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Golang Post.Props方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Golang中github.com/mattermost/platform/model.Post.Props方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang Post.Props方法的具体用法?Golang Post.Props怎么用?Golang Post.Props使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在github.com/mattermost/platform/model.Post的用法示例。


示例1: SendEphemeralPost

func SendEphemeralPost(teamId, userId string, post *model.Post) {
	post.Type = model.POST_EPHEMERAL

	// fill in fields which haven't been specified which have sensible defaults
	if post.Id == "" {
		post.Id = model.NewId()
	if post.CreateAt == 0 {
		post.CreateAt = model.GetMillis()
	if post.Props == nil {
		post.Props = model.StringInterface{}

	message := model.NewWebSocketEvent(model.WEBSOCKET_EVENT_EPHEMERAL_MESSAGE, "", post.ChannelId, userId, nil)
	message.Add("post", post.ToJson())

	go Publish(message)

示例2: SendEphemeralPost

func SendEphemeralPost(teamId, userId string, post *model.Post) {
	post.Type = model.POST_EPHEMERAL

	// fill in fields which haven't been specified which have sensible defaults
	if post.Id == "" {
		post.Id = model.NewId()
	if post.CreateAt == 0 {
		post.CreateAt = model.GetMillis()
	if post.Props == nil {
		post.Props = model.StringInterface{}
	if post.Filenames == nil {
		post.Filenames = []string{}

	message := model.NewMessage(teamId, post.ChannelId, userId, model.ACTION_EPHEMERAL_MESSAGE)
	message.Add("post", post.ToJson())

