本文整理汇总了Golang中github.com/spf13/pflag.Duration函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang Duration函数的具体用法?Golang Duration怎么用?Golang Duration使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: Duration
// Duration creates a new entry in the flag set with Duration value.
// The environment value used as a default, if it exists
func Duration(flagName, envName string, value time.Duration, usage string) *time.Duration {
verifyNames(flagName, envName)
envValStr := lookupEnv(envName)
if envValStr != "" {
value, _ = time.ParseDuration(envValStr)
flag.Duration(flagName, value, usage)
return pflag.Duration(flagName, value, usage)
kclient "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned"
kclientcmd "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd"
kframework "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/controller/framework"
kselector "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/fields"
etcdutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/storage/etcd/util"
utilflag "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/flag"
// The name of the "master" Kubernetes Service.
const kubernetesSvcName = "kubernetes"
var (
argDomain = flag.String("domain", "cluster.local", "domain under which to create names")
argEtcdMutationTimeout = flag.Duration("etcd-mutation-timeout", 10*time.Second, "crash after retrying etcd mutation for a specified duration")
argEtcdServer = flag.String("etcd-server", "", "URL to etcd server")
argKubecfgFile = flag.String("kubecfg-file", "", "Location of kubecfg file for access to kubernetes master service; --kube-master-url overrides the URL part of this; if neither this nor --kube-master-url are provided, defaults to service account tokens")
argKubeMasterURL = flag.String("kube-master-url", "", "URL to reach kubernetes master. Env variables in this flag will be expanded.")
healthzPort = flag.Int("healthz-port", 8081, "port on which to serve a kube2sky HTTP readiness probe.")
const (
// Maximum number of attempts to connect to etcd server.
maxConnectAttempts = 12
// Resync period for the kube controller loop.
resyncPeriod = 30 * time.Minute
// A subdomain added to the user specified domain for all services.
serviceSubdomain = "svc"
// A subdomain added to the user specified dmoain for all pods.
podSubdomain = "pod"
示例3: init
limitations under the License.
package logs
import (
var logFlushFreq = pflag.Duration("log-flush-frequency", 5*time.Second, "Maximum number of seconds between log flushes")
// TODO(thockin): This is temporary until we agree on log dirs and put those into each cmd.
func init() {
flag.Set("logtostderr", "true")
// GlogWriter serves as a bridge between the standard log package and the glog package.
type GlogWriter struct{}
// Write implements the io.Writer interface.
func (writer GlogWriter) Write(data []byte) (n int, err error) {
return len(data), nil
示例4: init
if err := conn.Exec(dump, nil); err != nil {
if err := DumpTable(&b, conn, "o", "t"); err != nil {
dump2 := b.String()
if dump != dump2 {
t.Fatalf("unmatching dumps:\n%s\n%s", dump, dump2)
const durationRandom = "duration-random"
var randomTestTime = pflag.Duration(durationRandom, time.Second, "duration for randomized dump test to run")
func init() {
pflag.Lookup(durationRandom).Hidden = true
// TestDumpRandom generates a random number of random rows with all data
// types. This data is dumped, inserted, and dumped again. The two dumps
// are compared for exactness. The data from the inserted dump is then
// SELECT'd and compared to the original generated data to ensure it is
// round-trippable.
func TestDumpRandom(t *testing.T) {
defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()
c, err := newCLITest(t, false)
if err != nil {
_ "github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes/pkg/healthz"
flag "github.com/spf13/pflag"
const defaultRootDir = "/var/lib/kubelet"
var (
config = flag.String("config", "", "Path to the config file or directory of files")
syncFrequency = flag.Duration("sync_frequency", 10*time.Second, "Max period between synchronizing running containers and config")
fileCheckFrequency = flag.Duration("file_check_frequency", 20*time.Second, "Duration between checking config files for new data")
httpCheckFrequency = flag.Duration("http_check_frequency", 20*time.Second, "Duration between checking http for new data")
manifestURL = flag.String("manifest_url", "", "URL for accessing the container manifest")
enableServer = flag.Bool("enable_server", true, "Enable the info server")
address = util.IP(net.ParseIP(""))
port = flag.Uint("port", ports.KubeletPort, "The port for the info server to serve on")
hostnameOverride = flag.String("hostname_override", "", "If non-empty, will use this string as identification instead of the actual hostname.")
networkContainerImage = flag.String("network_container_image", kubelet.NetworkContainerImage, "The image that network containers in each pod will use.")
dockerEndpoint = flag.String("docker_endpoint", "", "If non-empty, use this for the docker endpoint to communicate with")
etcdServerList util.StringList
etcdConfigFile = flag.String("etcd_config", "", "The config file for the etcd client. Mutually exclusive with -etcd_servers")
rootDirectory = flag.String("root_dir", defaultRootDir, "Directory path for managing kubelet files (volume mounts,etc).")
allowPrivileged = flag.Bool("allow_privileged", false, "If true, allow containers to request privileged mode. [default=false]")
registryPullQPS = flag.Float64("registry_qps", 0.0, "If > 0, limit registry pull QPS to this value. If 0, unlimited. [default=0.0]")
registryBurst = flag.Int("registry_burst", 10, "Maximum size of a bursty pulls, temporarily allows pulls to burst to this number, while still not exceeding registry_qps. Only used if --registry_qps > 0")
readOnlyPort = flag.Int("read_only_port", 7080, ""+
"The port from which to serve read-only resources. If 0, don't serve on a "+
"read-only address. It is assumed that firewall rules are set up such that "+
"this port is not reachable from outside of the cluster.")
securePort = flag.Int("secure_port", 8443, "The port from which to serve HTTPS with authentication and authorization. If 0, don't serve HTTPS ")
tlsCertFile = flag.String("tls_cert_file", "", ""+
"File containing x509 Certificate for HTTPS. (CA cert, if any, concatenated after server cert). "+
"If HTTPS serving is enabled, and --tls_cert_file and --tls_private_key_file are not provided, "+
"a self-signed certificate and key are generated for the public address and saved to /var/run/kubernetes.")
tlsPrivateKeyFile = flag.String("tls_private_key_file", "", "File containing x509 private key matching --tls_cert_file.")
apiPrefix = flag.String("api_prefix", "/api", "The prefix for API requests on the server. Default '/api'.")
storageVersion = flag.String("storage_version", "", "The version to store resources with. Defaults to server preferred")
cloudProvider = flag.String("cloud_provider", "", "The provider for cloud services. Empty string for no provider.")
cloudConfigFile = flag.String("cloud_config", "", "The path to the cloud provider configuration file. Empty string for no configuration file.")
healthCheckMinions = flag.Bool("health_check_minions", true, "If true, health check minions and filter unhealthy ones. Default true.")
eventTTL = flag.Duration("event_ttl", 48*time.Hour, "Amount of time to retain events. Default 2 days.")
tokenAuthFile = flag.String("token_auth_file", "", "If set, the file that will be used to secure the secure port of the API server via token authentication.")
authorizationMode = flag.String("authorization_mode", "AlwaysAllow", "Selects how to do authorization on the secure port. One of: "+strings.Join(apiserver.AuthorizationModeChoices, ","))
authorizationPolicyFile = flag.String("authorization_policy_file", "", "File with authorization policy in csv format, used with --authorization_mode=ABAC, on the secure port.")
admissionControl = flag.String("admission_control", "AlwaysAdmit", "Ordered list of plug-ins to do admission control of resources into cluster. Comma-delimited list of: "+strings.Join(admission.GetPlugins(), ", "))
admissionControlConfigFile = flag.String("admission_control_config_file", "", "File with admission control configuration.")
etcdServerList util.StringList
etcdConfigFile = flag.String("etcd_config", "", "The config file for the etcd client. Mutually exclusive with -etcd_servers.")
corsAllowedOriginList util.StringList
allowPrivileged = flag.Bool("allow_privileged", false, "If true, allow privileged containers.")
portalNet util.IPNet // TODO: make this a list
enableLogsSupport = flag.Bool("enable_logs_support", true, "Enables server endpoint for log collection")
runtimeConfig util.ConfigurationMap
kubeletConfig = client.KubeletConfig{
Port: 10250,
EnableHttps: false,