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Golang cmdmain.RegisterCommand函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Golang中camlistore/org/pkg/cmdmain.RegisterCommand函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang RegisterCommand函数的具体用法?Golang RegisterCommand怎么用?Golang RegisterCommand使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: init

func init() {
	cmdmain.RegisterCommand("test", func(flags *flag.FlagSet) cmdmain.CommandRunner {
		cmd := new(testCmd)
		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.short, "short", false, "Use '-short' with go test.")
		return cmd

示例2: init

func init() {
	cmdmain.RegisterCommand("server", func(flags *flag.FlagSet) cmdmain.CommandRunner {
		cmd := &serverCmd{
			env: NewCopyEnv(),
		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.all, "all", false, "Listen on all interfaces.")
		flags.StringVar(&cmd.hostname, "hostname", "", "Hostname to advertise, defaults to the hostname reported by the kernel.")
		flags.StringVar(&cmd.port, "port", "3179", "Port to listen on.")
		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.tls, "tls", false, "Use TLS.")
		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.wipe, "wipe", false, "Wipe the blobs on disk and the indexer.")
		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.debug, "debug", false, "Enable http debugging.")
		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.publish, "publish", true, "Enable publish handlers")
		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.mini, "mini", false, "Enable minimal mode, where all optional features are disabled. (Currently just publishing)")

		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.mongo, "mongo", false, "Use mongodb as the indexer. Excludes -mysql, -postgres, -sqlite.")
		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.mysql, "mysql", false, "Use mysql as the indexer. Excludes -mongo, -postgres, -sqlite.")
		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.postgres, "postgres", false, "Use postgres as the indexer. Excludes -mongo, -mysql, -sqlite.")
		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.sqlite, "sqlite", false, "Use sqlite as the indexer. Excludes -mongo, -mysql, -postgres.")

		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.slow, "slow", false, "Add artificial latency.")
		flags.IntVar(&cmd.throttle, "throttle", 150, "If -slow, this is the rate in kBps, to which we should throttle.")
		flags.IntVar(&cmd.latency, "latency", 90, "If -slow, this is the added latency, in ms.")

		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.fullClosure, "fullclosure", false, "Use the ondisk closure library.")

		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.openBrowser, "openbrowser", false, "Open the start page on startup.")
		flags.StringVar(&cmd.flickrAPIKey, "flickrapikey", "", "The key and secret to use with the Flickr importer. Formatted as '<key>:<secret>'.")
		flags.StringVar(&cmd.foursquareAPIKey, "foursquareapikey", "", "The key and secret to use with the Foursquare importer. Formatted as '<clientID>:<clientSecret>'.")
		flags.StringVar(&cmd.root, "root", "", "A directory to store data in. Defaults to a location in the OS temp directory.")
		flags.StringVar(&cmd.extraArgs, "extraargs", "",
			"List of comma separated options that will be passed to camlistored")
		return cmd

示例3: init

func init() {
	cmdmain.RegisterCommand("claims", func(flags *flag.FlagSet) cmdmain.CommandRunner {
		cmd := new(claimsCmd)
		flags.StringVar(&cmd.src, "src", "", "Source blobserver is either a URL prefix (with optional path), a host[:port], a path (starting with /, ./, or ../), or blank to use the Camlistore client config's default host.")
		return cmd

示例4: init

func init() {
	cmdmain.RegisterCommand("init", func(flags *flag.FlagSet) cmdmain.CommandRunner {
		cmd := new(initCmd)
		flags.StringVar(&cmd.gpgkey, "gpgkey", "", "GPG key to use for signing (overrides $GPGKEY environment)")
		return cmd

示例5: init

func init() {
	cmdmain.RegisterCommand("server", func(flags *flag.FlagSet) cmdmain.CommandRunner {
		cmd := new(serverCmd)
		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.all, "all", false, "Listen on all interfaces.")
		flags.StringVar(&cmd.hostname, "hostname", "", "Hostname to advertise, defaults to the hostname reported by the kernel.")
		flags.StringVar(&cmd.port, "port", "3179", "Port to listen on.")
		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.tls, "tls", false, "Use TLS.")
		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.wipe, "wipe", false, "Wipe the blobs on disk and the indexer.")
		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.debug, "debug", false, "Enable http debugging.")

		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.mongo, "mongo", false, "Use mongodb as the indexer. Excludes -mysql, -postgres, -memindex.")
		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.mysql, "mysql", false, "Use mysql as the indexer. Excludes -mongo, -postgres, -memindex.")
		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.postgres, "postgres", false, "Use postgres as the indexer. Excludes -mongo, -mysql, -memindex.")
		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.memindex, "memindex", false, "Use memory as the indexer. Excludes -mongo, -mysql, -postgres.")

		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.slow, "slow", false, "Add artificial latency.")
		flags.IntVar(&cmd.throttle, "throttle", 150, "If -slow, this is the rate in kBps, to which we should throttle.")
		flags.IntVar(&cmd.latency, "latency", 90, "If -slow, this is the added latency, in ms.")

		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.noBuild, "nobuild", false, "Do not rebuild anything.")
		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.fullClosure, "fullclosure", false, "Use the ondisk closure library.")

		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.openBrowser, "openbrowser", false, "Open the start page on startup.")
		return cmd

示例6: init

func init() {
	cmdmain.RegisterCommand("packblobs", func(flags *flag.FlagSet) cmdmain.CommandRunner {
		cmd := new(packBlobsCmd)
		flags.StringVar(&cmd.server, "server", "", "Server to search. "+serverFlagHelp)
		return cmd

示例7: init

func init() {
	cmdmain.RegisterCommand("discovery", func(flags *flag.FlagSet) cmdmain.CommandRunner {
		cmd := new(discoCmd)
		flags.StringVar(&cmd.server, "server", "", "Server to do discovery against. "+serverFlagHelp)
		return cmd

示例8: init

func init() {
	cmdmain.RegisterCommand("server", func(flags *flag.FlagSet) cmdmain.CommandRunner {
		cmd := &serverCmd{
			env: NewCopyEnv(),
		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.all, "all", false, "Listen on all interfaces.")
		flags.StringVar(&cmd.hostname, "hostname", "", "Hostname to advertise, defaults to the hostname reported by the kernel.")
		flags.StringVar(&cmd.port, "port", "3179", "Port to listen on.")
		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.tls, "tls", false, "Use TLS.")
		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.wipe, "wipe", false, "Wipe the blobs on disk and the indexer.")
		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.debug, "debug", false, "Enable http debugging.")

		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.mongo, "mongo", false, "Use mongodb as the indexer. Excludes -mysql, -postgres, -sqlite.")
		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.mysql, "mysql", false, "Use mysql as the indexer. Excludes -mongo, -postgres, -sqlite.")
		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.postgres, "postgres", false, "Use postgres as the indexer. Excludes -mongo, -mysql, -sqlite.")
		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.sqlite, "sqlite", false, "Use sqlite as the indexer. Excludes -mongo, -mysql, -postgres.")

		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.slow, "slow", false, "Add artificial latency.")
		flags.IntVar(&cmd.throttle, "throttle", 150, "If -slow, this is the rate in kBps, to which we should throttle.")
		flags.IntVar(&cmd.latency, "latency", 90, "If -slow, this is the added latency, in ms.")

		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.fullClosure, "fullclosure", false, "Use the ondisk closure library.")

		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.openBrowser, "openbrowser", false, "Open the start page on startup.")
		flags.StringVar(&cmd.flickrAPIKey, "flickrapikey", "", "The key and secret to use with the Flickr importer. Formatted as '<key>:<secret>'.")
		return cmd

示例9: init

func init() {
	cmdmain.RegisterCommand("googinit", func(flags *flag.FlagSet) cmdmain.CommandRunner {
		cmd := new(googinitCmd)
		flags.StringVar(&cmd.storageType, "type", "", "Storage type: drive or cloud")
		return cmd

示例10: init

func init() {
	cmdmain.RegisterCommand("makestatic", func(flags *flag.FlagSet) cmdmain.CommandRunner {
		cmd := new(makeStaticCmd)
		flags.StringVar(&cmd.server, "server", "", "Server to search. "+serverFlagHelp)
		return cmd

示例11: init

func init() {
	cmdmain.RegisterCommand("file", func(flags *flag.FlagSet) cmdmain.CommandRunner {
		cmd := new(fileCmd)
		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.makePermanode, "permanode", false, "Create an associate a new permanode for the uploaded file or directory.")
		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.filePermanodes, "filenodes", false, "Create (if necessary) content-based permanodes for each uploaded file.")
		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.deleteAfterUpload, "delete_after_upload", false, "If using -filenodes, deletes files once they're uploaded, of if they've already been uploaded.")
		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.vivify, "vivify", false,
			"If true, ask the server to create and sign permanode(s) associated with each uploaded"+
				" file. This permits the server to have your signing key. Used mostly with untrusted"+
				" or at-risk clients, such as phones.")
		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.exifTime, "exiftime", false, "Try to use metadata (such as EXIF) to get a stable creation time. If found, used as the replacement for the modtime. Mainly useful with vivify or filenodes.")
		flags.StringVar(&cmd.title, "title", "", "Optional title attribute to set on permanode when using -permanode.")
		flags.StringVar(&cmd.tag, "tag", "", "Optional tag(s) to set on permanode when using -permanode or -filenodes. Single value or comma separated.")

		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.diskUsage, "du", false, "Dry run mode: only show disk usage information, without upload or statting dest. Used for testing skipDirs configs, mostly.")

		if debug, _ := strconv.ParseBool(os.Getenv("CAMLI_DEBUG")); debug {
			flags.BoolVar(&cmd.statcache, "statcache", true, "Use the stat cache, assuming unchanged files already uploaded in the past are still there. Fast, but potentially dangerous.")
			flags.BoolVar(&cmd.memstats, "debug-memstats", false, "Enter debug in-memory mode; collecting stats only. Doesn't upload anything.")
			flags.StringVar(&cmd.histo, "debug-histogram-file", "", "Optional file to create and write the blob size for each file uploaded.  For use with GNU R and hist(read.table(\"filename\")$V1). Requires debug-memstats.")
			flags.BoolVar(&cmd.capCtime, "capctime", false, "For file blobs use file modification time as creation time if it would be bigger (newer) than modification time. For stable filenode creation (you can forge mtime, but can't forge ctime).")
			flags.BoolVar(&flagUseSQLiteChildCache, "sqlitecache", false, "Use sqlite for the statcache and havecache instead of a flat cache.")
		} else {
			cmd.statcache = true
		if android.IsChild() {
			flags.BoolVar(&cmd.argsFromInput, "stdinargs", false, "If true, filenames to upload are sent one-per-line on stdin. EOF means to quit the process with exit status 0.")
		flagCacheLog = flags.Bool("logcache", false, "log caching details")

		return cmd

示例12: init

func init() {
	cmdmain.RegisterCommand("share", func(flags *flag.FlagSet) cmdmain.CommandRunner {
		cmd := new(shareCmd)
		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.transitive, "transitive", false, "share everything reachable from the given blobref")
		return cmd

示例13: init

func init() {
	cmdmain.RegisterCommand("claims", func(flags *flag.FlagSet) cmdmain.CommandRunner {
		cmd := new(claimsCmd)
		flags.StringVar(&cmd.server, "server", "", "Server to fetch claims from. "+serverFlagHelp)
		return cmd

示例14: init

func init() {
	cmdmain.RegisterCommand("attr", func(flags *flag.FlagSet) cmdmain.CommandRunner {
		cmd := new(attrCmd)
		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.add, "add", false, `Adds attribute (e.g. "tag")`)
		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.del, "del", false, "Deletes named attribute [value]")
		return cmd

示例15: init

func init() {
	cmdmain.RegisterCommand("discovery", func(flags *flag.FlagSet) cmdmain.CommandRunner {
		cmd := new(discoCmd)
		flags.StringVar(&cmd.server, "server", "", "Server to do discovery against. "+serverFlagHelp)
		flags.BoolVar(&cmd.httpVer, "httpversion", false, "discover the HTTP version")
		return cmd
