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Golang FileInfo.CreateAt方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Golang中github.com/mattermost/platform/model.FileInfo.CreateAt方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang FileInfo.CreateAt方法的具体用法?Golang FileInfo.CreateAt怎么用?Golang FileInfo.CreateAt使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在github.com/mattermost/platform/model.FileInfo的用法示例。


示例1: getInfoForFilename

func getInfoForFilename(post *model.Post, teamId string, filename string) *model.FileInfo {
	// Find the path from the Filename of the form /{channelId}/{userId}/{uid}/{nameWithExtension}
	split := strings.SplitN(filename, "/", 5)
	if len(split) < 5 {
		l4g.Error(utils.T("api.file.migrate_filenames_to_file_infos.unexpected_filename.error"), post.Id, filename)
		return nil

	channelId := split[1]
	userId := split[2]
	oldId := split[3]
	name, _ := url.QueryUnescape(split[4])

	if split[0] != "" || split[1] != post.ChannelId || split[2] != post.UserId || strings.Contains(split[4], "/") {
		l4g.Warn(utils.T("api.file.migrate_filenames_to_file_infos.mismatched_filename.warn"), post.Id, post.ChannelId, post.UserId, filename)

	pathPrefix := fmt.Sprintf("teams/%s/channels/%s/users/%s/%s/", teamId, channelId, userId, oldId)
	path := pathPrefix + name

	// Open the file and populate the fields of the FileInfo
	var info *model.FileInfo
	if data, err := ReadFile(path); err != nil {
		l4g.Error(utils.T("api.file.migrate_filenames_to_file_infos.file_not_found.error"), post.Id, filename, path, err)
		return nil
	} else {
		var err *model.AppError
		info, err = model.GetInfoForBytes(name, data)
		if err != nil {
			l4g.Warn(utils.T("api.file.migrate_filenames_to_file_infos.info.app_error"), post.Id, filename, err)

	// Generate a new ID because with the old system, you could very rarely get multiple posts referencing the same file
	info.Id = model.NewId()
	info.CreatorId = post.UserId
	info.PostId = post.Id
	info.CreateAt = post.CreateAt
	info.UpdateAt = post.UpdateAt
	info.Path = path

	if info.IsImage() {
		nameWithoutExtension := name[:strings.LastIndex(name, ".")]
		info.PreviewPath = pathPrefix + nameWithoutExtension + "_preview.jpg"
		info.ThumbnailPath = pathPrefix + nameWithoutExtension + "_thumb.jpg"

	return info
