如果您正苦于以下问题:C# Expression.ArrayAccess方法的具体用法?C# Expression.ArrayAccess怎么用?C# Expression.ArrayAccess使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的代码示例或许能为您提供帮助。
// Add the following directive to your file:
// using System.Linq.Expressions;
// This parameter expression represents a variable that will hold the two-dimensional array.
ParameterExpression arrayExpr = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int[,]), "Array");
// This parameter expression represents a first array index.
ParameterExpression firstIndexExpr = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "FirstIndex");
// This parameter expression represents a second array index.
ParameterExpression secondIndexExpr = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "SecondIndex");
// The list of indexes.
List<Expression> indexes = new List<Expression> { firstIndexExpr, secondIndexExpr };
// This parameter represents the value that will be added to a corresponding array element.
ParameterExpression valueExpr = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "Value");
// This expression represents an access operation to a multidimensional array.
// It can be used for assigning to, or reading from, an array element.
Expression arrayAccessExpr = Expression.ArrayAccess(
// This lambda expression assigns a value provided to it to a specified array element.
// The array, the index of the array element, and the value to be added to the element
// are parameters of the lambda expression.
Expression<Func<int[,], int, int, int, int>> lambdaExpr =
Expression.Lambda<Func<int[,], int, int, int, int>>(
Expression.Assign(arrayAccessExpr, Expression.Add(arrayAccessExpr, valueExpr)),
// Print out expressions.
Console.WriteLine("Array Access Expression:");
Console.WriteLine("Lambda Expression:");
Console.WriteLine("The result of executing the lambda expression:");
// The following statement first creates an expression tree,
// then compiles it, and then executes it.
// Parameters passed to the Invoke method are passed to the lambda expression.
int[,] sampleArray = { {10, 20, 30},
{100, 200, 300}};
Console.WriteLine(lambdaExpr.Compile().Invoke(sampleArray, 1, 1, 5));
Array Access Expression: Array[FirstIndex, SecondIndex] Lambda Expression: (Array, FirstIndex, SecondIndex Value) => (Array[FirstIndex, SecondIndex] = (Array[FirstIndex, SecondIndex] + Value)) The result of executing the lambda expression: 205
// Add the following directive to your file:
// using System.Linq.Expressions;
// This parameter expression represents a variable that will hold the array.
ParameterExpression arrayExpr = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int[]), "Array");
// This parameter expression represents an array index.
ParameterExpression indexExpr = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "Index");
// This parameter represents the value that will be added to a corresponding array element.
ParameterExpression valueExpr = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "Value");
// This expression represents an array access operation.
// It can be used for assigning to, or reading from, an array element.
Expression arrayAccessExpr = Expression.ArrayAccess(
// This lambda expression assigns a value provided to it to a specified array element.
// The array, the index of the array element, and the value to be added to the element
// are parameters of the lambda expression.
Expression<Func<int[], int, int, int>> lambdaExpr = Expression.Lambda<Func<int[], int, int, int>>(
Expression.Assign(arrayAccessExpr, Expression.Add(arrayAccessExpr, valueExpr)),
// Print out expressions.
Console.WriteLine("Array Access Expression:");
Console.WriteLine("Lambda Expression:");
Console.WriteLine("The result of executing the lambda expression:");
// The following statement first creates an expression tree,
// then compiles it, and then executes it.
// Parameters passed to the Invoke method are passed to the lambda expression.
Console.WriteLine(lambdaExpr.Compile().Invoke(new int[] { 10, 20, 30 }, 0, 5));
Array Access Expression: Array[Index] Lambda Expression: (Array, Index, Value) => (Array[Index] = (Array[Index] + Value)) The result of executing the lambda expression: 15