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Golang engine.Increments类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Golang中github.com/cgrates/cgrates/engine.Increments的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang Increments类的具体用法?Golang Increments怎么用?Golang Increments使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: Refund

func (s *Session) Refund(lastCC *engine.CallCost, hangupTime time.Time) error {
	end := lastCC.Timespans[len(lastCC.Timespans)-1].TimeEnd
	refundDuration := end.Sub(hangupTime)
	//engine.Logger.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("HANGUPTIME: %s REFUNDDURATION: %s", hangupTime.String(), refundDuration.String()))
	var refundIncrements engine.Increments
	for i := len(lastCC.Timespans) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
		ts := lastCC.Timespans[i]
		tsDuration := ts.GetDuration()
		if refundDuration <= tsDuration {

			lastRefundedIncrementIndex := -1
			for j := len(ts.Increments) - 1; j >= 0; j-- {
				increment := ts.Increments[j]
				if increment.Duration <= refundDuration {
					refundIncrements = append(refundIncrements, increment)
					refundDuration -= increment.Duration
					lastRefundedIncrementIndex = j
				} else {
					break //increment duration is larger, cannot refund increment
			if lastRefundedIncrementIndex == 0 {
				lastCC.Timespans[i] = nil
				lastCC.Timespans = lastCC.Timespans[:i]
			} else {
			break // do not go to other timespans
		} else {
			refundIncrements = append(refundIncrements, ts.Increments...)
			// remove the timespan entirely
			lastCC.Timespans[i] = nil
			lastCC.Timespans = lastCC.Timespans[:i]
			// continue to the next timespan with what is left to refund
			refundDuration -= tsDuration
	// show only what was actualy refunded (stopped in timespan)
	// engine.Logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Refund duration: %v", initialRefundDuration-refundDuration))
	if len(refundIncrements) > 0 {
		cd := &engine.CallDescriptor{
			Direction:   lastCC.Direction,
			Tenant:      lastCC.Tenant,
			Category:    lastCC.Category,
			Subject:     lastCC.Subject,
			Account:     lastCC.Account,
			Destination: lastCC.Destination,
			Increments:  refundIncrements,
		var response float64
		err := s.sessionManager.Rater().RefundIncrements(cd, &response)
		if err != nil {
			return err
	//engine.Logger.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("REFUND INCR: %s", utils.ToJSON(refundIncrements)))
	lastCC.Cost -= refundIncrements.GetTotalCost()
	return nil

示例2: OnChannelHangupComplete

func (sm *FSSessionManager) OnChannelHangupComplete(ev Event) {
	go sm.processCdr(ev.AsStoredCdr())
	s := sm.GetSession(ev.GetUUID())
	if s == nil { // Not handled by us
	} else {
		sm.RemoveSession(s.uuid) // Unreference it early so we avoid concurrency
	defer s.Close(ev) // Stop loop and save the costs deducted so far to database
	attrsDC := utils.AttrDerivedChargers{Tenant: ev.GetTenant(utils.META_DEFAULT), Category: ev.GetCategory(utils.META_DEFAULT), Direction: ev.GetDirection(utils.META_DEFAULT),
		Account: ev.GetAccount(utils.META_DEFAULT), Subject: ev.GetSubject(utils.META_DEFAULT)}
	var dcs utils.DerivedChargers
	if err := sm.rater.GetDerivedChargers(attrsDC, &dcs); err != nil {
		engine.Logger.Err(fmt.Sprintf("<SessionManager> OnHangup: could not get derived charging for event %s: %s", ev.GetUUID(), err.Error()))
	dcs, _ = dcs.AppendDefaultRun()
	for _, dc := range dcs {
		if ev.GetReqType(dc.ReqTypeField) != utils.PREPAID {
		sr := s.GetSessionRun(dc.RunId)
		if sr == nil {
			continue // Did not save a sessionRun for this dc
		if len(sr.callCosts) == 0 {
			continue // why would we have 0 callcosts
		lastCC := sr.callCosts[len(sr.callCosts)-1]
		// put credit back
		startTime, err := ev.GetAnswerTime(dc.AnswerTimeField)
		if err != nil {
			engine.Logger.Crit("Error parsing prepaid call start time from event")
		duration, err := ev.GetDuration(dc.UsageField)
		if err != nil {
			engine.Logger.Crit(fmt.Sprintf("Error parsing call duration from event %s", err.Error()))
		hangupTime := startTime.Add(duration)
		end := lastCC.Timespans[len(lastCC.Timespans)-1].TimeEnd
		refundDuration := end.Sub(hangupTime)
		var refundIncrements engine.Increments
		for i := len(lastCC.Timespans) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
			ts := lastCC.Timespans[i]
			tsDuration := ts.GetDuration()
			if refundDuration <= tsDuration {
				lastRefundedIncrementIndex := 0
				for j := len(ts.Increments) - 1; j >= 0; j-- {
					increment := ts.Increments[j]
					if increment.Duration <= refundDuration {
						refundIncrements = append(refundIncrements, increment)
						refundDuration -= increment.Duration
						lastRefundedIncrementIndex = j
				break // do not go to other timespans
			} else {
				refundIncrements = append(refundIncrements, ts.Increments...)
				// remove the timespan entirely
				lastCC.Timespans[i] = nil
				lastCC.Timespans = lastCC.Timespans[:i]
				// continue to the next timespan with what is left to refund
				refundDuration -= tsDuration
		// show only what was actualy refunded (stopped in timespan)
		// engine.Logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Refund duration: %v", initialRefundDuration-refundDuration))
		if len(refundIncrements) > 0 {
			cd := &engine.CallDescriptor{
				Direction:   lastCC.Direction,
				Tenant:      lastCC.Tenant,
				Category:    lastCC.Category,
				Subject:     lastCC.Subject,
				Account:     lastCC.Account,
				Destination: lastCC.Destination,
				Increments:  refundIncrements,
			var response float64
			err := sm.rater.RefundIncrements(*cd, &response)
			if err != nil {
				engine.Logger.Err(fmt.Sprintf("Debit cents failed: %v", err))
		cost := refundIncrements.GetTotalCost()
		lastCC.Cost -= cost

示例3: refund

// Attempts to refund a duration, error on failure
func (self *SMGSession) refund(refundDuration time.Duration) error {
	initialRefundDuration := refundDuration
	lastCC := self.callCosts[len(self.callCosts)-1]
	var refundIncrements engine.Increments
	for i := len(lastCC.Timespans) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
		ts := lastCC.Timespans[i]
		tsDuration := ts.GetDuration()
		if refundDuration <= tsDuration {

			lastRefundedIncrementIndex := -1
			for j := len(ts.Increments) - 1; j >= 0; j-- {
				increment := ts.Increments[j]
				if increment.Duration <= refundDuration {
					refundIncrements = append(refundIncrements, increment)
					refundDuration -= increment.Duration
					lastRefundedIncrementIndex = j
				} else {
					break //increment duration is larger, cannot refund increment
			if lastRefundedIncrementIndex == 0 {
				lastCC.Timespans[i] = nil
				lastCC.Timespans = lastCC.Timespans[:i]
			} else {
				ts.Cost = ts.CalculateCost()
			break // do not go to other timespans
		} else {
			refundIncrements = append(refundIncrements, ts.Increments...)
			// remove the timespan entirely
			lastCC.Timespans[i] = nil
			lastCC.Timespans = lastCC.Timespans[:i]
			// continue to the next timespan with what is left to refund
			refundDuration -= tsDuration
	// show only what was actualy refunded (stopped in timespan)
	// utils.Logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Refund duration: %v", initialRefundDuration-refundDuration))
	if len(refundIncrements) > 0 {
		cd := &engine.CallDescriptor{
			Direction:   lastCC.Direction,
			Tenant:      lastCC.Tenant,
			Category:    lastCC.Category,
			Subject:     lastCC.Subject,
			Account:     lastCC.Account,
			Destination: lastCC.Destination,
			TOR:         lastCC.TOR,
			Increments:  refundIncrements,
		utils.Logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Refunding duration %v with cd: %s", initialRefundDuration, utils.ToJSON(cd)))
		var response float64
		err := self.rater.RefundIncrements(cd, &response)
		if err != nil {
			return err
	//utils.Logger.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("REFUND INCR: %s", utils.ToJSON(refundIncrements)))
	lastCC.Cost -= refundIncrements.GetTotalCost()
	return nil

示例4: Refund

func (s *Session) Refund(lastCC *engine.CallCost, hangupTime time.Time) error {
	end := lastCC.Timespans[len(lastCC.Timespans)-1].TimeEnd
	refundDuration := end.Sub(hangupTime)
	var refundIncrements engine.Increments
	for i := len(lastCC.Timespans) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
		ts := lastCC.Timespans[i]
		tsDuration := ts.GetDuration()
		if refundDuration <= tsDuration {

			lastRefundedIncrementIndex := -1
			for j := len(ts.Increments) - 1; j >= 0; j-- {
				increment := ts.Increments[j]
				if increment.Duration <= refundDuration {
					refundIncrements = append(refundIncrements, increment)
					refundDuration -= increment.Duration
					lastRefundedIncrementIndex = j
				} else {
					break //increment duration is larger, cannot refund increment
			if lastRefundedIncrementIndex == 0 {
				lastCC.Timespans[i] = nil
				lastCC.Timespans = lastCC.Timespans[:i]
			} else {
				ts.Cost = ts.CalculateCost()
			break // do not go to other timespans
		} else {
			refundIncrements = append(refundIncrements, ts.Increments...)
			// remove the timespan entirely
			lastCC.Timespans[i] = nil
			lastCC.Timespans = lastCC.Timespans[:i]
			// continue to the next timespan with what is left to refund
			refundDuration -= tsDuration
	// show only what was actualy refunded (stopped in timespan)
	// utils.Logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Refund duration: %v", initialRefundDuration-refundDuration))
	if len(refundIncrements) > 0 {
		cd := &engine.CallDescriptor{
			CgrID:       s.eventStart.GetCgrId(s.sessionManager.Timezone()),
			Direction:   lastCC.Direction,
			Tenant:      lastCC.Tenant,
			Category:    lastCC.Category,
			Subject:     lastCC.Subject,
			Account:     lastCC.Account,
			Destination: lastCC.Destination,
			TOR:         lastCC.TOR,
			Increments:  refundIncrements,
		//utils.Logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Refunding duration %v with cd: %+v", refundDuration, cd))
		var response float64
		err := s.sessionManager.Rater().Call("Responder.RefundIncrements", cd, &response)
		if err != nil {
			return err
	lastCC.Cost -= refundIncrements.GetTotalCost()
	return nil
