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Golang pg.LUint函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Golang中github.com/MediaMath/keryxlib/pg.LUint函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang LUint函数的具体用法?Golang LUint怎么用?Golang LUint使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: Location

// Location is the Location this page starts at
func (p Page) Location() Location {
	if p.Is91() {
		return LocationFromUint32s(uint32(pg.LUint(p.bs[8:12])), uint32(pg.LUint(p.bs[12:16])))

	return LocationFromUint32s(uint32(pg.LUint(p.bs[12:16])), uint32(pg.LUint(p.bs[8:12])))

示例2: Previous

// Previous is the location of the record that preceeds this one
func (r RecordHeader) Previous() Location {
	switch r.version {
	case 0xD066:
		return LocationFromUint32s(uint32(pg.LUint(r.bs[4:8])), uint32(pg.LUint(r.bs[8:12])))
	case 0xD07E:
		return LocationFromUint32s(uint32(pg.LUint(r.bs[20:24])), uint32(pg.LUint(r.bs[16:20])))

	return Location{}

示例3: Crc

// Crc is the crc of the record
func (r RecordHeader) Crc() uint32 {
	switch r.version {
	case 0xD066:
		return uint32(pg.LUint(r.bs[0:4]))
	case 0xD07E:
		return uint32(pg.LUint(r.bs[24:28]))

	return 0

示例4: ResourceManagerID

// ResourceManagerID is the ID of the resource manager that created this record
func (r RecordHeader) ResourceManagerID() uint8 {
	switch r.version {
	case 0xD066:
		return uint8(pg.LUint(r.bs[25:26]))
	case 0xD07E:
		return uint8(pg.LUint(r.bs[13:14]))

	return 0

示例5: Info

// Info contains resource manager specific data
func (r RecordHeader) Info() uint8 {
	switch r.version {
	case 0xD066:
		return uint8(pg.LUint(r.bs[24:25]))
	case 0xD07E:
		return uint8(pg.LUint(r.bs[12:13]))

	return 0

示例6: Length

// Length is the length of resource manager specific data after the header
func (r RecordHeader) Length() uint32 {
	switch r.version {
	case 0xD066:
		return uint32(pg.LUint(r.bs[20:24]))
	case 0xD07E:
		return uint32(pg.LUint(r.bs[8:12]))

	return 0

示例7: TotalLength

// TotalLength is the length of the body after the header but before the next record
func (r RecordHeader) TotalLength() uint32 {
	switch r.version {
	case 0xD066:
		return uint32(pg.LUint(r.bs[16:20]))
	case 0xD07E:
		return uint32(pg.LUint(r.bs[0:4]))

	return 0

示例8: TransactionID

// TransactionID is the transaction that this record is apart of
func (r RecordHeader) TransactionID() uint32 {
	switch r.version {
	case 0xD066:
		return uint32(pg.LUint(r.bs[12:16]))
	case 0xD07E:
		return uint32(pg.LUint(r.bs[4:8]))

	return 0

示例9: ToOffset

// ToOffset is item number of the new version of this tuple
func (d UpdateData) ToOffset() uint16 {
	switch d.version {
	case 0xD066:
		return uint16(pg.LUint(d.bs[24:26]))
	case 0xD07E:
		return uint16(pg.LUint(d.bs[32:34]))

	return 0

示例10: BlockSize

// BlockSize is the size of a page in a WAL file
func (p Page) BlockSize() uint32 {
	if p.IsLong() {
		return uint32(pg.LUint(p.bs[28:32]))

	return 0

示例11: SegmentSize

// SegmentSize is the size in bytes of a single WAL file
func (p Page) SegmentSize() uint32 {
	if p.IsLong() {
		return uint32(pg.LUint(p.bs[24:28]))

	return 0

示例12: SystemID

// SystemID can be used to determine if a page was written by a particular server
func (p Page) SystemID() uint64 {
	if p.IsLong() {
		return uint64(pg.LUint(p.bs[16:24]))

	return 0

示例13: parseMultiInsertData

func parseMultiInsertData(isInit bool, d []byte) (multiInserts []HeapData) {
	const XlogHeapInitPage = 128

	var (
		tablespaceID = uint32(pg.LUint(d[0:4]))
		databaseID   = uint32(pg.LUint(d[4:8]))
		relationID   = uint32(pg.LUint(d[8:12]))
		toBlock      = uint32(pg.LUint(d[12:16]))
		flags        = d[16]
		ntuples      = uint16(pg.LUint(d[18:20]))

	isInit = isInit || flags&XlogHeapInitPage > 0

	for i := uint16(0); i < ntuples; i++ {
		if isInit {
			multiInserts = append(multiInserts, MultiInsertData{tablespaceID, databaseID, relationID, toBlock, i + 1})
		} else {
			var (
				start    = i*2 + 20
				end      = start + 2
				toOffset = uint16(pg.LUint(d[start:end]))

			multiInserts = append(multiInserts, MultiInsertData{tablespaceID, databaseID, relationID, toBlock, toOffset})


示例14: Continuation

// Continuation will return the bytes of a continuation of the previous record's body if present on the page
func (p Page) Continuation() []byte {
	if p.IsCont() {
		var contStart, contEnd uint64

		if p.Is94() {
			contStart = p.HeaderLength()
			contEnd = contStart + pg.LUint(p.bs[16:20])
		} else {
			sizeOffset := p.HeaderLength()
			contStart = sizeOffset + 4
			contEnd = contStart + pg.LUint(p.bs[sizeOffset:contStart])

		maxContEnd := uint64(len(p.bs))
		if contEnd > maxContEnd {
			contEnd = maxContEnd

		return p.bs[contStart:contEnd]

	return nil

示例15: Continuation

// Continuation will return the bytes of a continuation of the previous record's body if present on the page
func (p Page) Continuation() []byte {
	if p.IsCont() {
		sizeOffset := p.HeaderLength()
		contStart := sizeOffset + 4
		contEnd := contStart + uint64(pg.LUint(p.bs[sizeOffset:contStart]))

		maxContEnd := uint64(len(p.bs))
		if contEnd > maxContEnd {
			contEnd = maxContEnd

		return p.bs[contStart:contEnd]

	return nil
