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Golang gui.Gui类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Golang中github.com/runningwild/glop/gui.Gui的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang Gui类的具体用法?Golang Gui怎么用?Golang Gui使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: Respond

func (c *Console) Respond(ui *gui.Gui, group gui.EventGroup) bool {
	if found, event := group.FindEvent(GetDefaultKeyMap()["console"].Id()); found && event.Type == gin.Press {
		if group.Focus {
		} else {
		return true
	if group.Focus {
		// if found, event := group.FindEvent(gin.Left); found && event.Type == gin.Press {
		//   c.xscroll += 250
		// }
		// if found, event := group.FindEvent(gin.Right); found && event.Type == gin.Press {
		//   c.xscroll -= 250
		// }
	if c.xscroll > 0 {
		c.xscroll = 0
	if found, event := group.FindEvent(gin.AnySpace); found && event.Type == gin.Press {
		c.xscroll = 0

	return group.Focus

示例2: Think

func (gp *GamePanel) Think(ui *gui.Gui, t int64) {
	gp.AnchorBox.Think(ui, t)
	if !gp.Active() {
	if gp.game != nil {
		gp.game.modal = (ui.FocusWidget() != nil)

	if gp.last_think == 0 {
		gp.last_think = t
	dt := t - gp.last_think
	gp.last_think = t

	if gp.main_bar != nil {
		if gp.game.selected_ent != nil {
		} else {

示例3: Respond

func (m *MainBar) Respond(g *gui.Gui, group gui.EventGroup) bool {
	if g.FocusWidget() != nil {
		return false
	cursor := group.Events[0].Key.Cursor()
	if cursor != nil {
		m.mx, m.my = cursor.Point()
		if m.my > m.layout.Background.Data().Dy() {
			return false

	buttons := m.no_actions_buttons
	if m.ent != nil && len(m.ent.Actions) > m.layout.Actions.Count {
		buttons = m.all_buttons
	for _, button := range buttons {
		if button.Respond(group, m) {
			return true

	if found, event := group.FindEvent(gin.MouseLButton); found && event.Type == gin.Press {
		for _, button := range buttons {
			if button.handleClick(m.mx, m.my, m) {
				return true
		if m.ent != nil {
			index := m.pointInsideAction(m.mx, m.my)
			if index != -1 {
				m.state.Actions.clicked = m.ent.Actions[index]

	if found, event := group.FindEvent(gin.MouseWheelVertical); found {
		x := int(m.layout.Conditions.X)
		y := int(m.layout.Conditions.Y)
		x2 := int(m.layout.Conditions.X + m.layout.Conditions.Width)
		y2 := int(m.layout.Conditions.Y + m.layout.Conditions.Height)
		if m.mx >= x && m.my >= y && m.mx < x2 && m.my < y2 {
			m.state.Conditions.scroll_pos += event.Key.FramePressAmt()

	return cursor != nil

示例4: Think

func (hdt *houseRelicsTab) Think(ui *gui.Gui, t int64) {
	defer hdt.VerticalTable.Think(ui, t)
	rbx, rby := hdt.viewer.WindowToBoard(gin.In().GetCursor("Mouse").Point())
	bx := roundDown(rbx - hdt.drag_anchor.x + 0.5)
	by := roundDown(rby - hdt.drag_anchor.y + 0.5)
	if hdt.temp_relic != nil {
		hdt.temp_relic.X = bx
		hdt.temp_relic.Y = by
		hdt.temp_relic.Dx += gin.In().GetKey(gin.Right).FramePressCount()
		hdt.temp_relic.Dx -= gin.In().GetKey(gin.Left).FramePressCount()
		if hdt.temp_relic.Dx < 1 {
			hdt.temp_relic.Dx = 1
		if hdt.temp_relic.Dx > 10 {
			hdt.temp_relic.Dx = 10
		hdt.temp_relic.Dy += gin.In().GetKey(gin.Up).FramePressCount()
		hdt.temp_relic.Dy -= gin.In().GetKey(gin.Down).FramePressCount()
		if hdt.temp_relic.Dy < 1 {
			hdt.temp_relic.Dy = 1
		if hdt.temp_relic.Dy > 10 {
			hdt.temp_relic.Dy = 10
	} else {
		_, _, spawn_at := hdt.house.Floors[0].RoomFurnSpawnAtPos(roundDown(rbx), roundDown(rby))
		if spawn_at != nil {
		} else if hdt.spawn_name.IsBeingEdited() {
			hdt.typed_name = hdt.spawn_name.GetText()
		} else {

	if hdt.temp_relic == nil && gin.In().GetKey('n').FramePressCount() > 0 && ui.FocusWidget() == nil {

示例5: main

func main() {
	sys = system.Make(gos.GetSystemInterface())
	wdx := 1000
	wdy := 500
	var ui *gui.Gui
	render.Queue(func() {
		sys.CreateWindow(50, 150, wdx, wdy)
		err := gl.Init()
		if err != nil {
			f, err2 := os.Create(filepath.Join(datadir, "gl_log.txt"))
			if err2 != nil {
				fmt.Printf("Unable to write log to a file:%v\n%v\v", err, err2)
			} else {
				fmt.Fprintf(f, "%v\n", err)
		ui, _ = gui.Make(gin.In(), gui.Dims{wdx, wdy}, filepath.Join(datadir, "fonts", "luxisr.ttf"))
		font, err := loadFont()
		if err != nil {
		dict = gui.MakeDictionary(font, 15)

	anchor := gui.MakeAnchorBox(gui.Dims{wdx, wdy})
	var event_handler handler
	actions_list := gui.MakeVerticalTable()
	keyname_list := gui.MakeVerticalTable()
	both_lists := gui.MakeHorizontalTable()
	anchor.AddChild(both_lists, gui.Anchor{1, 0.5, 1, 0.5})
	var actions []string
	for action := range action_map {
		actions = append(actions, action)
	for _, action := range actions {
		actions_list.AddChild(gui.MakeTextLine("standard", action, 150, 1, 1, 1, 1))
		keyname_list.AddChild(gui.MakeTextLine("standard", commands[action].Cmd, 100, 1, 1, 1, 1))

	current_anim := gui.MakeTextLine("standard", "", 300, 1, 1, 1, 1)
	current_state := gui.MakeTextLine("standard", "", 300, 1, 1, 1, 1)
	frame_data := gui.MakeVerticalTable()
	anchor.AddChild(frame_data, gui.Anchor{0, 1, 0, 1})

	speed := 100
	speed_text := gui.MakeTextLine("standard", "Speed: 100%", 150, 1, 1, 1, 1)
	anchor.AddChild(speed_text, gui.Anchor{0, 0, 0, 0})

	var box1, box2 boxdata

	box1.name = "box1"
	box1.sb = makeSpriteBox(nil)
	anchor.AddChild(box1.sb, gui.Anchor{0.5, 0.5, 0.25, 0.5})
	box := box1

	box2.name = "box2"
	box2.sb = makeSpriteBox(nil)
	anchor.AddChild(box2.sb, gui.Anchor{0.5, 0.5, 0.45, 0.5})
	box2.sb.top = true
	box_other := box2

	box2.sb.r, box2.sb.g, box2.sb.b = 0.2, 0.1, 0.4
	box1.sb.r, box1.sb.g, box1.sb.b = 0.4, 0.2, 0.8

	error_msg = gui.MakeTextLine("standard", "", wdx, 1, 0.5, 0.5, 1)
	anchor.AddChild(error_msg, gui.Anchor{0, 0, 0, 0.1})

	var chooser gui.Widget
	// curdir := GetStoreVal("curdir")
	// if curdir == "" {
	//   curdir = "."
	// } else {
	//   _,err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(datadir, curdir))
	//   if err == nil {
	//     go func() {
	//       anim, err := sprite.LoadSprite(filepath.Join(datadir, curdir))
	//       loaded <- loadResult{ anim, err }
	//     } ()
	//   } else {
	//     curdir = "."
	//   }
	// }
	// var profile_output *os.File
	then := time.Now()
	for key_map["quit"].FramePressCount() == 0 {

示例6: Think

func (m *MainBar) Think(g *gui.Gui, t int64) {
	if g.FocusWidget() != nil {
	if m.ent != nil {
		// If an action is selected and we can't see it then we scroll just enough
		// so that we can.
		min := 0.0
		max := float64(len(m.ent.Actions) - m.layout.Actions.Count)
		selected_index := -1
		for i := range m.ent.Actions {
			if m.ent.Actions[i] == m.state.Actions.selected {
				selected_index = i
		if selected_index != -1 {
			if min < float64(selected_index-m.layout.Actions.Count+1) {
				min = float64(selected_index - m.layout.Actions.Count + 1)
			if max > float64(selected_index) {
				max = float64(selected_index)
		m.state.Actions.selected = m.game.current_action
		if m.state.Actions.scroll_target > max {
			m.state.Actions.scroll_target = max
		if m.state.Actions.scroll_target < min {
			m.state.Actions.scroll_target = min

		if m.state.Actions.clicked != nil {
			if m.state.Actions.selected != m.state.Actions.clicked {
				if m.state.Actions.clicked.Preppable(m.ent, m.game) {
					m.state.Actions.clicked.Prep(m.ent, m.game)
			m.state.Actions.clicked = nil

		// We similarly need to scroll through conditions
		c := m.layout.Conditions
		d := base.GetDictionary(int(c.Size))
		max_scroll := d.MaxHeight() * float64(len(m.ent.Stats.ConditionNames()))
		max_scroll -= m.layout.Conditions.Height
		// This might end up with a max that is negative, but we'll cap it at zero
		if m.state.Conditions.scroll_pos > max_scroll {
			m.state.Conditions.scroll_pos = max_scroll
		if m.state.Conditions.scroll_pos < 0 {
			m.state.Conditions.scroll_pos = 0
	} else {
		m.state.Conditions.scroll_pos = 0
		m.state.Actions.scroll_pos = 0
		m.state.Actions.scroll_target = 0

	// Do a nice scroll motion towards the target position
	m.state.Actions.scroll_pos *= 0.8
	m.state.Actions.scroll_pos += 0.2 * m.state.Actions.scroll_target

	// Handle mouseover stuff after doing all of the scroll stuff since we don't
	// want to give a mouseover for something that the mouse isn't over after
	// scrolling something.
	m.state.MouseOver.active = false
	if m.ent != nil {
		c := m.layout.Conditions
		if pointInsideRect(m.mx, m.my, int(c.X), int(c.Y), int(c.Width), int(c.Height)) {
			pos := c.Y + c.Height + m.state.Conditions.scroll_pos - float64(m.my)
			index := int(pos / base.GetDictionary(int(c.Size)).MaxHeight())
			if index >= 0 && index < len(m.ent.Stats.ConditionNames()) {
				m.state.MouseOver.active = true
				m.state.MouseOver.text = m.ent.Stats.ConditionNames()[index]
				m.state.MouseOver.location = mouseOverConditions

		if index := m.pointInsideAction(m.mx, m.my); index != -1 {
			m.state.MouseOver.active = true
			m.state.MouseOver.text = m.ent.Actions[index].String()
			m.state.MouseOver.location = mouseOverActions

	buttons := m.no_actions_buttons
	if m.ent != nil && len(m.ent.Actions) > m.layout.Actions.Count {
		buttons = m.all_buttons
	for _, button := range buttons {
		button.Think(m.region.X, m.region.Y, m.mx, m.my, t)
