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Golang Params.Get方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Golang中github.com/Masterminds/cookoo.Params.Get方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang Params.Get方法的具体用法?Golang Params.Get怎么用?Golang Params.Get使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在github.com/Masterminds/cookoo.Params的用法示例。


示例1: MergeToYaml

// MergeToYaml converts a Config object and a yaml.File to a single yaml.File.
// Params:
//	- conf (*Config): The configuration to merge.
//	- overwriteImports (bool, default true): If this is true, old config will
//		overwritten. If false, we attempt to merge the old and new config, with
//		preference to the old.
// Returns:
//	- The root yaml.Node of the modified config.
// Uses:
//	- cxt.Get("yaml.File") as the source for the YAML file.
func MergeToYaml(c cookoo.Context, p *cookoo.Params) (interface{}, cookoo.Interrupt) {
	root := c.Get("yaml.File", nil).(*yaml.File).Root
	cfg := p.Get("conf", nil).(*Config)
	overwrite := p.Get("overwriteImports", true).(bool)

	rootMap, ok := root.(yaml.Map)
	if !ok {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Expected root node to be a map.")

	if len(cfg.Name) > 0 {
		rootMap["package"] = yaml.Scalar(cfg.Name)
	if cfg.InCommand != "" {
		rootMap["incmd"] = yaml.Scalar(cfg.InCommand)

	if overwrite {
		// Imports
		imports := make([]yaml.Node, len(cfg.Imports))
		for i, imp := range cfg.Imports {
			imports[i] = imp.ToYaml()
		rootMap["import"] = yaml.List(imports)
	} else {
		var err error
		rootMap, err = mergeImports(rootMap, cfg)
		if err != nil {
			Warn("Problem merging imports: %s\n", err)

	return root, nil

示例2: RunOnce

// RunOnce runs the equivalent of `confd --onetime`.
// This may run the process repeatedly until either we time out (~20 minutes) or
// the templates are successfully built.
// Importantly, this blocks until the run is complete.
// Params:
// - node (string): The etcd node to use. (Only etcd is currently supported)
// Returns:
// - The []bytes from stdout and stderr when running the program.
func RunOnce(c cookoo.Context, p *cookoo.Params) (interface{}, cookoo.Interrupt) {
	node := p.Get("node", defaultEtcd).(string)

	dargs := []string{"-onetime", "-node", node, "-log-level", "error"}

	log.Info(c, "Building confd templates. This may take a moment.")

	limit := 1200
	timeout := time.Second * 3
	var lasterr error
	start := time.Now()
	for i := 0; i < limit; i++ {
		out, err := exec.Command("confd", dargs...).CombinedOutput()
		if err == nil {
			log.Infof(c, "Templates generated for %s on run %d", node, i)
			return out, nil
		log.Debugf(c, "Recoverable error: %s", err)
		log.Debugf(c, "Output: %q", out)
		lasterr = err

		log.Infof(c, "Re-trying template build. (Elapsed time: %d)", time.Now().Sub(start)/time.Second)

	return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not build confd templates before timeout. Last error: %s", lasterr)

示例3: WriteLock

// WriteLock writes the lock as YAML.
// Params:
//	- lockfile: A *cfg.Lockfile to render.
// 	- out (io.Writer): An output stream to write to. Default is os.Stdout.
func WriteLock(c cookoo.Context, p *cookoo.Params) (interface{}, cookoo.Interrupt) {
	skip := p.Get("skip", false).(bool)
	if skip {
		return false, nil

	lockfile := p.Get("lockfile", nil).(*cfg.Lockfile)

	Info("Writing glide.lock file")

	data, err := lockfile.Marshal()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var out io.Writer
	file, err := os.Create("glide.lock")
	if err != nil {
		return false, err
	defer file.Close()
	out = io.Writer(file)

	return true, nil

示例4: ExecCmd

// ExecCmd executes a system command  inside vendor
func ExecCmd(c cookoo.Context, p *cookoo.Params) (interface{}, cookoo.Interrupt) {
	args := p.Get("args", nil).(cli.Args)

	if len(args) == 0 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("No command to execute")

	gopath, err := VendorPath(c)
	if err != nil {
		return false, err

	err = os.Setenv("GOPATH", gopath)
	if err != nil {
		return false, err

	path := os.Getenv("PATH")
	err = os.Setenv("PATH", gopath+"/bin:"+path)
	if err != nil {
		return false, err

	cmd := exec.Command(args[0], args[1:]...)
	cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
	cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
	err = cmd.Run()

	return true, nil

示例5: Watch

// Watch watches a given path, and executes a git check-repos for each event.
// It starts the watcher and then returns. The watcher runs on its own
// goroutine. To stop the watching, send the returned channel a bool.
// Params:
// - client (Watcher): An Etcd client.
// - path (string): The path to watch
// Returns:
// 	- chan bool: Send this a message to stop the watcher.
func Watch(c cookoo.Context, p *cookoo.Params) (interface{}, cookoo.Interrupt) {
	// etcdctl -C $ETCD watch --recursive /deis/services
	path := p.Get("path", "/deis/services").(string)
	cli, ok := p.Has("client")
	if !ok {
		return nil, errors.New("No etcd client found.")
	client := cli.(Watcher)

	// Stupid hack because etcd watch seems to be broken, constantly complaining
	// that the JSON it received is malformed.
	safely.GoDo(c, func() {
		for {
			response, err := client.Watch(path, 0, true, nil, nil)
			if err != nil {
				log.Errf(c, "Etcd Watch failed: %s", err)
				time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond)

			if response.Node == nil {
				log.Infof(c, "Unexpected Etcd message: %v", response)
			git := exec.Command("/home/git/check-repos")
			if out, err := git.CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
				log.Errf(c, "Failed git check-repos: %s", err)
				log.Infof(c, "Output: %s", out)


	return nil, nil


示例6: ParallelBuild

// ParallelBuild runs multiple docker builds at the same time.
// Params:
//	-images ([]BuildImg): Images to build
// 	-alwaysFetch (bool): Default false. If set to true, this will always fetch
// 		the Docker image even if it already exists in the registry.
// Returns:
// 	- Waiter: A *sync.WaitGroup that is waiting for the docker downloads to finish.
// Context:
// This puts 'ParallelBuild.failN" (int) into the context to indicate how many failures
// occurred during fetches.
func ParallelBuild(c cookoo.Context, p *cookoo.Params) (interface{}, cookoo.Interrupt) {
	images := p.Get("images", []BuildImg{}).([]BuildImg)

	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	var m sync.Mutex
	var fails int

	for _, img := range images {
		img := img

		// HACK: ensure "docker build" is serialized by allowing only one entry in
		// the WaitGroup. This works around the "simultaneous docker pull" bug.
		safely.GoDo(c, func() {
			log.Infof(c, "Starting build for %s (tag: %s)", img.Path, img.Tag)
			if _, err := buildImg(c, img.Path, img.Tag); err != nil {
				log.Errf(c, "Failed to build docker image: %s", err)


	// Number of failures.
	c.Put("ParallelBuild.failN", fails)

	return &wg, nil

示例7: ListDeps

// ListDeps lists all of the dependencies of the current project.
// Params:
// Returns:
func ListDeps(c cookoo.Context, p *cookoo.Params) (interface{}, cookoo.Interrupt) {
	basedir := p.Get("dir", ".").(string)
	myName := guessPackageName(basedir)

	var err error
	basedir, err = filepath.Abs(basedir)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	direct := map[string]bool{}
	d := walkDeps(basedir, myName)
	for _, i := range d {
		listDeps(direct, i, basedir)

	sortable := make([]string, len(direct))
	i := 0
	for k, _ := range direct {
		sortable[i] = k


	for _, k := range sortable {
		dec := "no"
		if direct[k] {
			dec = "yes"
		fmt.Printf("%s (Present: %s)\n", k, dec)

	return nil, nil

示例8: ShowHelp

// Show help.
// This command is useful for placing at the front of a CLI "subcommand" to have it output
// help information. It will only trigger when "show" is set to true, so another command
// can, for example, check for a "-h" or "-help" flag and set "show" based on that.
// Params:
// 	- show (bool): If `true`, show help.
// 	- summary (string): A one-line summary of the command.
// 	- description (string): A short description of what the command does.
// 	- usage (string): usage information.
// 	- flags (FlagSet): Flags that are supported. The FlagSet will be converted to help text.
// 	- writer (Writer): The location that this will write to. Default is os.Stdout
// 	- subcommands ([]string): A list of subcommands. This will be formatted as help text.
func ShowHelp(cxt cookoo.Context, params *cookoo.Params) (interface{}, cookoo.Interrupt) {
	showHelp := false
	showHelpO := params.Get("show", false)
	switch showHelpO.(type) {
	case string:
		showHelp = strings.ToLower(showHelpO.(string)) == "true"
	case bool:
		showHelp = showHelpO.(bool)

	writer := params.Get("writer", os.Stdout).(io.Writer)

	pmap := params.AsMap()

	// Last resort: If no summary, pull it from the route description.
	if summary, ok := pmap["summary"]; !ok || len(summary.(string)) == 0 {
		pmap["summary"] = cxt.Get("route.Description", "").(string)

	sections := []string{"summary", "description", "usage"}
	if _, ok := params.Has("subcommands"); ok {
		sections = append(sections, "subcommands")

	if showHelp {
		displayHelp(sections, pmap, writer)
		return true, new(cookoo.Stop)

	return false, nil

示例9: Subscribe

// Subscribe allows an request to subscribe to topic updates.
// Params:
// 	- topic (string): The topic to subscribe to.
// 	-
// Returns:
func Subscribe(c cookoo.Context, p *cookoo.Params) (interface{}, cookoo.Interrupt) {
	medium, err := getMedium(c)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, &cookoo.FatalError{"No medium."}
	topic := p.Get("topic", "").(string)
	if len(topic) == 0 {
		return nil, errors.New("No topic is set.")

	rw := c.Get("http.ResponseWriter", nil).(ResponseWriterFlusher)
	clientGone := rw.(http.CloseNotifier).CloseNotify()

	sub := NewSubscription(rw)
	t := fetchOrCreateTopic(medium, topic, true, DefaultMaxHistory)

	defer func() {


	return nil, nil

示例10: Watch

// Watch watches a given path, and executes a git check-repos for each event.
// It starts the watcher and then returns. The watcher runs on its own
// goroutine. To stop the watching, send the returned channel a bool.
// Params:
// - client (Watcher): An Etcd client.
// - path (string): The path to watch
func Watch(c cookoo.Context, p *cookoo.Params) (interface{}, cookoo.Interrupt) {

	// etcdctl -C $ETCD watch --recursive /deis/services
	path := p.Get("path", "/deis/services").(string)
	cli := p.Get("client", nil).(client.Client)
	k := client.NewKeysAPI(cli)

	watcher := k.Watcher(path, &client.WatcherOptions{Recursive: true})

	safely.GoDo(c, func() {
		for {
			// TODO: We should probably add cancellation support.
			response, err := watcher.Next(dctx())
			if err != nil {
				log.Errf(c, "Etcd Watch failed: %s", err)
			if response.Node == nil {
				log.Infof(c, "Unexpected Etcd message: %v", response)
			git := exec.Command("/home/git/check-repos")
			if out, err := git.CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
				log.Errf(c, "Failed git check-repos: %s", err)
				log.Infof(c, "Output: %s", out)
	return nil, nil

示例11: Basic

 * Perform authentication.
 * Params:
 * 	- realm (string): The name of the realm. (Default: "web")
 * 	- datasource (string): The name of the datasource that should be used to authenticate.
 * 	  This datasource must be an `auth.UserDatasource`. (Default: "auth.UserDatasource")
 * Context:
 * 	- http.Request (*http.Request): The HTTP request. This is usually placed into the
 * 	context for you.
 * 	- http.ResponseWriter (http.ResponseWriter): The response. This is usually placed
 * 	 into the context for you.
 * Datasource:
 * 	- An auth.UserDatasource. By default, this will look for a datasource named
 * 	  "auth.UserDatasource". This can be overridden by the `datasource` param.
 * Returns:
 * 	- True if the user authenticated. If not, this will send a 401 and then stop
 * 	  the current chain.
func Basic(c cookoo.Context, p *cookoo.Params) (interface{}, cookoo.Interrupt) {
	realm := p.Get("realm", "web").(string)
	dsName := p.Get("datasource", "auth.UserDatasource").(string)

	req := c.Get("http.Request", nil).(*http.Request)
	res := c.Get("http.ResponseWriter", nil).(http.ResponseWriter)

	ds := c.Datasource(dsName).(UserDatasource)

	authz := strings.TrimSpace(req.Header.Get("Authorization"))
	if len(authz) == 0 || !strings.Contains(authz, "Basic ") {
		return sendUnauthorized(realm, res)

	user, pass, err := parseBasicString(authz)
	if err != nil {
		c.Logf("info", "Basic authentication parsing failed: %s", err)
		return sendUnauthorized(realm, res)

	ok, err := ds.AuthUser(user, pass)
	if !ok {
		if err != nil {
			c.Logf("info", "Basic authentication caused an error: %s", err)
		return sendUnauthorized(realm, res)

	return ok, err

示例12: Expand

// Expand expands the environment variables in the given string and returns the result.
// Params:
// 	- content (string): The given string to expand.
// Returns:
//  - The expanded string. This expands against the os environemnt (os.ExpandEnv).
func Expand(c cookoo.Context, p *cookoo.Params) (interface{}, cookoo.Interrupt) {
	s := p.Get("content", "").(string)

	// TODO: We could easily add support here for Expand().

	return os.ExpandEnv(s), nil

示例13: Push

// Push pushes an image to the registry.
// This finds the appropriate registry by looking it up in etcd.
// Params:
// - client (etcd.Getter): Client to do etcd lookups.
// - tag (string): Tag to push.
// Returns:
func Push(c cookoo.Context, p *cookoo.Params) (interface{}, cookoo.Interrupt) {
	// docker tag deis/slugrunner:lastest HOST:PORT/deis/slugrunner:latest
	// docker push HOST:PORT/deis/slugrunner:latest
	client := p.Get("client", nil).(etcd.Getter)

	host, err := client.Get("/deis/registry/host", false, false)
	if err != nil || host.Node == nil {
		return nil, err
	port, err := client.Get("/deis/registry/port", false, false)
	if err != nil || host.Node == nil {
		return nil, err

	registry := host.Node.Value + ":" + port.Node.Value
	tag := p.Get("tag", "").(string)

	log.Infof(c, "Pushing %s to %s. This may take some time.", tag, registry)
	rem := path.Join(registry, tag)

	out, err := exec.Command("docker", "tag", "-f", tag, rem).CombinedOutput()
	if err != nil {
		log.Warnf(c, "Failed to tag %s on host %s: %s (%s)", tag, rem, err, out)
	out, err = exec.Command("docker", "-D", "push", rem).CombinedOutput()

	if err != nil {
		log.Warnf(c, "Failed to push %s to host %s: %s (%s)", tag, rem, err, out)
		return nil, err
	log.Infof(c, "Finished pushing %s to %s.", tag, registry)
	return nil, nil

示例14: VendoredCleanUp

// VendoredCleanUp is a command that cleans up vendored codebases after an update.
// If enabled (via update) it removed the VCS info from updated vendored
// packages. This should be a suffix to UpdateImports and  VendoredSetup should
// be a prefix to UpdateImports.
func VendoredCleanUp(c cookoo.Context, p *cookoo.Params) (interface{}, cookoo.Interrupt) {
	update := p.Get("update", true).(bool)
	if update != true {
		return false, nil
	cfg := p.Get("conf", nil).(*Config)

	vend, err := VendorPath(c)
	if err != nil {
		return false, err

	for _, dep := range cfg.Imports {
		if dep.UpdateAsVendored == true {
			Info("Cleaning up vendored package %s\n", dep.Name)

			// Remove the VCS directory
			cwd := path.Join(vend, dep.Name)
			repo, err := dep.GetRepo(cwd)
			if err != nil {
				Error("Error cleaning up %s:%s", dep.Name, err)
			t := repo.Vcs()
			err = os.RemoveAll(cwd + string(os.PathSeparator) + "." + string(t))
			if err != nil {
				Error("Error cleaning up VCS dir for %s:%s", dep.Name, err)


	return true, nil

示例15: ParallelBuild

// ParallelBuild runs multiple docker builds at the same time.
// Params:
//	-images ([]BuildImg): Images to build
// 	-alwaysFetch (bool): Default false. If set to true, this will always fetch
// 		the Docker image even if it already exists in the registry.
// Returns:
// 	- Waiter: A *sync.WaitGroup that is waiting for the docker downloads to finish.
// Context:
// This puts 'ParallelBuild.failN" (int) into the context to indicate how many failures
// occurred during fetches.
func ParallelBuild(c cookoo.Context, p *cookoo.Params) (interface{}, cookoo.Interrupt) {
	images := p.Get("images", []BuildImg{}).([]BuildImg)

	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	var m sync.Mutex
	var fails int

	for _, img := range images {
		img := img
		safely.GoDo(c, func() {
			log.Infof(c, "Starting build for %s (tag: %s)", img.Path, img.Tag)
			if _, err := buildImg(c, img.Path, img.Tag); err != nil {
				log.Errf(c, "Failed to build docker image: %s", err)


	// Number of failures.
	c.Put("ParallelBuild.failN", fails)

	return &wg, nil
