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Golang Backend.Internal方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Golang中home/core/backend.Backend.Internal方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang Backend.Internal方法的具体用法?Golang Backend.Internal怎么用?Golang Backend.Internal使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在home/core/backend.Backend的用法示例。


示例1: LocalScriptBackend

LocalScriptBackend provides the possibility to execute local scripts while
publishing their results on the internal eventbus. Scripts can either be
registered as components/sensors or as services. In the first case scripts are
polled in a regular interval. The latter one enables the script to be called
vie Service Call requests.

In order to use this backend add something like the following to your

  - type: script
		 - exec: /path/to/script
		   name: MyPrettyName
		   #type: sensor (default)
		 - exec: /path/to/other/script
		 	 name: my_pretty_name_2
			 type: service

Service scripts can latter be called by sending a Service Call request to
`script.MyPrettyName`. Note that `script` may differ if a `name` field is
specified within the backend configuration.

The result of script executions is published as a string within state_changed

func LocalScriptBackend(config map[string]interface{}, back *backend.Backend) error {
	var scripts []interface{}
	services := make(map[string]command)

	switch a := config["scripts"].(type) {
	case []interface{}:
		scripts = a
		logrus.Warnf("Backend: %s invalid configuration: %#v", back.Name(), config)
		return nil // CHANGE ME

	for _, s := range scripts {
		script, ok := s.(map[string]interface{})
		if !ok {
			logrus.Warnf("Backend: %s script with invalid configuration: %#v", back.Name(), script)
		exec, ok := script["exec"].(string)
		if !ok {
			logrus.Warnf("Backend: %s script configuration without `exec`: %s", back.Name(), script)
		name, ok := script["name"].(string)
		if !ok {
			name = exec
		execType, ok := script["type"].(string)
		if !ok {
			execType = "sensor"
		cmd := command{
			command: exec,

		comp := &backend.Component{
			StateSink: make(chan interface{}),
			Name:      name,
			Polling:   updateScriptResult,
			Internal:  cmd,
		switch execType {
		case "sensor":
			back.RegisterComponent <- comp
		case "service":
			service.ServiceRegistry.Register(back, comp.Name, "Call local script",
				cmd.execute, map[string]string{}, map[string]string{})

	back.Internal = services

	return nil

示例2: WebsocketConnectorBackend

Backend providing a JSON based component connector via Websockets.


In order to use this websocket based connector add something like the following
to your configuration file:

  - type: websocket
    listen: httpapi


The `listen` parameter may specifiy an endpoint the websocket server should
be bound to (e.g. localhost:8080,, :9000). As a special case,
"httpapi" can be specified. If so, the websocket connector backend attaches it
self the the HTTP API plugin and will therefore share it's HTTP server. In the
latter case the access URI will be "/devices" instead of "/".

API Description

First a Websocket connection must be established. During this HTTP request,
the device name and type must be provided. Consider the following Websocket URL:


If this module is not used in conjunction with the HTTP API plugin the request
URL should look like:


If both parameters are provided a websocket connection can be initialized.

Now the client can start providing data by sending JSON messages following this

	   "topic": "state_changed",
		 "state": <YourStateOfWhatsOEver>

Everything provided in `state` will be published on the internal eventbus and
thus be available for all subscribers.

Note that a WebSocket component can only send state updates and register service
calles. It is prohibited to execute other services or send other topics then
"state_changed" and "register_service".

Invalid messages will be logged and the respective connection will be closed.

In order to register new service calles within GoHome a Websocket component could
send a service registration request with the following format:

   "topic": "register_service",
   "name": "<NameOfYourService>",
   "required": {
   "param1": "This is the first and only parameter required"
  "optional" {
   "param2": "This is an optional parameter which defaults to: some-value"

The `name`, `required` and `optional` fields are required to be set during
service registration. However, `required` and `optional` may be an empty

Whenever a service should be executed GoHome send the following request via the
Websocket connection:

	"topic": "service_call",
	"method": "<NameOfYourService>",
	"params": [<ListOfParameters]

BUG: Currently it is NOT possible for Websocket components to return a response
to the caller! All service call will immediately return nil.

func WebsocketConnectorBackend(config map[string]interface{}, back *backend.Backend) error {
	logrus.Infof("Started backend %s with name %s", config["type"].(string), back.Name())

	listen, _ := utils.GetString("listen", config, "httpapi")

	back.OnShutdown = shutdownWebsockets
	back.Internal = &websocketServer{
		clients: make(map[string]peer),
		name:    back.Name(),
		back:    back,

	if listen == "httpapi" {
		logrus.Infof("Backend: %s: attaching to default HTTP server (httpapi) on URI /device", back.Name())
		http.Handle("/device", back.Internal.(*websocketServer))
	} else {

示例3: NotifyMyAndroidBackend

func NotifyMyAndroidBackend(config map[string]interface{}, back *backend.Backend) error {
	apiKey, ok := utils.GetString("api_key", config, "")
	if !ok {
		return fmt.Errorf("Backend: %s missing configuration option 'api_key'", back.Name())

	comp := &notifyMyAndroid{
		nma:     nma.New(apiKey),
		backend: back,
	back.Internal = comp

	service.ServiceRegistry.Register(back, "notify", "Send a notification via Notify-My-Android",
		comp.Notify, map[string]string{
			"subject": "Subject of the notification",
			"message": "Message part of the notification",
			"priority": "Priority of the notification. Defaults to 0",

	return nil
