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Golang types.Var类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Golang中go/types.Var的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang Var类的具体用法?Golang Var怎么用?Golang Var使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: field

func (p *exporter) field(f *types.Var) {
	if !f.IsField() {
		log.Fatalf("gcimporter: field expected")


示例2: addVariable

func (b *Builder) addVariable(u types.Universe, useName *types.Name, in *tc.Var) *types.Type {
	name := tcVarNameToName(in.String())
	if useName != nil {
		name = *useName
	out := u.Variable(name)
	out.Kind = types.DeclarationOf
	out.Underlying = b.walkType(u, nil, in.Type())
	return out

示例3: genSetter

func (g *ObjcGen) genSetter(oName string, f *types.Var) {
	t := f.Type()

	g.Printf("- (void)set%s:(%s)v {\n", f.Name(), g.objcType(t))
	g.Printf("int32_t refnum = go_seq_go_to_refnum(self._ref);\n")
	g.genWrite("v", f.Type(), modeRetained)
	g.Printf("proxy%s_%s_%s_Set(refnum, _v);\n", g.pkgPrefix, oName, f.Name())
	g.genRelease("v", f.Type(), modeRetained)

示例4: genGetter

func (g *ObjcGen) genGetter(oName string, f *types.Var) {
	t := f.Type()
	g.Printf("- (%s)%s {\n", g.objcType(t), objcNameReplacer(lowerFirst(f.Name())))
	g.Printf("int32_t refnum = go_seq_go_to_refnum(self._ref);\n")
	g.Printf("%s r0 = ", g.cgoType(f.Type()))
	g.Printf("proxy%s_%s_%s_Get(refnum);\n", g.pkgPrefix, oName, f.Name())
	g.genRead("_r0", "r0", f.Type(), modeRetained)
	g.Printf("return _r0;\n")

示例5: genVar

func (g *javaGen) genVar(o *types.Var) {
	if t := o.Type(); !g.isSupported(t) {
		g.Printf("// skipped variable %s with unsupported type: %T\n\n", o.Name(), t)
	jType := g.javaType(o.Type())

	// setter
	g.Printf("public static native void set%s(%s v);\n", o.Name(), jType)

	// getter
	g.Printf("public static native %s get%s();\n\n", jType, o.Name())

示例6: varPtrName

func (c *funcContext) varPtrName(o *types.Var) string {
	if isPkgLevel(o) && o.Exported() {
		return c.pkgVar(o.Pkg()) + "." + o.Name() + "$ptr"

	name, ok := c.p.varPtrNames[o]
	if !ok {
		name = c.newVariableWithLevel(o.Name()+"$ptr", isPkgLevel(o))
		c.p.varPtrNames[o] = name
	return name

示例7: field

func (p *exporter) field(f *types.Var) {
	// anonymous fields have "" name
	name := ""
	if !f.Anonymous() {
		name = f.Name()

	// qualifiedName will always emit the field package for
	// anonymous fields because "" is not an exported name.
	p.qualifiedName(f.Pkg(), name)

示例8: fieldName

// fieldName is like qualifiedName but it doesn't record the package
// for blank (_) or exported names.
func (p *exporter) fieldName(f *types.Var) {
	name := f.Name()

	// anonymous field with unexported base type name: use "?" as field name
	// (bname != "" per spec, but we are conservative in case of errors)
	if f.Anonymous() {
		base := f.Type()
		if ptr, ok := base.(*types.Pointer); ok {
			base = ptr.Elem()
		if named, ok := base.(*types.Named); ok && !named.Obj().Exported() {
			name = "?"

	if name == "?" || name != "_" && !f.Exported() {
		p.pkg(f.Pkg(), false)

示例9: genVar

func (g *goGen) genVar(o *types.Var) {
	// TODO(hyangah): non-struct pointer types (*int), struct type.

	v := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", g.pkg.Name(), o.Name())

	// var I int
	// func var_setI(out, in *seq.Buffer)
	g.Printf("func var_set%s(out, in *seq.Buffer) {\n", o.Name())
	g.genRead("v", "in", o.Type())
	g.Printf("%s = v\n", v)

	// func var_getI(out, in *seq.Buffer)
	g.Printf("func var_get%s(out, in *seq.Buffer) {\n", o.Name())
	g.genWrite(v, "out", o.Type())

示例10: checkVarValue

func checkVarValue(t *testing.T, prog *ssa.Program, pkg *ssa.Package, ref []ast.Node, obj *types.Var, expKind string, wantAddr bool) {
	// The prefix of all assertions messages.
	prefix := fmt.Sprintf("VarValue(%s @ L%d)",
		obj, prog.Fset.Position(ref[0].Pos()).Line)

	v, gotAddr := prog.VarValue(obj, pkg, ref)

	// Kind is the concrete type of the ssa Value.
	gotKind := "nil"
	if v != nil {
		gotKind = fmt.Sprintf("%T", v)[len("*ssa."):]

	// fmt.Printf("%s = %v (kind %q; expect %q) wantAddr=%t gotAddr=%t\n", prefix, v, gotKind, expKind, wantAddr, gotAddr) // debugging

	// Check the kinds match.
	// "nil" indicates expected failure (e.g. optimized away).
	if expKind != gotKind {
		t.Errorf("%s concrete type == %s, want %s", prefix, gotKind, expKind)

	// Check the types match.
	// If wantAddr, the expected type is the object's address.
	if v != nil {
		expType := obj.Type()
		if wantAddr {
			expType = types.NewPointer(expType)
			if !gotAddr {
				t.Errorf("%s: got value, want address", prefix)
		} else if gotAddr {
			t.Errorf("%s: got address, want value", prefix)
		if !types.Identical(v.Type(), expType) {
			t.Errorf("%s.Type() == %s, want %s", prefix, v.Type(), expType)

示例11: VarValue

// VarValue returns the SSA Value that corresponds to a specific
// identifier denoting the source-level named variable obj.
// VarValue returns nil if a local variable was not found, perhaps
// because its package was not built, the debug information was not
// requested during SSA construction, or the value was optimized away.
// ref is the path to an ast.Ident (e.g. from PathEnclosingInterval),
// and that ident must resolve to obj.
// pkg is the package enclosing the reference.  (A reference to a var
// always occurs within a function, so we need to know where to find it.)
// If the identifier is a field selector and its base expression is
// non-addressable, then VarValue returns the value of that field.
// For example:
//    func f() struct {x int}
//    f().x  // VarValue(x) returns a *Field instruction of type int
// All other identifiers denote addressable locations (variables).
// For them, VarValue may return either the variable's address or its
// value, even when the expression is evaluated only for its value; the
// situation is reported by isAddr, the second component of the result.
// If !isAddr, the returned value is the one associated with the
// specific identifier.  For example,
//       var x int    // VarValue(x) returns Const 0 here
//       x = 1        // VarValue(x) returns Const 1 here
// It is not specified whether the value or the address is returned in
// any particular case, as it may depend upon optimizations performed
// during SSA code generation, such as registerization, constant
// folding, avoidance of materialization of subexpressions, etc.
func (prog *Program) VarValue(obj *types.Var, pkg *Package, ref []ast.Node) (value Value, isAddr bool) {
	// All references to a var are local to some function, possibly init.
	fn := EnclosingFunction(pkg, ref)
	if fn == nil {
		return // e.g. def of struct field; SSA not built?

	id := ref[0].(*ast.Ident)

	// Defining ident of a parameter?
	if id.Pos() == obj.Pos() {
		for _, param := range fn.Params {
			if param.Object() == obj {
				return param, false

	// Other ident?
	for _, b := range fn.Blocks {
		for _, instr := range b.Instrs {
			if dr, ok := instr.(*DebugRef); ok {
				if dr.Pos() == id.Pos() {
					return dr.X, dr.IsAddr

	// Defining ident of package-level var?
	if v := prog.packageLevelValue(obj); v != nil {
		return v.(*Global), true

	return // e.g. debug info not requested, or var optimized away

示例12: matchWildcard

func (tr *Transformer) matchWildcard(xobj *types.Var, y ast.Expr) bool {
	name := xobj.Name()

	if tr.verbose {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: wildcard %s -> %s?: ",
			tr.fset.Position(y.Pos()), name, astString(tr.fset, y))

	// Check that y is assignable to the declared type of the param.
	yt := tr.info.TypeOf(y)
	if yt == nil {
		// y has no type.
		// Perhaps it is an *ast.Ellipsis in [...]T{}, or
		// an *ast.KeyValueExpr in T{k: v}.
		// Clearly these pseudo-expressions cannot match a
		// wildcard, but it would nice if we had a way to ignore
		// the difference between T{v} and T{k:v} for structs.
		return false
	if !types.AssignableTo(yt, xobj.Type()) {
		if tr.verbose {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s not assignable to %s\n", yt, xobj.Type())
		return false

	// A wildcard matches any expression.
	// If it appears multiple times in the pattern, it must match
	// the same expression each time.
	if old, ok := tr.env[name]; ok {
		// found existing binding
		tr.allowWildcards = false
		r := tr.matchExpr(old, y)
		if tr.verbose {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%t secondary match, primary was %s\n",
				r, astString(tr.fset, old))
		tr.allowWildcards = true
		return r

	if tr.verbose {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "primary match\n")

	tr.env[name] = y // record binding
	return true

示例13: convertVar

func (c *converter) convertVar(v *gotypes.Var) *types.Var {
	if v == nil {
		return nil
	if v, ok := c.converted[v]; ok {
		return v.(*types.Var)
	ret := types.NewVar(
	c.converted[v] = ret
	return ret

示例14: genSetter

func (g *objcGen) genSetter(desc string, f *types.Var) {
	t := f.Type()
	if isErrorType(t) {
		t = types.Typ[types.String]
	s := &funcSummary{
		name:   "set" + f.Name(),
		ret:    "void",
		params: []paramInfo{{typ: t, name: "v"}},

	g.Printf("- %s {\n", s.asMethod(g))
	g.genFunc(desc+"_DESCRIPTOR_", desc+"_FIELD_"+f.Name()+"_SET_", s, true)

示例15: genGetter

func (g *objcGen) genGetter(desc string, f *types.Var) {
	t := f.Type()
	if isErrorType(t) {
		t = types.Typ[types.String]
	s := &funcSummary{
		name:      lowerFirst(f.Name()),
		ret:       g.objcType(t),
		retParams: []paramInfo{{typ: t, name: "ret_"}},

	g.Printf("- %s {\n", s.asMethod(g))
	g.genFunc(desc+"_DESCRIPTOR_", desc+"_FIELD_"+f.Name()+"_GET_", s, true)
