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Golang worker.Wait函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Golang中github.com/juju/juju/worker.Wait函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang Wait函数的具体用法?Golang Wait怎么用?Golang Wait使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: TestSetVolumeInfoErrorResultDoesNotStopWorker

func (s *storageProvisionerSuite) TestSetVolumeInfoErrorResultDoesNotStopWorker(c *gc.C) {
	volumeAccessor := newMockVolumeAccessor()
	volumeAccessor.provisionedMachines["machine-1"] = instance.Id("already-provisioned-1")
	volumeAccessor.setVolumeInfo = func(volumes []params.Volume) ([]params.ErrorResult, error) {
		return []params.ErrorResult{{Error: &params.Error{Message: "message", Code: "code"}}}, nil

	args := &workerArgs{volumes: volumeAccessor}
	worker := newStorageProvisioner(c, args)
	defer func() {
		err := worker.Wait()
		c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	defer worker.Kill()

	done := make(chan interface{})
	go func() {
		defer close(done)

	args.volumes.volumesWatcher.changes <- []string{"1"}
	args.environ.watcher.changes <- struct{}{}
	assertNoEvent(c, done, "worker exited")

示例2: TestUpdateEnvironConfig

func (s *storageProvisionerSuite) TestUpdateEnvironConfig(c *gc.C) {
	volumeAccessor := newMockVolumeAccessor()
	volumeAccessor.provisionedMachines["machine-1"] = instance.Id("already-provisioned-1")
	s.provider.volumeSourceFunc = func(envConfig *config.Config, sourceConfig *storage.Config) (storage.VolumeSource, error) {
		c.Assert(envConfig, gc.NotNil)
		c.Assert(sourceConfig, gc.NotNil)
		c.Assert(envConfig.AllAttrs()["foo"], gc.Equals, "bar")
		return nil, errors.New("zinga")

	args := &workerArgs{volumes: volumeAccessor}
	worker := newStorageProvisioner(c, args)
	defer worker.Wait()
	defer worker.Kill()

	newConfig, err := args.environ.cfg.Apply(map[string]interface{}{"foo": "bar"})
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	args.environ.watcher.changes <- struct{}{}
	args.environ.watcher.changes <- struct{}{}
	args.volumes.volumesWatcher.changes <- []string{"1", "2"}

	err = worker.Wait()
	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, `processing pending volumes: creating volumes: getting volume source: getting storage source "dummy": zinga`)

示例3: runWorker

// runWorker starts the supplied manifold's worker and communicates it back to the
// loop goroutine; waits for worker completion; and communicates any error encountered
// back to the loop goroutine. It must not be run on the loop goroutine.
func (engine *engine) runWorker(name string, delay time.Duration, start StartFunc, getResource GetResourceFunc) {
	startWorkerAndWait := func() error {
		logger.Infof("starting %q manifold worker in %s...", name, delay)
		select {
		case <-time.After(delay):
		case <-engine.tomb.Dying():
			logger.Debugf("not starting %q manifold worker (shutting down)", name)
			return tomb.ErrDying

		logger.Debugf("starting %q manifold worker", name)
		worker, err := start(getResource)
		if err != nil {
			logger.Warningf("failed to start %q manifold worker: %v", name, err)
			return err

		logger.Debugf("running %q manifold worker", name)
		select {
		case <-engine.tomb.Dying():
			logger.Debugf("stopping %q manifold worker (shutting down)", name)
		case engine.started <- startedTicket{name, worker}:
			logger.Debugf("registered %q manifold worker", name)
		return worker.Wait()

	// We may or may not send on started, but we *must* send on stopped.
	engine.stopped <- stoppedTicket{name, startWorkerAndWait()}

示例4: upgradeWaiterWorker

// upgradeWaiterWorker runs the specified worker after upgrades have completed.
func (a *MachineAgent) upgradeWaiterWorker(start func() (worker.Worker, error)) worker.Worker {
	return worker.NewSimpleWorker(func(stop <-chan struct{}) error {
		// Wait for the upgrade to complete (or for us to be stopped).
		select {
		case <-stop:
			return nil
		case <-a.upgradeWorkerContext.UpgradeComplete:
		// Upgrades are done, start the worker.
		worker, err := start()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		// Wait for worker to finish or for us to be stopped.
		waitCh := make(chan error)
		go func() {
			waitCh <- worker.Wait()
		select {
		case err := <-waitCh:
			return err
		case <-stop:
		return <-waitCh // Ensure worker has stopped before returning.

示例5: runWorker

// runWorker starts the supplied manifold's worker and communicates it back to the
// loop goroutine; waits for worker completion; and communicates any error encountered
// back to the loop goroutine. It must not be run on the loop goroutine.
func (engine *Engine) runWorker(name string, delay time.Duration, start StartFunc, context *context) {

	errAborted := errors.New("aborted before delay elapsed")

	startAfterDelay := func() (worker.Worker, error) {
		// NOTE: the context will expire *after* the worker is started.
		// This is tolerable because
		//  1) we'll still correctly block access attempts most of the time
		//  2) failing to block them won't cause data races anyway
		//  3) it's not worth complicating the interface for every client just
		//     to eliminate the possibility of one harmlessly dumb interaction.
		defer context.expire()
		logger.Tracef("starting %q manifold worker in %s...", name, delay)
		select {
		case <-engine.tomb.Dying():
			return nil, errAborted
		case <-context.Abort():
			return nil, errAborted
		// TODO(fwereade): 2016-03-17 lp:1558657
		case <-time.After(delay):
		logger.Tracef("starting %q manifold worker", name)
		return start(context)

	startWorkerAndWait := func() error {
		worker, err := startAfterDelay()
		switch errors.Cause(err) {
		case errAborted:
			return nil
		case nil:
			logger.Tracef("running %q manifold worker", name)
			logger.Tracef("failed to start %q manifold worker: %v", name, err)
			return err
		select {
		case <-engine.tomb.Dying():
			logger.Tracef("stopping %q manifold worker (shutting down)", name)
			// Doesn't matter whether worker == engine: if we're already Dying
			// then cleanly Kill()ing ourselves again won't hurt anything.
		case engine.started <- startedTicket{name, worker, context.accessLog}:
			logger.Tracef("registered %q manifold worker", name)
		if worker == engine {
			// We mustn't Wait() for ourselves to complete here, or we'll
			// deadlock. But we should wait until we're Dying, because we
			// need this func to keep running to keep the self manifold
			// accessible as a resource.
			return tomb.ErrDying

		return worker.Wait()

	// We may or may not send on started, but we *must* send on stopped.
	engine.stopped <- stoppedTicket{name, startWorkerAndWait(), context.accessLog}

示例6: TestMachinerStorageAttached

func (s *MachinerSuite) TestMachinerStorageAttached(c *gc.C) {
	// Machine is dying. We'll respond to "EnsureDead" by
	// saying that there are still storage attachments;
	// this should not cause an error.
	s.accessor.machine.life = params.Dying
		nil, // SetMachineAddresses
		nil, // SetStatus
		nil, // Watch
		nil, // Refresh
		nil, // SetStatus
		&params.Error{Code: params.CodeMachineHasAttachedStorage},

	worker := machiner.NewMachiner(s.accessor, s.agentConfig, false)
	s.accessor.machine.watcher.changes <- struct{}{}
	c.Check(worker.Wait(), jc.ErrorIsNil)

	s.accessor.CheckCalls(c, []gitjujutesting.StubCall{{
		FuncName: "Machine",
		Args:     []interface{}{s.agentConfig.Tag()},

	s.accessor.machine.watcher.CheckCalls(c, []gitjujutesting.StubCall{
		{FuncName: "Changes"}, {FuncName: "Changes"}, {FuncName: "Stop"},

	s.accessor.machine.CheckCalls(c, []gitjujutesting.StubCall{{
		FuncName: "SetMachineAddresses",
		Args: []interface{}{
	}, {
		FuncName: "SetStatus",
		Args: []interface{}{
	}, {
		FuncName: "Watch",
	}, {
		FuncName: "Refresh",
	}, {
		FuncName: "Life",
	}, {
		FuncName: "SetStatus",
		Args: []interface{}{
	}, {
		FuncName: "EnsureDead",

示例7: TestFilesystemAdded

func (s *storageProvisionerSuite) TestFilesystemAdded(c *gc.C) {
	expectedFilesystems := []params.Filesystem{{
		FilesystemTag: "filesystem-1",
		Info: params.FilesystemInfo{
			FilesystemId: "id-1",
			Size:         1024,
	}, {
		FilesystemTag: "filesystem-2",
		Info: params.FilesystemInfo{
			FilesystemId: "id-2",
			Size:         1024,

	filesystemInfoSet := make(chan interface{})
	filesystemAccessor := newMockFilesystemAccessor()
	filesystemAccessor.setFilesystemInfo = func(filesystems []params.Filesystem) ([]params.ErrorResult, error) {
		defer close(filesystemInfoSet)
		c.Assert(filesystems, jc.SameContents, expectedFilesystems)
		return nil, nil

	args := &workerArgs{filesystems: filesystemAccessor}
	worker := newStorageProvisioner(c, args)
	defer func() { c.Assert(worker.Wait(), gc.IsNil) }()
	defer worker.Kill()

	// The worker should create filesystems according to ids "1" and "2".
	filesystemAccessor.filesystemsWatcher.changes <- []string{"1", "2"}
	// ... but not until the environment config is available.
	assertNoEvent(c, filesystemInfoSet, "filesystem info set")
	args.environ.watcher.changes <- struct{}{}
	waitChannel(c, filesystemInfoSet, "waiting for filesystem info to be set")

示例8: TestDestroyVolumes

func (s *storageProvisionerSuite) TestDestroyVolumes(c *gc.C) {
	provisionedVolume := names.NewVolumeTag("1")
	unprovisionedVolume := names.NewVolumeTag("2")

	volumeAccessor := newMockVolumeAccessor()

	life := func(tags []names.Tag) ([]params.LifeResult, error) {
		results := make([]params.LifeResult, len(tags))
		for i := range results {
			results[i].Life = params.Dead
		return results, nil

	destroyedChan := make(chan interface{}, 1)
	s.provider.destroyVolumesFunc = func(volumeIds []string) []error {
		destroyedChan <- volumeIds
		return make([]error, len(volumeIds))

	removedChan := make(chan interface{}, 1)
	remove := func(tags []names.Tag) ([]params.ErrorResult, error) {
		removedChan <- tags
		return make([]params.ErrorResult, len(tags)), nil

	args := &workerArgs{
		volumes: volumeAccessor,
		life: &mockLifecycleManager{
			life:   life,
			remove: remove,
	worker := newStorageProvisioner(c, args)
	defer func() { c.Assert(worker.Wait(), gc.IsNil) }()
	defer worker.Kill()

	volumeAccessor.volumesWatcher.changes <- []string{
	args.environ.watcher.changes <- struct{}{}

	// Both volumes should be removed; the provisioned one
	// should be deprovisioned first.

	destroyed := waitChannel(c, destroyedChan, "waiting for volume to be deprovisioned")
	assertNoEvent(c, destroyedChan, "volumes deprovisioned")
	c.Assert(destroyed, jc.DeepEquals, []string{"vol-1"})

	var removed []names.Tag
	for len(removed) < 2 {
		tags := waitChannel(c, removedChan, "waiting for volumes to be removed").([]names.Tag)
		removed = append(removed, tags...)
	c.Assert(removed, jc.SameContents, []names.Tag{provisionedVolume, unprovisionedVolume})
	assertNoEvent(c, removedChan, "volumes removed")

示例9: TestWatchError

func (s *WorkerSuite) TestWatchError(c *gc.C) {
	fix := newFixture(c, errors.New("zap ouch"))
	fix.Run(c, func(worker worker.Worker) {
		err := worker.Wait()
		c.Check(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "zap ouch")
	fix.CheckCallNames(c, "Watch")

示例10: runUpgradeWorkerUsingAgent

// Run just the upgrade-steps worker with the fake machine agent
// provided.
func (s *UpgradeSuite) runUpgradeWorkerUsingAgent(
	c *gc.C,
	agent *fakeUpgradingMachineAgent,
	jobs ...multiwatcher.MachineJob,
) (error, *upgradeWorkerContext) {
	context := NewUpgradeWorkerContext()
	worker := context.Worker(agent, nil, jobs)
	return worker.Wait(), context

示例11: TestBrokenConnectionKillsWorkerWithFallbackErr

func (s *ManifoldSuite) TestBrokenConnectionKillsWorkerWithFallbackErr(c *gc.C) {
	worker := s.setupWorkerTest(c)

	err := worker.Wait()
	c.Check(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "api connection broken unexpectedly")
	s.conn.stub.CheckCalls(c, []testing.StubCall{{
		FuncName: "Close",

示例12: setupWorkerTest

func (s *ManifoldSuite) setupWorkerTest(c *gc.C) worker.Worker {
	worker, err := s.manifold.Start(s.resources.Context())
	c.Check(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	s.AddCleanup(func(c *gc.C) {
		err := worker.Wait()
		c.Check(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	return worker

示例13: TestBrokenConnectionKillsWorkerWithCloseErr

func (s *ManifoldSuite) TestBrokenConnectionKillsWorkerWithCloseErr(c *gc.C) {
	s.conn.stub.SetErrors(errors.New("bad plumbing"))
	worker := s.setupWorkerTest(c)

	err := worker.Wait()
	c.Check(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "bad plumbing")
	s.conn.stub.CheckCalls(c, []testing.StubCall{{
		FuncName: "Close",

示例14: TestCreateVolumeCreatesAttachment

func (s *storageProvisionerSuite) TestCreateVolumeCreatesAttachment(c *gc.C) {
	volumeAccessor := newMockVolumeAccessor()
	volumeAccessor.provisionedMachines["machine-1"] = instance.Id("already-provisioned-1")

	volumeAttachmentInfoSet := make(chan interface{})
	volumeAccessor.setVolumeAttachmentInfo = func(volumeAttachments []params.VolumeAttachment) ([]params.ErrorResult, error) {
		defer close(volumeAttachmentInfoSet)
		return make([]params.ErrorResult, len(volumeAttachments)), nil

	s.provider.createVolumesFunc = func(args []storage.VolumeParams) ([]storage.CreateVolumesResult, error) {
			MachineTag:    args[0].Attachment.Machine.String(),
			AttachmentTag: args[0].Attachment.Volume.String(),
		}] = params.VolumeAttachment{
			VolumeTag:  args[0].Attachment.Volume.String(),
			MachineTag: args[0].Attachment.Machine.String(),
		return []storage.CreateVolumesResult{{
			Volume: &storage.Volume{
				Tag: args[0].Tag,
				VolumeInfo: storage.VolumeInfo{
					VolumeId: "vol-ume",
			VolumeAttachment: &storage.VolumeAttachment{
				Volume:  args[0].Attachment.Volume,
				Machine: args[0].Attachment.Machine,
		}}, nil

	attachVolumesCalled := make(chan interface{})
	s.provider.attachVolumesFunc = func(args []storage.VolumeAttachmentParams) ([]storage.AttachVolumesResult, error) {
		defer close(attachVolumesCalled)
		return nil, errors.New("should not be called")

	args := &workerArgs{volumes: volumeAccessor}
	worker := newStorageProvisioner(c, args)
	defer func() { c.Assert(worker.Wait(), gc.IsNil) }()
	defer worker.Kill()

	volumeAccessor.attachmentsWatcher.changes <- []params.MachineStorageId{{
		MachineTag: "machine-1", AttachmentTag: "volume-1",
	assertNoEvent(c, volumeAttachmentInfoSet, "volume attachment set")

	// The worker should create volumes according to ids "1".
	volumeAccessor.volumesWatcher.changes <- []string{"1"}
	args.environ.watcher.changes <- struct{}{}
	waitChannel(c, volumeAttachmentInfoSet, "waiting for volume attachments to be set")
	assertNoEvent(c, attachVolumesCalled, "AttachVolumes called")

示例15: TestAttachVolumeBackedFilesystem

func (s *storageProvisionerSuite) TestAttachVolumeBackedFilesystem(c *gc.C) {
	infoSet := make(chan interface{})
	filesystemAccessor := newMockFilesystemAccessor()
	filesystemAccessor.setFilesystemAttachmentInfo = func(attachments []params.FilesystemAttachment) ([]params.ErrorResult, error) {
		infoSet <- attachments
		return nil, nil

	args := &workerArgs{
		scope:       names.NewMachineTag("0"),
		filesystems: filesystemAccessor,
	worker := newStorageProvisioner(c, args)
	defer func() { c.Assert(worker.Wait(), gc.IsNil) }()
	defer worker.Kill()

	filesystemAccessor.provisionedFilesystems["filesystem-0-0"] = params.Filesystem{
		FilesystemTag: "filesystem-0-0",
		VolumeTag:     "volume-0-0",
		Info: params.FilesystemInfo{
			FilesystemId: "whatever",
			Size:         123,
	filesystemAccessor.provisionedMachines["machine-0"] = instance.Id("already-provisioned-0")

		MachineTag:    "machine-0",
		AttachmentTag: "volume-0-0",
	}] = storage.BlockDevice{
		DeviceName: "xvdf1",
		Size:       123,
	filesystemAccessor.attachmentsWatcher.changes <- []params.MachineStorageId{{
		MachineTag:    "machine-0",
		AttachmentTag: "filesystem-0-0",
	assertNoEvent(c, infoSet, "filesystem attachment info set")
	args.environ.watcher.changes <- struct{}{}
	filesystemAccessor.filesystemsWatcher.changes <- []string{"0/0"}

	info := waitChannel(
		c, infoSet, "waiting for filesystem attachment info to be set",
	c.Assert(info, jc.DeepEquals, []params.FilesystemAttachment{{
		FilesystemTag: "filesystem-0-0",
		MachineTag:    "machine-0",
		Info: params.FilesystemAttachmentInfo{
			MountPoint: "/mnt/xvdf1",
			ReadOnly:   true,
