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C# StylusPoint结构体代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中System.Windows.Input.StylusPoint结构体的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# StylusPoint结构体的具体用法?C# StylusPoint怎么用?C# StylusPoint使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的结构体代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: WriteStylusPointValues

private void WriteStylusPointValues(StylusPointCollection points)
    StylusPointDescription pointsDescription = points.Description;

    ReadOnlyCollection<StylusPointPropertyInfo> properties = 
    // Write the name and value of each property in
    // every stylus point.
    StringWriter packetWriter = new StringWriter();
    packetWriter.WriteLine("{0} stylus points", points.Count.ToString());
    foreach (StylusPoint stylusPoint in points)
        packetWriter.WriteLine("Stylus Point info");
        packetWriter.WriteLine("X: {0}", stylusPoint.X.ToString());
        packetWriter.WriteLine("Y: {0}", stylusPoint.Y.ToString());
        packetWriter.WriteLine("Pressure: {0}", stylusPoint.PressureFactor.ToString());

        // Get the property name and value for each StylusPoint.
        // Note that this loop reports the X, Y, and pressure values differantly than 
        // getting their values above.
        for (int i = 0; i < pointsDescription.PropertyCount; ++i)
            StylusPointProperty currentProperty = properties[i];

            // GetStylusPointPropertyName is defined below and returns the
            // name of the property.
            packetWriter.Write("{0}: ", GetStylusPointPropertyName(currentProperty));

    packetOutput.Text = packetWriter.ToString();

示例2: GetStylusPointPropertyName

// Use reflection to get the name of currentProperty.
private string GetStylusPointPropertyName(StylusPointProperty currentProperty)
    Guid guid = currentProperty.Id;

    // Iterate through the StylusPointProperties to find the StylusPointProperty
    // that matches currentProperty, then return the name.
    foreach (FieldInfo theFieldInfo
        in typeof(StylusPointProperties).GetFields())
        StylusPointProperty property = (StylusPointProperty) theFieldInfo.GetValue(currentProperty);
        if (property.Id == guid)
            return theFieldInfo.Name;
    return "Not found";
