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Golang sync.NewMutex函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Golang中github.com/syncthing/syncthing/lib/sync.NewMutex函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang NewMutex函数的具体用法?Golang NewMutex怎么用?Golang NewMutex使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: newAPIService

func newAPIService(id protocol.DeviceID, cfg *config.Wrapper, assetDir string, m *model.Model, eventSub *events.BufferedSubscription, discoverer *discover.CachingMux, relayService *relay.Service, errors, systemLog *logger.Recorder) (*apiService, error) {
	service := &apiService{
		id:              id,
		cfg:             cfg,
		assetDir:        assetDir,
		model:           m,
		eventSub:        eventSub,
		discoverer:      discoverer,
		relayService:    relayService,
		systemConfigMut: sync.NewMutex(),
		stop:            make(chan struct{}),
		configChanged:   make(chan struct{}),
		listenerMut:     sync.NewMutex(),
		guiErrors:       errors,
		systemLog:       systemLog,

	seen := make(map[string]struct{})
	for file := range auto.Assets() {
		theme := strings.Split(file, "/")[0]
		if _, ok := seen[theme]; !ok {
			seen[theme] = struct{}{}
			service.themes = append(service.themes, theme)

	var err error
	service.listener, err = service.getListener(cfg.GUI())
	return service, err

示例2: NewBroadcast

func NewBroadcast(port int) *Broadcast {
	b := &Broadcast{
		Supervisor: suture.New("broadcastBeacon", suture.Spec{
			// Don't retry too frenetically: an error to open a socket or
			// whatever is usually something that is either permanent or takes
			// a while to get solved...
			FailureThreshold: 2,
			FailureBackoff:   60 * time.Second,
			// Only log restarts in debug mode.
			Log: func(line string) {
		port:   port,
		inbox:  make(chan []byte),
		outbox: make(chan recv, 16),

	b.br = &broadcastReader{
		port:    port,
		outbox:  b.outbox,
		connMut: sync.NewMutex(),
	b.bw = &broadcastWriter{
		port:    port,
		inbox:   b.inbox,
		connMut: sync.NewMutex(),

	return b

示例3: newRWFolder

func newRWFolder(m *Model, shortID uint64, cfg config.FolderConfiguration) *rwFolder {
	return &rwFolder{
		stateTracker: stateTracker{
			folder: cfg.ID,
			mut:    sync.NewMutex(),

		model:            m,
		progressEmitter:  m.progressEmitter,
		virtualMtimeRepo: db.NewVirtualMtimeRepo(m.db, cfg.ID),

		folder:      cfg.ID,
		dir:         cfg.Path(),
		scanIntv:    time.Duration(cfg.RescanIntervalS) * time.Second,
		ignorePerms: cfg.IgnorePerms,
		copiers:     cfg.Copiers,
		pullers:     cfg.Pullers,
		shortID:     shortID,
		order:       cfg.Order,

		stop:        make(chan struct{}),
		queue:       newJobQueue(),
		pullTimer:   time.NewTimer(shortPullIntv),
		scanTimer:   time.NewTimer(time.Millisecond), // The first scan should be done immediately.
		delayScan:   make(chan time.Duration),
		scanNow:     make(chan rescanRequest),
		remoteIndex: make(chan struct{}, 1), // This needs to be 1-buffered so that we queue a notification if we're busy doing a pull when it comes.

		errorsMut: sync.NewMutex(),

示例4: Wrap

// Wrap wraps an existing Configuration structure and ties it to a file on
// disk.
func Wrap(path string, cfg Configuration) *Wrapper {
	w := &Wrapper{
		cfg:  cfg,
		path: path,
		mut:  sync.NewMutex(),
		sMut: sync.NewMutex(),
	w.replaces = make(chan Configuration)
	return w

示例5: newRWFolder

func newRWFolder(m *Model, shortID uint64, cfg config.FolderConfiguration) *rwFolder {
	p := &rwFolder{
		stateTracker: stateTracker{
			folder: cfg.ID,
			mut:    sync.NewMutex(),

		model:            m,
		progressEmitter:  m.progressEmitter,
		virtualMtimeRepo: db.NewVirtualMtimeRepo(m.db, cfg.ID),

		folder:         cfg.ID,
		dir:            cfg.Path(),
		scanIntv:       time.Duration(cfg.RescanIntervalS) * time.Second,
		ignorePerms:    cfg.IgnorePerms,
		copiers:        cfg.Copiers,
		pullers:        cfg.Pullers,
		shortID:        shortID,
		order:          cfg.Order,
		maxConflicts:   cfg.MaxConflicts,
		allowSparse:    !cfg.DisableSparseFiles,
		checkFreeSpace: cfg.MinDiskFreePct != 0,

		stop:        make(chan struct{}),
		queue:       newJobQueue(),
		pullTimer:   time.NewTimer(time.Second),
		scanTimer:   time.NewTimer(time.Millisecond), // The first scan should be done immediately.
		delayScan:   make(chan time.Duration),
		scanNow:     make(chan rescanRequest),
		remoteIndex: make(chan struct{}, 1), // This needs to be 1-buffered so that we queue a notification if we're busy doing a pull when it comes.

		errorsMut: sync.NewMutex(),

	if p.copiers == 0 {
		p.copiers = defaultCopiers
	if p.pullers == 0 {
		p.pullers = defaultPullers

	if cfg.PullerPauseS == 0 {
		p.pause = defaultPullerPause
	} else {
		p.pause = time.Duration(cfg.PullerPauseS) * time.Second

	if cfg.PullerSleepS == 0 {
		p.sleep = defaultPullerSleep
	} else {
		p.sleep = time.Duration(cfg.PullerSleepS) * time.Second

	return p

示例6: NewFileSet

func NewFileSet(folder string, db *leveldb.DB) *FileSet {
	var s = FileSet{
		localVersion: make(map[protocol.DeviceID]int64),
		folder:       folder,
		db:           db,
		blockmap:     NewBlockMap(db, folder),
		mutex:        sync.NewMutex(),

	ldbCheckGlobals(db, []byte(folder))

	var deviceID protocol.DeviceID
	ldbWithAllFolderTruncated(db, []byte(folder), func(device []byte, f FileInfoTruncated) bool {
		copy(deviceID[:], device)
		if f.LocalVersion > s.localVersion[deviceID] {
			s.localVersion[deviceID] = f.LocalVersion
		return true
	if debug {
		l.Debugf("loaded localVersion for %q: %#v", folder, s.localVersion)

	return &s

示例7: NewFileSet

func NewFileSet(folder string, db *Instance) *FileSet {
	var s = FileSet{
		remoteSequence: make(map[protocol.DeviceID]int64),
		folder:         folder,
		db:             db,
		blockmap:       NewBlockMap(db, db.folderIdx.ID([]byte(folder))),
		updateMutex:    sync.NewMutex(),

	s.db.checkGlobals([]byte(folder), &s.globalSize)

	var deviceID protocol.DeviceID
	s.db.withAllFolderTruncated([]byte(folder), func(device []byte, f FileInfoTruncated) bool {
		copy(deviceID[:], device)
		if deviceID == protocol.LocalDeviceID {
			if f.Sequence > s.sequence {
				s.sequence = f.Sequence
		} else if f.Sequence > s.remoteSequence[deviceID] {
			s.remoteSequence[deviceID] = f.Sequence
		return true
	l.Debugf("loaded sequence for %q: %#v", folder, s.sequence)

	return &s

示例8: NewFileSet

func NewFileSet(folder string, db *Instance) *FileSet {
	var s = FileSet{
		localVersion: make(map[protocol.DeviceID]int64),
		folder:       folder,
		db:           db,
		blockmap:     NewBlockMap(db, db.folderIdx.ID([]byte(folder))),
		mutex:        sync.NewMutex(),

	s.db.checkGlobals([]byte(folder), &s.globalSize)

	var deviceID protocol.DeviceID
	s.db.withAllFolderTruncated([]byte(folder), func(device []byte, f FileInfoTruncated) bool {
		copy(deviceID[:], device)
		if f.LocalVersion > s.localVersion[deviceID] {
			s.localVersion[deviceID] = f.LocalVersion
		if deviceID == protocol.LocalDeviceID {
		return true
	l.Debugf("loaded localVersion for %q: %#v", folder, s.localVersion)

	return &s

示例9: newUPnPSvc

func newUPnPSvc(cfg *config.Wrapper, localPort int) *upnpSvc {
	return &upnpSvc{
		cfg:        cfg,
		localPort:  localPort,
		extPortMut: sync.NewMutex(),

示例10: TestSourceFileOK

func TestSourceFileOK(t *testing.T) {
	s := sharedPullerState{
		realName: "testdata/foo",
		mut:      sync.NewMutex(),

	fd, err := s.sourceFile()
	if err != nil {
	if fd == nil {
		t.Fatal("Unexpected nil fd")

	bs := make([]byte, 6)
	n, err := fd.Read(bs)

	if n != len(bs) {
		t.Fatalf("Wrong read length %d != %d", n, len(bs))
	if string(bs) != "foobar" {
		t.Fatalf("Wrong contents %s != foobar", string(bs))

	if err := s.failed(); err != nil {

示例11: newRWFolder

func newRWFolder(model *Model, cfg config.FolderConfiguration, ver versioner.Versioner, mtimeFS *fs.MtimeFS) service {
	f := &rwFolder{
		folder: folder{
			stateTracker: newStateTracker(cfg.ID),
			scan:         newFolderScanner(cfg),
			stop:         make(chan struct{}),
			model:        model,

		mtimeFS:        mtimeFS,
		dir:            cfg.Path(),
		versioner:      ver,
		ignorePerms:    cfg.IgnorePerms,
		copiers:        cfg.Copiers,
		pullers:        cfg.Pullers,
		order:          cfg.Order,
		maxConflicts:   cfg.MaxConflicts,
		allowSparse:    !cfg.DisableSparseFiles,
		checkFreeSpace: cfg.MinDiskFreePct != 0,
		ignoreDelete:   cfg.IgnoreDelete,
		fsync:          cfg.Fsync,

		queue:       newJobQueue(),
		pullTimer:   time.NewTimer(time.Second),
		remoteIndex: make(chan struct{}, 1), // This needs to be 1-buffered so that we queue a notification if we're busy doing a pull when it comes.

		errorsMut: sync.NewMutex(),

		initialScanCompleted: make(chan struct{}),


	return f

示例12: NewUPnPService

func NewUPnPService(cfg *config.Wrapper, localPort int) *Service {
	return &Service{
		cfg:        cfg,
		localPort:  localPort,
		extPortMut: sync.NewMutex(),

示例13: newFolderSummaryService

func newFolderSummaryService(cfg *config.Wrapper, m *model.Model) *folderSummaryService {
	service := &folderSummaryService{
		Supervisor:      suture.NewSimple("folderSummaryService"),
		cfg:             cfg,
		model:           m,
		stop:            make(chan struct{}),
		immediate:       make(chan string),
		folders:         make(map[string]struct{}),
		foldersMut:      sync.NewMutex(),
		lastEventReqMut: sync.NewMutex(),


	return service

示例14: Wrap

// Wrap wraps an existing Configuration structure and ties it to a file on
// disk.
func Wrap(path string, cfg Configuration) *Wrapper {
	w := &Wrapper{
		cfg:  cfg,
		path: path,
		mut:  sync.NewMutex(),
	return w

示例15: NewService

func NewService(cfg *config.Wrapper, myID protocol.DeviceID, mdl Model, tlsCfg *tls.Config, discoverer discover.Finder,
	bepProtocolName string, tlsDefaultCommonName string, lans []*net.IPNet) *Service {

	service := &Service{
		Supervisor: suture.New("connections.Service", suture.Spec{
			Log: func(line string) {
		cfg:                  cfg,
		myID:                 myID,
		model:                mdl,
		tlsCfg:               tlsCfg,
		discoverer:           discoverer,
		conns:                make(chan internalConn),
		bepProtocolName:      bepProtocolName,
		tlsDefaultCommonName: tlsDefaultCommonName,
		lans:                 lans,
		limiter:              newLimiter(cfg),
		natService:           nat.NewService(myID, cfg),

		listenersMut:   sync.NewRWMutex(),
		listeners:      make(map[string]genericListener),
		listenerTokens: make(map[string]suture.ServiceToken),

		// A listener can fail twice, rapidly. Any more than that and it
		// will be put on suspension for ten minutes. Restarts and changes
		// due to config are done by removing and adding services, so are
		// not subject to these limitations.
		listenerSupervisor: suture.New("c.S.listenerSupervisor", suture.Spec{
			Log: func(line string) {
			FailureThreshold: 2,
			FailureBackoff:   600 * time.Second,

		curConMut:         sync.NewMutex(),
		currentConnection: make(map[protocol.DeviceID]completeConn),

	// There are several moving parts here; one routine per listening address
	// (handled in configuration changing) to handle incoming connections,
	// one routine to periodically attempt outgoing connections, one routine to
	// the the common handling regardless of whether the connection was
	// incoming or outgoing.


	raw := cfg.RawCopy()
	// Actually starts the listeners and NAT service
	service.CommitConfiguration(raw, raw)

	return service
