本文整理汇总了Golang中github.com/juju/juju/network.InterfaceInfo类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang InterfaceInfo类的具体用法?Golang InterfaceInfo怎么用?Golang InterfaceInfo使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: TestRenderManaged
func (s *configFilesSuite) TestRenderManaged(c *gc.C) {
info := network.InterfaceInfo{
InterfaceName: "ethX",
VLANTag: 42,
cf := networker.NewConfigFile("ethX", "/some/path", info, nil)
data := cf.RenderManaged()
expectedVLAN := `
# Managed by Juju, please don't change.
auto ethX.42
iface ethX.42 inet dhcp
vlan-raw-device ethX
c.Assert(string(data), jc.DeepEquals, expectedVLAN)
expectedNormal := `
# Managed by Juju, please don't change.
auto ethX
iface ethX inet dhcp
info.VLANTag = 0
cf = networker.NewConfigFile("ethX", "/some/path", info, nil)
data = cf.RenderManaged()
c.Assert(string(data), jc.DeepEquals, expectedNormal)
示例2: deviceInterfaceInfo
func (env *maasEnviron) deviceInterfaceInfo(deviceID instance.Id, nameToParentName map[string]string) ([]network.InterfaceInfo, error) {
interfaces, err := env.deviceInterfaces(deviceID)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
interfaceInfo := make([]network.InterfaceInfo, 0, len(interfaces))
for _, nic := range interfaces {
nicInfo := network.InterfaceInfo{
InterfaceName: nic.Name,
InterfaceType: network.EthernetInterface,
MACAddress: nic.MACAddress,
MTU: nic.EffectveMTU,
ProviderId: network.Id(strconv.Itoa(nic.ID)),
ProviderVLANId: network.Id(strconv.Itoa(nic.VLAN.ID)),
Disabled: !nic.Enabled,
NoAutoStart: !nic.Enabled,
ParentInterfaceName: nameToParentName[nic.Name],
if len(nic.Links) == 0 {
logger.Debugf("device %q interface %q has no links", deviceID, nic.Name)
interfaceInfo = append(interfaceInfo, nicInfo)
for _, link := range nic.Links {
nicInfo.ConfigType = maasLinkToInterfaceConfigType(string(link.Mode))
if link.IPAddress == "" {
logger.Debugf("device %q interface %q has no address", deviceID, nic.Name)
interfaceInfo = append(interfaceInfo, nicInfo)
if link.Subnet == nil {
logger.Debugf("device %q interface %q link %d missing subnet", deviceID, nic.Name, link.ID)
interfaceInfo = append(interfaceInfo, nicInfo)
nicInfo.CIDR = link.Subnet.CIDR
nicInfo.Address = network.NewAddressOnSpace(link.Subnet.Space, link.IPAddress)
nicInfo.ProviderSubnetId = network.Id(strconv.Itoa(link.Subnet.ID))
nicInfo.ProviderAddressId = network.Id(strconv.Itoa(link.ID))
if link.Subnet.GatewayIP != "" {
nicInfo.GatewayAddress = network.NewAddressOnSpace(link.Subnet.Space, link.Subnet.GatewayIP)
if len(link.Subnet.DNSServers) > 0 {
nicInfo.DNSServers = network.NewAddressesOnSpace(link.Subnet.Space, link.Subnet.DNSServers...)
interfaceInfo = append(interfaceInfo, nicInfo)
logger.Debugf("device %q has interface info: %+v", deviceID, interfaceInfo)
return interfaceInfo, nil
示例3: prepareOrGetContainerInterfaceInfo
func (p *ProvisionerAPI) prepareOrGetContainerInterfaceInfo(args params.Entities, maintain bool) (params.MachineNetworkConfigResults, error) {
result := params.MachineNetworkConfigResults{
Results: make([]params.MachineNetworkConfigResult, len(args.Entities)),
netEnviron, hostMachine, canAccess, err := p.prepareContainerAccessEnvironment()
if err != nil {
return result, errors.Trace(err)
instId, err := hostMachine.InstanceId()
if errors.IsNotProvisioned(err) {
err = errors.NotProvisionedf("cannot prepare container network config: host machine %q", hostMachine)
return result, err
} else if err != nil {
return result, errors.Trace(err)
for i, entity := range args.Entities {
machineTag, err := names.ParseMachineTag(entity.Tag)
if err != nil {
result.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(err)
// The auth function (canAccess) checks that the machine is a
// top level machine (we filter those out next) or that the
// machine has the host as a parent.
container, err := p.getMachine(canAccess, machineTag)
if err != nil {
result.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(err)
} else if !container.IsContainer() {
err = errors.Errorf("cannot prepare network config for %q: not a container", machineTag)
result.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(err)
} else if ciid, cerr := container.InstanceId(); maintain == true && cerr == nil {
// Since we want to configure and create NICs on the
// container before it starts, it must also be not
// provisioned yet.
err = errors.Errorf("container %q already provisioned as %q", container, ciid)
result.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(err)
} else if cerr != nil && !errors.IsNotProvisioned(cerr) {
// Any other error needs to be reported.
result.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(cerr)
if err := hostMachine.SetContainerLinkLayerDevices(container); err != nil {
result.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(err)
containerDevices, err := container.AllLinkLayerDevices()
if err != nil {
result.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(err)
preparedInfo := make([]network.InterfaceInfo, len(containerDevices))
preparedOK := true
for j, device := range containerDevices {
parentDevice, err := device.ParentDevice()
if err != nil || parentDevice == nil {
err = errors.Errorf(
"cannot get parent %q of container device %q: %v",
device.ParentName(), device.Name(), err,
result.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(err)
preparedOK = false
parentAddrs, err := parentDevice.Addresses()
if err != nil {
result.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(err)
preparedOK = false
info := network.InterfaceInfo{
InterfaceName: device.Name(),
MACAddress: device.MACAddress(),
ConfigType: network.ConfigManual,
InterfaceType: network.InterfaceType(device.Type()),
NoAutoStart: !device.IsAutoStart(),
Disabled: !device.IsUp(),
MTU: int(device.MTU()),
ParentInterfaceName: parentDevice.Name(),
if len(parentAddrs) > 0 {
logger.Infof("host machine device %q has addresses %v", parentDevice.Name(), parentAddrs)
firstAddress := parentAddrs[0]
parentDeviceSubnet, err := firstAddress.Subnet()
if err != nil {
err = errors.Annotatef(err,
"cannot get subnet %q used by address %q of host machine device %q",
firstAddress.SubnetCIDR(), firstAddress.Value(), parentDevice.Name(),
result.Results[i].Error = common.ServerError(err)
示例4: maasObjectNetworkInterfaces
// maasObjectNetworkInterfaces implements environs.NetworkInterfaces() using the
// new (1.9+) MAAS API, parsing the node details JSON embedded into the given
// maasObject to extract all the relevant InterfaceInfo fields. It returns an
// error satisfying errors.IsNotSupported() if it cannot find the required
// "interface_set" node details field.
func maasObjectNetworkInterfaces(maasObject *gomaasapi.MAASObject, subnetsMap map[string]network.Id) ([]network.InterfaceInfo, error) {
interfaceSet, ok := maasObject.GetMap()["interface_set"]
if !ok || interfaceSet.IsNil() {
// This means we're using an older MAAS API.
return nil, errors.NotSupportedf("interface_set")
// TODO(dimitern): Change gomaasapi JSONObject to give access to the raw
// JSON bytes directly, rather than having to do call MarshalJSON just so
// the result can be unmarshaled from it.
// LKK Card: https://canonical.leankit.com/Boards/View/101652562/119311323
rawBytes, err := interfaceSet.MarshalJSON()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "cannot get interface_set JSON bytes")
interfaces, err := parseInterfaces(rawBytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
infos := make([]network.InterfaceInfo, 0, len(interfaces))
for i, iface := range interfaces {
// The below works for all types except bonds and their members.
parentName := strings.Join(iface.Parents, "")
var nicType network.InterfaceType
switch iface.Type {
case typePhysical:
nicType = network.EthernetInterface
children := strings.Join(iface.Children, "")
if parentName == "" && len(iface.Children) == 1 && strings.HasPrefix(children, "bond") {
// FIXME: Verify the bond exists, regardless of its name.
// This is a bond member, set the parent correctly (from
// Juju's perspective) - to the bond itself.
parentName = children
case typeBond:
parentName = ""
nicType = network.BondInterface
case typeVLAN:
nicType = network.VLAN_8021QInterface
nicInfo := network.InterfaceInfo{
DeviceIndex: i,
MACAddress: iface.MACAddress,
ProviderId: network.Id(fmt.Sprintf("%v", iface.ID)),
VLANTag: iface.VLAN.VID,
InterfaceName: iface.Name,
InterfaceType: nicType,
ParentInterfaceName: parentName,
Disabled: !iface.Enabled,
NoAutoStart: !iface.Enabled,
for _, link := range iface.Links {
switch link.Mode {
case modeUnknown:
nicInfo.ConfigType = network.ConfigUnknown
case modeDHCP:
nicInfo.ConfigType = network.ConfigDHCP
case modeStatic, modeLinkUp:
nicInfo.ConfigType = network.ConfigStatic
nicInfo.ConfigType = network.ConfigManual
if link.IPAddress == "" {
logger.Debugf("interface %q has no address", iface.Name)
} else {
// We set it here initially without a space, just so we don't
// lose it when we have no linked subnet below.
nicInfo.Address = network.NewAddress(link.IPAddress)
nicInfo.ProviderAddressId = network.Id(fmt.Sprintf("%v", link.ID))
if link.Subnet == nil {
logger.Debugf("interface %q link %d missing subnet", iface.Name, link.ID)
infos = append(infos, nicInfo)
sub := link.Subnet
nicInfo.CIDR = sub.CIDR
nicInfo.ProviderSubnetId = network.Id(fmt.Sprintf("%v", sub.ID))
nicInfo.ProviderVLANId = network.Id(fmt.Sprintf("%v", sub.VLAN.ID))
// Now we know the subnet and space, we can update the address to
// store the space with it.
nicInfo.Address = network.NewAddressOnSpace(sub.Space, link.IPAddress)
spaceId, ok := subnetsMap[string(sub.CIDR)]
if !ok {
示例5: maas2NetworkInterfaces
func maas2NetworkInterfaces(instance *maas2Instance, subnetsMap map[string]network.Id) ([]network.InterfaceInfo, error) {
interfaces := instance.machine.InterfaceSet()
infos := make([]network.InterfaceInfo, 0, len(interfaces))
for i, iface := range interfaces {
// The below works for all types except bonds and their members.
parentName := strings.Join(iface.Parents(), "")
var nicType network.InterfaceType
switch maasInterfaceType(iface.Type()) {
case typePhysical:
nicType = network.EthernetInterface
children := strings.Join(iface.Children(), "")
if parentName == "" && len(iface.Children()) == 1 && strings.HasPrefix(children, "bond") {
// FIXME: Verify the bond exists, regardless of its name.
// This is a bond member, set the parent correctly (from
// Juju's perspective) - to the bond itself.
parentName = children
case typeBond:
parentName = ""
nicType = network.BondInterface
case typeVLAN:
nicType = network.VLAN_8021QInterface
vlanTag := 0
if iface.VLAN() != nil {
vlanTag = iface.VLAN().VID()
nicInfo := network.InterfaceInfo{
DeviceIndex: i,
MACAddress: iface.MACAddress(),
ProviderId: network.Id(fmt.Sprintf("%v", iface.ID())),
VLANTag: vlanTag,
InterfaceName: iface.Name(),
InterfaceType: nicType,
ParentInterfaceName: parentName,
Disabled: !iface.Enabled(),
NoAutoStart: !iface.Enabled(),
for _, link := range iface.Links() {
switch maasLinkMode(link.Mode()) {
case modeUnknown:
nicInfo.ConfigType = network.ConfigUnknown
case modeDHCP:
nicInfo.ConfigType = network.ConfigDHCP
case modeStatic, modeLinkUp:
nicInfo.ConfigType = network.ConfigStatic
nicInfo.ConfigType = network.ConfigManual
if link.IPAddress() == "" {
logger.Debugf("interface %q has no address", iface.Name())
} else {
// We set it here initially without a space, just so we don't
// lose it when we have no linked subnet below.
nicInfo.Address = network.NewAddress(link.IPAddress())
nicInfo.ProviderAddressId = network.Id(fmt.Sprintf("%v", link.ID()))
if link.Subnet() == nil {
logger.Debugf("interface %q link %d missing subnet", iface.Name(), link.ID())
infos = append(infos, nicInfo)
sub := link.Subnet()
nicInfo.CIDR = sub.CIDR()
nicInfo.ProviderSubnetId = network.Id(fmt.Sprintf("%v", sub.ID()))
nicInfo.ProviderVLANId = network.Id(fmt.Sprintf("%v", sub.VLAN().ID()))
// Now we know the subnet and space, we can update the address to
// store the space with it.
nicInfo.Address = network.NewAddressOnSpace(sub.Space(), link.IPAddress())
spaceId, ok := subnetsMap[string(sub.CIDR())]
if !ok {
// The space we found is not recognised, no
// provider id available.
logger.Warningf("interface %q link %d has unrecognised space %q", iface.Name(), link.ID(), sub.Space())
} else {
nicInfo.Address.SpaceProviderId = spaceId
nicInfo.ProviderSpaceId = spaceId
gwAddr := network.NewAddressOnSpace(sub.Space(), sub.Gateway())
nicInfo.DNSServers = network.NewAddressesOnSpace(sub.Space(), sub.DNSServers()...)
if ok {
gwAddr.SpaceProviderId = spaceId
for i := range nicInfo.DNSServers {
nicInfo.DNSServers[i].SpaceProviderId = spaceId
nicInfo.GatewayAddress = gwAddr
nicInfo.MTU = sub.VLAN().MTU()
// Each link we represent as a separate InterfaceInfo, but with the
// same name and device index, just different addres, subnet, etc.
infos = append(infos, nicInfo)
示例6: deviceInterfaceInfo2
func (env *maasEnviron) deviceInterfaceInfo2(deviceID string, nameToParentName map[string]string) ([]network.InterfaceInfo, error) {
args := gomaasapi.DevicesArgs{SystemIDs: []string{deviceID}}
devices, err := env.maasController.Devices(args)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
if len(devices) != 1 {
return nil, errors.Errorf("unexpected response requesting device %v: %v", deviceID, devices)
interfaces := devices[0].InterfaceSet()
interfaceInfo := make([]network.InterfaceInfo, 0, len(interfaces))
for _, nic := range interfaces {
vlanId := 0
vlanVid := 0
vlan := nic.VLAN()
if vlan != nil {
vlanId = vlan.ID()
vlanVid = vlan.VID()
nicInfo := network.InterfaceInfo{
InterfaceName: nic.Name(),
InterfaceType: network.EthernetInterface,
MACAddress: nic.MACAddress(),
MTU: nic.EffectiveMTU(),
VLANTag: vlanVid,
ProviderId: network.Id(strconv.Itoa(nic.ID())),
ProviderVLANId: network.Id(strconv.Itoa(vlanId)),
Disabled: !nic.Enabled(),
NoAutoStart: !nic.Enabled(),
ParentInterfaceName: nameToParentName[nic.Name()],
if len(nic.Links()) == 0 {
logger.Debugf("device %q interface %q has no links", deviceID, nic.Name())
interfaceInfo = append(interfaceInfo, nicInfo)
for _, link := range nic.Links() {
nicInfo.ConfigType = maasLinkToInterfaceConfigType(link.Mode())
subnet := link.Subnet()
if link.IPAddress() == "" || subnet == nil {
logger.Debugf("device %q interface %q has no address", deviceID, nic.Name())
interfaceInfo = append(interfaceInfo, nicInfo)
nicInfo.CIDR = subnet.CIDR()
nicInfo.Address = network.NewAddressOnSpace(subnet.Space(), link.IPAddress())
nicInfo.ProviderSubnetId = network.Id(strconv.Itoa(subnet.ID()))
nicInfo.ProviderAddressId = network.Id(strconv.Itoa(link.ID()))
if subnet.Gateway() != "" {
nicInfo.GatewayAddress = network.NewAddressOnSpace(subnet.Space(), subnet.Gateway())
if len(subnet.DNSServers()) > 0 {
nicInfo.DNSServers = network.NewAddressesOnSpace(subnet.Space(), subnet.DNSServers()...)
interfaceInfo = append(interfaceInfo, nicInfo)
logger.Debugf("device %q has interface info: %+v", deviceID, interfaceInfo)
return interfaceInfo, nil
示例7: legacyNetworkInterfaces
// legacyNetworkInterfaces implements Environ.NetworkInterfaces() on MAAS 1.8 and earlier.
func (environ *maasEnviron) legacyNetworkInterfaces(instId instance.Id) ([]network.InterfaceInfo, error) {
instances, err := environ.acquiredInstances([]instance.Id{instId})
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "could not find instance %q", instId)
if len(instances) == 0 {
return nil, errors.NotFoundf("instance %q", instId)
inst := instances[0]
interfaces, err := environ.getInstanceNetworkInterfaces(inst)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "failed to get instance %q network interfaces", instId)
networks, err := environ.getInstanceNetworks(inst)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "failed to get instance %q subnets", instId)
macToNetworksMap := make(map[string][]networkDetails)
for _, network := range networks {
macs, err := environ.listConnectedMacs(network)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
for _, mac := range macs {
if networks, found := macToNetworksMap[mac]; found {
macToNetworksMap[mac] = append(networks, network)
} else {
macToNetworksMap[mac] = append([]networkDetails(nil), network)
result := []network.InterfaceInfo{}
for serial, iface := range interfaces {
deviceIndex := iface.DeviceIndex
interfaceName := iface.InterfaceName
disabled := iface.Disabled
ifaceInfo := network.InterfaceInfo{
DeviceIndex: deviceIndex,
InterfaceName: interfaceName,
Disabled: disabled,
NoAutoStart: disabled,
MACAddress: serial,
ConfigType: network.ConfigDHCP,
allDetails, ok := macToNetworksMap[serial]
if !ok {
logger.Debugf("no subnet information for MAC address %q, instance %q", serial, instId)
for _, details := range allDetails {
ifaceInfo.VLANTag = details.VLANTag
ifaceInfo.ProviderSubnetId = network.Id(details.Name)
mask := net.IPMask(net.ParseIP(details.Mask))
cidr := net.IPNet{
IP: net.ParseIP(details.IP),
Mask: mask,
ifaceInfo.CIDR = cidr.String()
ifaceInfo.Address = network.NewAddress(cidr.IP.String())
if details.DefaultGateway != "" {
ifaceInfo.GatewayAddress = network.NewAddress(details.DefaultGateway)
result = append(result, ifaceInfo)
return result, nil
示例8: maasObjectNetworkInterfaces
// maasObjectNetworkInterfaces implements environs.NetworkInterfaces() using the
// new (1.9+) MAAS API, parsing the node details JSON embedded into the given
// maasObject to extract all the relevant InterfaceInfo fields. It returns an
// error satisfying errors.IsNotSupported() if it cannot find the required
// "interface_set" node details field.
func maasObjectNetworkInterfaces(maasObject *gomaasapi.MAASObject) ([]network.InterfaceInfo, error) {
interfaceSet, ok := maasObject.GetMap()["interface_set"]
if !ok || interfaceSet.IsNil() {
// This means we're using an older MAAS API.
return nil, errors.NotSupportedf("interface_set")
// TODO(dimitern): Change gomaasapi JSONObject to give access to the raw
// JSON bytes directly, rather than having to do call MarshalJSON just so
// the result can be unmarshaled from it.
// LKK Card: https://canonical.leankit.com/Boards/View/101652562/119311323
rawBytes, err := interfaceSet.MarshalJSON()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "cannot get interface_set JSON bytes")
interfaces, err := parseInterfaces(rawBytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
infos := make([]network.InterfaceInfo, 0, len(interfaces))
for i, iface := range interfaces {
nicInfo := network.InterfaceInfo{
DeviceIndex: i,
MACAddress: iface.MACAddress,
ProviderId: network.Id(fmt.Sprintf("%v", iface.ID)),
VLANTag: iface.VLAN.VID,
InterfaceName: iface.Name,
Disabled: !iface.Enabled,
NoAutoStart: !iface.Enabled,
// This is not needed anymore, but the provisioner still validates it's set.
NetworkName: network.DefaultPrivate,
for _, link := range iface.Links {
switch link.Mode {
case modeUnknown:
nicInfo.ConfigType = network.ConfigUnknown
case modeDHCP:
nicInfo.ConfigType = network.ConfigDHCP
case modeStatic, modeLinkUp:
nicInfo.ConfigType = network.ConfigStatic
nicInfo.ConfigType = network.ConfigManual
if link.IPAddress == "" {
logger.Warningf("interface %q has no address", iface.Name)
} else {
// We set it here initially without a space, just so we don't
// lose it when we have no linked subnet below.
nicInfo.Address = network.NewAddress(link.IPAddress)
if link.Subnet == nil {
logger.Warningf("interface %q link %d missing subnet", iface.Name, link.ID)
infos = append(infos, nicInfo)
sub := link.Subnet
nicInfo.CIDR = sub.CIDR
nicInfo.ProviderSubnetId = network.Id(fmt.Sprintf("%v", sub.ID))
// Now we know the subnet and space, we can update the address to
// store the space with it.
nicInfo.Address = network.NewAddressOnSpace(sub.Space, link.IPAddress)
gwAddr := network.NewAddressOnSpace(sub.Space, sub.GatewayIP)
nicInfo.GatewayAddress = gwAddr
nicInfo.DNSServers = network.NewAddressesOnSpace(sub.Space, sub.DNSServers...)
nicInfo.MTU = sub.VLAN.MTU
// Each link we represent as a separate InterfaceInfo, but with the
// same name and device index, just different addres, subnet, etc.
infos = append(infos, nicInfo)
return infos, nil