s
			p.From.Name = D_EXTERN
			p.From.Offset = 0

	case AMOVD:

示例5: progedit

func progedit(ctxt *liblink.Link, p *liblink.Prog) {
	var literal string
	var s *liblink.LSym

	p.From.Class = 0
	p.To.Class = 0

	// Rewrite BR/BL to symbol as D_BRANCH.
	switch p.As {

	case ABR,
		if p.To.Sym != nil {
			p.To.Type_ = D_BRANCH

	// Rewrite float constants to values stored in memory.
	switch p.As {

	case AFMOVS:
		if p.From.Type_ == D_FCONST {
			var i32 uint32
			var f32 float32
			f32 = float32(p.From.U.Dval)
			i32 = math.Float32bits(f32)
			literal = fmt.Sprintf("$f32.%08x", i32)
			s = liblink.Linklookup(ctxt, literal, 0)
			s.Size = 4
			p.From.Type_ = D_OREG
			p.From.Sym = s
			p.From.Name = D_EXTERN
			p.From.Offset = 0

	case AFMOVD:
		if p.From.Type_ == D_FCONST {
			var i64 uint64
			i64 = math.Float64bits(p.From.U.Dval)
			literal = fmt.Sprintf("$f64.%016x", i64)
			s = liblink.Linklookup(ctxt, literal, 0)
			s.Size = 8
			p.From.Type_ = D_OREG
			p.From.Sym = s
			p.From.Name = D_EXTERN
			p.From.Offset = 0

		// Put >32-bit constants in memory and load them
	case AMOVD:
		if p.From.Type_ == D_CONST && p.From.Name == D_NONE && p.From.Reg == NREG && int64(int32(p.From.Offset)) != p.From.Offset {

			literal = fmt.Sprintf("$i64.%016x", uint64(p.From.Offset))
			s = liblink.Linklookup(ctxt, literal, 0)
			s.Size = 8
			p.From.Type_ = D_OREG
			p.From.Sym = s
			p.From.Name = D_EXTERN
			p.From.Offset = 0

	// Rewrite SUB constants into ADD.
	switch p.As {

	case ASUBC:
		if p.From.Type_ == D_CONST {
			p.From.Offset = -p.From.Offset
			p.As = AADDC

	case ASUBCCC:
		if p.From.Type_ == D_CONST {
			p.From.Offset = -p.From.Offset
			p.As = AADDCCC

	case ASUB:
		if p.From.Type_ == D_CONST {
			p.From.Offset = -p.From.Offset
			p.As = AADD


示例6: addstacksplit

func addstacksplit(ctxt *liblink.Link, cursym *liblink.LSym) {
	var p *liblink.Prog
	var q *liblink.Prog
	var p1 *liblink.Prog
	var p2 *liblink.Prog
	var q1 *liblink.Prog
	var o int
	var mov int
	var aoffset int
	var textstksiz int64
	var textarg int64
	var autosize int32

	if ctxt.Symmorestack[0] == nil {
		ctxt.Symmorestack[0] = liblink.Linklookup(ctxt, "runtime.morestack", 0)
		ctxt.Symmorestack[1] = liblink.Linklookup(ctxt, "runtime.morestack_noctxt", 0)

	// TODO(minux): add morestack short-cuts with small fixed frame-size.
	ctxt.Cursym = cursym

	if cursym.Text == nil || cursym.Text.Link == nil {

	p = cursym.Text
	parsetextconst(p.To.Offset, &textstksiz, &textarg)

	cursym.Args = int32(p.To.Offset >> 32)
	cursym.Locals = int32(textstksiz)

	 * find leaf subroutines
	 * strip NOPs
	 * expand RET
	 * expand BECOME pseudo
	if ctxt.Debugvlog != 0 {

		fmt.Fprintf(ctxt.Bso, "%5.2f noops\n", liblink.Cputime())

	q = nil
	for p = cursym.Text; p != nil; p = p.Link {
		switch p.As {
		/* too hard, just leave alone */
		case ATEXT:
			q = p

			p.Mark |= LABEL | LEAF | SYNC
			if p.Link != nil {
				p.Link.Mark |= LABEL

		case ANOR:
			q = p
			if p.To.Type_ == D_REG {
				if p.To.Reg == REGZERO {
					p.Mark |= LABEL | SYNC

		case ALWAR,
			q = p
			p.Mark |= LABEL | SYNC

		case AMOVW,
			q = p

示例7: progedit

func progedit(ctxt *liblink.Link, p *liblink.Prog) {
	var literal string
	var s *liblink.LSym
	var q *liblink.Prog

	// See obj6.c for discussion of TLS.
	if canuselocaltls(ctxt) != 0 {

		// Reduce TLS initial exec model to TLS local exec model.
		// Sequences like
		//	... off(BX)(TLS*1) ...
		// become
		//	NOP
		//	... off(TLS) ...
		if p.As == AMOVL && p.From.Type_ == D_TLS && D_AX <= p.To.Type_ && p.To.Type_ <= D_DI {

			p.As = ANOP
			p.From.Type_ = D_NONE
			p.To.Type_ = D_NONE

		if p.From.Index == D_TLS && D_INDIR+D_AX <= p.From.Type_ && p.From.Type_ <= D_INDIR+D_DI {
			p.From.Type_ = D_INDIR + D_TLS
			p.From.Scale = 0
			p.From.Index = D_NONE

		if p.To.Index == D_TLS && D_INDIR+D_AX <= p.To.Type_ && p.To.Type_ <= D_INDIR+D_DI {
			p.To.Type_ = D_INDIR + D_TLS
			p.To.Scale = 0
			p.To.Index = D_NONE
	} else {

		// As a courtesy to the C compilers, rewrite TLS local exec load as TLS initial exec load.
		// The instruction
		//	MOVL off(TLS), BX
		// becomes the sequence
		//	MOVL off(BX)(TLS*1), BX
		// This allows the C compilers to emit references to m and g using the direct off(TLS) form.
		if p.As == AMOVL && p.From.Type_ == D_INDIR+D_TLS && D_AX <= p.To.Type_ && p.To.Type_ <= D_DI {

			q = liblink.Appendp(ctxt, p)
			q.As = p.As
			q.From = p.From
			q.From.Type_ = D_INDIR + p.To.Type_
			q.From.Index = D_TLS
			q.From.Scale = 2 // TODO: use 1
			q.To = p.To
			p.From.Type_ = D_TLS
			p.From.Index = D_NONE
			p.From.Offset = 0

	// TODO: Remove.
	if ctxt.Headtype == liblink.Hplan9 {

		if p.From.Scale == 1 && p.From.Index == D_TLS {
			p.From.Scale = 2
		if p.To.Scale == 1 && p.To.Index == D_TLS {
			p.To.Scale = 2

	// Rewrite CALL/JMP/RET to symbol as D_BRANCH.
	switch p.As {

	case ACALL,
		if (p.To.Type_ == D_EXTERN || p.To.Type_ == D_STATIC) && p.To.Sym != nil {
			p.To.Type_ = D_BRANCH

	// Rewrite float constants to values stored in memory.
	switch p.As {

	// Convert AMOVSS $(0), Xx to AXORPS Xx, Xx
	case AMOVSS:
		if p.From.Type_ == D_FCONST {

			if p.From.U.Dval == 0 {
				if p.To.Type_ >= D_X0 {
					if p.To.Type_ <= D_X7 {
						p.As = AXORPS
						p.From.Type_ = p.To.Type_
						p.From.Index = p.To.Index


示例8: addstacksplit

func addstacksplit(ctxt *liblink.Link, cursym *liblink.LSym) {
	var p *liblink.Prog
	var q *liblink.Prog
	var p1 *liblink.Prog
	var p2 *liblink.Prog
	var autoffset int32
	var deltasp int32
	var a int

	if ctxt.Symmorestack[0] == nil {
		ctxt.Symmorestack[0] = liblink.Linklookup(ctxt, "runtime.morestack", 0)
		ctxt.Symmorestack[1] = liblink.Linklookup(ctxt, "runtime.morestack_noctxt", 0)

	if ctxt.Headtype == liblink.Hplan9 && ctxt.Plan9privates == nil {
		ctxt.Plan9privates = liblink.Linklookup(ctxt, "_privates", 0)

	ctxt.Cursym = cursym

	if cursym.Text == nil || cursym.Text.Link == nil {

	p = cursym.Text
	autoffset = int32(p.To.Offset)
	if autoffset < 0 {
		autoffset = 0

	cursym.Locals = autoffset
	cursym.Args = p.To.Offset2

	q = nil

	if !(p.From.Scale&liblink.NOSPLIT != 0) || (p.From.Scale&liblink.WRAPPER != 0) {
		p = liblink.Appendp(ctxt, p)
		p = load_g_cx(ctxt, p) // load g into CX

	if !(cursym.Text.From.Scale&liblink.NOSPLIT != 0) {
		p = stacksplit(ctxt, p, autoffset, bool2int(!(cursym.Text.From.Scale&liblink.NEEDCTXT != 0)), &q) // emit split check

	if autoffset != 0 {

		p = liblink.Appendp(ctxt, p)
		p.As = AADJSP
		p.From.Type_ = D_CONST
		p.From.Offset = int64(autoffset)
		p.Spadj = autoffset
	} else {

		// zero-byte stack adjustment.
		// Insert a fake non-zero adjustment so that stkcheck can
		// recognize the end of the stack-splitting prolog.
		p = liblink.Appendp(ctxt, p)

		p.As = ANOP
		p.Spadj = int32(-ctxt.Arch.Ptrsize)
		p = liblink.Appendp(ctxt, p)
		p.As = ANOP
		p.Spadj = int32(ctxt.Arch.Ptrsize)

	if q != nil {
		q.Pcond = p
	deltasp = autoffset

	if cursym.Text.From.Scale&liblink.WRAPPER != 0 {
		// if(g->panic != nil && g->panic->argp == FP) g->panic->argp = bottom-of-frame
		//	MOVL g_panic(CX), BX
		//	JEQ end
		//	LEAL (autoffset+4)(SP), DI
		//	CMPL panic_argp(BX), DI
		//	JNE end
		//	MOVL SP, panic_argp(BX)
		// end:
		//	NOP
		// The NOP is needed to give the jumps somewhere to land.
		// It is a liblink NOP, not an x86 NOP: it encodes to 0 instruction bytes.

		p = liblink.Appendp(ctxt, p)

		p.As = AMOVL
		p.From.Type_ = D_INDIR + D_CX
		p.From.Offset = 4 * int64(ctxt.Arch.Ptrsize) // G.panic
		p.To.Type_ = D_BX

		p = liblink.Appendp(ctxt, p)
		p.As = ATESTL
		p.From.Type_ = D_BX
		p.To.Type_ = D_BX

		p = liblink.Appendp(ctxt, p)
		p.As = AJEQ

示例9: progedit

func progedit(ctxt *liblink.Link, p *liblink.Prog) {
	var literal string
	var s *liblink.LSym
	var q *liblink.Prog

	// Thread-local storage references use the TLS pseudo-register.
	// As a register, TLS refers to the thread-local storage base, and it
	// can only be loaded into another register:
	//         MOVQ TLS, AX
	// An offset from the thread-local storage base is written off(reg)(TLS*1).
	// Semantically it is off(reg), but the (TLS*1) annotation marks this as
	// indexing from the loaded TLS base. This emits a relocation so that
	// if the linker needs to adjust the offset, it can. For example:
	//         MOVQ TLS, AX
	//         MOVQ 8(AX)(TLS*1), CX // load m into CX
	// On systems that support direct access to the TLS memory, this
	// pair of instructions can be reduced to a direct TLS memory reference:
	//         MOVQ 8(TLS), CX // load m into CX
	// The 2-instruction and 1-instruction forms correspond roughly to
	// ELF TLS initial exec mode and ELF TLS local exec mode, respectively.
	// We applies this rewrite on systems that support the 1-instruction form.
	// The decision is made using only the operating system (and probably
	// the -shared flag, eventually), not the link mode. If some link modes
	// on a particular operating system require the 2-instruction form,
	// then all builds for that operating system will use the 2-instruction
	// form, so that the link mode decision can be delayed to link time.
	// In this way, all supported systems use identical instructions to
	// access TLS, and they are rewritten appropriately first here in
	// liblink and then finally using relocations in the linker.

	if canuselocaltls(ctxt) != 0 {

		// Reduce TLS initial exec model to TLS local exec model.
		// Sequences like
		//	... off(BX)(TLS*1) ...
		// become
		//	NOP
		//	... off(TLS) ...
		// TODO(rsc): Remove the Hsolaris special case. It exists only to
		// guarantee we are producing byte-identical binaries as before this code.
		// But it should be unnecessary.
		if (p.As == AMOVQ || p.As == AMOVL) && p.From.Type_ == D_TLS && D_AX <= p.To.Type_ && p.To.Type_ <= D_R15 && ctxt.Headtype != liblink.Hsolaris {

		if p.From.Index == D_TLS && D_INDIR+D_AX <= p.From.Type_ && p.From.Type_ <= D_INDIR+D_R15 {
			p.From.Type_ = D_INDIR + D_TLS
			p.From.Scale = 0
			p.From.Index = D_NONE

		if p.To.Index == D_TLS && D_INDIR+D_AX <= p.To.Type_ && p.To.Type_ <= D_INDIR+D_R15 {
			p.To.Type_ = D_INDIR + D_TLS
			p.To.Scale = 0
			p.To.Index = D_NONE
	} else {

		// As a courtesy to the C compilers, rewrite TLS local exec load as TLS initial exec load.
		// The instruction
		//	MOVQ off(TLS), BX
		// becomes the sequence
		//	MOVQ off(BX)(TLS*1), BX
		// This allows the C compilers to emit references to m and g using the direct off(TLS) form.
		if (p.As == AMOVQ || p.As == AMOVL) && p.From.Type_ == D_INDIR+D_TLS && D_AX <= p.To.Type_ && p.To.Type_ <= D_R15 {

			q = liblink.Appendp(ctxt, p)
			q.As = p.As
			q.From = p.From
			q.From.Type_ = D_INDIR + p.To.Type_
			q.From.Index = D_TLS
			q.From.Scale = 2 // TODO: use 1
			q.To = p.To
			p.From.Type_ = D_TLS
			p.From.Index = D_NONE
			p.From.Offset = 0

	// TODO: Remove.
	if ctxt.Headtype == liblink.Hwindows || ctxt.Headtype == liblink.Hplan9 {

		if p.From.Scale == 1 && p.From.Index == D_TLS {
			p.From.Scale = 2
		if p.To.Scale == 1 && p.To.Index == D_TLS {
			p.To.Scale = 2
