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C# PropertyInfo.GetAccessors方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了C#中System.Reflection.PropertyInfo.GetAccessors方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:C# PropertyInfo.GetAccessors方法的具体用法?C# PropertyInfo.GetAccessors怎么用?C# PropertyInfo.GetAccessors使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在System.Reflection.PropertyInfo的用法示例。


示例1: if

using System;
using System.Reflection;
// Define a property.
public class ClassWithProperty
    private string _caption = "A Default caption";

    public string Caption
        get { return _caption; }
        set { if(_caption != value) _caption = value; }
class Example
    public static void Main()
        ClassWithProperty test = new ClassWithProperty();
        Console.WriteLine("The Caption property: {0}", test.Caption);
        // Get the type and PropertyInfo.
        Type t = Type.GetType("ClassWithProperty");
        PropertyInfo propInfo = t.GetProperty("Caption");
        // Get the public GetAccessors method.
        MethodInfo[] methInfos = propInfo.GetAccessors();
        Console.WriteLine("There are {0} accessors.",
        for(int ctr = 0; ctr < methInfos.Length; ctr++) {
           MethodInfo m = methInfos[ctr];
           Console.WriteLine("Accessor #{0}:", ctr + 1);
           Console.WriteLine("   Name: {0}", m.Name);
           Console.WriteLine("   Visibility: {0}", GetVisibility(m));
           Console.Write("   Property Type: ");
           // Determine if this is the property getter or setter.
           if (m.ReturnType == typeof(void)) {
              Console.WriteLine("   Setting the property value.");
              //  Set the value of the property.
              m.Invoke(test, new object[] { "The Modified Caption" } );
           else {
              // Get the value of the property.
              Console.WriteLine("   Property Value: {0}",
                                m.Invoke(test, new object[] {} ));
        Console.WriteLine("The Caption property: {0}", test.Caption);

    static string GetVisibility(MethodInfo m)
       string visibility = "";
       if (m.IsPublic)
          return "Public";
       else if (m.IsPrivate)
          return "Private";
          if (m.IsFamily)
             visibility = "Protected ";
          else if (m.IsAssembly)
             visibility += "Assembly";
       return visibility;


The Caption property: A Default caption
There are 2 accessors.
Accessor #1:
Name: get_Caption
Visibility: Public
Property Type: Getter
Property Value: A Default caption
Accessor #2:
Name: set_Caption
Visibility: Public
Property Type: Setter
Setting the property value.
The Caption property: The Modified Caption

示例2: if

using System;
using System.Reflection;
// Define a property.
public class ClassWithProperty
    private string _caption = "A Default caption";

    public string Caption
        get { return _caption; }
        set { if(_caption != value) _caption = value; }
class Example
    public static void Main()
        ClassWithProperty test = new ClassWithProperty();
        Console.WriteLine("The Caption property: {0}", test.Caption);
        // Get the type and PropertyInfo.
        Type t = Type.GetType("ClassWithProperty");
        PropertyInfo propInfo = t.GetProperty("Caption");
        // Get the public GetAccessors method.
        MethodInfo[] methInfos = propInfo.GetAccessors(true);
        Console.WriteLine("There are {0} accessors.",
        for(int ctr = 0; ctr < methInfos.Length; ctr++) {
           MethodInfo m = methInfos[ctr];
           Console.WriteLine("Accessor #{0}:", ctr + 1);
           Console.WriteLine("   Name: {0}", m.Name);
           Console.WriteLine("   Visibility: {0}", GetVisibility(m));
           Console.Write("   Property Type: ");
           // Determine if this is the property getter or setter.
           if (m.ReturnType == typeof(void)) {
              Console.WriteLine("   Setting the property value.");
              //  Set the value of the property.
              m.Invoke(test, new object[] { "The Modified Caption" } );
           else {
              // Get the value of the property.
              Console.WriteLine("   Property Value: {0}",
                                m.Invoke(test, new object[] {} ));
        Console.WriteLine("The Caption property: {0}", test.Caption);

    static string GetVisibility(MethodInfo m)
       string visibility = "";
       if (m.IsPublic)
          return "Public";
       else if (m.IsPrivate)
          return "Private";
          if (m.IsFamily)
             visibility = "Protected ";
          else if (m.IsAssembly)
             visibility += "Assembly";
       return visibility;


The Caption property: A Default caption
There are 2 accessors.
Accessor #1:
Name: get_Caption
Visibility: Public
Property Type: Getter
Property Value: A Default caption
Accessor #2:
Name: set_Caption
Visibility: Public
Property Type: Setter
Setting the property value.
The Caption property: The Modified Caption
