本文整理汇总了Golang中github.com/sqp/godock/libs/cdtype.Logger类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang Logger类的具体用法?Golang Logger怎么用?Golang Logger使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: New
// New creates an applet preview widget.
func New(log cdtype.Logger) *Preview {
builder := buildhelp.New()
// builder.AddFromFile("appletpreview.xml")
widget := &Preview{
Box: *builder.GetBox("widget"),
title: builder.GetLabel("title"),
author: builder.GetLabel("author"),
size: builder.GetLabel("size"),
stateText: builder.GetLabel("stateText"),
stateIcon: builder.GetImage("stateIcon"),
description: builder.GetLabel("description"),
previewFrame: builder.GetFrame("previewFrame"),
previewImage: builder.GetImage("previewImage"),
log: log,
if len(builder.Errors) > 0 {
for _, e := range builder.Errors {
log.Err(e, "build appletpreview")
return nil
widget.Connect("destroy", widget.RemoveTmpFile)
return widget
示例2: NewFromFileSafe
// NewFromFileSafe creates a config page builder from the file.
// If the load file failed, an error widget is returned with false.
func NewFromFileSafe(source cftype.Source, log cdtype.Logger, file, originalConf, gettextDomain string) (cftype.Grouper, bool) {
build, e := NewFromFile(source, log, file, originalConf, gettextDomain)
if !log.Err(e, "Load config file", file) {
return build, true // Load ok, return it.
// Load failed. Build a warning widget from virtual source.
conf := vstorage.NewVirtual(file, originalConf)
build = newFromStorage(source, log, conf, originalConf, gettextDomain)
group := "problem"
newkey.Frame(group, "fail", "Load failed", "dialog-error"),
newkey.TextLabel(group, "text", "Can't load the configuration file to build the interface."),
newkey.TextLabel(group, "file", file),
hack := TweakKeyMakeWidget(group, "file", func(key *cftype.Key) {
// key.Label().SetJustify(gtk.JUSTIFY_FILL)
return build.BuildSingle(group, hack), false
示例3: New
// New creates a dock shortkeys management widget.
func New(control cftype.Source, log cdtype.Logger, btn btnaction.Tune) *Shortkeys {
builder := buildhelp.NewFromBytes(confshortkeysXML())
widget := &Shortkeys{
ScrolledWindow: *builder.GetScrolledWindow("widget"),
model: builder.GetListStore("model"),
tree: builder.GetTreeView("tree"),
selection: builder.GetTreeSelection("selection"),
control: control,
btn: btn,
log: log,
rows: make(map[*gtk.TreeIter]cdglobal.Shortkeyer),
rend := builder.GetCellRendererText("cellrenderertextShortkey")
if len(builder.Errors) > 0 {
for _, e := range builder.Errors {
log.Err(e, "build confshortkeys")
return nil
// The user is allowed to edit the shortcut text. This will handle the new text.
rend.Connect("edited", widget.onManualEdit)
return widget
示例4: NewList
// NewList creates cairo-dock main config pages list.
func NewList(control controlItems, log cdtype.Logger) *List {
builder := buildhelp.NewFromBytes(confcoreXML())
widget := &List{
ScrolledWindow: *builder.GetScrolledWindow("widget"),
model: builder.GetListStore("model"),
tree: builder.GetTreeView("tree"),
selection: builder.GetTreeSelection("selection"),
control: control,
log: log,
rows: make(map[string]*row),
if len(builder.Errors) > 0 {
for _, e := range builder.Errors {
log.Err(e, "build confcore list")
return nil
// Action: Treeview Select line.
widget.selection.Connect("changed", widget.onSelectionChanged)
return widget
示例5: getValueListCombo
func getValueListCombo(widget *gtk.ComboBox, model *gtk.ListStore, log cdtype.Logger) func() interface{} {
return func() interface{} {
iter, _ := widget.GetActiveIter()
text, e := getActiveRowInCombo(model, iter)
log.Err(e, "ListIcons")
return text
示例6: InfoApplet
// InfoApplet asks the dock all informations about an applet.
func InfoApplet(log cdtype.Logger, name string) *packages.AppletPackage {
vars, _ := DockProperties("type=Module & name=" + name)
if len(vars) == 0 {
log.NewErr("unknown applet", "InfoApplet", name)
return nil
pack, _ := parseApplet(log, vars[0])
return pack
示例7: ListFieldsIDByName
// ListFieldsIDByName searches the list of fields for the matching key.
// Returns the position of the field in the list.
// Returns 0 if not found, to have a valid entry to select.
func ListFieldsIDByName(fields []Field, key string, log cdtype.Logger) int {
for i, field := range fields {
if key == field.Key {
return i
if log != nil {
log.NewErr("not found", "ListFieldsIDByName", key, fields)
return 0
示例8: NewYTDLFile
// NewYTDLFile creates a video file downloader.
func NewYTDLFile(log cdtype.Logger, url string) (Filer, error) {
info, e := ytdl.GetVideoInfo(url)
if e != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to fetch video info: %s", e.Error())
// formats := info.Formats
// // parse filter arguments, and filter through formats
// for _, filter := range options.filters {
// filter, e := parseFilter(filter)
// if !log.Err(e) {
// formats = filter(formats)
// }
// }
// if len(formats) == 0 {
// return nil, fmt.Errorf("No formats available that match criteria: %s", e.Error())
// }
log.Info("Author", info.Author)
log.Info("Description", info.Description)
log.Info("ID", info.ID)
log.Info("vid", info)
var list []*Format
for _, v := range info.Formats {
nf := &Format{
Itag: v.Itag,
Extension: v.Extension,
Resolution: v.Resolution,
VideoEncoding: v.VideoEncoding,
AudioEncoding: v.AudioEncoding,
AudioBitrate: v.AudioBitrate,
s := v.ValueForKey("clen")
if s != nil {
nf.Size, e = strconv.Atoi(s.(string))
nf.Size /= 1000000
log.Err(e, "convert size. format=", v.Itag)
// } else {
// log.Info("no clen", v.Itag)
list = append(list, nf)
// pretty.Println(info)
return &YTDLFile{
VideoInfo: *info,
formats: list,
log: log,
}, nil
示例9: New
// New creates a welcome widget with informations about the program.
func New(source cftype.Source, log cdtype.Logger, switcher *pageswitch.Switcher) cftype.Grouper {
const group = "Dev"
title := tran.Slate("hi")
// all packages in the application gopath.
pathGoTest := strings.Join(append(cdglobal.AppBuildPath, "..."), "/")
pathTestConfCmd := cdglobal.AppBuildPathFull("test", "confcmd", "confcmd.go")
pathTestConfGUI := cdglobal.AppBuildPathFull("test", "confgui", "confgui.go")
pathTestConfCmd, _ = filepath.EvalSymlinks(pathTestConfCmd)
pathTestConfGUI, _ = filepath.EvalSymlinks(pathTestConfGUI)
printConfig := func(showAll bool) {
path := source.MainConfigFile()
def := source.MainConfigDefault()
otherSw := pageswitch.New()
defer otherSw.Destroy()
build, e := cfbuild.NewFromFile(source, log, path, def, "")
if !log.Err(e, "load current dock config file") {
// build.BuildSingle("TaskBar")
println("conf", path, def)
cfprint.Default(build, showAll)
buildInfo := cfbuild.TweakAddGroup(group,
newkey.TextLabel(group, "txt_title", common.Bold(common.Big(title))),
newkey.Separator(group, "sep_title"),
newkey.TextLabel(group, "txt_dev_page", "Test page, with useful tools for the developer."),
newkey.CustomButtonLabel(group, "printConfig", "Print configuration", "show mainconf edited", func() { printConfig(false) }),
newkey.CustomButtonLabel(group, "printConfig", "Print configuration", "show mainconf all", func() { printConfig(true) }),
newkey.Separator(group, "sep_go_area"),
newkey.TextLabel(group, "txt_go_area", "<b>Those commands requires the application sources in their Go environment</b>."),
newkey.Separator(group, "sep_tests_gui"),
newkey.LaunchCommand(group, "testConfGUI", "Launch config GUI test", "go run "+pathTestConfGUI),
newkey.Separator(group, "sep_tests_cmd"),
newkey.LaunchCommand(group, "testConfGUI", "Launch config console test", "go run "+pathTestConfCmd),
newkey.LaunchCommand(group, "testConfGUI", "Launch config console mainconf diff", "go run "+pathTestConfCmd+" "+source.MainConfigFile()),
newkey.Separator(group, "sep_tests_go"),
newkey.LaunchCommand(group, "gotest", "Launch go tests", "go test "+pathGoTest),
newkey.LaunchCommand(group, "golint", "Launch go lint", "golint "+pathGoTest),
newkey.LaunchCommand(group, "govet", "Launch go vet", "go vet "+pathGoTest),
build := cfbuild.NewVirtual(source, log, "", "", "").BuildAll(switcher, buildInfo)
return build
示例10: NewServer
// NewServer creates a Dbus service.
func NewServer(srvObj, srvPath string, log cdtype.Logger) *Server {
conn, c, e := SessionBus()
if log.Err(e, "DBus Connect") {
return nil
load := &Server{
Conn: conn,
Events: c,
Log: log,
srvObj: srvObj,
srvPath: srvPath,
return load
示例11: NewBuilder
// NewBuilder creates the target renderer/builder.
// The name is mandatory for a single applet (internal or not).
func NewBuilder(target SourceType, name string, log cdtype.Logger) Builder {
switch target {
case TypeGodock:
build := &BuilderGodock{}
return build
case TypeCore:
build := &BuilderCore{}
return build
case TypeApplets:
build := &BuilderApplets{}
return build
case TypeAppletCompiled:
dir, icon := AppletInfo(log, name)
if dir == "" {
log.NewErr("applet not found: "+name, "new builder")
return &BuilderNull{}
build := &BuilderCompiled{Module: name}
return build
case TypeAppletInternal:
// Ask icon of module to the Dock as we can't guess its dir and icon name.
_, icon := AppletInfo(log, strings.Replace(name, "-", " ", -1))
if icon == "" {
icon = IconMissing
build := &BuilderInternal{Module: name}
return build
// ensure we have a valid target.
return &BuilderNull{}
示例12: NewFromFile
// NewFromFile creates a config page builder from the file.
func NewFromFile(source cftype.Source, log cdtype.Logger, configFile, originalConf, gettextDomain string) (cftype.Grouper, error) {
storage, e := LoadFile(configFile, originalConf)
if e != nil {
log.Err(e, "NewFromFile")
return nil, e
grouper := newFromStorage(source, log, storage, originalConf, gettextDomain)
grouper.free = func() {
grouper.keyFile = &storage.KeyFile // MOVE ONE LINE UP ?
if storage.def != nil {
return grouper, nil
示例13: ListIcons
// ListIcons asks the dock the list of active icons.
// TODO: add argument for advanced queries.
// would be cool to have argument list.
func ListIcons(log cdtype.Logger) (list []*CDIcon) {
iconsInfo, e := DockProperties("type=Icon")
log.Err(e, "ListIcons")
for _, props := range iconsInfo {
ic := &CDIcon{log: log}
for k, v := range props {
ic.getProp(k, v)
// if ic.Name == "" {
// log.NewErr("ListIcons name empty", ic.Type, ic.ConfigFile)
// } else {
list = append(list, ic)
// }
示例14: NewList
// NewList creates a new applets list widget.
func NewList(control ControlDownload, log cdtype.Logger) *List {
builder := buildhelp.New()
// builder.AddFromFile("appletlist.xml")
widget := &List{
ScrolledWindow: *builder.GetScrolledWindow("widget"),
model: builder.GetListStore("model"),
tree: builder.GetTreeView("tree"),
columnCategory: builder.GetTreeViewColumn("columnCategory"),
control: control,
log: log,
rows: make(map[string]*Row),
columnName := builder.GetTreeViewColumn("columnName")
if len(builder.Errors) > 0 {
for _, e := range builder.Errors {
log.Err(e, "build appletlist")
return nil
// Double click launch add action.
widget.tree.Connect("button-press-event", func(tree *gtk.TreeView, ev *gdk.Event) {
btn := &gdk.EventButton{Event: ev}
if btn.Button() == 1 && btn.Type() == gdk.EVENT_2BUTTON_PRESS {
// Action: Treeview Select line.
if sel, e := widget.tree.GetSelection(); !log.Err(e, "appletlist TreeView.GetSelection") {
sel.Connect("changed", widget.onSelectionChanged) // Changed is connected to TreeSelection
// Sort applets by name.
return widget
示例15: Run
// Run starts dock routines and locks the main thread with gtk.
// It wraps all backends and clients to start a dock :
// Dbus server, applets manager, GUI, menu and gldi.
// Dbus service is enabled by default. Mandatory if enabled, to provide remote control.
// This will prevent launching a 2nd instance without the disable Dbus service option.
// You can add custom changes, launched before the start, with CustomHacks.
// Run returns true if the dock is able to start. This can be done with:
// gldi.Lock() // alias for gtk_main.
// maindock.Clean() // may be better with defer, but cause confused panic messages.
func Run(log cdtype.Logger, getSettings func() maindock.DockSettings) bool {
settings := getSettings()
// Logger debug state.
// Dock init.
// Load new config settings. New options are in an other file to keep the
// original config file as compatible with the real dock as possible.
file, e := globals.DirUserAppData(confown.GuiFilename)
e = confown.Init(log, file, e)
log.Err(e, "Load ConfigSettings")
// Register go internal applets events.
appmgr := mgrgldi.Register(log)
// Start the polling loop for go internal applets (can be in DBus with other events).
if settings.DisableDBus {
go appmgr.StartLoop()
} else {
// DBus service is mandatory if enabled. This prevent double launch.
dbus, e := serviceDbus(log)
if log.Err(e, "start dbus service") {
fmt.Println("restart the program with the -N flag if you really need a second instance")
return false
go dbus.StartLoop()
// HTTP listener for the pprof debug.
if settings.HTTPPprof {
websrv.Service.Register("debug/pprof", pprof.Index, log)
// Print useful packages versions.
// Custom calls added by devs for their own uses and tests.
// Register GUI events.
// Register mouse events.
// Register menus events.
backendmenu.Register(log, mainmenu.BuildMenuContainer, mainmenu.BuildMenuIcon)
// Finish startup.
return true