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Golang Event.GetUUID方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Golang中github.com/cgrates/cgrates/engine.Event.GetUUID方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang Event.GetUUID方法的具体用法?Golang Event.GetUUID怎么用?Golang Event.GetUUID使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在github.com/cgrates/cgrates/engine.Event的用法示例。


示例1: DisconnectSession

// Disconnects a session by sending hangup command to freeswitch
func (sm *FSSessionManager) DisconnectSession(ev engine.Event, connId, notify string) error {
	if _, err := sm.conns[connId].SendApiCmd(fmt.Sprintf("uuid_setvar %s cgr_notify %s\n\n", ev.GetUUID(), notify)); err != nil {
		utils.Logger.Err(fmt.Sprintf("<SM-FreeSWITCH> Could not send disconect api notification to freeswitch, error: <%s>, connId: %s", err.Error(), connId))
		return err
	if notify == INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS {
		if len(sm.cfg.EmptyBalanceContext) != 0 {
			if _, err := sm.conns[connId].SendApiCmd(fmt.Sprintf("uuid_transfer %s %s %s\n\n", ev.GetUUID(), ev.GetCallDestNr(utils.META_DEFAULT), sm.cfg.EmptyBalanceContext)); err != nil {
				utils.Logger.Err(fmt.Sprintf("<SM-FreeSWITCH> Could not transfer the call to empty balance context, error: <%s>, connId: %s", err.Error(), connId))
				return err
			return nil
		} else if len(sm.cfg.EmptyBalanceAnnFile) != 0 {
			if _, err := sm.conns[connId].SendApiCmd(fmt.Sprintf("uuid_broadcast %s playback!manager_request::%s aleg\n\n", ev.GetUUID(), sm.cfg.EmptyBalanceAnnFile)); err != nil {
				utils.Logger.Err(fmt.Sprintf("<SM-FreeSWITCH> Could not send uuid_broadcast to freeswitch, error: <%s>, connId: %s", err.Error(), connId))
				return err
			return nil
	if err := sm.conns[connId].SendMsgCmd(ev.GetUUID(), map[string]string{"call-command": "hangup", "hangup-cause": "MANAGER_REQUEST"}); err != nil {
		utils.Logger.Err(fmt.Sprintf("<SM-FreeSWITCH> Could not send disconect msg to freeswitch, error: <%s>, connId: %s", err.Error(), connId))
		return err
	return nil

示例2: onChannelHangupComplete

func (sm *FSSessionManager) onChannelHangupComplete(ev engine.Event) {
	if ev.GetReqType(utils.META_DEFAULT) == utils.META_NONE { // Do not process this request
	var s *Session
	for i := 0; i < 2; i++ { // Protect us against concurrency, wait a couple of seconds for the answer to be populated before we process hangup
		s = sm.sessions.getSession(ev.GetUUID())
		if s != nil {
		time.Sleep(time.Duration(i+1) * time.Second)
	if s != nil { // Handled by us, cleanup here
		if err := sm.sessions.removeSession(s, ev); err != nil {
	if sm.cfg.CreateCdr {
	var reply string
	attrRU := utils.AttrRLsResourceUsage{
		ResourceUsageID: ev.GetUUID(),
		Event:           ev.(FSEvent).AsMapStringInterface(sm.timezone),
		RequestedUnits:  1,
	if sm.rls != nil {
		if err := sm.rls.Call("RLsV1.TerminateResourceUsage", attrRU, &reply); err != nil {
			utils.Logger.Err(fmt.Sprintf("<SM-FreeSWITCH> RLs API error: %s", err.Error()))

示例3: onChannelHangupComplete

func (sm *FSSessionManager) onChannelHangupComplete(ev engine.Event) {
	if ev.GetReqType(utils.META_DEFAULT) == utils.META_NONE { // Do not process this request
	var s *Session
	for i := 0; i < 2; i++ { // Protect us against concurrency, wait a couple of seconds for the answer to be populated before we process hangup
		s = sm.sessions.getSession(ev.GetUUID())
		if s != nil {
		time.Sleep(time.Duration(i+1) * time.Second)
	if s != nil { // Handled by us, cleanup here
		if err := sm.sessions.removeSession(s, ev); err != nil {
	if sm.cfg.CreateCdr {

示例4: onChannelHangupComplete

func (sm *FSSessionManager) onChannelHangupComplete(ev engine.Event) {
	if ev.GetReqType(utils.META_DEFAULT) == utils.META_NONE { // Do not process this request
	if sm.cfg.CreateCdr {
		go sm.ProcessCdr(ev.AsStoredCdr(config.CgrConfig().DefaultTimezone))
	var s *Session
	for i := 0; i < 2; i++ { // Protect us against concurrency, wait a couple of seconds for the answer to be populated before we process hangup
		s = sm.GetSession(ev.GetUUID())
		if s != nil {
		time.Sleep(time.Duration(i+1) * time.Second)
	if s == nil { // Not handled by us
	sm.RemoveSession(s.eventStart.GetUUID()) // Unreference it early so we avoid concurrency
	if err := s.Close(ev); err != nil {      // Stop loop, refund advanced charges and save the costs deducted so far to database

示例5: onChannelPark

func (sm *FSSessionManager) onChannelPark(ev engine.Event, connId string) {
	fsev := ev.(FSEvent)
	if ev.GetReqType(utils.META_DEFAULT) == utils.META_NONE || fsev[IGNOREPARK] == "true" { // Do not process this request
	var maxCallDuration float64 // This will be the maximum duration this channel will be allowed to last
	if err := sm.rater.GetDerivedMaxSessionTime(ev.AsStoredCdr(config.CgrConfig().DefaultTimezone), &maxCallDuration); err != nil {
		utils.Logger.Err(fmt.Sprintf("<SM-FreeSWITCH> Could not get max session time for %s, error: %s", ev.GetUUID(), err.Error()))
	if maxCallDuration != -1 { // For calls different than unlimited, set limits
		maxCallDur := time.Duration(maxCallDuration)
		if maxCallDur <= sm.cfg.MinCallDuration {
			//utils.Logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Not enough credit for trasferring the call %s for %s.", ev.GetUUID(), cd.GetKey(cd.Subject)))
			sm.unparkCall(ev.GetUUID(), connId, ev.GetCallDestNr(utils.META_DEFAULT), INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS)
		sm.setMaxCallDuration(ev.GetUUID(), connId, maxCallDur)
	// ComputeLcr
	if ev.ComputeLcr() {
		cd, err := fsev.AsCallDescriptor()
		if err != nil {
			utils.Logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("<SM-FreeSWITCH> LCR_PREPROCESS_ERROR: %s", err.Error()))
			sm.unparkCall(ev.GetUUID(), connId, ev.GetCallDestNr(utils.META_DEFAULT), SYSTEM_ERROR)
		var lcr engine.LCRCost
		if err = sm.Rater().GetLCR(&engine.AttrGetLcr{CallDescriptor: cd}, &lcr); err != nil {
			utils.Logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("<SM-FreeSWITCH> LCR_API_ERROR: %s", err.Error()))
			sm.unparkCall(ev.GetUUID(), connId, ev.GetCallDestNr(utils.META_DEFAULT), SYSTEM_ERROR)
		if lcr.HasErrors() {
			sm.unparkCall(ev.GetUUID(), connId, ev.GetCallDestNr(utils.META_DEFAULT), SYSTEM_ERROR)
		if supps, err := lcr.SuppliersSlice(); err != nil {
			utils.Logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("<SM-FreeSWITCH> LCR_ERROR: %s", err.Error()))
			sm.unparkCall(ev.GetUUID(), connId, ev.GetCallDestNr(utils.META_DEFAULT), SYSTEM_ERROR)
		} else {
			fsArray := SliceAsFsArray(supps)
			if _, err = sm.conns[connId].SendApiCmd(fmt.Sprintf("uuid_setvar %s %s %s\n\n", ev.GetUUID(), utils.CGR_SUPPLIERS, fsArray)); err != nil {
				utils.Logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("<SM-FreeSWITCH> LCR_ERROR: %s", err.Error()))
				sm.unparkCall(ev.GetUUID(), connId, ev.GetCallDestNr(utils.META_DEFAULT), SYSTEM_ERROR)
	sm.unparkCall(ev.GetUUID(), connId, ev.GetCallDestNr(utils.META_DEFAULT), AUTH_OK)

示例6: setCgrLcr

// Queries LCR and sets the cgr_lcr channel variable
func (sm *FSSessionManager) setCgrLcr(ev engine.Event, connId string) error {
	var lcrCost engine.LCRCost
	startTime, err := ev.GetSetupTime(utils.META_DEFAULT, sm.timezone)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	cd := &engine.CallDescriptor{
		Direction:   ev.GetDirection(utils.META_DEFAULT),
		Tenant:      ev.GetTenant(utils.META_DEFAULT),
		Category:    ev.GetCategory(utils.META_DEFAULT),
		Subject:     ev.GetSubject(utils.META_DEFAULT),
		Account:     ev.GetAccount(utils.META_DEFAULT),
		Destination: ev.GetDestination(utils.META_DEFAULT),
		TimeStart:   startTime,
		TimeEnd:     startTime.Add(config.CgrConfig().MaxCallDuration),
	if err := sm.rater.GetLCR(&engine.AttrGetLcr{CallDescriptor: cd}, &lcrCost); err != nil {
		return err
	supps := []string{}
	for _, supplCost := range lcrCost.SupplierCosts {
		if dtcs, err := utils.NewDTCSFromRPKey(supplCost.Supplier); err != nil {
			return err
		} else if len(dtcs.Subject) != 0 {
			supps = append(supps, dtcs.Subject)
	fsArray := SliceAsFsArray(supps)
	if _, err = sm.conns[connId].SendApiCmd(fmt.Sprintf("uuid_setvar %s cgr_notify %s\n\n", ev.GetUUID(), fsArray)); err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
