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Golang Seg2.DistFromOrigin方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Golang中github.com/runningwild/linear.Seg2.DistFromOrigin方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang Seg2.DistFromOrigin方法的具体用法?Golang Seg2.DistFromOrigin怎么用?Golang Seg2.DistFromOrigin使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在github.com/runningwild/linear.Seg2的用法示例。


示例1: distFromPointToSeg

func distFromPointToSeg(p linear.Vec2, s linear.Seg2) float64 {
	s.P = s.P.Sub(p)
	s.Q = s.Q.Sub(p)
	cross := s.Ray().Cross()
	crossSeg := linear.Seg2{Q: cross}
	if crossSeg.Left(s.P) != crossSeg.Left(s.Q) {
		return s.DistFromOrigin()
	da := s.P.Mag()
	db := s.Q.Mag()
	if da < db {
		return da
	return db

示例2: Think

func (b *BaseEnt) Think(g *Game) {
	// This will clear out old conditions

	var dead []int
	// Calling DoOrdered is too slow, so we just sort the Gids ourselves and go
	// through them in order.
	pids := make([]int, len(b.Processes))[0:0]
	for pid := range b.Processes {
		pids = append(pids, pid)
	for _, pid := range pids {
		proc := b.Processes[pid]
		if proc.Dead() {
			dead = append(dead, pid)
		} else {

	// Removed dead processes from the ent
	for _, id := range dead {
		delete(b.Processes, id)

	if b.Delta.Speed < -1.0 {
		b.Delta.Speed = -1.0
	if b.Delta.Speed > 1.0 {
		b.Delta.Speed = 1.0

	// TODO: Speed is a complete misnomer now - fix it!
	force := b.Delta.Speed * (linear.Vec2{1, 0}).Rotate(b.Target.Angle).Dot((linear.Vec2{1, 0}).Rotate(b.Angle_))
	b.ApplyForce((linear.Vec2{1, 0}).Rotate(b.Angle_).Scale(force * b.Stats().MaxAcc()))

	mangle := math.Atan2(b.Velocity.Y, b.Velocity.X)
	friction := g.Friction
	b.Velocity = b.Velocity.Scale(
		math.Pow(friction, 1+3*math.Abs(math.Sin(b.Angle_-mangle))))

	if b.Velocity.Mag2() < 0.01 {
		b.Velocity = linear.Vec2{0, 0}
	} else {
		size := b.Stats().Size()
		sizeSq := size * size
		// We pretend that the player is started from a little behind wherever they
		// actually are.  This makes it a lot easier to get collisions to make sense
		// from frame to frame.
		epsilon := b.Velocity.Norm().Scale(size / 2)
		move := linear.Seg2{b.Position.Sub(epsilon), b.Position.Add(b.Velocity)}
		prev := b.Position
		walls := g.local.temp.WallCache.GetWalls(int(b.Position.X), int(b.Position.Y))
		for _, wall := range walls {
			// Don't bother with back-facing segments
			if wall.Right(b.Position) {

			// Check against the segment itself
			if wall.Ray().Cross().Dot(move.Ray()) <= 0 {
				shiftNorm := wall.Ray().Cross().Norm()
				shift := shiftNorm.Scale(size)
				col := linear.Seg2{shift.Add(wall.P), shift.Add(wall.Q)}
				if move.DoesIsect(col) {
					cross := col.Ray().Cross()
					fix := linear.Seg2{move.Q, cross.Add(move.Q)}
					isect := fix.Isect(col)
					move.Q = isect
		for _, wall := range walls {
			// Check against the leading vertex
				v := wall.P
				originMove := linear.Seg2{move.P.Sub(v), move.Q.Sub(v)}
				originPerp := linear.Seg2{linear.Vec2{}, move.Ray().Cross()}
				dist := originMove.DistFromOrigin()
				if originPerp.DoesIsect(originMove) && dist < size {
					// Stop passthrough
					isect := originMove.Isect(originPerp).Add(v)
					diff := math.Sqrt(sizeSq - dist*dist)
					finalLength := isect.Sub(move.P).Mag() - diff
					move.Q = move.Ray().Norm().Scale(finalLength).Add(move.P)
				} else if v.Sub(move.Q).Mag2() < sizeSq {
					move.Q = move.Q.Sub(v).Norm().Scale(size).Add(v)
		b.Position = move.Q
		b.Velocity = b.Position.Sub(prev)

	if math.Abs(b.Angle_+b.Target.Angle-math.Pi) < 0.01 {
		b.Angle_ += 0.1
	} else {
		frac := 0.80
