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Golang log.Warning函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Golang中github.com/cloudflare/cfssl/log.Warning函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang Warning函数的具体用法?Golang Warning怎么用?Golang Warning使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: revCheck

// revCheck should check the certificate for any revocations. It
// returns a pair of booleans: the first indicates whether the certificate
// is revoked, the second indicates whether the revocations were
// successfully checked.. This leads to the following combinations:
//  false, false: an error was encountered while checking revocations.
//  false, true:  the certificate was checked successfully and
//                  it is not revoked.
//  true, true:   the certificate was checked successfully and
//                  it is revoked.
//  true, false:  failure to check revocation status causes
//                  verification to fail
func revCheck(cert *x509.Certificate) (revoked, ok bool) {
	for _, url := range cert.CRLDistributionPoints {
		if ldapURL(url) {
			log.Infof("skipping LDAP CRL: %s", url)

		if revoked, ok := certIsRevokedCRL(cert, url); !ok {
			log.Warning("error checking revocation via CRL")
			if HardFail {
				return true, false
			return false, false
		} else if revoked {
			log.Info("certificate is revoked via CRL")
			return true, true

		if revoked, ok := certIsRevokedOCSP(cert, HardFail); !ok {
			log.Warning("error checking revocation via OCSP")
			if HardFail {
				return true, false
			return false, false
		} else if revoked {
			log.Info("certificate is revoked via OCSP")
			return true, true

	return false, true

示例2: CSRValidate

// CSRValidate contains the default validation logic for certificate requests to
// the API server. This follows the Baseline Requirements for the Issuance and
// Management of Publicly-Trusted Certificates, v.1.1.6, from the CA/Browser
// Forum (https://cabforum.org). Specifically, section 10.2.3 ("Information
// Requirements"), states:
// "Applicant information MUST include, but not be limited to, at least one
// Fully-Qualified Domain Name or IP address to be included in the Certificate’s
// SubjectAltName extension."
func CSRValidate(req *csr.CertificateRequest) error {
	if len(req.Hosts) == 0 {
		log.Warning("request for CSR is missing the host parameter")
		return errors.NewBadRequestMissingParameter("hosts")
	return nil

示例3: Handle

// Handle implements an http.Handler interface for the bundle handler.
func (h *Handler) Handle(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
	blob, matched, err := api.ProcessRequestFirstMatchOf(r,
	if err != nil {
		log.Warningf("invalid request: %v", err)
		return err

	flavor := blob["flavor"]
	bf := bundler.Ubiquitous
	if flavor != "" {
		bf = bundler.BundleFlavor(flavor)
	log.Infof("request for flavor %v", bf)

	var result *bundler.Bundle
	switch matched[0] {
	case "domain":
		bundle, err := h.bundler.BundleFromRemote(blob["domain"], blob["ip"], bf)
		if err != nil {
			log.Warningf("couldn't bundle from remote: %v", err)
			return err
		result = bundle
	case "certificate":
		bundle, err := h.bundler.BundleFromPEMorDER([]byte(blob["certificate"]), []byte(blob["private_key"]), bf, "")
		if err != nil {
			log.Warning("bad PEM certifcate or private key")
			return err

		serverName := blob["domain"]
		ip := blob["ip"]

		if serverName != "" {
			err := bundle.Cert.VerifyHostname(serverName)
			if err != nil {
				return errors.Wrap(errors.CertificateError, errors.VerifyFailed, err)


		if ip != "" {
			err := bundle.Cert.VerifyHostname(ip)
			if err != nil {
				return errors.Wrap(errors.CertificateError, errors.VerifyFailed, err)

		result = bundle
	log.Info("wrote response")
	return api.SendResponse(w, result)

示例4: worker

// worker does all the parsing and validation of the certificate(s)
// contained in a single file. It first reads all the data in the
// file, then begins parsing certificates in the file. Those
// certificates are then checked for revocation.
func worker(paths chan string, bundler chan *x509.Certificate, pool *sync.WaitGroup) {
	defer (*pool).Done()
	for {
		path, ok := <-paths
		if !ok {

		log.Infof("Loading %s", path)

		fileData, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
		if err != nil {
			log.Warningf("%v", err)

		for {
			var block *pem.Block
			if len(fileData) == 0 {
			block, fileData = pem.Decode(fileData)
			if block == nil {
				log.Warningf("%s: no PEM data found", path)
			} else if block.Type != "CERTIFICATE" {
				log.Info("Skipping non-certificate")

			cert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(block.Bytes)
			if err != nil {
				log.Warningf("Invalid certificate: %v", err)

			log.Infof("Validating %+v", cert.Subject)
			revoked, ok := revoke.VerifyCertificate(cert)
			if !ok {
				log.Warning("Failed to verify certificate.")
			} else if !revoked {
				bundler <- cert
			} else {
				log.Info("Skipping revoked certificate")

示例5: warnSkippedSettings

// warnSkippedSettings prints a log warning message about skipped settings
// in a SigningProfile, usually due to remote signer.
func (p *Signing) warnSkippedSettings() {
	const warningMessage = `The configuration value by "usages", "issuer_urls", "ocsp_url", "crl_url", "ca_constraint", "expiry", "backdate", "not_before", "not_after", "cert_store" and "ct_log_servers" are skipped`
	if p == nil {

	if p.Default.RemoteName != "" || p.Default.AuthRemote.RemoteName != "" {
		log.Warning("default profile points to a remote signer: ", warningMessage)

	for name, profile := range p.Profiles {
		if profile.RemoteName != "" || profile.AuthRemote.RemoteName != "" {
			log.Warningf("Profiles[%s] points to a remote signer: %s", name, warningMessage)

示例6: ProcessRequest

// ProcessRequest validates and processes the incoming request. It is
// a wrapper around a validator and the ParseRequest function.
func (g *Generator) ProcessRequest(req *CertificateRequest) (csr, key []byte, err error) {

	log.Info("generate received request")
	err = g.Validator(req)
	if err != nil {
		log.Warning("invalid request: %v", err)

	csr, key, parseErr := ParseRequest(req)
	if parseErr != nil {
		err = cferr.New(cferr.PrivateKeyError, cferr.GenerationFailed, parseErr)
		csr = nil
		key = nil

示例7: main

func main() {
	var addr, conf string
	flag.StringVar(&addr, "a", "", "`address` of server")
	flag.StringVar(&conf, "f", "server.json", "config `file` to use")

	var id = new(core.Identity)
	data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(conf)
	if err != nil {
		exlib.Err(1, err, "reading config file")

	err = json.Unmarshal(data, id)
	if err != nil {
		exlib.Err(1, err, "parsing config file")

	tr, err := transport.New(exlib.Before, id)
	if err != nil {
		exlib.Err(1, err, "creating transport")

	l, err := transport.Listen(addr, tr)
	if err != nil {
		exlib.Err(1, err, "setting up listener")

	var errChan = make(chan error, 0)
	go func(ec <-chan error) {
		for {
			err, ok := <-ec
			if !ok {
				log.Warning("error channel closed, future errors will not be reported")
			log.Errorf("auto update error: %v", err)

	log.Info("setting up auto-update")
	go l.AutoUpdate(nil, errChan)

	log.Info("listening on ", addr)
	exlib.Warn(serve(l), "serving listener")

示例8: Handle

func (h *BundlerHandler) Handle(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
	blob, matched, err := processRequestOneOf(r,
	if err != nil {
		log.Warningf("invalid request: %v", err)
		return err

	var result *bundler.Bundle
	switch matched[0] {
	case "domain":
		bundle, err := h.bundler.BundleFromRemote(blob["domain"], blob["ip"])
		if err != nil {
			log.Warningf("couldn't bundle from remote: %v", err)
			return errors.NewBadRequest(err)
		result = bundle
	case "certificate":
		flavor := blob["flavor"]
		var bf bundler.BundleFlavor = bundler.Ubiquitous
		if flavor != "" {
			bf = bundler.BundleFlavor(flavor)
		bundle, err := h.bundler.BundleFromPEM([]byte(blob["certificate"]), []byte(blob["private_key"]), bf)
		if err != nil {
			log.Warning("bad PEM certifcate or private key")
			return errors.NewBadRequest(err)
		log.Infof("request for flavour %v", flavor)
		result = bundle
	response := newSuccessResponse(result)
	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
	enc := json.NewEncoder(w)
	err = enc.Encode(response)
	return err

示例9: Handle

// Handle responds to requests for the CA to generate a new private
// key and certificate on behalf of the client. The format for these
// requests is documented in the API documentation.
func (cg *CertGeneratorHandler) Handle(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
	log.Info("request for CSR")

	req := new(genSignRequest)
	body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
	if err != nil {
		log.Warningf("failed to read request body: %v", err)
		return errors.NewBadRequest(err)

	err = json.Unmarshal(body, req)
	if err != nil {
		log.Warningf("failed to unmarshal request: %v", err)
		return errors.NewBadRequest(err)

	if req.Request == nil {
		log.Warning("empty request received")
		return errors.NewBadRequestString("missing request section")

	if req.Request.CA != nil {
		log.Warningf("request received with CA section")
		return errors.NewBadRequestString("ca section only permitted in initca")

	csr, key, err := cg.generator.ProcessRequest(req.Request)
	if err != nil {
		log.Warningf("failed to process CSR: %v", err)
		// The validator returns a *cfssl/errors.HttpError
		return err

	signReq := signer.SignRequest{
		Request: string(csr),
		Profile: req.Profile,
		Label:   req.Label,

	certBytes, err := cg.signer.Sign(signReq)
	if err != nil {
		log.Warningf("failed to sign request: %v", err)
		return err

	reqSum, err := computeSum(csr)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.NewBadRequest(err)

	certSum, err := computeSum(certBytes)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.NewBadRequest(err)

	result := map[string]interface{}{
		"private_key":         string(key),
		"certificate_request": string(csr),
		"certificate":         string(certBytes),
		"sums": map[string]Sum{
			"certificate_request": reqSum,
			"certificate":         certSum,
	return api.SendResponse(w, result)

示例10: RunAPITests

// RunAPITests runs a test suite based on on API Input and returns an API Result.
func RunAPITests(in *testapi.Input, c *client.Client, testLen time.Duration, workers int) (*testapi.Results, error) {
	log.Debugf("Testing %s", in.Keyserver)
	var err error
	var certs []*x509.Certificate

	if len(in.CertsPEM) > 0 {
		log.Debug("Parsing certificate PEM")
		certs, err = helpers.ParseCertificatesPEM([]byte(in.CertsPEM))
		if err != nil {
			log.Warning("Couldn't parse certificate PEM")
			return nil, err

	var sni string
	if in.Domain != "" {
		log.Debugf("Getting certificate from %s", in.Domain)
		if cert, err := getCertFromDomain(in.Domain); err == nil {
			certs = append(certs, cert)
		} else {
			log.Warningf("Couldn't get certificate from %s: %v", in.Domain, err)

		if sni, _, err = net.SplitHostPort(in.Domain); err != nil {
			sni = in.Domain

	c.Config.InsecureSkipVerify = in.InsecureSkipVerify
	serverIP := net.ParseIP(in.ServerIP)

	if newTestLen, err := time.ParseDuration(in.TestLen); err == nil {
		if newTestLen > 0 && newTestLen < 30*time.Second {
			testLen = newTestLen

	if newWorkers, err := strconv.Atoi(in.Workers); err == nil {
		if newWorkers > 0 && newWorkers < 1024 {
			workers = newWorkers

	results := testapi.NewResults()

	if len(in.HashedToken) > 0 {
		results.RegisterTest("activate", NewActivateTest(c, in.Keyserver, in.HashedToken))

	results.RegisterTest("ping", NewPingTest(c, in.Keyserver))

	for _, cert := range certs {
		priv, err := c.RegisterPublicKeyTemplate(in.Keyserver, cert.PublicKey, sni, serverIP)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		ski, err := gokeyless.GetSKICert(cert)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		if _, ok := priv.Public().(*rsa.PublicKey); ok {
			results.RegisterTest(ski.String()+"."+"decrypt", NewDecryptTest(priv))

		for name, test := range NewSignTests(priv) {
			results.RegisterTest(ski.String()+"."+name, test)

	results.RunTests(testLen, workers)

	return results, nil

示例11: Handle

// Handle responds to requests for the CA to generate a new private
// key and certificate on behalf of the client. The format for these
// requests is documented in the API documentation.
func (cg *CertGeneratorHandler) Handle(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
	log.Info("request for CSR")

	req := new(genSignRequest)
	req.Request = csr.New()

	body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
	if err != nil {
		log.Warningf("failed to read request body: %v", err)
		return errors.NewBadRequest(err)

	err = json.Unmarshal(body, req)
	if err != nil {
		log.Warningf("failed to unmarshal request: %v", err)
		return errors.NewBadRequest(err)

	if req.Request == nil {
		log.Warning("empty request received")
		return errors.NewBadRequestString("missing request section")

	if req.Request.CA != nil {
		log.Warningf("request received with CA section")
		return errors.NewBadRequestString("ca section only permitted in initca")

	csr, key, err := cg.generator.ProcessRequest(req.Request)
	if err != nil {
		log.Warningf("failed to process CSR: %v", err)
		// The validator returns a *cfssl/errors.HttpError
		return err

	signReq := signer.SignRequest{
		Request: string(csr),
		Profile: req.Profile,
		Label:   req.Label,

	certBytes, err := cg.signer.Sign(signReq)
	if err != nil {
		log.Warningf("failed to sign request: %v", err)
		return err

	reqSum, err := computeSum(csr)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.NewBadRequest(err)

	certSum, err := computeSum(certBytes)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.NewBadRequest(err)

	result := map[string]interface{}{
		"private_key":         string(key),
		"certificate_request": string(csr),
		"certificate":         string(certBytes),
		"sums": map[string]Sum{
			"certificate_request": reqSum,
			"certificate":         certSum,

	if req.Bundle {
		if cg.bundler == nil {
			return api.SendResponseWithMessage(w, result, NoBundlerMessage,
				errors.New(errors.PolicyError, errors.InvalidRequest).ErrorCode)

		bundle, err := cg.bundler.BundleFromPEMorDER(certBytes, nil, bundler.Optimal, "")
		if err != nil {
			return err

		result["bundle"] = bundle

	if len(req.Request.Hosts) == 0 {
		return api.SendResponseWithMessage(w, result, CSRNoHostMessage,
			errors.New(errors.PolicyError, errors.InvalidRequest).ErrorCode)

	return api.SendResponse(w, result)

示例12: Handle

// Handle responds to requests for the CA to generate a new private
// key and certificate on behalf of the client. The format for these
// requests is documented in the API documentation.
func (cg *CertGeneratorHandler) Handle(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
	log.Info("request for CSR")

	req := new(genSignRequest)
	req.Request = csr.New()

	body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
	if err != nil {
		log.Warningf("failed to read request body: %v", err)
		return errors.NewBadRequest(err)

	err = json.Unmarshal(body, req)
	if err != nil {
		log.Warningf("failed to unmarshal request: %v", err)
		return errors.NewBadRequest(err)

	if req.Request == nil {
		log.Warning("empty request received")
		return errors.NewBadRequestString("missing request section")

	if req.Request.CA != nil {
		log.Warningf("request received with CA section")
		return errors.NewBadRequestString("ca section only permitted in initca")

	csr, key, err := cg.generator.ProcessRequest(req.Request)
	if err != nil {
		log.Warningf("failed to process CSR: %v", err)
		// The validator returns a *cfssl/errors.HttpError
		return err

	signReq := signer.SignRequest{
		Request: string(csr),
		Profile: req.Profile,
		Label:   req.Label,

	certBytes, err := cg.signer.Sign(signReq)
	if err != nil {
		log.Warningf("failed to sign request: %v", err)
		return err

	reqSum, err := computeSum(csr)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.NewBadRequest(err)

	certSum, err := computeSum(certBytes)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.NewBadRequest(err)

	var file string
	if req.Format.Type == "pkcs12" {
		var password []byte
		if req.Format.Password != "" {
			password = []byte(req.Format.Password)
		file = pkcs12.ParseAndEncode(key, certBytes, password)

	result := map[string]interface{}{
		"private_key":         string(key),
		"certificate_request": string(csr),
		"certificate":         string(certBytes),
		"format":              file,
		"sums": map[string]Sum{
			"certificate_request": reqSum,
			"certificate":         certSum,

	if len(req.Request.Hosts) == 0 {
		return api.SendResponseWithMessage(w, result, CSRNoHostMessage,
			errors.New(errors.PolicyError, errors.InvalidRequest).ErrorCode)

	return api.SendResponse(w, result)

示例13: gencertMain

		return err

	req := csr.CertificateRequest{
		KeyRequest: csr.NewBasicKeyRequest(),
	err = json.Unmarshal(csrJSONFileBytes, &req)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if c.CNOverride != "" {
		req.CN = c.CNOverride
	switch {
	case c.IsCA:
		var key, csrPEM, cert []byte
		if c.CAKeyFile != "" {
			log.Infof("re-generate a CA certificate from CSR and CA key")
			cert, csrPEM, err = initca.NewFromPEM(&req, c.CAKeyFile)
			if err != nil {
				log.Errorf("%v\n", err)
				return err
		} else {
			log.Infof("generating a new CA key and certificate from CSR")
			cert, csrPEM, key, err = initca.New(&req)
			if err != nil {
				return err

		cli.PrintCert(key, csrPEM, cert)

		if req.CA != nil {
			err = errors.New("ca section only permitted in initca")
			return err

		if c.Hostname != "" {
			req.Hosts = signer.SplitHosts(c.Hostname)
		// Remote can be forced on the command line or in the config
		if c.Remote == "" && c.CFG == nil {
			if c.CAFile == "" {
				log.Error("need a CA certificate (provide one with -ca)")
				return nil

			if c.CAKeyFile == "" {
				log.Error("need a CA key (provide one with -ca-key)")
				return nil

		var key, csrBytes []byte
		g := &csr.Generator{Validator: genkey.Validator}
		csrBytes, key, err = g.ProcessRequest(&req)
		if err != nil {
			key = nil
			return err

		s, err := sign.SignerFromConfig(c)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		var cert []byte
		signReq := signer.SignRequest{
			Request: string(csrBytes),
			Hosts:   signer.SplitHosts(c.Hostname),
			Profile: c.Profile,
			Label:   c.Label,

		if c.CRL != "" {
			signReq.CRLOverride = c.CRL
		cert, err = s.Sign(signReq)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		// This follows the Baseline Requirements for the Issuance and
		// Management of Publicly-Trusted Certificates, v.1.1.6, from the CA/Browser
		// Forum (https://cabforum.org). Specifically, section 10.2.3 ("Information
		// Requirements"), states:
		// "Applicant information MUST include, but not be limited to, at least one
		// Fully-Qualified Domain Name or IP address to be included in the Certificate’s
		// SubjectAltName extension."
		if len(signReq.Hosts) == 0 && len(req.Hosts) == 0 {

		cli.PrintCert(key, csrBytes, cert)
	return nil

示例14: parsePrivateKeySpec

func parsePrivateKeySpec(spec string, cfg map[string]string) (crypto.Signer, error) {
	specURL, err := url.Parse(spec)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var priv crypto.Signer
	switch specURL.Scheme {
	case "file":
		// A file spec will be parsed such that the root
		// directory of a relative path will be stored as the
		// hostname, and the remainder of the file's path is
		// stored in the Path field.
		log.Debug("loading private key file", specURL.Path)
		path := filepath.Join(specURL.Host, specURL.Path)
		in, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		log.Debug("attempting to load PEM-encoded private key")
		priv, err = helpers.ParsePrivateKeyPEM(in)
		if err != nil {
			log.Debug("file is not a PEM-encoded private key")
			log.Debug("attempting to load DER-encoded private key")
			priv, err = derhelpers.ParsePrivateKeyDER(in)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
		log.Debug("loaded private key")
		return priv, nil
	case "rofile":
		log.Warning("Red October support is currently experimental")
		path := filepath.Join(specURL.Host, specURL.Path)
		in, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		roServer := cfg["ro_server"]
		if roServer == "" {
			return nil, errors.New("config: no RedOctober server available")

		// roCAPath can be empty; if it is, the client uses
		// the system default CA roots.
		roCAPath := cfg["ro_ca"]

		roUser := cfg["ro_user"]
		if roUser == "" {
			return nil, errors.New("config: no RedOctober user available")

		roPass := cfg["ro_pass"]
		if roPass == "" {
			return nil, errors.New("config: no RedOctober passphrase available")

		log.Debug("decrypting key via RedOctober Server")
		roClient, err := client.NewRemoteServer(roServer, roCAPath)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		req := core.DecryptRequest{
			Name:     roUser,
			Password: roPass,
			Data:     in,
		in, err = roClient.DecryptIntoData(req)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		return priv, nil
		return nil, ErrUnsupportedScheme

示例15: Bundle


	chains, err := cert.Verify(b.VerifyOptions())
	if err != nil {
		log.Debugf("verification failed: %v", err)
		// If the error was an unknown authority, try to fetch
		// the intermediate specified in the AIA and add it to
		// the intermediates bundle.
		switch err := err.(type) {
		case x509.UnknownAuthorityError:
			// Do nothing -- have the default case return out.
			return nil, errors.Wrap(errors.CertificateError, errors.VerifyFailed, err)

		log.Debugf("searching for intermediates via AIA issuer")
		err = b.fetchIntermediates(certs)
		if err != nil {
			log.Debugf("search failed: %v", err)
			return nil, errors.Wrap(errors.CertificateError, errors.VerifyFailed, err)

		log.Debugf("verifying new chain")
		chains, err = cert.Verify(b.VerifyOptions())
		if err != nil {
			log.Debugf("failed to verify chain: %v", err)
			return nil, errors.Wrap(errors.CertificateError, errors.VerifyFailed, err)
		log.Debugf("verify ok")
	var matchingChains [][]*x509.Certificate
	switch flavor {
	case Optimal:
		matchingChains = optimalChains(chains)
	case Ubiquitous:
		if len(ubiquity.Platforms) == 0 {
			log.Warning("No metadata, Ubiquitous falls back to Optimal.")
		matchingChains = ubiquitousChains(chains)
	case Force:
		matchingChains = forceChains(certs, chains)
		matchingChains = ubiquitousChains(chains)

	bundle.Chain = matchingChains[0]
	// Include at least one intermediate if the leaf has enabled OCSP and is not CA.
	if bundle.Cert.OCSPServer != nil && !bundle.Cert.IsCA && len(bundle.Chain) <= 2 {
		// No op. Return one intermediate if there is one.
	} else {
		// do not include the root.
		bundle.Chain = bundle.Chain[:len(bundle.Chain)-1]

	statusCode := int(errors.Success)
	var messages []string
	// Check if bundle is expiring.
	expiringCerts := checkExpiringCerts(bundle.Chain)
	bundle.Expires = helpers.ExpiryTime(bundle.Chain)
	if len(expiringCerts) > 0 {
		statusCode |= errors.BundleExpiringBit
		messages = append(messages, expirationWarning(expiringCerts))
	// Check if bundle contains SHA2 certs.
	if ubiquity.ChainHashUbiquity(matchingChains[0]) <= ubiquity.SHA2Ubiquity {
		statusCode |= errors.BundleNotUbiquitousBit
		messages = append(messages, sha2Warning)
	// Check if bundle contains ECDSA signatures.
	if ubiquity.ChainKeyAlgoUbiquity(matchingChains[0]) <= ubiquity.ECDSA256Ubiquity {
		statusCode |= errors.BundleNotUbiquitousBit
		messages = append(messages, ecdsaWarning)
	// Add root store presence info
	root := matchingChains[0][len(matchingChains[0])-1]
	bundle.Root = root
	log.Infof("the anchoring root is %v", root.Subject)
	// Check if there is any platform that doesn't trust the chain.
	// Also, an warning will be generated if ubiquity.Platforms is nil,
	untrusted := ubiquity.UntrustedPlatforms(root)
	untrustedMsg := untrustedPlatformsWarning(untrusted)
	if len(untrustedMsg) > 0 {
		log.Debug("Populate untrusted platform warning.")
		statusCode |= errors.BundleNotUbiquitousBit
		messages = append(messages, untrustedMsg)
	// Check if there is any platform that rejects the chain because of SHA1 deprecation.
	sha1Msgs := ubiquity.SHA1DeprecationMessages(matchingChains[0])
	if len(sha1Msgs) > 0 {
		log.Debug("Populate SHA1 deprecation warning.")
		statusCode |= errors.BundleNotUbiquitousBit
		messages = append(messages, sha1Msgs...)

	bundle.Status = &BundleStatus{ExpiringSKIs: getSKIs(bundle.Chain, expiringCerts), Code: statusCode, Messages: messages, Untrusted: untrusted}

	bundle.Status.IsRebundled = diff(bundle.Chain, certs)
	log.Debugf("bundle complete")
	return bundle, nil
