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Golang metrics.Scope类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Golang中github.com/letsencrypt/boulder/metrics.Scope的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang Scope类的具体用法?Golang Scope怎么用?Golang Scope使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: ClientSetup

// ClientSetup loads various TLS certificates and creates a
// gRPC TransportCredentials that presents the client certificate
// and validates the certificate presented by the server is for a
// specific hostname and issued by the provided issuer certificate
// thens dials and returns a grpc.ClientConn to the remote service.
func ClientSetup(c *cmd.GRPCClientConfig, stats metrics.Scope) (*grpc.ClientConn, error) {
	if len(c.ServerAddresses) == 0 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("boulder/grpc: ServerAddresses is empty")
	if stats == nil {
		return nil, errNilScope
	serverIssuerBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(c.ServerIssuerPath)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	rootCAs := x509.NewCertPool()
	if ok := rootCAs.AppendCertsFromPEM(serverIssuerBytes); !ok {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse server issues from '%s'", c.ServerIssuerPath)
	clientCert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(c.ClientCertificatePath, c.ClientKeyPath)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err


	ci := clientInterceptor{stats.NewScope("gRPCClient"), clock.Default(), c.Timeout.Duration}
	creds := bcreds.NewClientCredentials(rootCAs, []tls.Certificate{clientCert})
	return grpc.Dial(
		"", // Since our staticResolver provides addresses we don't need to pass an address here

示例2: NewAmqpRPCServer

// NewAmqpRPCServer creates a new RPC server for the given queue and will begin
// consuming requests from the queue. To start the server you must call Start().
func NewAmqpRPCServer(
	amqpConf *cmd.AMQPConfig,
	maxConcurrentRPCServerRequests int64,
	stats metrics.Scope,
	log blog.Logger,
) (*AmqpRPCServer, error) {
	stats = stats.NewScope("RPC")

	reconnectBase := amqpConf.ReconnectTimeouts.Base.Duration
	if reconnectBase == 0 {
		reconnectBase = 20 * time.Millisecond
	reconnectMax := amqpConf.ReconnectTimeouts.Max.Duration
	if reconnectMax == 0 {
		reconnectMax = time.Minute

	return &AmqpRPCServer{
		serverQueue:                    amqpConf.ServiceQueue,
		connection:                     newAMQPConnector(amqpConf.ServiceQueue, reconnectBase, reconnectMax),
		log:                            log,
		dispatchTable:                  make(map[string]messageHandler),
		maxConcurrentRPCServerRequests: maxConcurrentRPCServerRequests,
		clk:   clock.Default(),
		stats: stats,
	}, nil

示例3: NewCachePurgeClient

// NewCachePurgeClient constructs a new CachePurgeClient
func NewCachePurgeClient(
	accessToken string,
	retries int,
	retryBackoff time.Duration,
	log blog.Logger,
	stats metrics.Scope,
) (*CachePurgeClient, error) {
	stats = stats.NewScope("CCU")
	if strings.HasSuffix(endpoint, "/") {
		endpoint = endpoint[:len(endpoint)-1]
	apiURL, err := url.Parse(endpoint)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return &CachePurgeClient{
		client:       new(http.Client),
		apiEndpoint:  endpoint,
		apiHost:      apiURL.Host,
		apiScheme:    strings.ToLower(apiURL.Scheme),
		clientToken:  clientToken,
		clientSecret: clientSecret,
		accessToken:  accessToken,
		retries:      retries,
		retryBackoff: retryBackoff,
		log:          log,
		stats:        stats,
		clk:          clock.Default(),
	}, nil

示例4: ReportDbConnCount

func ReportDbConnCount(dbMap *gorp.DbMap, statter metrics.Scope) {
	db := dbMap.Db
	for {
		statter.Gauge("OpenConnections", int64(db.Stats().OpenConnections))
		time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)

示例5: NewDNSResolverImpl

// NewDNSResolverImpl constructs a new DNS resolver object that utilizes the
// provided list of DNS servers for resolution.
func NewDNSResolverImpl(
	readTimeout time.Duration,
	servers []string,
	caaSERVFAILExceptions map[string]bool,
	stats metrics.Scope,
	clk clock.Clock,
	maxTries int,
) *DNSResolverImpl {
	// TODO(jmhodges): make constructor use an Option func pattern
	dnsClient := new(dns.Client)

	// Set timeout for underlying net.Conn
	dnsClient.ReadTimeout = readTimeout
	dnsClient.Net = "tcp"

	return &DNSResolverImpl{
		dnsClient:                dnsClient,
		servers:                  servers,
		allowRestrictedAddresses: false,
		caaSERVFAILExceptions:    caaSERVFAILExceptions,
		maxTries:                 maxTries,
		clk:                      clk,
		stats:                    stats,
		txtStats:                 stats.NewScope("TXT"),
		aStats:                   stats.NewScope("A"),
		aaaaStats:                stats.NewScope("AAAA"),
		caaStats:                 stats.NewScope("CAA"),
		mxStats:                  stats.NewScope("MX"),

示例6: NewNonceService

// NewNonceService constructs a NonceService with defaults
func NewNonceService(scope metrics.Scope) (*NonceService, error) {
	scope = scope.NewScope("NonceService")
	key := make([]byte, 16)
	if _, err := rand.Read(key); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	c, err := aes.NewCipher(key)
	if err != nil {
		panic("Failure in NewCipher: " + err.Error())
	gcm, err := cipher.NewGCM(c)
	if err != nil {
		panic("Failure in NewGCM: " + err.Error())

	return &NonceService{
		earliest: 0,
		latest:   0,
		used:     make(map[int64]bool, MaxUsed),
		gcm:      gcm,
		maxUsed:  MaxUsed,
		stats:    scope,
	}, nil

示例7: New

// New constructs a Mailer to represent an account on a particular mail
// transfer agent.
func New(
	password string,
	from mail.Address,
	logger blog.Logger,
	stats metrics.Scope,
	reconnectBase time.Duration,
	reconnectMax time.Duration) *MailerImpl {
	return &MailerImpl{
		dialer: &dialerImpl{
			username: username,
			password: password,
			server:   server,
			port:     port,
		log:           logger,
		from:          from,
		clk:           clock.Default(),
		csprgSource:   realSource{},
		stats:         stats.NewScope("Mailer"),
		reconnectBase: reconnectBase,
		reconnectMax:  reconnectMax,

示例8: NewRegistrationAuthorityImpl

// NewRegistrationAuthorityImpl constructs a new RA object.
func NewRegistrationAuthorityImpl(
	clk clock.Clock,
	logger blog.Logger,
	stats metrics.Scope,
	maxContactsPerReg int,
	keyPolicy goodkey.KeyPolicy,
	maxNames int,
	forceCNFromSAN bool,
	reuseValidAuthz bool,
	authorizationLifetime time.Duration,
	pendingAuthorizationLifetime time.Duration,
	pubc core.Publisher,
) *RegistrationAuthorityImpl {
	ra := &RegistrationAuthorityImpl{
		stats: stats,
		clk:   clk,
		log:   logger,
		authorizationLifetime:        authorizationLifetime,
		pendingAuthorizationLifetime: pendingAuthorizationLifetime,
		rlPolicies:                   ratelimit.New(),
		tiMu:                         new(sync.RWMutex),
		maxContactsPerReg:            maxContactsPerReg,
		keyPolicy:                    keyPolicy,
		maxNames:                     maxNames,
		forceCNFromSAN:               forceCNFromSAN,
		reuseValidAuthz:              reuseValidAuthz,
		regByIPStats:                 stats.NewScope("RA", "RateLimit", "RegistrationsByIP"),
		pendAuthByRegIDStats:         stats.NewScope("RA", "RateLimit", "PendingAuthorizationsByRegID"),
		certsForDomainStats:          stats.NewScope("RA", "RateLimit", "CertificatesForDomain"),
		totalCertsStats:              stats.NewScope("RA", "RateLimit", "TotalCertificates"),
		publisher:                    pubc,
	return ra

示例9: NewServer

// NewServer loads various TLS certificates and creates a
// gRPC Server that verifies the client certificate was
// issued by the provided issuer certificate and presents a
// a server TLS certificate.
func NewServer(c *cmd.GRPCServerConfig, stats metrics.Scope) (*grpc.Server, net.Listener, error) {
	if stats == nil {
		return nil, nil, errNilScope
	cert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(c.ServerCertificatePath, c.ServerKeyPath)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err
	clientIssuerBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(c.ClientIssuerPath)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err
	clientCAs := x509.NewCertPool()
	if ok := clientCAs.AppendCertsFromPEM(clientIssuerBytes); !ok {
		return nil, nil, errors.New("Failed to parse client issuer certificates")
	servTLSConfig := &tls.Config{
		Certificates: []tls.Certificate{cert},
		ClientAuth:   tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert,
		ClientCAs:    clientCAs,

	acceptedSANs := make(map[string]struct{})
	for _, name := range c.ClientNames {
		acceptedSANs[name] = struct{}{}

	creds, err := bcreds.NewServerCredentials(servTLSConfig, acceptedSANs)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err

	l, err := net.Listen("tcp", c.Address)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err


	si := &serverInterceptor{stats.NewScope("gRPCServer"), clock.Default()}
	return grpc.NewServer(grpc.Creds(creds), grpc.UnaryInterceptor(si.intercept)), l, nil

示例10: exchangeOne

// exchangeOne performs a single DNS exchange with a randomly chosen server
// out of the server list, returning the response, time, and error (if any).
// This method sets the DNSSEC OK bit on the message to true before sending
// it to the resolver in case validation isn't the resolvers default behaviour.
func (dnsResolver *DNSResolverImpl) exchangeOne(hostname string, qtype uint16, msgStats metrics.Scope) (rsp *dns.Msg, err error) {
	m := new(dns.Msg)
	// Set question type
	m.SetQuestion(dns.Fqdn(hostname), qtype)
	// Set DNSSEC OK bit for resolver
	m.SetEdns0(4096, true)

	if len(dnsResolver.Servers) < 1 {
		err = fmt.Errorf("Not configured with at least one DNS Server")

	dnsResolver.stats.Inc("Rate", 1)

	// Randomly pick a server
	chosenServer := dnsResolver.Servers[rand.Intn(len(dnsResolver.Servers))]

	msg, rtt, err := dnsResolver.DNSClient.Exchange(m, chosenServer)
	msgStats.TimingDuration("RTT", rtt)
	if err == nil {
		msgStats.Inc("Successes", 1)
	} else {
		msgStats.Inc("Errors", 1)
	return msg, err

示例11: NewDNSResolverImpl

// NewDNSResolverImpl constructs a new DNS resolver object that utilizes the
// provided list of DNS servers for resolution.
func NewDNSResolverImpl(readTimeout time.Duration, servers []string, stats metrics.Scope) *DNSResolverImpl {
	dnsClient := new(dns.Client)

	// Set timeout for underlying net.Conn
	dnsClient.ReadTimeout = readTimeout
	dnsClient.Net = "tcp"

	return &DNSResolverImpl{
		DNSClient:                dnsClient,
		Servers:                  servers,
		allowRestrictedAddresses: false,
		stats:    stats,
		txtStats: stats.NewScope("TXT"),
		aStats:   stats.NewScope("A"),
		caaStats: stats.NewScope("CAA"),
		mxStats:  stats.NewScope("MX"),

示例12: generateOCSPResponses

func (updater *OCSPUpdater) generateOCSPResponses(ctx context.Context, statuses []core.CertificateStatus, stats metrics.Scope) error {
	// Use the semaphore pattern from
	// https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/BoundingResourceUse to send a number of
	// GenerateOCSP / storeResponse requests in parallel, while limiting the total number of
	// outstanding requests. The number of outstanding requests equals the
	// capacity of the channel.
	sem := make(chan int, updater.parallelGenerateOCSPRequests)
	wait := func() {
		sem <- 1 // Block until there's capacity.
	done := func() {
		<-sem // Indicate there's more capacity.

	work := func(status core.CertificateStatus) {
		defer done()
		meta, err := updater.generateResponse(ctx, status)
		if err != nil {
			updater.log.AuditErr(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to generate OCSP response: %s", err))
			stats.Inc("Errors.ResponseGeneration", 1)
		updater.stats.Inc("GeneratedResponses", 1)
		err = updater.storeResponse(meta)
		if err != nil {
			updater.log.AuditErr(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to store OCSP response: %s", err))
			stats.Inc("Errors.StoreResponse", 1)
		stats.Inc("StoredResponses", 1)

	for _, status := range statuses {
		go work(status)
	// Block until the channel reaches its full capacity again, indicating each
	// goroutine has completed.
	for i := 0; i < updater.parallelGenerateOCSPRequests; i++ {
	return nil

示例13: NewAmqpRPCClient

// NewAmqpRPCClient constructs an RPC client using AMQP
func NewAmqpRPCClient(
	clientQueuePrefix string,
	amqpConf *cmd.AMQPConfig,
	rpcConf *cmd.RPCServerConfig,
	stats metrics.Scope,
) (rpc *AmqpRPCCLient, err error) {
	stats = stats.NewScope("RPC")
	hostname, err := os.Hostname()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	randID := make([]byte, 3)
	_, err = rand.Read(randID)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	clientQueue := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s.%x", clientQueuePrefix, hostname, randID)

	reconnectBase := amqpConf.ReconnectTimeouts.Base.Duration
	if reconnectBase == 0 {
		reconnectBase = 20 * time.Millisecond
	reconnectMax := amqpConf.ReconnectTimeouts.Max.Duration
	if reconnectMax == 0 {
		reconnectMax = time.Minute

	timeout := rpcConf.RPCTimeout.Duration
	if timeout == 0 {
		timeout = 10 * time.Second

	rpc = &AmqpRPCCLient{
		serverQueue: rpcConf.Server,
		clientQueue: clientQueue,
		connection:  newAMQPConnector(clientQueue, reconnectBase, reconnectMax),
		pending:     make(map[string]chan []byte),
		timeout:     timeout,
		log:         blog.Get(),
		stats:       stats,

	err = rpc.connection.connect(amqpConf)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	go func() {
		for {
			select {
			case msg, ok := <-rpc.connection.messages():
				if ok {
					corrID := msg.CorrelationId
					responseChan, present := rpc.pending[corrID]

					if !present {
						// occurs when a request is timed out and the arrives
						// afterwards
						stats.Inc("AfterTimeoutResponseArrivals."+clientQueuePrefix, 1)

					responseChan <- msg.Body
					delete(rpc.pending, corrID)
				} else {
					// chan has been closed by rpc.connection.Cancel
					rpc.log.Info(fmt.Sprintf(" [!] Client reply channel closed: %s", rpc.clientQueue))
			case err = <-rpc.connection.closeChannel():
				rpc.log.Info(fmt.Sprintf(" [!] Client reply channel closed : %s", rpc.clientQueue))
				rpc.connection.reconnect(amqpConf, rpc.log)

	return rpc, err

示例14: newUpdater

// This is somewhat gross but can be pared down a bit once the publisher and this
// are fully smooshed together
func newUpdater(
	stats metrics.Scope,
	clk clock.Clock,
	dbMap ocspDB,
	ca core.CertificateAuthority,
	pub core.Publisher,
	sac core.StorageAuthority,
	config cmd.OCSPUpdaterConfig,
	logConfigs []cmd.LogDescription,
	issuerPath string,
	log blog.Logger,
) (*OCSPUpdater, error) {
	if config.NewCertificateBatchSize == 0 ||
		config.OldOCSPBatchSize == 0 ||
		config.MissingSCTBatchSize == 0 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Loop batch sizes must be non-zero")
	if config.NewCertificateWindow.Duration == 0 ||
		config.OldOCSPWindow.Duration == 0 ||
		config.MissingSCTWindow.Duration == 0 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Loop window sizes must be non-zero")
	if config.OCSPStaleMaxAge.Duration == 0 {
		// Default to 30 days
		config.OCSPStaleMaxAge = cmd.ConfigDuration{Duration: time.Hour * 24 * 30}
	if config.ParallelGenerateOCSPRequests == 0 {
		// Default to 1
		config.ParallelGenerateOCSPRequests = 1

	logs := make([]*ctLog, len(logConfigs))
	for i, logConfig := range logConfigs {
		l, err := newLog(logConfig)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		logs[i] = l

	updater := OCSPUpdater{
		stats:                        stats,
		clk:                          clk,
		dbMap:                        dbMap,
		cac:                          ca,
		log:                          log,
		sac:                          sac,
		pubc:                         pub,
		logs:                         logs,
		ocspMinTimeToExpiry:          config.OCSPMinTimeToExpiry.Duration,
		ocspStaleMaxAge:              config.OCSPStaleMaxAge.Duration,
		oldestIssuedSCT:              config.OldestIssuedSCT.Duration,
		parallelGenerateOCSPRequests: config.ParallelGenerateOCSPRequests,

	// Setup loops
	updater.loops = []*looper{
			clk:                  clk,
			stats:                stats.NewScope("NewCertificates"),
			batchSize:            config.NewCertificateBatchSize,
			tickDur:              config.NewCertificateWindow.Duration,
			tickFunc:             updater.newCertificateTick,
			name:                 "NewCertificates",
			failureBackoffFactor: config.SignFailureBackoffFactor,
			failureBackoffMax:    config.SignFailureBackoffMax.Duration,
			clk:                  clk,
			stats:                stats.NewScope("OldOCSPResponses"),
			batchSize:            config.OldOCSPBatchSize,
			tickDur:              config.OldOCSPWindow.Duration,
			tickFunc:             updater.oldOCSPResponsesTick,
			name:                 "OldOCSPResponses",
			failureBackoffFactor: config.SignFailureBackoffFactor,
			failureBackoffMax:    config.SignFailureBackoffMax.Duration,
		// The missing SCT loop doesn't need to know about failureBackoffFactor or
		// failureBackoffMax as it doesn't make any calls to the CA
			clk:       clk,
			stats:     stats.NewScope("MissingSCTReceipts"),
			batchSize: config.MissingSCTBatchSize,
			tickDur:   config.MissingSCTWindow.Duration,
			tickFunc:  updater.missingReceiptsTick,
			name:      "MissingSCTReceipts",
	if config.RevokedCertificateBatchSize != 0 &&
		config.RevokedCertificateWindow.Duration != 0 {
		updater.loops = append(updater.loops, &looper{
			clk:                  clk,
			stats:                stats,
			batchSize:            config.RevokedCertificateBatchSize,
			tickDur:              config.RevokedCertificateWindow.Duration,
			tickFunc:             updater.revokedCertificatesTick,
			name:                 "RevokedCertificates",
			failureBackoffFactor: config.SignFailureBackoffFactor,

示例15: exchangeOne

// exchangeOne performs a single DNS exchange with a randomly chosen server
// out of the server list, returning the response, time, and error (if any).
// This method sets the DNSSEC OK bit on the message to true before sending
// it to the resolver in case validation isn't the resolvers default behaviour.
func (dnsResolver *DNSResolverImpl) exchangeOne(ctx context.Context, hostname string, qtype uint16, msgStats metrics.Scope) (*dns.Msg, error) {
	m := new(dns.Msg)
	// Set question type
	m.SetQuestion(dns.Fqdn(hostname), qtype)
	// Set DNSSEC OK bit for resolver
	m.SetEdns0(4096, true)

	if len(dnsResolver.servers) < 1 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Not configured with at least one DNS Server")

	dnsResolver.stats.Inc("Rate", 1)

	// Randomly pick a server
	chosenServer := dnsResolver.servers[rand.Intn(len(dnsResolver.servers))]

	client := dnsResolver.dnsClient

	tries := 1
	start := dnsResolver.clk.Now()
	msgStats.Inc("Calls", 1)
	defer func() {
		msgStats.TimingDuration("Latency", dnsResolver.clk.Now().Sub(start))
	for {
		msgStats.Inc("Tries", 1)
		ch := make(chan dnsResp, 1)

		go func() {
			rsp, rtt, err := client.Exchange(m, chosenServer)
			msgStats.TimingDuration("SingleTryLatency", rtt)
			ch <- dnsResp{m: rsp, err: err}
		select {
		case <-ctx.Done():
			msgStats.Inc("Cancels", 1)
			msgStats.Inc("Errors", 1)
			return nil, ctx.Err()
		case r := <-ch:
			if r.err != nil {
				msgStats.Inc("Errors", 1)
				operr, ok := r.err.(*net.OpError)
				isRetryable := ok && operr.Temporary()
				hasRetriesLeft := tries < dnsResolver.maxTries
				if isRetryable && hasRetriesLeft {
				} else if isRetryable && !hasRetriesLeft {
					msgStats.Inc("RanOutOfTries", 1)
			} else {
				msgStats.Inc("Successes", 1)
			return r.m, r.err
