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Golang C.uint32_t函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Golang中C.uint32_t函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang uint32_t函数的具体用法?Golang uint32_t怎么用?Golang uint32_t使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: FilesAndFolders

func (d *Device) FilesAndFolders(storageId uint32, parentId uint32) (files []*File, err error) {
	file := C.LIBMTP_Get_Files_And_Folders(d.me(), C.uint32_t(storageId), C.uint32_t(parentId))
	for f := (*File)(file); f != nil; f = (*File)(f.next) {
		files = append(files, f)
	return files, d.ErrorStack()

示例2: SetVolume

// Set the volume of all channels of this sink to a factor of the maximum
// volume (0.0 <= v <= 1.0).  Factors greater than 1.0 will be accepted, but
// clipping or distortion may occur beyond that value.
func (self *Sink) SetVolume(factor float64) error {
	if self.Channels > 0 {
		operation := NewOperation(self.Client)
		newVolume := &C.pa_cvolume{}

		//  new volume is the (maximum number of normal volume steps * factor)
		newVolume = C.pa_cvolume_init(newVolume)
		newVolumeT := C.pa_volume_t(C.uint32_t(uint(float64(self.NumVolumeSteps) * factor)))

		//  prepare newVolume for its journey into PulseAudio
		C.pa_cvolume_set(newVolume, C.uint(self.Channels), newVolumeT)

		//  make the call
		operation.paOper = C.pa_context_set_sink_volume_by_index(C.pulse_get_context(), C.uint32_t(self.Index), newVolume, (C.pa_context_success_cb_t)(unsafe.Pointer(C.pulse_generic_success_callback)), unsafe.Pointer(operation))

		//  wait for the result, refresh, return any errors
		return operation.WaitSuccess(func(op *Operation) error {
			return self.Refresh()
	} else {
		return fmt.Errorf("Cannot set volume on sink %d, no channels defined", self.Index)

	return nil

示例3: Write

func Write(m message.Message) ([]byte, error) {
	var b C.buf_t
	m2 := C.messageNew()

	switch m1 := m.(type) {
	case *message.Setup:
		m2.mtype = C.Setup
		s := (*C.struct_Setup)(unsafe.Pointer(ptr(m2.u[:])))
		s.ver_min = C.uint32_t(m1.Versions.Min)
		s.ver_max = C.uint32_t(m1.Versions.Max)
		for i, x := range m1.PeerNaClPublicKey {
			s.PeerNaClPublicKey[i] = C.uchar(x)
		s.mtu = C.uint64_t(m1.Mtu)
		s.sharedTokens = C.uint64_t(m1.SharedTokens)
		panic("not impl yet")

	err := C.messageAppend(m2, &b)
	if err != C.ERR_OK {
		return nil, GoError(err)

	out := C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(b.buf), C.int(b.len))
	return out, nil

示例4: Wi_crop

func Wi_crop(im *Image, x int, y int, cols int, rows int) (int, error) {
	ret := int(C.wi_crop(im.im, C.uint32_t(x), C.uint32_t(y), C.uint32_t(cols), C.uint32_t(rows)))
	if ret == WI_FAILED {
		return ret, errors.New("C.wi_crop() failed!")
	return ret, nil

示例5: diffOptionsToC

func diffOptionsToC(opts *DiffOptions) (copts *C.git_diff_options, notifyData *diffNotifyData) {
	cpathspec := C.git_strarray{}
	if opts != nil {
		notifyData = &diffNotifyData{
			Callback: opts.NotifyCallback,
		if opts.Pathspec != nil {
			cpathspec.count = C.size_t(len(opts.Pathspec))
			cpathspec.strings = makeCStringsFromStrings(opts.Pathspec)

		copts = &C.git_diff_options{
			version:           C.GIT_DIFF_OPTIONS_VERSION,
			flags:             C.uint32_t(opts.Flags),
			ignore_submodules: C.git_submodule_ignore_t(opts.IgnoreSubmodules),
			pathspec:          cpathspec,
			context_lines:     C.uint32_t(opts.ContextLines),
			interhunk_lines:   C.uint32_t(opts.InterhunkLines),
			id_abbrev:         C.uint16_t(opts.IdAbbrev),
			max_size:          C.git_off_t(opts.MaxSize),
			old_prefix:        C.CString(opts.OldPrefix),
			new_prefix:        C.CString(opts.NewPrefix),

		if opts.NotifyCallback != nil {
			copts.notify_payload = unsafe.Pointer(notifyData)

示例6: GetSearcher

// This will need to be a bit more generic,
// but for testing this will work fine.
func (search *Search) GetSearcher() IndexReader {
	idxLocation := cb_newf(search.Location)
	search.lucySearcher = C.LucyIxSearcherNew(idxLocation)
	return func(q string, field string, offset, limit uint) (uint, []string) {
		query := cb_new_from_utf8(q)
		getField := cb_newf(field)
		hits := C.LucyIxSearcherHits(search.lucySearcher, query, C.uint32_t(offset), C.uint32_t(limit), nil)
		totalNumHits := uint(C.LucyHitsTotal(hits))
		requestedNumHits := minUInt(limit, totalNumHits)
		results := make([]string, requestedNumHits)
		var hit *C.LucyHitDoc
		for i := uint(0); i < requestedNumHits; i++ {
			hit = C.LucyHitsNext(hits)
			if hit == nil {
			value_cb := C.LucyHitDocExtract(hit, getField, nil) // do i need to free this
			value := cb_ptr2char(value_cb)                      // do i need to free this
			results[i] = C.GoString(value)
		return totalNumHits, results

示例7: BlameFile

func (v *Repository) BlameFile(path string, opts *BlameOptions) (*Blame, error) {
	var blamePtr *C.git_blame

	var copts *C.git_blame_options
	if opts != nil {
		copts = &C.git_blame_options{
			version:              C.GIT_BLAME_OPTIONS_VERSION,
			flags:                C.uint32_t(opts.Flags),
			min_match_characters: C.uint16_t(opts.MinMatchCharacters),
			min_line:             C.uint32_t(opts.MinLine),
			max_line:             C.uint32_t(opts.MaxLine),
		if opts.NewestCommit != nil {
			copts.newest_commit = *opts.NewestCommit.toC()
		if opts.OldestCommit != nil {
			copts.oldest_commit = *opts.OldestCommit.toC()

	cpath := C.CString(path)
	defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cpath))

	defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()

	ecode := C.git_blame_file(&blamePtr, v.ptr, cpath, copts)
	if ecode < 0 {
		return nil, MakeGitError(ecode)

	return newBlameFromC(blamePtr), nil

示例8: SetInstrument

// Return true if the file header contains instrument information for the file. false otherwise.
func (f *File) SetInstrument(i *Instrument) bool {
	c := new(C.SF_INSTRUMENT)
	c.gain = C.int(i.Gain)
	c.basenote = C.char(i.Basenote)
	c.detune = C.char(i.Detune)
	c.velocity_lo = C.char(i.Velocity[0])
	c.velocity_hi = C.char(i.Velocity[1])
	c.key_lo = C.char(i.Key[0])
	c.key_hi = C.char(i.Key[1])
	c.loop_count = C.int(i.LoopCount)
	var index int
	for ; index < i.LoopCount; index++ {
		c.loops[index].mode = C.int(i.Loops[index].Mode)
		c.loops[index].start = C.uint32_t(i.Loops[index].Start)
		c.loops[index].end = C.uint32_t(i.Loops[index].End)
		c.loops[index].count = C.uint32_t(i.Loops[index].Count)
	for ; index < 16; index++ {
		c.loops[index].mode = C.int(None)
		// why is this necessary? libsndfile doesn't check loopcount for AIFF

	r := C.sf_command(f.s, C.SFC_SET_INSTRUMENT, unsafe.Pointer(c), C.int(unsafe.Sizeof(*c)))
	return (r == C.SF_TRUE)

示例9: SetVolume

// Set the volume of all channels of this source to a factor of the maximum
// volume (0.0 <= v <= 1.0).  Factors greater than 1.0 will be accepted, but
// clipping or distortion may occur beyond that value.
func (self *Source) SetVolume(factor float64) error {
	if self.Channels > 0 {
		operation := NewOperation(self.Client)
		defer operation.Destroy()
		newVolume := &C.pa_cvolume{}

		//  new volume is the (maximum number of normal volume steps * factor)
		newVolume = C.pa_cvolume_init(newVolume)
		newVolumeT := C.pa_volume_t(C.uint32_t(uint(float64(self.NumVolumeSteps) * factor)))

		//  prepare newVolume for its journey into PulseAudio
		C.pa_cvolume_set(newVolume, C.uint(self.Channels), newVolumeT)

		//  make the call
		operation.paOper = C.pa_context_set_source_volume_by_index(self.Client.context, C.uint32_t(self.Index), newVolume, (C.pa_context_success_cb_t)(C.pulse_generic_success_callback), operation.ToUserdata())

		//  wait for the result, refresh, return any errors
		if err := operation.Wait(); err == nil {
			return self.Refresh()
		} else {
			return err
	} else {
		return fmt.Errorf("Cannot set volume on source %d, no channels defined", self.Index)

	return nil

示例10: newUser

func newUser(ptr *C.AB_USER) User {
	user := User{}
	user.ID = int(C.AB_User_GetUniqueId(ptr))

	user.UserID = C.GoString(C.AB_User_GetUserId(ptr))
	user.CustomerID = C.GoString(C.AB_User_GetCustomerId(ptr))
	user.Name = C.GoString(C.AB_User_GetUserName(ptr))
	user.BankCode = C.GoString(C.AB_User_GetBankCode(ptr))

	url := C.AH_User_GetServerUrl(ptr)
	if url != nil {
		tbuf := C.GWEN_Buffer_new(
		C.GWEN_Url_toString(url, tbuf)
		user.ServerURI = C.GoString(C.GWEN_Buffer_GetStart(tbuf))

	user.HbciVersion = int(C.AH_User_GetHbciVersion(ptr))

	user.ptr = ptr
	return user

示例11: Read

func (usm *USM) Read(user *C.snmp_user_t) SnmpError {
	usm.auth_proto = AuthType(user.auth_proto)
	usm.priv_proto = PrivType(user.priv_proto)
	usm.name = readGoString(&user.sec_name[0], SNMP_ADM_STR32_LEN)
	usm.localization_auth_key = readGoBytes(&user.auth_key[0], C.uint32_t(user.auth_len))
	usm.localization_priv_key = readGoBytes(&user.priv_key[0], C.uint32_t(user.priv_len))
	return nil

示例12: c

func (g *Geometry) c() *C.struct_wlc_geometry {
	return C.init_geometry(

示例13: SetTimeout

func (this ModbusRTUConnection) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration) error {
	var sec C.uint32_t = C.uint32_t(timeout / time.Second)
	var usec C.uint32_t = C.uint32_t((timeout - time.Duration(sec)) / time.Microsecond)
	if C.modbus_set_response_timeout(this.ctx, sec, usec) == -1 {
		return errors.New("Invalid timeout value")
	return nil

示例14: New

New to create a memcached client:

servers: is a list of memcached server addresses. Each address can be
in format of hostname[:port] [alias]. port and alias are optional.
If port is not given, default port 11211 will be used. alias will be
used to compute server hash if given, otherwise server hash will be
computed based on host and port (i.e.: If port is not given or it is
equal to 11211, host will be used to compute server hash.
If port is not equal to 11211, host:port will be used).

noreply: whether to enable memcached's noreply behaviour.
default: False

prefix: The key prefix. default: ''

hashFunc: hashing function for keys. possible values:
HashMD5, HashFNV1_32, HashFNV1a32, HashCRC32
NOTE: fnv1_32, fnv1a_32, crc_32 implementations
in libmc are per each spec, but they're not compatible
with corresponding implementions in libmemcached.
NOTE: The hashing algorithm for host mapping on continuum is always md5.

failover: Whether to failover to next server when current server is
not available. default: False

disableLock: Whether to disable a lock of type sync.Mutex which will be
use in every retrieval/storage command. default False.
func New(servers []string, noreply bool, prefix string, hashFunc int, failover bool, disableLock bool) (client *Client) {
	client = new(Client)
	client._imp = C.client_create()
	runtime.SetFinalizer(client, finalizer)

	n := len(servers)
	cHosts := make([]*C.char, n)
	cPorts := make([]C.uint32_t, n)
	cAliases := make([]*C.char, n)

	for i, srv := range servers {
		addrAndAlias := strings.Split(srv, " ")

		addr := addrAndAlias[0]
		if len(addrAndAlias) == 2 {
			cAlias := C.CString(addrAndAlias[1])
			defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cAlias))
			cAliases[i] = cAlias

		hostAndPort := strings.Split(addr, ":")
		host := hostAndPort[0]
		cHost := C.CString(host)
		defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cHost))
		cHosts[i] = cHost

		if len(hostAndPort) == 2 {
			port, err := strconv.Atoi(hostAndPort[1])
			if err != nil {
				return nil
			cPorts[i] = C.uint32_t(port)
		} else {
			cPorts[i] = C.uint32_t(DefaultPort)

	failoverInt := 0
	if failover {
		failoverInt = 1


	client.servers = servers
	client.prefix = prefix
	client.noreply = noreply
	client.disableLock = disableLock

示例15: DebugTextPrintf

func DebugTextPrintf(x, y int, attr uint8, format string, args ...interface{}) {
	text := []byte(fmt.Sprintf(format+"\x00", args...))
