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Golang importer.Object类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Golang中camlistore/org/pkg/importer.Object的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang Object类的具体用法?Golang Object怎么用?Golang Object使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: importPlace

func (r *run) importPlace(parent *importer.Object, place *venueItem) (*importer.Object, error) {
	placeNode, err := parent.ChildPathObject(place.Id)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	catName := ""
	if cat := place.primaryCategory(); cat != nil {
		catName = cat.Name

	icon := place.icon()
	if err := placeNode.SetAttrs(
		"foursquareId", place.Id,
		"camliNodeType", "foursquare.com:venue",
		"camliContentImage", r.urlFileRef(icon, path.Base(icon)),
		"foursquareCategoryName", catName,
		"title", place.Name,
		"streetAddress", place.Location.Address,
		"addressLocality", place.Location.City,
		"postalCode", place.Location.PostalCode,
		"addressRegion", place.Location.State,
		"addressCountry", place.Location.Country,
		"latitude", fmt.Sprint(place.Location.Lat),
		"longitude", fmt.Sprint(place.Location.Lng)); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return placeNode, nil

示例2: IsAccountReady

func (*imp) IsAccountReady(acct *importer.Object) (ready bool, err error) {
	// This method tells the importer framework whether this account
	// permanode (accessed via the importer.Object) is ready to start
	// an import.  Here you would typically check whether you have the
	// right metadata/tokens on the account.
	return acct.Attr(acctAttrToken) != "" && acct.Attr(acctAttrUsername) != "", nil

示例3: importPost

func (r *run) importPost(post *apiPost, parent *importer.Object) error {
	postNode, err := parent.ChildPathObject(post.Hash)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	t, err := time.Parse(timeFormat, post.Time)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	attrs := []string{
		"pinboard.in:hash", post.Hash,
		nodeattr.Type, "pinboard.in:post",
		nodeattr.DateCreated, schema.RFC3339FromTime(t),
		nodeattr.Title, post.Description,
		nodeattr.URL, post.Href,
		"pinboard.in:extended", post.Extended,
		"pinboard.in:meta", post.Meta,
		"pinboard.in:shared", post.Shared,
		"pinboard.in:toread", post.ToRead,
	if err = postNode.SetAttrs(attrs...); err != nil {
		return err
	if err = postNode.SetAttrValues("tag", strings.Split(post.Tags, " ")); err != nil {
		return err

	return nil

示例4: importPlace

func (r *run) importPlace(parent *importer.Object, place *venueItem) (*importer.Object, error) {
	placeNode, err := parent.ChildPathObject(place.Id)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	catName := ""
	if cat := place.primaryCategory(); cat != nil {
		catName = cat.Name

	icon := place.icon()
	if err := placeNode.SetAttrs(
		attrFoursquareId, place.Id,
		nodeattr.Type, "foursquare.com:venue",
		nodeattr.CamliContentImage, r.urlFileRef(icon, path.Base(icon)),
		attrFoursquareCategoryName, catName,
		nodeattr.Title, place.Name,
		nodeattr.StreetAddress, place.Location.Address,
		nodeattr.AddressLocality, place.Location.City,
		nodeattr.PostalCode, place.Location.PostalCode,
		nodeattr.AddressRegion, place.Location.State,
		nodeattr.AddressCountry, place.Location.Country,
		nodeattr.Latitude, fmt.Sprint(place.Location.Lat),
		nodeattr.Longitude, fmt.Sprint(place.Location.Lng)); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return placeNode, nil

示例5: updatePrimaryPhoto

// updatePrimaryPhoto uses the camliContent of photoNode to set the
// camliContentImage of any album for which photoNode is the primary photo.
func (r *run) updatePrimaryPhoto(photoNode *importer.Object) error {
	photoId := photoNode.Attr(attrFlickrId)
	for album, photo := range r.primaryPhoto {
		if photoId != photo {
		setsNode, err := r.getTopLevelNode("sets", "Sets")
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("could not set %v as primary photo of %v, no root sets: %v", photoId, album, err)
		setNode, err := setsNode.ChildPathObject(album)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("could not set %v as primary photo of %v, no album: %v", photoId, album, err)
		fileRef := photoNode.Attr(nodeattr.CamliContent)
		if fileRef == "" {
			return fmt.Errorf("could not set %v as primary photo of %v: fileRef of photo is unknown", photoId, album)
		if err := setNode.SetAttr(nodeattr.CamliContentImage, fileRef); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("could not set %v as primary photo of %v: %v", photoId, album, err)
		delete(r.primaryPhoto, album)
	return nil

示例6: SummarizeAccount

func (im imp) SummarizeAccount(acct *importer.Object) string {
	ok, err := im.IsAccountReady(acct)
	if err != nil || !ok {
		return ""
	return acct.Attr(importer.AcctAttrUserName)

示例7: SetTestAccount

func (im imp) SetTestAccount(acctNode *importer.Object) error {
	return acctNode.SetAttrs(
		importer.AcctAttrAccessToken, "fakeAccessToken",
		importer.AcctAttrAccessTokenSecret, "fakeAccessSecret",
		importer.AcctAttrUserID, "fakeUserId",
		importer.AcctAttrName, "fakeName",
		importer.AcctAttrUserName, "fakeScreenName",

示例8: SummarizeAccount

func (im *imp) SummarizeAccount(acct *importer.Object) string {
	ok, err := im.IsAccountReady(acct)
	if err != nil {
		return "Not configured; error = " + err.Error()
	if !ok {
		return "Not configured"
	return fmt.Sprintf("feed %s", acct.Attr(acctAttrFeedURL))

示例9: SummarizeAccount

func (im imp) SummarizeAccount(acct *importer.Object) string {
	ok, err := im.IsAccountReady(acct)
	if err != nil {
		return "Not configured; error = " + err.Error()
	if !ok {
		return "Not configured"
	return fmt.Sprintf("Pinboard account for %s", extractUsername(acct.Attr(attrAuthToken)))

示例10: SetTestAccount

func (im *imp) SetTestAccount(acctNode *importer.Object) error {
	// TODO(mpl): refactor with twitter
	return acctNode.SetAttrs(
		importer.AcctAttrAccessToken, "fakeAccessToken",
		importer.AcctAttrAccessTokenSecret, "fakeAccessSecret",
		importer.AcctAttrUserID, "fakeUserID",
		importer.AcctAttrName, "fakeName",
		importer.AcctAttrUserName, "fakeScreenName",

示例11: importPhotoset

func (r *run) importPhotoset(parent *importer.Object, photoset *photosetInfo, page int) (int, error) {
	photosetNode, err := parent.ChildPathObject(photoset.Id)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err

	if err := photosetNode.SetAttrs(
		attrFlickrId, photoset.Id,
		nodeattr.Title, photoset.Title.Content,
		nodeattr.Description, photoset.Description.Content); err != nil {
		return 0, err
	// keep track of primary photo so we can set the fileRef of the photo as CamliContentImage
	// on photosetNode when we eventually know that fileRef.
	r.primaryPhoto[photoset.Id] = photoset.PrimaryPhotoId

	resp := struct {
		Photoset photosetItems
	if err := r.flickrAPIRequest(&resp, photosetAPIPath, "user_id", r.userID,
		"page", fmt.Sprintf("%d", page), "photoset_id", photoset.Id, "extras", "original_format"); err != nil {
		return 0, err

	log.Printf("Importing page %d from photoset %s", page, photoset.Id)

	photosNode, err := r.getPhotosNode()
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err

	for _, item := range resp.Photoset.Photo {
		filename := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", item.Id, item.OriginalFormat)
		photoNode, err := photosNode.ChildPathObject(filename)
		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("Flickr importer: error finding photo node %s for addition to photoset %s: %s",
				item.Id, photoset.Id, err)
		if err := photosetNode.SetAttr("camliPath:"+filename, photoNode.PermanodeRef().String()); err != nil {
			log.Printf("Flickr importer: error adding photo %s to photoset %s: %s",
				item.Id, photoset.Id, err)

	if resp.Photoset.Page < resp.Photoset.Pages {
		return page + 1, nil
	} else {
		return 0, nil

示例12: findChildRefs

func findChildRefs(parent *importer.Object) ([]blob.Ref, error) {
	childRefs := []blob.Ref{}
	var err error
	parent.ForeachAttr(func(key, value string) {
		if strings.HasPrefix(key, "camliPath:") {
			if br, ok := blob.Parse(value); ok {
				childRefs = append(childRefs, br)
			if err == nil {
				err = fmt.Errorf("invalid blobRef for %s attribute of %v: %q", key, parent, value)
	return childRefs, err

示例13: importPhotoset

func (im *imp) importPhotoset(parent *importer.Object, photoset *photosetsGetListItem, page int) (int, error) {
	photosetNode, err := parent.ChildPathObject(photoset.Id)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err

	if err := photosetNode.SetAttrs(
		"flickrId", photoset.Title.Content,
		"title", photoset.Title.Content,
		"description", photoset.Description.Content,
		"primaryPhotoId", photoset.PrimaryPhotoId); err != nil {
		return 0, err

	resp := photosetsGetPhotos{}
	if err := im.flickrAPIRequest(&resp, "flickr.photosets.getPhotos",
		"page", fmt.Sprintf("%d", page), "photoset_id", photoset.Id, "extras", "original_format"); err != nil {
		return 0, err

	log.Printf("Importing page %d from photoset %s", page, photoset.Id)

	photosNode, err := im.getPhotosNode()
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err

	for _, item := range resp.Photoset.Photo {
		filename := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", item.Id, item.Originalformat)
		photoNode, err := photosNode.ChildPathObject(filename)
		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("Flickr importer: error finding photo node %s for addition to photoset %s: %s",
				item.Id, photoset.Id, err)
		if err := photosetNode.SetAttr("camliPath:"+filename, photoNode.PermanodeRef().String()); err != nil {
			log.Printf("Flickr importer: error adding photo %s to photoset %s: %s",
				item.Id, photoset.Id, err)

	if resp.Photoset.Page < resp.Photoset.Pages {
		return page + 1, nil
	} else {
		return 0, nil

示例14: importCheckin

func (r *run) importCheckin(parent *importer.Object, checkin *checkinItem, placeRef blob.Ref) (checkinNode *importer.Object, dup bool, err error) {
	checkinNode, err = parent.ChildPathObject(checkin.Id)
	if err != nil {

	title := fmt.Sprintf("Checkin at %s", checkin.Venue.Name)
	dup = checkinNode.Attr(nodeattr.StartDate) != ""
	if err := checkinNode.SetAttrs(
		attrFoursquareId, checkin.Id,
		attrFoursquareVenuePermanode, placeRef.String(),
		nodeattr.Type, "foursquare.com:checkin",
		nodeattr.StartDate, schema.RFC3339FromTime(time.Unix(checkin.CreatedAt, 0)),
		nodeattr.Title, title); err != nil {
		return nil, false, err
	return checkinNode, dup, nil

示例15: importPhotos

func (r *run) importPhotos(placeNode *importer.Object) error {
	photosNode, err := placeNode.ChildPathObject("photos")
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if err := photosNode.SetAttrs(
		"title", "Photos of "+placeNode.Attr("title"),
		"camliDefVis", "hide"); err != nil {
		return err

	resp := photosList{}
	if err := r.im.doAPI(r.Context, r.token(), &resp, "venues/"+placeNode.Attr("foursquareId")+"/photos", "limit", "10"); err != nil {
		return err

	var need []*photoItem
	for _, photo := range resp.Response.Photos.Items {
		attr := "camliPath:" + photo.Id + filepath.Ext(photo.Suffix)
		if photosNode.Attr(attr) == "" {
			need = append(need, photo)

	if len(need) > 0 {
		log.Printf("foursquare: importing %d photos for venue %s", len(need), placeNode.Attr("title"))
		for _, photo := range need {
			attr := "camliPath:" + photo.Id + filepath.Ext(photo.Suffix)
			url := photo.Prefix + "original" + photo.Suffix
			log.Printf("foursquare: importing photo for venue %s: %s", placeNode.Attr("title"), url)
			ref := r.urlFileRef(url, "")
			if ref == "" {
				log.Printf("Error slurping photo: %s", url)
			if err := photosNode.SetAttr(attr, ref); err != nil {
				log.Printf("Error adding venue photo: %#v", err)

	return nil
