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Golang commands.Runner类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Golang中cf/commands.Runner的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang Runner类的具体用法?Golang Runner怎么用?Golang Runner使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: NewApp

func NewApp(cmdRunner commands.Runner) (app *cli.App, err error) {
	helpCommand := cli.Command{
		Name:        "help",
		ShortName:   "h",
		Description: "Show help",
		Usage:       fmt.Sprintf("%s help [COMMAND]", cf.Name()),
		Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
			args := c.Args()
			if len(args) > 0 {
				cli.ShowCommandHelp(c, args[0])
			} else {

	app = cli.NewApp()
	app.Usage = cf.Usage
	app.Version = cf.Version
	app.Action = helpCommand.Action
	app.Commands = []cli.Command{
			Name:        "api",
			Description: "Set or view target api url",
			Usage:       fmt.Sprintf("%s api [URL]", cf.Name()),
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
				cmdRunner.RunCmdByName("api", c)
			Name:        "app",
			Description: "Display health and status for app",
			Usage:       fmt.Sprintf("%s app APP", cf.Name()),
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
				cmdRunner.RunCmdByName("app", c)
			Name:        "apps",
			ShortName:   "a",
			Description: "List all apps in the target space",
			Usage:       fmt.Sprintf("%s apps", cf.Name()),
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
				cmdRunner.RunCmdByName("apps", c)
			Name:        "auth",
			Description: "Authenticate user non-interactively",
			Usage: fmt.Sprintf("%s auth USERNAME PASSWORD\n\n", cf.Name()) +
				terminal.WarningColor("WARNING:\n   Providing your password as a command line option is highly discouraged\n   Your password may be visible to others and may be recorded in your shell history\n\n") +
				"EXAMPLE:\n" +
				fmt.Sprintf("   %s auth [email protected] \"my password\" (use quotes for passwords with a space)\n", cf.Name()) +
				fmt.Sprintf("   %s auth [email protected] \"\\\"password\\\"\" (escape quotes if used in password)", cf.Name()),
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
				cmdRunner.RunCmdByName("auth", c)
			Name:        "bind-service",
			ShortName:   "bs",
			Description: "Bind a service instance to an app",
			Usage:       fmt.Sprintf("%s bind-service APP SERVICE_INSTANCE", cf.Name()),
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
				cmdRunner.RunCmdByName("bind-service", c)
			Name:        "buildpacks",
			Description: "List all buildpacks",
			Usage:       fmt.Sprintf("%s buildpacks", cf.Name()),
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
				cmdRunner.RunCmdByName("buildpacks", c)
			Name:        "create-buildpack",
			Description: "Create a buildpack",
			Usage:       fmt.Sprintf("%s create-buildpack BUILDPACK PATH POSITION [--enable|--disable]", cf.Name()),
			Flags: []cli.Flag{
				cli.BoolFlag{Name: "enable", Usage: "Enable the buildpack"},
				cli.BoolFlag{Name: "disable", Usage: "Disable the buildpack"},
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
				cmdRunner.RunCmdByName("create-buildpack", c)
			Name:        "create-domain",
			Description: "Create a domain in an org for later use",
			Usage:       fmt.Sprintf("%s create-domain ORG DOMAIN", cf.Name()),
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
				cmdRunner.RunCmdByName("create-domain", c)
			Name:        "create-org",
			ShortName:   "co",
			Description: "Create an org",

示例2: NewApp

func NewApp(cmdRunner commands.Runner) (app *cli.App, err error) {
	helpCommand := cli.Command{
		Name:        "help",
		ShortName:   "h",
		Description: "Show help",
		Usage:       fmt.Sprintf("%s help [COMMAND]", cf.Name()),
		Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
			args := c.Args()
			if len(args) > 0 {
				cli.ShowCommandHelp(c, args[0])
			} else {
				showAppHelp(appHelpTemplate, c.App)
	cli.HelpPrinter = showAppHelp
	cli.AppHelpTemplate = appHelpTemplate

	trace.Logger.Printf("\n%s\n%s\n\n", terminal.HeaderColor("VERSION:"), cf.Version)

	app = cli.NewApp()
	app.Usage = cf.Usage
	app.Version = cf.Version
	app.Action = helpCommand.Action
	app.Commands = []cli.Command{
			Name:        "api",
			Description: "Set or view target api url",
			Usage:       fmt.Sprintf("%s api [URL]", cf.Name()),
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
				cmdRunner.RunCmdByName("api", c)
			Flags: []cli.Flag{
				cli.BoolFlag{Name: "skip-ssl-validation", Usage: "Please don't"},
			Name:        "app",
			Description: "Display health and status for app",
			Usage:       fmt.Sprintf("%s app APP", cf.Name()),
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
				cmdRunner.RunCmdByName("app", c)
			Name:        "apps",
			ShortName:   "a",
			Description: "List all apps in the target space",
			Usage:       fmt.Sprintf("%s apps", cf.Name()),
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
				cmdRunner.RunCmdByName("apps", c)
			Name:        "auth",
			Description: "Authenticate user non-interactively",
			Usage: fmt.Sprintf("%s auth USERNAME PASSWORD\n\n", cf.Name()) +
				terminal.WarningColor("WARNING:\n   Providing your password as a command line option is highly discouraged\n   Your password may be visible to others and may be recorded in your shell history\n\n") +
				"EXAMPLE:\n" +
				fmt.Sprintf("   %s auth [email protected] \"my password\" (use quotes for passwords with a space)\n", cf.Name()) +
				fmt.Sprintf("   %s auth [email protected] \"\\\"password\\\"\" (escape quotes if used in password)", cf.Name()),
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
				cmdRunner.RunCmdByName("auth", c)
			Name:        "bind-service",
			ShortName:   "bs",
			Description: "Bind a service instance to an app",
			Usage:       fmt.Sprintf("%s bind-service APP SERVICE_INSTANCE", cf.Name()),
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
				cmdRunner.RunCmdByName("bind-service", c)
			Name:        "buildpacks",
			Description: "List all buildpacks",
			Usage:       fmt.Sprintf("%s buildpacks", cf.Name()),
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
				cmdRunner.RunCmdByName("buildpacks", c)
			Name:        "create-buildpack",
			Description: "Create a buildpack",
			Usage: fmt.Sprintf("%s create-buildpack BUILDPACK PATH POSITION [--enable|--disable]", cf.Name()) +
				"\n\nTIP:\n" +
				"   Path should be a zip file, a url to a zip file, or a local directory. Position is an integer, sets priority, and is sorted from lowest to highest.",
			Flags: []cli.Flag{
				cli.BoolFlag{Name: "enable", Usage: "Enable the buildpack"},
				cli.BoolFlag{Name: "disable", Usage: "Disable the buildpack"},
			Action: func(c *cli.Context) {
				cmdRunner.RunCmdByName("create-buildpack", c)
			Name:        "create-domain",
			Description: "Create a domain in an org for later use",
