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Golang Expr.Type方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Golang中rsc/io/c2go/cc.Expr.Type方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang Expr.Type方法的具体用法?Golang Expr.Type怎么用?Golang Expr.Type使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在rsc/io/c2go/cc.Expr的用法示例。


示例1: forceConvert

func forceConvert(fn *cc.Decl, x *cc.Expr, actual, targ *cc.Type) {
	if isEmptyInterface(targ) {
	if isEmptyInterface(actual) {
		old := copyExpr(x)
		x.Op = TypeAssert
		x.Left = old
		x.Right = nil
		x.List = nil
		x.Type = targ
		x.XType = targ

	if isNumericConst(x) && targ != nil {
		switch targ.Kind {
		case cc.Ptr, Slice:
			if x.Op == cc.Number && x.Text == "0" {
				x.Op = cc.Name
				x.Text = "nil"
				x.XType = targ
		case String:
			if x.Op == cc.Number && x.Text == "0" {
				x.Op = cc.Name
				x.Text = `""`
				x.XType = targ

	if x.Op == cc.Name && x.Text == "nil" && targ != nil {
		switch targ.Kind {
		case cc.Func, cc.Ptr, Slice:
		case String:
			x.Text = `""`
			x.XType = targ
			x.XDecl = nil

	if actual == nil || targ == nil {

	if actual.Kind == Ideal && Int8 <= targ.Kind && targ.Kind <= Float64 {

	if x != nil && x.Op == cc.Name && x.Text == "nil" {
		if targ.Kind == cc.Func || targ.Kind == cc.Ptr || targ.Kind == Slice {

	// Func conversions are never useful.
	// If the func types are different, the conversion will fail;
	// if not, the conversion is unnecessary.
	// Either way the conversion is an eyesore.
	if targ.Kind == cc.Func || targ.Kind == cc.Ptr && targ.Base.Kind == cc.Func {

	if actual.Kind == Bool && Int8 <= targ.Kind && targ.Kind <= Float64 {
		old := copyExpr(x)
		if targ.Kind == Int {
			x.Op = cc.Call
			x.Left = &cc.Expr{Op: cc.Name, Text: "bool2int"}
			x.List = []*cc.Expr{old}
			x.Right = nil
		} else {
			x.Op = cc.Cast
			x.Left = &cc.Expr{Op: cc.Call, Left: &cc.Expr{Op: cc.Name, Text: "bool2int"}, List: []*cc.Expr{old}}
			x.Type = targ

	if actual.Kind == cc.Array && targ.Kind == Slice && sameType(actual.Base, targ.Base) {
		old := copyExpr(x)
		x.Op = ExprSlice
		x.List = []*cc.Expr{old, nil, nil}
		x.Left = nil
		x.Right = nil

	if actual.Kind == Slice && targ.Kind == cc.Ptr && sameType(actual.Base, targ.Base) {
		if isCall(x, "make") {
		old := copyExpr(x)
		x.Op = cc.Addr
		x.Left = &cc.Expr{Op: cc.Index, Left: old, Right: &cc.Expr{Op: cc.Number, Text: "0"}}

示例2: fixGoTypesExpr

func fixGoTypesExpr(fn *cc.Decl, x *cc.Expr, targ *cc.Type) (ret *cc.Type) {
	if x == nil {
		return nil

	defer func() {
		x.XType = ret

	if x.Op == cc.Paren {
		return fixGoTypesExpr(fn, x.Left, targ)

	// Make explicit C's implicit conversions from boolean to non-boolean and vice versa.
	switch x.Op {
	case cc.AndAnd, cc.OrOr, cc.Not, cc.EqEq, cc.Lt, cc.LtEq, cc.Gt, cc.GtEq, cc.NotEq:
		if targ != nil && targ.Kind != Bool {
			old := copyExpr(x)
			if targ.Kind == Int {
				x.Op = cc.Call
				x.Left = &cc.Expr{Op: cc.Name, Text: "bool2int"}
				x.List = []*cc.Expr{old}
				x.Right = nil
			} else {
				x.Op = cc.Cast
				x.Left = &cc.Expr{Op: cc.Call, Left: &cc.Expr{Op: cc.Name, Text: "bool2int"}, List: []*cc.Expr{old}}
				x.Type = targ
			fixGoTypesExpr(fn, old, boolType)
			return targ
		if targ != nil && targ.Kind == Bool {
			old := copyExpr(x)
			left := fixGoTypesExpr(fn, old, nil)
			if left != nil && left.Kind == Bool {
				return targ
			if old.Op == cc.Number {
				switch old.Text {
				case "1":
					x.Op = cc.Name
					x.Text = "true"
					return targ
				case "0":
					x.Op = cc.Name
					x.Text = "false"
					return targ
			x.Op = cc.NotEq
			x.Left = old
			x.Right = zeroFor(left)
			fixSpecialCompare(fn, x)
			return targ

	fixArray(fn, x)

	switch x.Op {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected construct %v in fixGoTypesExpr - %v - %v", GoString(x), x.Op, x.Span))

	case ExprType:
		// inserted by a rewrite
		return nil

	case ExprSlice:
		// inserted by rewriteLen
		left := fixGoTypesExpr(fn, x.List[0], targ)
		fixGoTypesExpr(fn, x.List[1], nil)
		fixGoTypesExpr(fn, x.List[2], nil)
		return left

	case cc.Comma:
		for i, y := range x.List {
			t := targ
			if i+1 < len(x.List) {
				t = nil
			fixGoTypesExpr(fn, y, t)
		return nil

	case ExprBlock:
		for _, stmt := range x.Block {
			fixGoTypesStmt(nil, fn, stmt)
		return nil

	case cc.Add, cc.And, cc.Div, cc.Mod, cc.Mul, cc.Or, cc.Sub, cc.Xor:
		if x.Op == cc.Sub && isPtrSliceOrArray(x.Left.XType) && isPtrSliceOrArray(x.Right.XType) {
			left := fixGoTypesExpr(fn, x.Left, nil)
			right := fixGoTypesExpr(fn, x.Right, nil)
			if left != nil && right != nil && left.Kind != right.Kind {
				if left.Kind == Slice {
					forceConvert(fn, x.Right, right, left)
				} else {
					forceConvert(fn, x.Left, left, right)
